#resiliencechat Archive
Co-moderated by Dr. Robert Martinez and Sara Truebridge, #resiliencechat focuses on promoting resilience amongst educators and students.
Monday January 4, 2016
10:00 PM EST
Welcome to ! Who is out there joining us tonight?
7:00 PM PST Please join in!
So, nu, what are we being resilient about tonight?
.Welcome to ! Who is out there joining us tonight?
Tonight's topic is going to be a bit fun, creative, insightful and introspective. It's titled: "If you could..."
I'm out here. I'll try not to be grumpy.
Hi and thanks for the invite :)
thanks for the reminder, I'm here!
I'll be lurking in and out tonight. Sounds intriguing...
Craig from Vancouver, BC joining ! Happy New Years!
Happy New Year ! Lisa, joining in from the Chicago area.
Who is joining us out there in Twitterland?
Hey Debbie--grumpy? You? Never...
Great to have you here Oskar!
Hi Spiri from PA G&T Happy New Year!!
Hi, ! Hoping to be here for the whole hour. Hope everyone is well!
Tonight's topic. "If you could..." https://t.co/4I0hnmT1KW
Tonight's topic is going to be a bit fun, creative, insightful and introspective. It's titled: "If you could..."
Good to see you, Jacqueline!
My husband just thanked me for taking care of Kid O and not being crabby about it. Just crabby about other things.
Lurk away, John! Join in too! ;)
Having to endure cold weather tonight!
Happy New Year to you too, Lisa!
Hi and I'm Barbara from Oakland, CA Happy New Year!
Noswaith dda! Good evening from Webster, NY!
Always great to have you with us in , Bill!
Good evening & happy new year . Tracy from MA joining in tonight.
Welcome to ! Who is out there joining us tonight?
Hi Sara & , Ana from Reno 5th grade expecting more snow & still on break 😉
Hi Barbara. We're neighbors! I'm in the East Bay too!
Hang in there Debbie, We are only human afterall.
Great to have you here Bill! https://t.co/CHOw74bOHx
Hi, ! Hoping to be here for the whole hour. Hope everyone is well!
And it's going to be raining -- we need it -hope you are staying dry. Put fire on and going to enjoy https://t.co/aicYWmK1dg
Hi Barbara. We're neighbors! I'm in the East Bay too!
Once again...Tonight's topic is going to be a bit fun, creative, insightful & introspective. It's titled: "If you could..."
Hey there Ana! Super to have you aboard! https://t.co/L1cs1DK4Fm
Hi Sara & , Ana from Reno 5th grade expecting more snow & still on break 😉
As always, I start each with a little tidbit...
Tidbit: It has been said that "intention" is the power behind creation.
Hey Mark! Good to have you here!
If I could? I dunno. You might get an earful.
Would you, could you on a boat?
Here we go...let's jump right into to it with Q1...
Welcome Barbara, I'm just a little north of you in Benicia, CA. Welcome to https://t.co/PstGdT1eV5
Hi and I'm Barbara from Oakland, CA Happy New Year!
Q1: If you could create a new law about education, what would it be?
Funny you should mention intention. My husband and I are always talking about intention and commitment.
No I wouldn't even eat them with a goat! - Moxy Früvos
A1 no tests and no grades
Tonight's topic is going to be a bit fun, creative, insightful and introspective. It's titled: "If you could..."
A new law. Wow Good one Start with confining to the beach!
A1: Standardization is extinct. Customized education plans based on student strengths/weaknesses.
A1: only 1?! Soft skills must be part of the curriculum
A1 Keep the politicians out, let only educators & advocates for children in.
A1) No rinse & repeat lesson planning, no teaching to test, no textbook driven Q&A, I can go on & on
A1a new law: Ts not teach academics at least 1st 2 weeks & have to build culture, trust, respect, community & get to know Ss
A1: New law for education: If it kills curiosity and love of learning, stop doing it!
A1 Law, Schmaw.If I were queen, I would do away with GenEd & SpEd distinctions IEPs for all. Smallish classroomsOne on one
I actually used this with one of my students today. Surprised how much I remembered! Good evening !
A1: French for all; no exemptions for any reason. Make French a language that is as important as RR'R and not à la carte.
How about a law banning memorizing the times tables. And requiring playtime and recess in excess of 90 minutes a day
When will you be running for office?? ;)
A1: All Middle@schools should offer meditation, yoga, chess, and dramatic arts as part of the curriculum!
