#whatisschool is an award winning edchat space where people can express an unbiased response to questions about schooling, where educators have a voice in shaping the future through their experience, recommendations and interests. Join us Thursdays 7pm ET / 11pm GMT / Friday 7am SGT/WA (Perth) / Friday 9am AEDT / Friday 11am NZT.
Dee from Spring Hill, FL here. I'm excited to see some of our #BESdreamsbig team with some Twitter newbies on this chat tonight after our Tacos and Twitter session with @BES_Admin this afternoon. #whatisschool
Hey everyone from #whatisschool !
Mike, Elementary Principal from Brooksville FL. Excited to see if some of my teachers from our Twitter PD today jump on tonight's chat!
Q1 Drawing from your experience, what’s one piece of advice you’d offer a first-year teacher about managing her/his classroom? #whatisschool@ShiftParadigm
A1: Genuine, positive relationships are the KEY! Get to know your students on a personal level. They won't care what you say if they don't know you care about them. #whatisschool
A1 I’ve learned to evolve in my approach. The more creative I am in how I present my instruction, the more engaged my students are. I’ve also learned to admit when things aren’t working and ask for help. #whatisschool@ShiftParadigm
A1: build relationships w/ your Ss!!! Get to know them, pronounce their names correctly, show them you care about each of them! It's also about Ss getting to know each other #whatisschool 1/1
A1: One piece of advice for first year teachers would be to build relationships from day 1, and to try to share a little bit about yourself every day! #whatisschool
Hey everyone from #whatisschool, my name is Emily Marshall and I am a preK-4 major at Grove City College. Excited to jump in on tonight's twitter chat! #pstpln
A1. Its very hard to do for a new Teacher but forget the curriculum for bit & get to know the Ss. let them see you care about 'who' they are! #WhatIsSchool
A1 important to focus on developing a positive relationship with every young person which is broader than knowing each as a student. Partnering with the family is key too! #whatisschool
A1- Rewards and incentives are quick-fixes and usually end up being band-aid solutions. They wear out quickly. Work towards building a class community- it lasts much longer #whatisschool
Q1 Think about what you want the culture of your room to feel like. Decide how you can know every child as an individual - build relationships with each child so you can understand them as people and a collective #whatisschool
A1: you won't really need classroom "rules and consequences"if you get to know Ss and they get to know each other - they will take care of each other. 3/3 #whatisschool
A1: Focus on building relationships with your students from day one. Let them know they matter and that you are there to make a difference in their life. #whatisschool
I agree with you. Relationships are so important, especially learning names. Names have so much power and I think that is the first step to building relationships with students #whatisschool
A1: Don't smile, as I was told my first year! That's hard though when Ss are so cute! But, seriously, have control, love them through challenges, and if a consequence is offered...carry it out immediately after the offense. #whatisschool
#whatisschool A)1 Make sure that the students know you care about them. Since you will be seeing them everyday during the week, your opinion really matters to them and they want to know that you have their best interests in mind.
A1: My advice for first year teachers for classroom management is to never take comments personally and never lose your cool! Stay calm!!! #whatisschool
I think I saw your first try. Good to know I'm not the only one having spotty internet tonight. Please let us know if we can help in any way. We're glad you're here:) #whatisschool I hope you got my follow suggestions.
Reading all these answers it must seem V overwhelming for a new teacher. Be sure to look after 'YOU' also! connect with your colleagues & draw on their experience & support. #WhatIsSchool
A1: While I cannot offer advice because I am still a preservice teacher, I would love to know how to effectively make connections and build relationships with my future students! #whatisschool#ElonEd
A2 Some days I have to remind myself to make more time for movement breaks. Some I plan and some I include based on feedback from my Ss. I can’t let my responsibilities distract me from how important this is for them. #whatisschool@ShiftParadigm
A2: To keep diverse learners engaged, have THEM provide the diverse materials and activities through which to learn and achieve the standards.
