#TLAP Archive
#TLAP is a weekly chat for educators who embrace author, keynote speaker, and moderator David Burgess' approach of teaching like a pirate. Burgess is author of Teach Like A PIRATE: Increase Student Engagement, Boost Your Creativity, and Transform Your Life as an Educator and co-author of P is for PIRATE: Inspirational ABC’s for Educators.
Monday February 1, 2016 9:00 PM EST
Laurie - HS Speech Teacher/Lit Coach Central Cali
Ahoy mateys! Angela from Alberta, checking in. I'm a 6th grade aspiring pirate & I LOVE this group!
Getting ready to rock some tonight as long as my 3yo cooperates. It's Bachelor night so my wife says I'm on duty. :-/
Danielle K teacher in AZ.
hello from the other side!
Steve, Assistant Principal from Missouri
Hey everyone, Greg here. Northwest, IN. PE teacher and K-5 tech coach.
Hey Ho, , Matt K-5 Art from TX!
that's dedication great to see you both!
Hey - Megan, HS AP from KS here!
Amy, reading specialist, from in Fulton, MO! Hi, everyone; Excited to guest host & learn from the crew tonight!
Hello, ! Chantell, Director of Technology from IN here! First time in a while, and I've missed you all!
Welcome! Glad you're here!
Br Christopher from Kansas, middle school science, religion, and tech
Suzanne Hull, Proud Asst. Sup from Fulton, MO!
Hey Everyone! Beth, MS PIRATE principal sailing in with the awesome crew from Fulton, MO!
Josh - 7th grade ELA from Missouri! Let's go !
hello Jackie Hanlon here! 8th grade LA teacher from NH!
Glad you're here! is here!! https://t.co/NEIjTLrnl3
Getting ready to rock some tonight as long as my 3yo cooperates. It's Bachelor night so my wife says I'm on duty. :-/
Catherine from Kingston, ON! What's the topic in today?
good advice! I will cross over to that platform.
Wayne, principal, WY, K-5 . Evening all, let's set sail.
I'm Erin, high school sp.ed./English teacher from upstate NY
Hey friends and crew - Seeing what PD in PJ's looks like. It definitely looks fun - Jay, pirate principal from NJ aboard
Hey ! Damien, 5th Grade from PA.
Welcome, friend! Glad you could sail in with us tonight!
Leslie 6th grade science from Spearfish, SD! Only half way through the book and it already has changed my classroom!
Nili Bartley, MA but once upon a time Fulton, MO!!! So excited to see so many people I know!
Brad Jacobson, 7/8 Social Studies in Peoria, IL
Brian EL teacher Minnesota
Sarah-3rd grade math, East TN
Look who is here Kristi Shinn from CoMo is in the house! Principal
Windmann here tweeting from home
Heather, elem principal from MO
Katie, hs Teacher Librarian-not so quiet.
Yo, Damien! Glad you are here! Love your handle. So piratey!
Checking in from Plymouth MA after many weeks without my pirate fix
Hello ! 3rd grade teacher from Texas!
WOOHOO! So glad you made it tonight, Wayne!
Welcome Brad, love Social Studies!
from MO. Used to be . Dist Instructional Tech Facilitator for .Excited to be sailing again!
Welcome to PD in your PJs!
I'm Steve, a math coach from Oregon.
hey lady! Long time:) Thirty One just came out with our wallet in Cobalt blue & I thought of you instantly. :)
Hey all, Susan, 6th grade science from ATL GA.
Please do, Julie! https://t.co/PqJ0pEjwBK
hello there awesome FMS crew! Might get in my jammies and join you all! =)
Hi Jay! Great to have you join us!
Good evening, ! Sean from St. Augustine. 3rd Grade, Ridiculous!
Rhonda Walker, principal k-5 east TN
Yo Sue! Thanks for ing tonight!
Hi Friend. Looks like you guys are ready to rock the boat tonight https://t.co/BgYXZcVjSN
Hi Jay! Great to have you join us!
Happy Monday ! Tracy from MA here excited to learn w/
Kristi Shinn, elementary principal CoMo I am here :)
WOOHOO! Welcome, Sarah! Glad you are here!
This is such an encouraging trend!
Tom from Mercer Cty, NJ. MS SS. Yr21 Ahoy!
Long time... Hi, Pam, Special ed & intervention teacher. Charleston, SC.
Hello , Paul, HS science, SE MN
Who is tweeting the questions tonight?