Jeremy, parent from CT.
A1) My new law education law would have the strong voices of Ps of students of color & disabilities.
A1: less admin in the class and more collaborative learning.
A1 I propose to ratify the Constitution w/ an amendment that all Ss are required to stay in school & get a HS diploma 😜
A1 Tempted to mandate that schools meaningfully include students in key decisions, but since you can't force buy-in...
Would love to know what the Ss said too! Hi Tom!
Teachers work in the city or town in which they live
Wish that was a law then I would know French!!! My true desire!
Meant to say, a lot of one on one attention.
A1 like making new laws so: Ss have to be part of design of what they learn, have a voice in learning, personalize learning
A1: No content taught/assessed that can be looked up in 2 seconds online. Creative problem solving/collaboration for all.
Great books stay w/ us forever
A1: Schools embed time to collab into schedule.
Not gonna run for office. Can't make me.
A1 Focus on the process of learning, not the content
we can work on yours yet...it's not hard.
A1: Mandatory requirement of the arts K-12.
A1 Could you mandate that practice that flies in the face of supported research should be phased out carefully?
You're missing the point, one does not run to be queen. One simply is.
Yes. It should exist already and it's terribly unfortunate that it doesn't.
Another thought, "If I could, would I?---Press that student thinking ---BTW Hi Tom!
After of course fully ensuring that the education they receive is relevant, purposeful and freely chosen!
I am lucky, that's how I instruct now.
Interesting...here is CA it is often a matter of economics.
A1cannot teach anything that's "Googleable" - encourage creativity, innovation & how to choose appropriate resources
And fully remunerated and valued
I am all for Student Voice!!!
But you do have a point we need politicians who get it.
A1) My law would ensure accountability to all kids & would make us confident our kids' education is better then what we had.
Same here in MA I would imagine.
A1 While we are at it all Ts get free storage units 😎
A1 What about this question? there was no such thing as school, what would teaching & learning look like?
How might that change things? Please expand...
... have all students identify their three personal "Plugged In" resources to have someone supportive available
...or a princess... ;) (That's what "Sara" actually means in Hebrew...) ;)
A1 New law: make it so kids work harder than teachers. Make it so learning is more important than teaching.
Ha! One A1 I considered: "This shall be the last education law ever passed by politicians."
All of them? Please expand...
Happy NewYr! A1. Law: S's are to be guided to create self-directed learning experiences from the topics/content presented
I do have to wonder if mandated education is good for everyone.
No child left hungry, neglected, unloved and intellectually, socially and emotionally unengaged.
Faige from Los Angeles joining late :(
...this would be a great topic for a future ! Thanks!!! ;)
Yes, unschooling for all. :-)
I love the idea, but could never afford to live (thus teach) in the town in which I grew up.
Crystal from seattle just joining in
Great to see you, Faige! Hope you had fun with the grandkids!!! (How can you not?!?!)
Really? Didn't know that. Still would rather be queen.
Hi Angelo! Glad you jumped in. All about building environments that encourage self-directed learners https://t.co/ZQuKPQV4pv
Happy NewYr! A1. Law: S's are to be guided to create self-directed learning experiences from the topics/content presented
Every woman should own a tiara. Tap into their inner queen. "be the leading lady, not the BF."
Would we allow ? How might we support the citizenry?
Question 2 for around the corner...
Sometimes I think the degree of student autonomy is a major factor in that discussion.
This is what is about. https://t.co/ASAK1kV7mb
No child left hungry, neglected, unloved and intellectually, socially and emotionally unengaged.
Yes yes yes isn't it about our children's future not our past - this is so right on https://t.co/QkRr3T6SOQ
No child left hungry, neglected, unloved and intellectually, socially and emotionally unengaged.
Prof. Susan joining. Will be double-duty tonight here w IL edchat
Committed to all students' success K12 thru college/univ
not "mandate," but the nature of the law would focus on student-led learning.
Back in the day, students who didn't want to be in h.s. left. Discipline problems were less.
Yes they make worries disappear!
Good to see you, Christine!
right. A diploma is not an education.
Yes! Check out . I think it will be more neighbors pulling together to education.
Q2: If you could create a course for preservice teacher ed. what would it be?
Maybe we can finally get them to pass good education laws.