I do my best ... i have a set of twins that I have a hard time telling them apart ... of course it does not help that I don't' have assigned seats and they often flop sides around the friend they choose to side beside. #whatisschool
A1 Make time to start with relationships, wait on the rules, curriculum and start by getting to know Ss, do some activ to help classmates make connections #whatisschool
A2: I am actually taking a diverse learners class currently and one way we talked about keeping students engaged is by making the learning relevant to their lives and having students find a purpose in their learning. #whatisschool#ElonEd
A2: differentiate through #inquiry and open ended Qs - you have to get to know your Ss personally and academically - integrate the curriculum w/ their interests. 1/1 #whatisschool
A2- Having enough entry points that all can engage and none feel defeated from the get-go. Fostering a growth mindset so challenge is embraced and all effort is valued and celebrated. #whatisschool
A2: as an art teacher i have thankfully many ways to reach different learners. I use many strategies but most valuable is differentiation #whatisschool
We do activities like daily check in questions (can be low risk, like favourite colour), weekly class meetings, have a weekly quote, recipe, news story and video shared by class members. We build “all about me” walls and share them. #whatisschool
Take the time! the time to ask about them, get to know them. Turn up at 1 of their soccer games. ask about their w'end & then follow it up with more Q's Take the time to show them your interested in them. #WhatIsSchool
A2. I taught my first lesson today to elementary school kiddos! One that helped the kiddos stay focused was little cheers every so often. #pstpln#whatisschool
#whatisschool a1 At the end of each class. Reflect on expectations for a few minutes. #values installing and it gets buy in from students. Oh and it does get better😊
Yep. This.
Talk less. Give Choice. Movement.
I keep their attention because I usually tell them how long I'll talk (8 min. or 7 min. etc.) . Then they work. Then I interrupt to add more.
A2: I found that providing students with choices for how they show what they know makes students more engaged. Also, giving them an opportunity to make mistakes, and then highlight the value of them as a learning opportunity gives you more buy-in #whatisschool
A2: in math, it ask open ended Qs with parallel tasks, in other subject areas, start with a big idea and an overarching Q that can be used for Ss to ask their own Qs. Tie in w/ #socialjustice and #equity. 3/3 #whatisschool
A2: Having a classroom full of diverse learners makes teaching fun, not boring! Keep lessons hitting Ss at all angles with energy and excitement! They can learn the same concept using several methods, before you know it, they have practiced so much on that concept! #whatisschool
A2: Rewarding effort during learning even if the end result isn’t perfect, we learn through our mistakes. Brag tags for students to discuss their achievements. #whatisschool
A2: at the end of each week, I asked my Ss these 3 Qs
1) What went well today? Why?
2) What didn't go well today? Why?
3) What can I do as your teacher to support you?
4/4 #whatisschool
A2 I use stations regularly and mix the types of activities, some hands on creating, some tech, some student designed, and we randomly group, I get to interact with all Ss every day, #whatisschool
A2. As someone who hasn't had experience teaching but has been a student, I would say don't joke around too much, you want students to respect you. However that doesn't mean your classroom can't be fun! #whatisschool
When my Ss get antsy. Today I had to rework my plan because it was best for them. In first grade a twirling S tells me I'm not reaching them. Sometimes singing helps. We've been singing Mr. Rogers' theme and reading a lot of Elephant and Piggie to regroup. #whatisschool
A2 I love @KaganOnline structures to keep learners focused and engaged. A couple of favs are Rally Coach, Mix Pair Share and Quiz, Quiz, Trade #whatisschool
learning will not occur if it doesn't make sense or it has no meaning but relevance is individual as well - what might be relevant to one student is not relevant to another, which is why it's important to get to know Ss. #whatisschool
A2: I am actually taking a diverse learners class currently and one way we talked about keeping students engaged is by making the learning relevant to their lives and having students find a purpose in their learning. #whatisschool#ElonEd
Hey #whatisschool sorry I couldn’t make it but on a plane about to take off to Bangkok for a Volleyball tournament - have fun with the amazing @ShiftParadigm and @deem_ellen
A2: Incorporate movement and choice into lessons to keep engagement. Make sure students understand, differentiate, and check in often to see if students have questions or don't understand. #whatisschool
A2: at the end of each week, I asked my Ss these 3 Qs
1) What went well today? Why?
2) What didn't go well today? Why?
3) What can I do as your teacher to support you?
