TNedchat is a way for educators in Tennessee to share thoughts, resources, and information. The weekly chat is moderated by Jessica Warner (@jessawarner) and Samantha Bates (@sjsbates).
Welcome to #TnEdChat ! Tonight let’s talk about educational buzzwords and our thoughts on them. Give it a green light if you think it’s a good idea and share why, give it a red light if you think it’s not something worthwhile and share why.
A1 Green Light IF flexible seating also is combined with flexible learning environments. If you are teaching the same ol way its just a distraction #tnedchat
A1 Green light, I was so tired of the rows, Ss looking around the person in front of them, need to be able to collab, with some structure to start, but flexible yes. #tnedchat
A1 I think providing a student a choice and comfort in their learning environment helps breakdown some of the barrriers and fear that may come from uniformity and sterile environment. #tnedchat
A2 Red light. I get concerned with extremist ideas. While I 1000% believe students should be outside more, I'm not sure having class outside all the time is the answer #tnedchat
Real world problems for 5 year olds might look slightly different than adults. Forest K students @redbankelem are 21st century thinkers.
Teacher: “It’s too cold to go in the water.”
A2: yellow light (Thanks @Gregbagby for adding that option) mostly because I am unfamiliar with it. Good teaching and learning is more important than where it happens. #TnEdChat
A3 So I use to be all in but after watching the 8 hours of the @CommonSenseEd Tech Hooked Kids series I'm more concerned about how these online gamification options are addicting our kids. It depends on the dynamics of the game for me. Yellow light. #tnedchat
A3: I have tried this......the kids did not buy in as much as I had hoped..... I like the idea but it is pretty specific! I lacked the background knowledge to go in depth. #tnedchat
A3 Green light, #gamification is a way to engage Ss, create different ways to learn that have them more active, interactive, but it should not be the whole class, all the time, #TNedchat
A3 We have been doing this before it was called GAMIFICATION! I think some people get nervous when it takes on a life beyond their knowledge -- But I love new opportunities like @classcraftgame#tnedchat
A3: Green. As long as it is not a distraction. Some Ss work bette this way. Competition/Badges etc... can help them stay motivated. Creating real life games as well can be a benefit! #tnedchat
A3: green light but done in moderation. Any great strategy can be overused or improperly implemented. An unfinished task keeps drawing you back into the game. Sense of success by earning points/badges/levels. Check out @mrmatera#tnedchat
A4 #blendedlearning is definitely a green light, providing diff opps for Ss to learn using tech, or being able to collab/build confid learning outside of class, and having time to engage more w/peers in class #TNedchat
A4 The beauty of blended learning is that it taps into the best parts that tech and the teacher bring to the learning process for their students. GREEN LIGHT! #tnedchat
A4: Green. From a planning stand point for teachers. Great way to archive student work/provide feedback/connect parents and administrators. Just another way to add differentiation #tnedchat
A4 #blendedlearning, as with all of these topics, has success in the practicioner. People have found success and others want to replicate. In the end, great teaching is the key. #tnedchat
Basically, mix of the traditional in-class with an out of class, online component, Ss have control over time, place and their pace for learning in some parts of it, can do this with learning stations, a great book is #BLinaction Blended Learning in Action #TNedChat
This is my favorite definition of blended learning: I think "SOME control over time, place and pace" describes most BL I see. #tnedchat