A chat that offers middle school teachers a chance to have a collaborative discussion about a different topic each week. Our topics change from week to week, ranging from Common Core State Standards to Character Education. During the chat, participants exchanges ideas and resources. The chat group ranges in size each week from 10 to 50+ participants. Discussion can be general talking about instructional style or process to specific. Recently members of the chat group help each other create lessons.
Katie, 6th reading and ELA, IN. Had our first snow day/eLearning day of the year due to ice and snow (not much in the way of accumulation, but plenty slick!). #mschat
A1: I model by thanking them when they help and give me time. I also try to write thank you notes for gifts and extraordinary efforts #mschat Start year by thanking them for coming
Hi, I am currently a student teacher in an ELA class. I am thankful for the experiences I am able to learn from as I teach lessons and learn classroom management. #mschat
In reply to
@VictoriaLentfer, @blocht574, @TeacherRunner42, @Mr_Lisek, @MrPStrunk, @mgrosstaylor, @DrBrianCook, @jbhanlon, @jason16oz, @Blake_Principal, @DruTomlin4Edu, @cmt215il
A1) By thanking students for what they do, and showing our appreciation for who they are and the things they do. Also, by "publicly" showing thanks to our colleagues. It is those small interactions when someone swings by your room. Kids see! #mschat
It was a very welcome surprise. Sure, we knew it was possible, but the predicted snowfall was 1-3 inches. That's not close-worthy, so I was pretty happy to get the call. Wintry mix for the win! #mschat
A1: by being intentional and then being positive in our interactions. Ss can tell our level of thankfulness by our level of enthusiasm for the work we do! #mschat
a1: Today ppl were 'grumpy' about no snow day. I played Mr. Rogers for my Ss and shared that I was happy to have a car to scrape off, a job I love, and to work with wonderful adults and children! #mschat
A1: By acknowledging the efforts that students make in the classroom, regardless of outcome. It's important for students to know that we appreciate them joining us each day. #mschat#osussmce
a1: I say things like, "I'm glad you are in school today." I especially say it after they have been absent a couple of days: "We've missed you, I'm glad you are feeling better and are back!" #mschat
A2: I am thankful when my Ss see that I may be having a tough day they give me grace and they work to help me have a good day. Love those kiddos! #mschat
A2: I am thankful for the fact I work with a staff that has the best interest of the students in mind, and we will do anything we can to help them succeed. #mschat
We did eLearning, so I spent the day competing against my students online (they beat me), moderating their adorable conversations on our classroom page, etc. Loved it! #mschat
A2) I am thankful for the relationships and bonds I form with my students, thankful that they trust me to share the tough stuff, thankful that they share their excitement, thankful that they let me be a part of their life. #mschat
A2: I am thankful for a faculty that wants what’s best for Ss and work to make the 8:30 to 2:51 fun for our kids. I am thankful for students that are buying in to PBIS initiatives and helping to make BFMS a wonderful place to be! #mschat#fcpsva#bfms18
A2: I love that my class becomes its own community. A student yesterday said, "I look forward to coming to this class every day." We have all these inside jokes and special moments. We're in this together. I love it. #mschat
A1: We can model being thankful by starting off every class with good things. Allowing our students to think and reflect on what's good in their lives rather than what's bad. #mschat
A2: Thankful to my students for the energy they bring to the classroom most days. Thankful to my mentor teacher for her example and advice. #mschat#osussmce
A2- my team says it everyday but we are so thankful for an amazing group of 6th graders this year! Always so impressed with what they do for one another and our 6th grade crew. #mschat
I have some kiddos that are SO slow packing up this year... I am realizing it is because they want to stay! I have a few that try to walk in to a different class. I am now joking with them it is "Math part 2". Hard to tell them to "get out"! #mschat
A1: Never forget our Ss are always watching us. Model gratitude by expressing your appreciation wcolleagues thru your words, tone & actions. Next, use same approach wSs. Kids pick up so much from our tone when interacting w/them. Our words should always uplift them too! #mschat
A2: I am so thankful for my mentor teacher. She constantly gives me opportunities to teach and grow in the classroom. She helps me in my areas of growth and lets me know the areas I am succeeding in! #mschat
A3: I would have with the projector. My handwriting is very not good, so being able to project something during lessons is an immense help for my teaching. Writing everything by hand would take a lot of time away from my students' learning. #mschat#osussmce
A3 The tool of relationship Without the relationship I have w/my Ss this job would not be a awesome as it is Everything starts and ends with the relationships developed...especially in middle school #mschat
A3: Our Chromebooks. I integrate technology into instruction so naturally after over a decade of 1-1 technology of various kinds that I genuinely struggle to teach without it now. #mschat
We have a "front row system" aka I wear a microphone and it goes to the speakers... I love it, because I don't really have to project my voice! #mschat
YES, Pizza is great at any point in life.... Had it tonight .... in between School improvement meeting, basketball and dance for kids and homework / twitter chat #mschat
We have a few teachers that start the day with MT Dew .... Not my way to go ... Coffee black or 1:1 ...Lucky for us a Tim Hortons in the school parking lot #mschat
A5) I have a true BFF at work, and several really good friends. I feel so lucky when one of them gets to share my classroom too, keeps me grounded. #mschat
a5: any time with my bestie Becky, Dinner nights with Archana, Running with Megan, game nights with Liesel and Paul... I'm so thankful that I have a diverse community! #mschat
A5: I am helpful for the custodians, the secretaries, @JeremyWinsor and my other colleagues Kevin and @_zachbaker11. They don't realize how much they are my rock from day to day. #mschat
A5: I have two former co-workers who have become my best friends. They get me through the struggles and inspire me to be my best for my Ss. It's a shame they're not on Twitter so I could shout them out. #mschat
well, I definitely have been known to eat during class. When Ss call me out on eating candy in front of them I generally ask how many miles THEY ran this week :) #mschat
A5: My students, plain and simple. Things can be rough, but it's always motivating to remember that I'm in a position where I can influence the lives of these kids in a positive way. #mschat#osussmce
And I'd be remiss (thought I've said it often) how Thankful I am for @blocht574 - without him and @jbhanlon at AMLE I would have never found this "twitter" thingy #mschat
Heading to #NCTE18? We're looking for some middle and high school #ELA Ts who are willing to share thoughts and challenges about writing instruction. Will you join our discussion? #engchat#mschat RSVP here: https://t.co/qYnjJ6Kuvd
I am thankful for the whole #mschat crew. I look forward to our weekly chats.
All the best to you and your families (both home and school) on this upcoming Thanksgiving week.
Catch y'all next time!
Great chat! Went fast! Thanks for moderating @blocht574 have a great week everyone! & have a nice wonderful early weekend for those of you with snow rolling in! #mschat
I am piloting this year with our school counselor (aka my school BFF). So far I like it, today was awesomely successful. I think we will use the same formate at the end of 2nd quarter.#mschat
My Middle Level Mind - #18: Student Voice Through Student-led Conferences
https://t.co/GZUq3IJ4Ey …
My return to blogging. Click and let me know what you think.