Hi Barbara! Better late than... and it is getting late here in NY. Couldn't miss out on 1st chat of year, !!
another A1 (with buy-in again assumed) Schools must work to be genuinely aware and supportive of full diversity of community
I think too many Ss today don't drop out--they feel "pushed out"
A1 Law: don't judge just let them explore and find joy in learning
Hmmm...loaded question. LOTS of possibilities!
Did they leave or mandated to the "alternative" school?
do those exist in the U.S.?
Glad you made it, Angelo!!!
I do know there are some great politicians out there who listen, understand. We need more!
A1: Mandating that parents truly have an equal voice & role in all education decisions re: their children.
A2: How to collaborate effectively and problem solve creatively with colleagues, parents, and students.
Good evening and just jumping in - happy new year!
A2 It would be a course titled, Parents are not the enemy. Finding common ground in educating everyone's children.
Happy New Year Sara. Glad I did!
A1 I really like that the UK now requires computer coding in each grade. Also fitness, service-learning, civics every wk/yr
Q2---The group is tonight! https://t.co/zj4fSon0bI
Q2: If you could create a course for preservice teacher ed. what would it be?
A2. Reflection & imagination course. What did you like about school? Not like? How can it be better? https://t.co/AYBOjV0zyd
Q2: If you could create a course for preservice teacher ed. what would it be?
Be in the trenches. Watch, listen ask questions. Learn from what you discover https://t.co/0T3qVHMqFv
Q2: If you could create a course for preservice teacher ed. what would it be?
Glad you are here, Paola! Do jump in!
that's denying them an education. Those students would pay the price for the system's failures.
A2 Preservice course: "put you in Ss shoes" in a learner-centered environment so you can experience what learning should be
A2: don't be afraid to learn with the kids, show excitement/passion, and listen with intent.
Welcome to you Paola! Glad to have you aboard! https://t.co/2MJzn40OGV
Good evening and just jumping in - happy new year!
Left. I still see kids who are forced to go on occasion. They pop up in charter schools.
A2: Building positive culture in classroom!
THe problem is $$ didn't follow the child.
A2: "connect first, teach second" Ss are more engaged if they respect Ts, thus earn respect 1st thru relationship building
A2: Course Title: Creating a student-driven classroom--pre-service t's struggle moving from direct instr. mode
A2: Individualized Learning Strategies for Gen & Sped! https://t.co/XIacWxaBx6
Q2: If you could create a course for preservice teacher ed. what would it be?
A2 how to remain true to your drive in an increasingly regulated & micromanaged classroom, "Creative Insubordination"
A2 Creating an oasis for parents. Assumptions are made that parents indifferent bc they work 2, 3 jobs or feel intimidated
A2:Creativity counts!A class that intros how to think out of the box,be engaging,make learning fun.
A2 Stealing answer and saying REFLECTION
A2 My pre-service course would incorporate real students' voices & training in social justice perspectives; ongoing growth.
GREAT!!!! Where do I sign up for that one?
A2: Parent communication esp. when children have special needs incl. challenges facing working parents.
A2 How to communicate with the admin :)
Maybe. I know a few successful biz owners who are h.s. drop outs. They learned passions.
A2 Preservice Ts need to see real examples of learner-centered environments - so plan visits & interviewing Ss and Ts
I was referencing Jonathan Kozal- Shame of the Nation. All Ss deserve a right to a quality Ed.
"Grade book Management and Organization". I'd highlight ways to stay on top of the book and avoid pitfalls.
A2 I think I would title the class - "Remember, we are all humans first." Then build units that focus on this point!
This should be the core of any cred. Program. Anything else is secondary. https://t.co/UznHmOK7gj
A2: "connect first, teach second" Ss are more engaged if they respect Ts, thus earn respect 1st thru relationship building
A2) Course Title "Ditch the Textbook, Let Ss Curiosity Lead Learning"
This is so logical to have as a course yet does anyone have this???
A2 Encourage conversations, bring in Ss, Ts, parents and talk the real talk about what teaching & learning should look like
we all live it if we don't follow the script, if we put S's at center is step 1,
Maybe we could invite some. got Senator King to dialogue with MiddleTalk community.
Laurie dropping in from BC Canada.
