Please join us for a weekly conversation about design thinking in K12 education. We will have a variety of moderators with a wide range and depth of design thinking experiences. Each week, we will connect the dots to the design thinking methodology and how it can and will play a bigger role in today’s K12 educational arena.
#dtk12chat. Welcome to the DTK12 power hour. We're tag teaming the hosts tonight. But the topic is below. First question is one of intros. coming up in a minute.
A1: Jill from MN a bike when weather and time allows is always my favorite mode of transportation. Thanks for leading the convo tonight Garry! #dtk12chat
I'm Ela from Cambridge, MA just joining #dtk12chat. Favorite vehicles? Bicycles, especially now that we're back to family adventures on them with both girls able to ride.
Nate from Nashville. Love my road bike. Especially out of the city where I won’t get run over. Oh yeah, I run an empathy based Makerspace at an elementary school. #dtk12chat
That's fantastic. My 7-year-old has just discovered that for herself and was "with" Leonardo DaVinci in the Mary Pope Osborne chapter book she poured through in one sitting tonight. #dtk12chat
A1 The wise @tom_peters would tell you to have LUNCH with lots of people--from various parts of the faculty and staff. #dtk12chat Chat and eat and get to know everyone--and you'll become a more effective teacher and empathic colleague.
A1 I think that in talking with S or T, we often hear about things that are problems (cafeteria line, dismissals, tardies, etc). By using DT, we can work to really understand the problem #dtk12chat We need to listen & understand the problem and its impact
A1: I'm currently involved in the Design Thinking process focusing on 2 to 3 hot button topics. I think intrinsic motivation with today's students would be a good Design Thinking topic. #dtk12chat
“You can always count on a murderer for a fancy prose style.” --Nabokov. Hmm. Maybe that's not what you were looking for. How about: Yeah, very tricky! That'll do. #dtk12chat
A1: Lots of 'drive by' convos w/staff about tech questions, supply needs, current projects.. need to be better at slowing down, following up, not jumping to quick & easy answer, but explore w/them how DT might infuse in #dtk12chat
A1: Slowing things down. We rush around at work but taking that extra minute to ask why and being more relational with staff can bring about opportunities for DT.
A1: Started Walk n Talks with Principals this year to help them notice culture on their campus. Eye-opening learning for us both as we do so #dtk12chat
A1. Rick from Mn. 3-5 science teacher, maker co-leader of school makerspace. Favorite vehicle: my feet. It was marathon weekend in Mn last weekend. #dtk12chat
Yes! There is so much to learn just by observing on the playground. Also lots in learn in teacher/faculty lounges... no shortage of opportunities for redesign being shared there! #dtk12chat
Agreed! Also interesting to watch the norms & behaviors at each grade. The playground/field is a different place, different feel for each grade #dtk12chat
Oh man - that's brilliant! Considering I don't have a current method and frequently rely on the other person to send me an email to follow up! That, or start carrying post-it's in my pocket! #dtk12chat
A1. lots of conversation with parents. they have great ideas/contacts. They are a great resource for things that the students are thinking/excited about. #dtk12chat
#dtk12chat A1. Home, school, & communities are full of everyday challenges—exciting and/or worrying ones. I find that when we tune into high emotions we can bring them to light and be part of collectively moving them forward. A bit different than finding & fixing problems though.
so true - I think the challenge is pausing to REALLY listen. I was a part of a session last week that asked people to pair off & respond to the prompt "This is what's real for me today.." We literally only spent 4 mins each and it was amazing how much we both learned! #dtk12chat
100% what I need to be better at. Struggle between trying to not add things to my list or their list and recognizing when some want/need an immediate answer vs looking to further conversations & opportunities #dtk12chat
Have you tried too sit shoulder to shoulder facing opposite ways? It removes the nonverbal element and other distractions to focus on hearing what was said. Great activity. #dtk12chat
A2 Love the connection to Anthro (it was my minor) Love the idea of teaching S to be ethnographers so they can really understand the human experience of others #dtk12chat
A2: Having the students interview potential "clients" makes a huge difference. Teaching them to have a list of questions to start is great, but it is best when they go off script. They learn a great deal. Takes time, but worth it. #dtk12chat
Q2: It's about providing opportunities and contexts for them to acknowledge the commonality of their experiences, despite perceived differences. The realization they have more in common than they believed opens the curiosity/empathy floodgates. #dtk12chat
I'm roomless right now so would totally dig one of those right now too! I've already lost my dongle and spent a good 10 minutes searching down my water bottle today! #dtk12chat
A2: I work with adults now so I talk about being in the same “Space” (E.G. Location, mindset, timing, or positional - (Big-small,small big)). #dtk12chat
When I meet with a team of teachers about a DT project, I’ve started forcing myself to not come with preconceived ideas. I speak very little on purpose. I want them to buy-in so they must help lead. #dtk12chat
A3: lessons, discussion, & regular practice around listening & observing. What do facial expressions & body language tell us? My Story, Yorur Story is one activity I use. What do you notice? What did you hear, not hear? Embedded throughout everything. Not just 4 DT #dtk12chat
sometimes I feel like it's cheating because I am having these conversations parent 2 parent, not school staff 2 parent - which means I get all the goods. I try to make notes on my phone but need to get better about it. #dtk12chat
A2 I teach people to read other people by reading writers who are what I call "extreme noticers" (H. James would call these people "on whom nothing is lost"). Get 'em to read the noticers, interact with others, and then write about the whole damned sh'bang. #dtk12chat
A2: We spend a lot of time differentiating between what we actually see and what we think about what we see. Separating fact from interpretation. Using a photo is a great place to start. Then moving to short video clip. #dtk12chat
A2: Model how to listen in interviews. Teach them how to question like a:
Each have diff objective and methods
#dtk12chat A2 Hmm...engaging the whole person on both sides. As in, understanding what others do, say, think, feel, see, hear (the DT empathy map) by engaging our own eyes, ears, bodies, hands, head, heart—as we experience, talk, draw, or make together.