4/4 #whatisschool
When my Ss get antsy. Today I had to rework my plan because it was best for them. In first grade a twirling S tells me I'm not reaching them. Sometimes singing helps. We've been singing Mr. Rogers' theme and reading a lot of Elephant and Piggie to regroup. #whatisschool
Kindred spirits! We had some Elephant and Piggie today too- and we also rejigged after I saw a S somersaulting on the big pillow- I'm pretty sure it wasn't her first one :) #whatisschool
One of my girls needed this today. She was so worried I would be upset that she didn't know all her spelling words. I had to remind her that not trying would be a problem. Making a mistake is brave. #whatisschool@ShiftParadigm Made me wonder what I said to worry her, too.
A2: at the end of each week, I asked my Ss these 3 Qs
1) What went well today? Why?
2) What didn't go well today? Why?
3) What can I do as your teacher to support you?
4/4 #whatisschool
When you we talk about "real world" we need to be careful - what is 'real' for one student might not be 'real' for another. Get to know your Ss and their families. 7/7 #whatisschool
#whatisschool a2 Talk less to the group. Then there is time for 1:1 2 minute catch ups. Do circle chats, rotating chats, outside work. Never sit for 60, is hard on yr brain, imagine theirs!
A1:Keep practicing routines until you are satisfied with how they are being carried out. Yes, it may take a little longer in the beginning. But, you will lose many instructional minutes later if students are not well versed in what your classroom expectations are. #whatisschool
A3: it depends - what happened? It could be a teachable moment -you might need to go outside, do a community circle, have Ss jot down their thoughts.... 1/1 #whatisschool
A3: Don't stress out too much; take the time to enjoy the distraction but redirect within a reasonable time frame. If a distraction occurs, forcing students back to attention (especially younger grades) will just make your job so much more difficult. #whatisschool
A3. Something I have observed with field experience is letting the kids get involved. If they know an answer then have them explain it, also allow them to do things like write answers on the board. #pstpln#whatisschool
A2: at the end of each week, I asked my Ss these 3 Qs
1) What went well today? Why?
2) What didn't go well today? Why?
3) What can I do as your teacher to support you?
4/4 #whatisschool
A3: We take "Brain Breaks." We go around and share an interest we have. Or, I will share something about my life. But, it's usually more effective when the students get to speak! #whatisschool
A3 We are learning in our own neighborhood this year. The Mr. Rogers Neighborhood theme song has helped us get back on track when we need to. @ShiftParadigm
Here’s a link to last week’s Google Doodle honoring Mr. Rogers if you missed it.
A2 I love @KaganOnline structures to keep learners focused and engaged. A couple of favs are Rally Coach, Mix Pair Share and Quiz, Quiz, Trade #whatisschool
That totally depends on the situation or how well you built that relationship....Sometimes I start singing and dancing or do something silly. Gets the High Schoolers attention every time :) #whatisschool
A1: Relationships, relationships, relationships!! High expectations from the very beginning. You can’t be loosey goosey then expect to raise the bar later. Set the standard. Be consistent!! Structure! Keep kids engaged. Be present and dynamic. Use coop strategies. #whatisschool
A3 we work in an environment that requires flexibility. To refocus, go back to the compelling why. Why are you doing this work? Don't refocus to quiet down, refocus to recommit.
A3 We listen to each other, respect each other’s feelings, breath and move on. In theory ... sounds easy but often it isn’t. It depends a lot on the relationships we have within the class. #whatisschool
A2 my favorite part of doing stations or using the small groups in my room is getting to talk with each student, and me talking less at the whole room, and having more opps to interact and give feedback, learn about them #whatisschool
while Ss are working, I will call Ss one by one for a quick 3-5 minute conference against success criteria - you can learn a lot in this amount of time rather than having them write one -two pages.... #whatisschool
In reply to
@ShiftParadigm, @LauraWi82226898, @cossie29, @Rdene915, @valerietilton, @kateri_lock
A3 depending on circumstance but we might re-gather to do some meditation on Go Noodle or head back outside to line up. This helps me reset expectations when needed. #whatisschool
A3 Depends on the thing, sometimes just shift attention, if it is me making a mistake, own it and laugh, or give a 3 minute social, or music break, #whatisschool
A3: we have to remember, we teach kids, not the curriculum - kids won't learn if they don't feel safe or if their basic needs are not being meant - think Maslow. 3/3 #whatisschool
#whatisschool A)3 Sometimes whatever it is that happens can be used as an example in the lesson so an easy way to bring the kids back is to incorporate it. If not it's okay to go off topic for a little bit and give yourself a break but don't let it go too long.