Some countries still require chess as part of the academic curriculum. Teaches discipline, focus. https://t.co/wgVdX657Tj
A1: All Middle@schools should offer meditation, yoga, chess, and dramatic arts as part of the curriculum!
Agree. Often observation hours are taken for granted. Also should be required to see a diverse range of classrooms
School should be mandated but needs to have different formats to meet Ss needs.
P.S. I just watched the Bobby Fisher movie!
A2 Build a preservice course with these topics: Community, Building Trust, Creativity, Voice, Choice, motivation, engagement
well, laws evolve because education does (presumably). There'll never be a "final" law.
Not that I've heard of. It's been a headache for me as a new T...One of my resolutions is to do better!
A2: ...and of course a course on the concept of resilience--for Ss AND teachers!
How about a course on minimizing time spent grading?
A2: Course title - "Teach the child not the content."
A2 Meeting the Needs of All Learners...a Reality Check (aka not everyone loves your subject as much as you)
A@ Digging deeply in what it means to be a child & how children grow and learn based on the best of our collective knowledge
I remember feeling the same way when I started teaching!
Love it! Let's start with https://t.co/07NSmjps9m
A2 Build a preservice course with these topics: Community, Building Trust, Creativity, Voice, Choice, motivation, engagement
A2. A course entitled, "It's about the student". Learning is their mission, and the profession is about insuring that occurs.
HNY We have chess after school and it is well attended.
A2 Most of us as Ts only know what we were taught or teach. We need to shake up preservice programs to bring in
My M.A.T. advisor was brilliant at demonstrating and inculcating a lifelong learning mindset.
You are so fortunate, Bill!
It's a Facebook group (former listserv) focusing on middle level education.
Love it! https://t.co/l0SZxk6tDB
A2. A course entitled, "It's about the student". Learning is their mission, and the profession is about insuring that occurs.
Moving right along to Q3--yet of course you can answer any previous question...
A2 Maybe look at Finlands preservice program, where new Ts go to lab school with Ss, have mentors, and ongoing support
Yup! He's now retired, but we stay in touch. He knows what his teaching meant to me. :-)
Q3: If you could research any topic in education, what would it be?
A2 we should have never removed CIVICS as a required class! Every high school grad should have to serve
So important especially with today's diverse learners. https://t.co/y7gJzzASC0
A2: Course title - "Teach the child not the content."
Oh. Sorry. I hate Facebook.
Glad to know I'm not alone! Educator solidarity!
I agree. Also should apply to PD in general. https://t.co/GNZFb9BuRF
A2 Most of us as Ts only know what we were taught or teach. We need to shake up preservice programs to bring in
Yes! Good reminder for all Sara! https://t.co/01m5yrBXfU
A2: ...and of course a course on the concept of resilience--for Ss AND teachers!
All for one and one for all!!!
sadly, we forget. And none of us know what it's like to be a child in 2016.
Yup - any pre-service program that doesn't live by the principles they teach is missing the mark.
A3 My dream: positive affects of games in education (Scrabble, checkers, cards, etc.)
A2resources 2b proactive rather than reactive-important 2 have mentor: "go-to" reliable/experience. person 4all needs.Collab
Mandated learning unlike unschooling means a narrow curriculum in many cases. That's the problem.
I have always been surprised there isn't more on child development in teacher ed.
A2 Have coached Ts in BTSA & new teacher program - had to follow same old - times are a-changing so higher ed has to change
Good idea for most but, a large number of new Ts at my school are recent grads. Already have gd relations!
A3 Very personal topic - what mindsets and approaches distinguish more successful girls schools from those less successful.
"If I could..." Tonight's Q3! https://t.co/JGES0gIgXW
Q3: If you could research any topic in education, what would it be?
I totally agree. There needs to be some big changes in teacher ed.
A3: Mistakes! How we respond to,learn from,deal with. How learners leverage mistakes to be successful. How to teach that...
So true Jodi need to open curriculum and encourage creativity https://t.co/1Gi0UANeal
Mandated learning unlike unschooling means a narrow curriculum in many cases. That's the problem.
A3: why educators lose touch with other life sectors. Teaching isn't the only profession. I am saddened by the entitlement.
A3:can't think of what to call it,but collaboration of teachers and building community and positivity as well as advocacy.
A3 How students learn best. What can I do to make it happen?
A3 my current research - curriculum and instructional design innovation - so much more to learn and do
I have a love-hate relationship w/Facebook; I've known some of these people for 16+ years & value the contact.