I'm multittasking over in , and Tweetdeck makes this work!
hey Chris from NJ. US his and AP psy
YAY! So glad you could make it!!
8th SS. Ready to caucus....I mean collaborate.
Hey there lady! Glad to be joining in tonight!
iHola! Je suis un Time Lord, aussi!
Matt, 6th grade, Wow! TLAP Professional Dev.: I may or get paid $$, but what I do get is worth so much more!
Can't wait to learn with you!
Roz here, ECSE in Fulton, Mo. Just put down my baby to bed and ready to rock! (quietly, so she won't wake up though)
I feel like it's been a while, but I love the pd topic!
and have the Q's tonight. Thanks for making it!
Q1 is up in just one minute! Can't wait to RETHINK PD with the crew!
Hey there stranger! Glad to be sailing with ya tonight!
Jessica Drinnon, kindergarten
WOOHOO! Casey in the house!
Hi team! Happy to be here tonight - Shauna from Toronto, fresh out of a great well-being chat with !
I'm Tom, an education major at Hope College. This is my first time with this and just seeing what it's like.
Andrea joining in from WI
Welcome, Tom! Get ready goes fast!
Ahoy crew! I'm Stefanie sailing in from Peoria, IL and I teach 2nd grade!
Welcome Shauna! Thanks for making it!
Big ship tonight - always room for more, right?
Welcome! You will love it best PD out there.
Glad you are here tonight! It is going to be great!
If anyone wants me to design a achievement badge. Let me know.
Looking forward to disrupting professional development with tonight!
Glad to be here. Director of PD and PR! Love to tell the story of FPS!
Juli from Miami, first Tim in this chat-love the book
Hello ! Amy from Frederick, MD! 7th Grade Medieval History!
I teach an 8th grade SS section w/civics and high five what you did there.
Hey Casey - Missing our collaborations. Trying to get things going but they are moving slow https://t.co/39PMsTv21P
Hey there stranger! Glad to be sailing with ya tonight!
My favorite night/favorite crew (besides my Thurs crew). Sandy from MN,ELA checking in to Excited to dine w/Dave tomorrow.
You are in for a treat! The team knows how to rock the PD!
Thanks, Joshua! Happy to be here. There is always much to learn and brilliant ppl to connect with!
we are moving fast tonight, looks like we might trend, hard to keep up, sorry if I miss something
Welcome, Julianne! So glad you could join tonight!
Glad you're joining in tonight!
Love Medieval History! Welcome!
Hi! I am Deb, I teach Kindergarten,
A1: Growth mindset and to push boundaries.
A1 To stay current, model life-long learning, stretch & grow. I love learning new ideas & strategies
Q1 How can we expect Ss to learn from us if we stop learning ourselves?
Hey Tim, thanks for making it
A1 Dist. says: To keep our certifications up! I say: To grow.
A1: To continue to learn and grow. We should never stop perfecting our craft. Ts and Ss alike need to keep moving forward.
A1: Because we never stop learning
PD should encourage continual growth. If we want ss to grow, we need to grow too! Can't always chart own course, need a crew
Hi Sandy! What a GREAT meal you will have! I'd love to be there!
Teaching should be life transformational!
A1: PD should really be PLearning. We all need to keep learning in order to give our students the best there is.
A1) I need PD bc the knowledge that I have is but a fraction of what I need/want. Continual growth and learning is so important to me!
Always love to learn from you!
Andi!! So glad to see you tonight!
A1: to embrace our lifelong learner-ness as we expect our Ss to & to move from good to great
Desiree, counselor from Montana
Bob Abrams, HS AP, tweeting from the burbs of Chicago.
A1: We need PD because we must always be learning/improving our craft and modeling life-long learning! Oh, and it's fun!
A1 We don't know what we don't know. PD is a way to open up that conversation
A1: T training programs aren't enough. We get training before we start our careers, but need to continue to learn on our T journey
Correcting some math tests... but checking on as I can, too. Hope the is doing great tonight!
How cool! Give Dave my best!
A1: to continue to grow and learn & be better Ts/life long learners (model it for S)
A1: PD allows us to learn new practices and stay current. Also allows us to stretch ourselves professionally.
A1 We need PD to inspire us, to allow us a day with adults, to eat donuts, to give us time to think about our art.
I should it for you...at least hello. 😊
A1: We need to continue to learn b/c how we learn has really changed since many of us were in school!