Q3 openly recognise what happened work through feelings and determine that feelings and voice have been acknowledged then move on with new mindset #whatisschool
#WhatIsSchool a3 There are gonna be days when the whiteboard blows a gasket. Have a back up plan, even if you have to go off script. You can use the old "tbh this is playing up, please talk for 2 minutes & then I'll call a time out if it doesn't work "
A3: we have to remember, we teach kids, not the curriculum - kids won't learn if they don't feel safe or if their basic needs are not being meant - think Maslow. 3/3 #whatisschool
It's been super fun to see them responding to Mr. Rogers like he's brand new. They really love his approach to learning. Hearing them sing about neighbors makes my day every day:) #whatisschool@ShiftParadigm
I think the same strategies apply for older Ss - read a picture, book, watch a funny YT video, breathing exercises, take them outside for a quick game. #whatisschool
#whatisschool A3 . We indulge in our students and help them engage with their Learning. They are given adequate #stuvoice and choice... When they learn in such a play way manner....it's difficult to even push them out of the class when the lesson ends, leave alone breaks
A4 We’ve spent a lot of time helping each other remember how good neighbors behave. This has been helpful especially when students struggle. #whatisschool@ShiftParadigm
A4: you have to ask WHY? Did they get enough sleep? Did they have a fight w/ a friend? Is there something going on at home? One strategy is to let S go for a walk (write quick note to another T, send Ss with it, T writes back) 1/1 #whatisschool
We have to be reasonable ... sometimes I create an activity and set a due date and then I realize it was too much. I talk to the kids ... did I give them enough time to complete the task. Amazing how honest kids will be .. "You gave us enough time ... it was me" #whatisschool
A4. Depending on the situation you have to address it with authority, but not being mean or ignore it, so they don't feed off of your attention. #whatisschool
A4: Time to ask: Am I putting content and checklists before character and climate?
Have a one-on-one about the behavior emphasizing how to fit this S back into being a valued contributor.
A4 Take time to find the root of the behavior - attention? learning difficulties? avoidance? Only then can you properly address it and refocus on academics. #whatisschool
A3: Ss need to know your "consistent" method for when you need their immediate attention, like using an "attention grabber". I also will use a doorbell chime. Both tactics work for me; they immediately locate me and wait for direction. #whatisschool#trainedstudents
A4: Send student on a cool down mission to retrieve my book from the teacher across the hall. Prompt breathing exercises and listen. Not necessarily in that order. #whatisschool
You just reminded me that I need to remind all of my Ss of this more often. Sometimes it takes me a day to process their responses fully. I wish I really could see and hear everything like they think I can:) #whatisschool@ShiftParadigm
In reply to
@BriannaOatman, @DeniseToler, @ShiftParadigm, @bedesemsclass, @ShiftParadigm
#whatisschool A4. For me what works well always is a one to one heart to heart conversation. It always helps the SS reflect and get on the remedial path....but of course the dialogues have to be oft repeated.
A4- Learning about @Self_Reg has taught me to use a compassionate lens when viewing behaviours and always ask 'Why?' and 'Why now?'- Dig deeper. Also don't always do the same thing and expect to see different results. #whatisschool
A4: Providing the student with behavior data (i.e. tally marks for distracting others) and having the student reflect on the impact it has on his learning and the class is a good place to start. #whatisschool
Q3: I like to use a lot of the whole brain chants. Sometimes I will put a funny twist on it like instead of "All eyes on me" I will say "One eye on me" or I will use a pirate voice. Hearing something unexpected not only redirects them, but adds a little fun to it. #whatisschool
That. is. awesome! I taught a class to knit years ago, and it had so many far-reaching, positive effects. It helped students in the math classes, with stress, with community-building. Very positive.
Never confront a student in front of the class. Always stay calm and pull them aside when you can to chat. If it too interrupting send them out with a purpose like to see someone or pick something up. Build a parent relationship with that kid #whatisschool
A4: negative behaviour reveals a bigger issue. Approach the behaviour in a restorative manner & delay the test/assessment until the issue is identified & resolved. #whatisschool
Q4 Reflect .... think about why what and how ... look deeper than the obvious - what else is going on? Talk to the student - dig deeper - every child needs a relationship with you - talk to the child #whatisschool
Kid disrupting ... have to ask why. Are they needing attention because of something else ... but at the same time their disruption cannot be at the expense of the other 20+ kids in the room #whatisschool
A4: Use the relationship that has been built to understand the function of the student’s behavior which is getting in the way of learning so that we can get the learning back on track. #whatisschool
A4 behavior does not occur in a vacuum. Every defiance and negative behavior has a root. Having a relationship with the student that gives them the safety to know you will address their issue allows for the student to manage their behavior but it starts with trust!