A3 I would love to research the brain and learning
When I went to school yes. Think it needs 2be reinstated to teach to the Whole Child
A3 impact of teacher leadership on student learning, engaged connected T's, little exists
A3 One topic might be tough. Researching process & so Ss take control of learning
A3) Brain based learning/how brain learns best...so fascinating
Great point! So many of our children are dealing with we could have not imagined. https://t.co/MlSxc7f1rk
sadly, we forget. And none of us know what it's like to be a child in 2016.
A3 I'd research how to involve community in education.
A3. The relationship between trust and learning.
A2) In CT we created a curriculum on working with/engaging families. Can provide link if interested. https://t.co/tiGYNmDkpy
A2: Parent communication esp. when children have special needs incl. challenges facing working parents.
Teacher education is playing "pin the tail" and in need of more than a makeover
A2 The Zen of Teaching: Not to be offended when kids are disrespectful. Teach them and model otherwise.
A3 Curiosity and creativity and how they are nurtured
I agree, Faige. I think we give a lot of lip service to this but don't always embrace it.
A3 Been researching meta-learning (meta-cognition) and what that means for all learners including us
Some girls schools inspire me, others appall me. All rolled together in research. Want to differentiate.
Agreed and would add the correlation between education/school, stress, parental support, and mental health.
a3 impact of student voice/choice in the efficacy of learning.
I think it would be beneficial to have in-service teachers facilitate methods courses.
A3 I'd research how to convince people that being different is not a problem.
I love all this brain stuff too!!!! ("stuff"-a very scientific word!)
A3 Toxic negativity, aka viral skepticism
Profs. often have been out of the classroom for a decade or more or have mostly admin experience.
A 1 An end to all standardized testing and the misuses of "measurement"
A3) What is the best way to integrate academic curriculum with social development
one my edd peers is actually developing ground theory about curiosity for her dissertation
Would love to see it Jeremy. Can you DM me?
Then provide the schools with the resources to support it https://t.co/IgF8WwmAWD
Agreed and would add the correlation between education/school, stress, parental support, and mental health.
If there is anyone out there trying to think of a thesis or dissertation question is the place to be tonight! ;)
Agree! So much potential there for pos. growth. Would love to foster community partners as culture.
. We need 2 ensure that preservice Ts r philosophically & practically prepared 2 teach a diverse grp of Ss
Yes, please share the link. https://t.co/x5eD3mHmfI
A2) In CT we created a curriculum on working with/engaging families. Can provide link if interested. https://t.co/tiGYNmDkpy
A2: Parent communication esp. when children have special needs incl. challenges facing working parents.
Perhaps it should be... what WE can do to make it happen?
you had me at metacognition. Wrote about it's importance in learning a while ago
Especially since we all are...including each and every student.
A3. My topic: What conditions and actions keep high levels of student engagement?
A3 Checking out Universal Design for Learning and how to understand how learners learn best https://t.co/pPRVczWF8B
A3 Checking out Universal Design for Learning and how to understand how learners learn best https://t.co/J7VCfqWjWz
Didn't get a chance to say hi yet. Hi Irene!
Laws govern little.
Humanity the ability to reign.
Too much division between "townies" and "gownies" in higher ed. Too much general disrespect for teachers.
A3: Hard to pick just one, but probably innovative strategies to differentiate instruction.
Hey Scott--and Bullwinkle and Rocky!
Yes! Entering the profession armed w cultural competence & understanding different students' lives. https://t.co/q1czdsP8iX
A2 My pre-service course would incorporate real students' voices & training in social justice perspectives; ongoing growth.
I can't believe I'm awake! (Sort of)
Jeremy, I'd love to see it, too!
So many of the world's problems could be solved with this one understanding https://t.co/1AYL8l5v3a
A3 I'd research how to convince people that being different is not a problem.
I'm really curious about the placement and duration of the academic calendar. Summer break's been tradition
Anyone else in suddenly want to read people's theses and dissertations past and future?!
A3- my Ed approach: EcLEctiC EdUCAtioN
A3. How a Parent-School partnership affects the learning that occurs for S's.
Yes...it's really time to revisit this!
A3 My current area: the interstices & changes
Also S success transitions K12 to/thru univ/work.