A1: deep thinking! I need PD to continue to meet the needs of ALL learners! Myself, my students, my staff
WE are ready when you are! Different not being the T, but love sparking the flame! My Ts are ready to go!
A1 We need PD to strengthen our educational practices - focusing on student needs with teams of teachers, experts, etc.
This is key! Definitely value in collaborative conversations, twitter, and to figure this out.
A1 We don't know what we don't know. PD is a way to open up that conversation
A1 We need it because there's so much to learn!
A1: Because we need to keep growing, learning & connecting
A1 Because we need to improve and grow. When we get better ultimately our students do as well.
Correcting some math tests... but checking on as I can, too. Hope the is doing great tonight! 3rd grade teacher in Hingham, MA.
A1: The world is changing so quickly. Education isn't keeping pace. We need to do learn constantly and keep up with the world
A1: we need PD so that we can stay up to date with best practices and learn from others.
q1 Are you kidding me? Things change almost overnight, PD should try to keep us up to speed, collaborate to figure it out.
A1: There's no perfect school or teacher. We use PD to get better, but we have to WANT to do it, which means we have to help select it
a1: we need PD because as Ed changes&evolves so should we. In order to best teach our Ss, we need tobe our best-PD helps us do that.
So true! So much new research to support development.
A1:The world of education is constantly changing so we need to be with the times, not trying to catch up to the changes
Meeting Ss and Ts needs! https://t.co/FA0wNnLI1o
A1: deep thinking! I need PD to continue to meet the needs of ALL learners! Myself, my students, my staff
A1 We need PD because teachers need to learn just like students.
A1: we need people because the world is changing and we need to change with or get left behind.
A1 - We really do naturally get stuck in our own ways don't we? PD keeps me moving forward! So many good ideas out there!
A1: Creating a culture of "fast learning" with the experts on Twitter PD!
A1 We need it to get fresh new ideas to help students grow!
A1- Ha! That's the big hypocrisy in education. We talk about life-long learning, but some of us don't really mean it.
A1) To be the best me I can be. Hard to tell students be a life-long learner and not be 1 myself.
A1 there are so many great ideas out there... why keep to ourselves?
Shabam!! Mic drop, Catherine! https://t.co/LSNQTJqmWO
A1 We don't know what we don't know. PD is a way to open up that conversation
Sean from Orland Park IL. I had to get our registration video done before I could join tonight. The boss is on Twitter too.
A1 Because as Ss and family dynamics continue to change, Ts need to discuss, grow, and change to meet their needs
That's today, Pirates! Save some $ by registering early & securing your spot. Amazing lineup! https://t.co/iceA9pgG8B
Correction: We need PD because Ts WANT to learn, and want their Ss to WANT to as well
A1: It can empower Ts to lead change.
A1- always keep learning, we can't expect learners and society to change without developing educators
Agree! If your classroom/S learning looks the same as last year, how are you improving? https://t.co/8LHZgMkdR5
A1: We need to continue to learn b/c how we learn has really changed since many of us were in school!
A1: Grown ups don't always experience the struggles, frustrations and joys of learning. To be able to relate to Ss better, Ts need PD
A1: One of our pillars: Never too late to learn, applies to Ts, too!
A1: To continue growing we need to keep pushing & learning...that's what PD is all about!
A1: PD, when done poorly, shows us how the kids feel when we don't allow them movement and voice. Sit and get.
A1. To connect with fellow teachers and grow skill sets and inspire passion
chat is amazing! To bad you could not join us! Look at what you have inspired me to learn!
A.1 PD is necessary in order for me to teach students that are far removed from the world I learned in.
or worse, our students get left behind.
A1: Is a way for me to learn how to incorporate classroom activities into PE.
I have that in my tweet later. Great minds!
Yes! PD puts me in the student desk and experience a different perspective.
A1 To me PD means any experience that helps me grow as an educator & allows me to bring what I learn back 2 my Ss/colleagues w/support
A bit late, but checking into from Ok - Amy Presley, HS HIstory
A1: PD keeps a teacher on their game and current with new trends. Teachers are forever students.
Hello from Ottawa. I'm an educator at an awesome 21C school.
Lots of pirating action in my ELA world. It's all about those experiences for my Ss. How about you?
A1: Need PD to keep up with our kiddos! Mine can work a Smartphone better than they can count!
Yes - especially that last part! https://t.co/jBD6YDfBQd
A1: There's no perfect school or teacher. We use PD to get better, but we have to WANT to do it, which means we have to help select it
Love this. It's a time to reflect, grow and collaborate.