#whatisschool A)4 First, try a different approach at helping that specific student. Maybe what you were doing just wasn't the right fit for that particular student. If that still isn't helping, it might not hurt to discuss it with the parent, maybe they know something you don't.
A4: If Ed. Psych has taught me anything so far, it's that we need to reflect on Kohlberg's moral reasoning. We must find out where the student is in their moral reasoning, and use modal + one reasoning to help the student advance morally and academically. #whatisschool
A4: Have a conversation with the student to find out what's going on. Maybe they're having a bad day, maybe they don't understand. Don't just to conclusions...ask and then ask what you can do to help them. #whatisschool
Great qu @ShiftParadigm 1st I use circle chat so we all talk. Skip every second person so they stay on point& don't tune out till their turn. But i keep a tick sheet of 1:1. Takes about a week to really get into them. #WhatIsSchool
Q3: Stuff happens so if we just go with the flow, think out loud how we might resolve it, we also model how to handle difficult situations. Music break, yoga break. Must have options! #whatisschool
Aah, I see you are like minded with @ToddWhitaker :) #whatisschool I call those the "less is more" moments. The less I react, the more work we get back to.
In reply to
@BES_Admin, @ShiftParadigm, @ToddWhitaker
I also had my Ss create pillow cushions for their chairs...who wants to sit in those hard blue chairs for 6 hours to learn? It was a great way to build community and integrate some math! #whatisschool
A4: Determine the “why” of the behavior. What happened right before and right after. Teach the student an appropriate replacement behavior. Lots of patience, love, and support is needed! For the students too!!!😍#whatisschool
A4: Talk to them. Behavior doesn't happen in a vacuum. It's up to us figure out what's going on, build relationships, and figure out a plan. It's up to us to do all these things while making sure that the S isn't getting in the way of other Ss learning. Balance. #whatisschool
A4: It depends. Might require a quiet convo with the S to find out what's going on bc could be something at home. Or they might just need to think out loud abt the task. #whatisschool
I've taught 3 year olds and first grade. What I love about first is how much they grow in 9 months. Their hearts are so big. They love doing our service for @thekulaproject. #whatisschool@ShiftParadigm
In reply to
@JacquelynKamis, @PegGrafwallner, @ShiftParadigm, @cossie29, @kathyiwanicki, @mattoman71, @NZWaikato, @thekulaproject, @ShiftParadigm
Q5. Professional development seldom takes up the issue of classroom management. What’s
your secret resource for gaining the knowledge and skills to be a great manager of your classroom? #WhatIsSchool
A4: They may need permission to try a diff pathway or asked to reflect on their behavior and help me understand what's happening. Depends on the kiddo & the situation. #whatisschool
I would say you must have a system to show the kids that bad behavior is not tolerated. With me wanting to work with younger kids, a good idea is having red, yellow, and green cards on a wall. When they misbehave they move to yellow, and then if again, it is red. #whatisschool
A1 While I don't have much experience yet I would offer the advice that the world around our students is always changing so we should work to adapt and help them thrive in their current situations #whatisschool#pstpln
Q5. Professional development seldom takes up the issue of classroom management. What’s
your secret resource for gaining the knowledge and skills to be a great manager of your classroom? #WhatIsSchool
Q5 Professional development seldom takes up the issue of classroom management. What’s your secret resource for gaining the knowledge and skills to be a great manager of your classroom? #whatisschool@ShiftParadigm
A2: While I don't really have real experience with engaging students, I feel that using technology to keep every student engaged and on task is a great way to capture the attention of a class of diverse learners. #whatisschool
A1: without having much experience, I would give the advice that they need to remain calm and learn from their mistakes because those mistakes will help you improve #whatisschool
Thanks so much for being here today. We've got a lot of preservice teachers from Ohio present. I know they will appreciate your support and expertise. #whatisschool@ShiftParadigm
Ahhh!! Missing #whatisschool chat right now but just saw the most recent Q and had to share this. Find the WHY behind the behaviour. And then ask - what can I do to help my student?