A3: I'm researching and collecting data as I go in my implementation of PBL in my classroom. Kind of my pet proj. right now.
A3 neuroplasticity of the brain.
I love doing that! (Am I sick?)
Hi Sara.
Just had to do a quick 20 min run to pick up daugheter from work
Now my attention is back
Good Evening Sara and friends
Thanks for the support! ;)
. I was actually thinking a cohort to research and learn together. Sign me up!
you'd think the Rudolph story would do the trick but no. I teach 2nd & use it to show that
Huge area of need and focus needed. Transition to college and preparation.
The time is moving SO QUICKLY...here is Q4
My dad (in counseling psychology) is currently fascinated with this. Many implications for learning/counseling.
Wouldn't that be great?!? Seriously!!! We could start a new type of model...think about it...
My focus: and development - a phenomenological approach... https://t.co/z7nthOwemq
Anyone else in suddenly want to read people's theses and dissertations past and future?!
Listen more, talk less is always a good approach, but what students want isn't always what they need
The problem is Ss are always happy with the different kid that they know. But others ....
...and love the alliteration... ;)
Like that idea - research in 140 characters collaboratively - just imagine https://t.co/AutOMwql5M
. I was actually thinking a cohort to research and learn together. Sign me up!
A3 One of our trainers is currently studying parent involvement of T2 and T3 youth, specifically with SEL programs.
...you've got me thinking... https://t.co/Exopf7pW6w
Like that idea - research in 140 characters collaboratively - just imagine https://t.co/AutOMwql5M
. I was actually thinking a cohort to research and learn together. Sign me up!
I tell my kids, so what if you think differently, not everyone was meant to be the same.
In our district we have a year round elementary school. They break in Dec., April and August.
Okay Q4--here it comes...
Unless there will be a new law tomorrow about the school day starting later, I'm out. Thx!
There would be undeniable power in that.
Night, Mark. Thanks for stopping by
Q4: If you could do anything in the field of education, other than what you are doing now, what would you do? Why?
Very true. Better that way.
Love the idea! I'm all for it!!!
A3: I've always wanted to see how SOC learn solely with TOC and if race/gender matter in connecting with Ss
Reminds me of multi-school research my 7th graders did on "Are girls smarter than boys?" (1/2)
A3 thinking about researching STEAM...element of challenge through engineering & failure
mine was in '08, Digital Game Based Learning! Good thing I got a good grade-I'd be resubmitting w/ "I told you so"
A4 I toy with the ideas of instructional coaching or admin. 2 ways to stay current and challenge myself in new areas.
thanks for sharing this, Barbara!!!
Some of their findings mirrored what became conventional wisdom on the topic. (2/2)
A4) Really would like to be involved in developing curriculum to is designed to encourage developing resilience
Most definitely. Without parents as team players, students fall behind.
try The Invisible Classroom by Olson
Perhaps "How to earn knowledge!" ?
A4 write curricula that better represents Ss population I work with w/o pressures of CCSS just for the love of learning
A4. Want to be superintendent and create the district of my dreams!
A4: I would jump at the opportunity to teach a methods course or more--Also, sharing exp's. w/ other t's on a larger scale.
A4 I'd work for what I consider education equality. Give everyone equal resources.
Q4!!! Bring the best you got!!! https://t.co/sTI3eC0CfG
Q4: If you could do anything in the field of education, other than what you are doing now, what would you do? Why?
I like this idea. It still gives rest between terms w/ less of the "summer slide" effect(?)
A4 I pretty much have my ideal job description now. I would like to try getting something published some day.
A4 Whatever Robin Williams was doing in Dead Poets Society
A4 Right now I'm writing a new book on How with would love to write stories about real learning
A4: but what if you're doing what you love now?
A4) I grapple w/ this a lot, instruct. coach assisting Ts, but still not ready to let kids go, I LOVE spending time w/them
A4 Would loved 2be more involved in Mentoring teachers. I was available to support learning but would like it 2be my focus
Have to step out early! Thanks and for hosting another ! Always thoughtful time!
Absolutely, yet for most working parents, there are a multitude of challenges. Working on this...
...you can still do that...what would you like to add to that?
Thanks for Kid O is being insistent. Good night.
Night, Craig. Thanks for joining in on
Oh, right on Arturo. Could not agree more...