As a setup for discussing empathy I like to use the Yes, AND activity. It exemplifies the difference between how words constrict or add to ideas. #dtk12chat
A2: Had 5th gr interview K-5 teachers & students for project last year; had 4th gr interview a partner in class for project this year; used extraordinaires with variety of grades to intro inferring & interpreting #dtk12chat
A2: Model. Be real, be honest, be vulnerable. Share your noticings. Lots of opportunities to listen, observe, reflect. Part of daily routine, practice, language & conversations across. #DTk12chat
I would venture to say this holds true in the classroom as well, Ts who are successful in biting their tongues engage students in taking ownership in their learning! I believe learners are learners no matter the age #Dtk12chat
I think relationships would last longer if couples learned how to do this... as long as it isn't "Yes, and.. you also leave the toilet seat up!" haha #dtk12chat
A3: Not my idea, but SCAMPER when looking at an existing invention. Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, Reverse. change the item by trying each one.
ohh.. I like that, which role are you playing and why, leads back to what is the purpose of the questions you are asking, what will they be used for. #dtk12chat
And this is how we scale empathy across educational systems. If leaders value Ts and are explicit about the way they seek T leadership it follows the students will develop classroom leadership. #dtk12chat
When I run discussions using @Touchpebbles , students are always amazed by how much silence I will allow. They become uncomft. at first, but learn to use the silence to make space for others and to truly listen to understand, not just to reply. #dtk12chat
In reply to
@am_gallagher, @njkraai, @LSpencerEdD, @Touchpebbles
A3: I often start with videos showing deaf kids hearing for the first time with implants and color blind people seeing color as a way to promote the power of designing for others and the impact of meeting needs. #dtk12chat
In reply to
@Ed_by_design, @quickmuse, @LSpencerEdD
A3 you know I rely on old Nick Baker to teach the art of paying attention. Also Calivno. Ozick. Roth. Elkin. Step into the consciousness of a Great Noticer and your vision shifts. #dtk12chat
A3: It is powerful to simply slow down instruction and allow students to make individual observations, the provide the time for students to chat with each other . #dtk12chat#thinkpairshare#monarchleads
A3 #dtk12chat. I've used a "smelling" activity from "Mindup" curric. for grades 5--8 that was amazing. Used scents, cotton balls, and 35mm canisters. They truly had to pay attention to a sense they often do not,but which is the most primal of all senses.
YES! Can you do this? Is there safety in missing the blueprint for the lesson? If an admin walks in are you going to share the love or feel like you must get back on the page? I say #LetThemFly#dtk12chat
A3: We do a lot of discussion early in the year about systems thinking. Everything in a story exists for a reason. Every word, sentence, character, etc. serves a purpose & works together to create meaning. It's a good scaffold to get them to see the world similarly. #dtk12chat
A3: We do a lot of discussion early in the year about systems thinking. Everything in a story exists for a reason. Every word, sentence, character, etc. serves a purpose & works together to create meaning. It's a good scaffold to get them to see the world similarly. #dtk12chat
A3: Haven't gone down this route yet with students, but did have a Sped Tt contact me about wanting to re-design our sensory break room to make it work better for kids; going to help GT teacher use it as project w/her 4th gr #dtk12chat
A4 My students tend to do well with stories about things that they do not know anything about (new knowledge, experiences) #dtk12chat We are working on this as my S struggle with really listening
A4 i came upon the story of a little boy who has severe autism- watching him and his mom has had a profound impact on me & this particular share I think is good example of building empathy
A4: many of the @EiE_org lend themselves to empathy for character & situation; 2nd gr does Kevin Henkes author study & Lily's Purple Plastic Purse led us to a great project last year using @microbit_edu#dtk12chat
A4: My class read "The Veldt" last week and the character's distinct LACK of empathy sparked some great discussion. Considering that empathy gap was born from their obsession with technology, my students had a frank conversation about how devices can disrupt empathy #dtk12chat
A4 I also think Charlie & the Chocolate Factory characters have some many hidden layers & so many opportunities to “fix” them… However, #designthinking is not abt “fixing” so these characters’ stories are great for “understanding” #dtk12chat
A4 There's a fine lesson in empathic design tucked into Roth's "The Plot Against America." #dtk12chat (Other great relevant important things stuffed in there as well...)
It's so powerful --all the kids id in some way w/ being called out for something embarrassing & most w/ being blamed for something that isn't actually them & it allows them access to convo about class & poverty even if they've never had a ragged sweater #dtk12chat
A4 I also think Charlie & the Chocolate Factory characters have some many hidden layers & so many opportunities to “fix” them… However, #designthinking is not abt “fixing” so these characters’ stories are great for “understanding” #dtk12chat
I am sad there is only one “Like" allowed for this tweet. You are spot-on for both Charlie and remembering people are great and need understanding not fixing. #dtk12chat
The description of Charlie's grandparents in bed (how all four of them are organized in one bed) is such a vivid image in my head from reading it as child--such interesting layers of thought & convo #dtk12chat