A5 My secret resource for getting help with CM isn’t really a secret :). Twitter has helped me/guided me/encouraged me whenever I needed assistance with CM. I have met more amazing Ts than I can count. They are my best resource for CM. #whatisschool@ShiftParadigm
A5: experience!!!! Every class is different w/ different set of Ss every year - it comes down to getting to know them, choosing your battles, and just gaining the experiences. 1/1 #whatisschool
A5: No secret to learning classroom management: I just ask the others in my building, "What do you do when [x] happens?" We're all surrounded by a ton of experience in our buildings! #whatisschool
A5: Observe classrooms OUTSIDE your content area. I learned the most as an English teacher from watching how a math teacher conducted class.
A2 Be predictably unpredictable.😆Aside from addressing the different way that our students learn, it's always god to have them at the edge of their seats as they don't know what you'll do next in class. #whatisschool
This is not a secret, but other teachers are ALWAYS my first resource for gaining skills and knowledge around any topic of education. Surround yourself with the best. Get better. Share what you've learned. #whatisschool
Q5 Professional development seldom takes up the issue of classroom management. What’s your secret resource for gaining the knowledge and skills to be a great manager of your classroom? #whatisschool@ShiftParadigm
I find my ability to be reasonable forges great relationships ... kids are not afraid to tell me they need more time or to interject when a student is trying to play me by saying "We had plenty of time ... you just played too much" #whatisschool
A1 As a pre service teacher (freshmen in college) I don't have experience to draw from but I would imagine that it is crucial to keep your attitude one of positivity.#whatisschool
A5: make sure Ss have a voice - they should be able to have a voice in the way their classroom is set up, be part of building classroom norms (if that is something you do), and also how they want to learn the curriculum. 2/2 #whatisschool
A5- Be true to your own teaching heart. What works for the teacher in the classroom down the hall may or may not work for you- but if it doesn't sit right, the students will feel it and it won't be effective. #whatisschool
A5 Find a mentor teacher who can support you in your quest for classroom management skills. Ask what works in their class. Observe them if possible. #whatisschool
A2 When you are in a classroom of diverse learners it is important to try and create a lesson that will be in all students ZPD's and remembering it's okay to make the lesson "easier" or "harder" so your students are successful and engaged that day #whatisschool#pstpln
A5 Asking seasoned Ts is good, but seeing them in action is even better. I was lucky to have come across a Harry Wong video from a former principal. It was something that I've been sharing to the younger Ts the past 2 decades. #whatisschool
A5: As the Prinicpal, I make it a priority to provide my Ts with meaning full PD when it comes to classroom management. In fact we just had a full staff verbal deescalation training yesterday. Our next training on CM will be a make and take cool down kit training! #whatisschool
Q5. Professional development seldom takes up the issue of classroom management. What’s
your secret resource for gaining the knowledge and skills to be a great manager of your classroom? #WhatIsSchool
One of my greatest way to keep behavior in check is to be prepared and organized and to not waste time finding things. Empty time is deadly #whatisschool
A5: Just participated in a wonderful 2day workshop Behavior Strategies for Inclusion! We learned some AMAZING information from @FDLRS_NEFEC#whatisschool Our facilitator Wilma Almestica was terrific!!
A4: what I would do if a student's behavior was an issue, I would try to see if there is more going on with them and maybe have a conference with their parents to see what is going on #whatisschool
We hope older Ss have better coping mechanisms, but their stressors are also greater. The same types of approaches can work-1:1 convo to find out what's going on and how we're going to work this out. I think older Ss have to be part of their solution. #whatisschool
You'll want to check out the #bfc530 community, too. They are amazingly supportive and some of my all time favorite humans:) #whatisschool@ShiftParadigm
This is not a secret, but other teachers are ALWAYS my first resource for gaining skills and knowledge around any topic of education. Surround yourself with the best. Get better. Share what you've learned. #whatisschool
Q5 Professional development seldom takes up the issue of classroom management. What’s your secret resource for gaining the knowledge and skills to be a great manager of your classroom? #whatisschool@ShiftParadigm
A4 Asking yourself why the student is behaving that way and evaluating that. This may mean dealing with the students behaviors outside the classroom and having the other students to do class work in the mean time.#whatisschool
A5- Be true to your own teaching heart. What works for the teacher in the classroom down the hall may or may not work for you- but if it doesn't sit right, the students will feel it and it won't be effective. #whatisschool
As a pre-field educator, I haven't had a lot of experience, but I can infer that one of the most important things you can do for your students is to make yourself available to them. Give up some time to work with your students outside of the classroom! #whatisschool
#whatisschool A)5 Asking other teachers within your grade level at your school is a great way to get help if you're struggling! Teachers are generally willing to help each other because we are all in it together so why not?