A4: find more hours in the day 2reach out 2more kids and make a difference in their lives too! All kids need a cheerleader
A3 I want to do more with , , Passion-based learning - work w Ts & Ss to design learning activities
Q5: If you could only say one word or sentence to students, what would you say?
I'm in that same boat. I'll settle for blogging I guess for now, ha.
A4) Ok, so, I'm not a teacher. So that happens to be the most logical answer for me.
Empower parents 2 homeschool or small inde schools so children can have individualized instruction https://t.co/CBRC7vR722
Q4: If you could do anything in the field of education, other than what you are doing now, what would you do? Why?
A4: I would be involved in Ed policy so I could bring teacher voice and experience to the table to create positive change.
A4 keep learning and better in what I do so I can better serve other educators and learners
Perhaps if we teach how to "earn" , learning would be more . . . .
A4 Ok, I'll say it, If I become a Superintendent I plan to bring my foundational ideas about w/me to each child
A5 I once told our entire school, "Never underestimate the power of students."
A4 Be a univ Provost & restructure higher ed radically w education that is pragmatic, rigorous, civics oriented & w the arts
A5 don't have to be perfect, just resilient, to succeed.
I hope that happens!!! I will be your #1 fan!!!!
Me too. I blog for my school - takes a lot of time. My writing has improved a lot though!
I think-comes dwn to knowng each S & whn to inform/prompt; whn to create opportunity to realize what thy need
A5. Share with them the same message that was shared with me at my own school "I am, I can, I ought, I will"
A4. Hmm. Maybe write a book. Love the idea of research & teaching in a different way. https://t.co/YnmRuGFSh8
Q4: If you could do anything in the field of education, other than what you are doing now, what would you do? Why?
You can also so the perseverance was
A4: I'd like to find a way to give students additional 1-1 support in balancing academics w/ life.
A6) "I believe in you" and " I know you're going to do great things" Kids are amazing!
A5: Stay true to who you are even if others don't get you.
Engagement is relevant but too often misconceived as creating true knowledge alone. Just be engaged.
I encourage Ts to do home visits. Get to know families. Show ur there 4 them. Call,txt,email often.
A5 "You won't be remember or be remembered for being cool, but you will for being genuine." https://t.co/ik8vdNGc3w
Q5: If you could only say one word or sentence to students, what would you say?
Need to sign off.Thank you all for a great discussion.
Anyone in TX? I'll be in Austin for the MLA.If anyone wants to meet.
So there's science behind "Girls go to Mars to get more stars" sung at home tonight.
A5. Courage. https://t.co/RGxN2gguK3
Q5: If you could only say one word or sentence to students, what would you say?
A5 My quote: Go with your strengths, find your interests and passions to discover your purpose. https://t.co/v7bU29ZaLx
Thank you and - have a wonderful week!
A4 I've always wanted to teach in a high Urban area, Reno isn't enough bc I tend to gravitate towards a Critical pedagogy
Yes. I'd love to share my classroom experiences--What's worked, what hasn't, etc.
Somehow I need to stretch the number of hours in a day or do some recruiting of like-minded persons!
A5: Be bold, be brave, be you. Always!
A3 creating a set of scaffolds challenge activities with Growth mindset supports intertwined to promote self
"What you do today prepares you for tomorrow" https://t.co/jl1KCEPmiU
Q5: If you could only say one word or sentence to students, what would you say?
Q6: If you could change something about yourself, what would that be?
Thanks Sara. Will watch...
why is it that people love those stories but don't get the message IRL?
Okay , this T will be less resilient tomorrow if she doesn't get to bed soon. Thank you and goodnight!
I know that's what you were thinking. Reminded me of my kids though. It's a great idea.
Fun chat everyone, thanks!
Because they see themselves as the underdog but not anyone else
...and thanks for participating in , Arturo!
Thank you . Had a great time tonight.
A6 my frustration tolerance
A5 - 1 word? So difficult for me, I might tweet 20 times! Okay, 1 word!
----Then I'd say much more!
A6: Accepting that I cannot help every parent with a struggling child. Difficult reality yet try I do...
A5: From T. Roosevelt, "Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing."
A6) I think my passion (& work ethic) keep me from being in & enjoying "the moment"
A5 My quote: is my # that I blogged about HOPE. Don't give him is inherent in hope IMO
A6: I won't share my weakness, but just know that I too have a kryptonite. I work on it daily.