A4: Today, I tried something new to get a student to stop humming, which happens a lot: I used my whiteboard marker to write a note on her desk: "You are doing well!" then a few minutes later another one "shhh... :)", and she stopped :) #whatisschool
I also teach Zones of Regulation curriculum in my class. Understanding the different feelings we have, that’s it’s ok to feel that way & what tools/strategies we can use when we aren’t feeling “good to go” #whatisschool#specialeducation@ZonesOfReg
Q5: There seem to be a lot of good resources for teacher experience on classroom management available online, and I think talking to one's colleagues about what has worked for them is also a good plan. #whatisschool
A3 When "things happen" it's important to not let your emotions get the best of you. Take a minute to evaluate the situation, take a deep breath, but don't immediately act. THEN try & see what happened to develop this situation and work back to refocus #whatisschool#pstpln
A5: I think the best source is colleagues. Talking with grade level teachers; working with an instructional coach if you have one. Remembering you do NOT have to be alone and others might have (had) similar probs or experiences. #whatisschool
You can’t achieve one without the other. It is like fertilizer. Sprinkling good stuff to form layers of fertile stuff is always a good investment #whatisschool
I was talking with my assistant today about how important it is to switch up tactics, keep it fresh, and tune in to them. Keep that bag full:) #whatisschool
Can’t stay long & probably missing something but relationships 1st = opportunity to know Ss, build on their passions, create a positive learning environment & less of those ‘issues’. Talk to your Ss / listen. @teachmrj#whatisschool
A6: best advice is building those relationships and getting to know them so you can personalize learning for them - play to their strengths but also develop their needs/skills 1/1 #whatisschool
A6: Try to focus on making classroom management an expectation for your students; however don't become so concerned with 'perfect' classroom management that you forget about instructing well #whatisschool
I also teach Zones of Regulation curriculum in my class. Understanding the different feelings we have, that’s it’s ok to feel that way & what tools/strategies we can use when we aren’t feeling “good to go” #whatisschool#specialeducation@ZonesOfReg
A6. Work out what works for you and that will take time! Learn from others experiences, implement different strategies but be patient! Everyones style is different! #WhatIsSchool
Can’t stay long & probably missing something but relationships 1st = opportunity to know Ss, build on their passions, create a positive learning environment & less of those ‘issues’. Talk to your Ss / listen. @teachmrj#whatisschool@ShiftParadigm
A3 I would have a back up plan and remind myself to view the hiccup in the plan as a way to learn problem solving skills for the students. #whatisschool
A6: I did community circles Monday mornings to check in after the w/e and then Friday afternoon before they left...getting issues and Qs addressed will focus them on the learning. 2/2 #whatisschool
Q5:My secret resource is my colleagues. I observe people that I feel have excellent classroom management, and/or I seek advice from teachers with a different perspective. You have to be willing to ask for help & be willing to receive help. This is half the battle. #whatisschool
A6: It’s never too late to do a whole class reset if classroom management is taking more time than classroom instruction. Sometimes you have to stop, reteach procedures before moving forward! #WhatIsSchool
A6 Effective instruction can’t take place when classroom management is absent. When writing lesson plans think about the procedures necessary and incorporate classroom management into your plans. #whatisschool
With learning classroom management styles I find it very important to address the behavior at the time that it occurs. You also must look for the signs that a student may act out and give positive consequences to attempt to prevent the behavior! #SEDU183#PSTPLN#WhatIsSchool
A4 When students have a behavioral issue it's important to try and evaluate WHAT is causing this issue, talk to them privately and try to see how you can help, see the WHY in what's happening #whatisschool#pstpln
#whatisschool A)6 Classroom instruction and management go hand in hand. You have to be able to manage your classroom in order for your instruction to be effective. There should be a relatively equal amount of both.
My assistant helped me today. I needed to vent, and she gave me a safe place to do that. She helped me to get back on track. I loved that she could help me when I felt frustrated. #whatisschool It's all about the kids, and I have to learn when I need to regroup for them.
Q5:My secret resource is my colleagues. I observe people that I feel have excellent classroom management, and/or I seek advice from teachers with a different perspective. You have to be willing to ask for help & be willing to receive help. This is half the battle. #whatisschool
A5: T's love to say "what more can I do?" when it comes to classroom management. PD's should constantly discuss classroom management on a range of topics, not just behavior related. Talk to others to steal their ideas, after all, "all great teachers steal ideas!" #whatisschool
This was such an amazing opportunity!! Thanks to everyone for the amazing tips and pointers!! Cant wait to learn even more and expand my PLN #whatisschool
Thank you so much for joining us for Teacher Talk #2. We’re so glad you were able to be here. Please join me in thanking our Coach, @ShiftParadigm for his awesome moderating and connecting skills:) See you next Thursday! #whatisschool
Thank you for leading such a wonderful discussion, and the opportunity to participate in a live chat! I learned a lot and plan to attend another soon! #whatisschool#pstpln
@atkins_teaches Elizabeth, I hope you made some great connections tonight. Please let us know if we can help in any way. We're really glad you made it today. @ShiftParadigm#whatisschool
Thanks for sharing everyone! I've been teaching nearly 20yrs and I got heaps that i am going to try in class from todays chat. Grateful for my #twittertribe#PLN#WhatIsSchool#alwayslearning
Thank you Mark for creating the opportunity for us all to chat together. #whatisschool ... don't forget about #BFC530 every weekday morning at 5:30 AM EST - GMT-5 for the early rising chatters
In reply to
@ShiftParadigm, @JennaLancaste18, @gilmour_mike, @missrupczewski, @Mrgarrettrox, @DeniseToler, @BES_Admin, @egchapma, @PegGrafwallner, @kathyiwanicki, @laurie_azzi
Thank you for all the help and new discoveries in this chat! I will definitely carry this information with me as I continue pursuing my education degree! #pstpln#whatisschool
A6: I think planning for highly engaging lessons minimizes classroom management issues. If you are having difficulty- check your plans. Change activities every 15 minutes. Offer a variety of activities. Integrate #Edtech Eliminate down time. MAKE IT FUN. #whatisschool
Thank you all so much for the wonderful information provided about teaching. This will be very helpful when I start student teaching and when I become a teacher myself! #whatisschool
A6: Both aspects are very important! If you only focus on only one the other one will keep you from having full success in the classroom. #whatisschool
A6 keep in mind that a lesson can take many different turns so if their is a change in plans or behaviors in the classroom don't panic but address the situation and then get back on track.#whatisschool
A5 As I don't have much experience in the classroom I don't have a huge amount of classroom management skills, for me I feel it would be important to gain knowledge and skills from established teachers and colleagues #whatisschool#pstpln
A1: don’t be afraid to ask questions! Being only 5 years in with teaching but mentoring a 1st year teacher, I truly appreciate her questions. I think I learn more from her questions than anything! #whatisschool
A6: When you sit, hide behind a computer or have an off day....Ss know it. Use multiple methods: hands-on, writing, technology, partner or group talks, etc. I will even pull out a beach ball and bounce it around the room asking questions! #whatisschool
the strategy worked really well. I grabbed a piece of paper, wrote "hi", stapled it, gave it to my S and he/she went for a walk to deliver to another T, T wrote back "hi" and my S returned; by the time he/she got back, all was good. #whatisschool
A2: thankfully I teach art! But highly encourage talking with others in my classroom, writing and sharing artist statements, & providing students several avenues when completing art projects #whatisschool
A5 As a pre service teacher I am realizing the importance of collaborating with teachers who have been in the field longer but also those with new ideas. I imagine this concept is just as important later in my professional development.#whatisschool
A6 Without classroom management learning and instruction can't be done but you must make sure not to be focused only on management, try incorporating ways to keep students involved into lesson plans!#whatisschool#pstpln
A3: a high “five” in the air is a key for students to regroup. Also explain expectations & revisit goals so students are aware of our target #whatisschool