A1: Things change. Students learn differently. We need to educate ourselves to make sure we are doing what's best for our kiddos!
A1: PD helps reminds us what works, new ways to increase S engagement/involvement, what to make time for
LOVE connecting here! Connecting w/other passionate Educators is 1 of the BEST parts of PD! https://t.co/M3Be2Z3YGd
A1: Because we need to keep growing, learning & connecting
A1. PD absolutely necessary to stay afloat in the rapid pace of change taking place in 21st century education.
from 5th grade. Just sailed in from chasing cows and twisting my ankle! Never a dull moment
A1: We need PD to stay relevant and stay motivated!
PD is very important so that we all keep learning - but it must be driven by the questions and curiosities of the educators.
A1 It's also a great opportunity for irreverence, shenanigans, and such.
Sounds like the life I lead. Always grading math and trying to do something else. https://t.co/6HM3NFqUMY
Correcting some math tests... but checking on as I can, too. Hope the is doing great tonight! 3rd grade teacher in Hingham, MA.
A1 The world is constantly changing, as are our students
A1 Professional Development is important because teachers need to constantly work at important their craft-helping kids learn & grow
a1: Teaching is a profession that changes by the minute - we need PD to keep up with best practices
A1: Ts who have a love for learning can help Ss see the value of education beyond the grades
What a great place to join for your first chat! It might look a bit overwhelming, but it's SO worth it :)
A1: gotta be able to keep up with the times and changing students, environment, and our own way of thinking/learning
welcome to tonight excited to have you
A1. PD allows me to grow. It provides an opportunity to try new things, expand my thinking. Professional development impacts my Ss.
That doesn't sound like you at all. ;) BTW...Hi!
The education world too. Will it be obsolete?
This is Jennifer, I am a kindergarten teacher.
A1: Learning helps keep us in touch w/ how hard new things can be
A1 We need PD to help us get stronger in areas we might not be as comfortable with or learn something new!
A1: Continued PD is crucial in giving the Ss what they need. Ed always changing, that's what makes it so FANTASTIC!
I have some boys who may drive me to retire 15-20 years early! Not a problem, a challenge!
A1 When we take the opportunity to grow it inspires others to grow as well.
I agree w/ this. But when there is so much new being thrown at us, how do we best prioritize?
A1 Because if we can pull a binder off a shelf and start making copies for students, we RADICALLY need to adjust our approach to T&L
A1: We need PD b/c each child deserves to be litterate, innovative, compassionate & expressive...and we can't guarantee that...YET!
HI Jennifer! Glad you could join us tonight!
THAT would be AWESOME :) I'd be able to stick to my diet that way as well ;p
Hey Pirates sorry I'm late. Had story time duty. Matt from STL, Mo. Ready for edcampstl this Saturday
A1: In order to keep getting better we must keep learning. Once you know better you, you do better https://t.co/BTR9udZi1x
Sorry I'm late! Tuning in from Austin tonight at
A1 How do we for students?
Question 2 is up in a flash!
I love education that focuses on problem solving, asking questions and the unknown.
We need to get out of our box and learn in different ways: travel, Twitter chats, out of the ordinary PD https://t.co/P6GNXCD5Wl
what will best serve ss? what is feasible within the box we work in?
A1) The world - it's a changin'. We should probably keep up!
A1: Furthermore, I prefer personal professional development. Is there an educator here that really prefers the cookie cutter approach?
A1-Model what being a life-long learner is to our Ss, continue to improve, continue to grow
I need a reminder and redirection for my passion some days and effective pd can do that
welcome to tonight with the crew
I asked something like that - OK, we're doing this new thing - which old thing are we getting rid of? can't do it all
A1: PD can build communities and tear down silos.
You keep pulling out the best graphics! Thanks!
No Way! Let's Get Ahead of it and DRIVE the change!
Welcome Matt!
1 minute left till Q2
A1 PD should be a renewal a reprise, a way to regenerate. or as the doctor does regeneration is possible.
hey crew - jumping in late- excited about tomorrow's snow day--
Yes! Even the most driven need reminders and our passion ignited! https://t.co/bknq9tYD3p
I need a reminder and redirection for my passion some days and effective pd can do that
If we stand still in a moving stream, we're moving backward relative to everyone else. https://t.co/PUar7iVy1j
A1) The world - it's a changin'. We should probably keep up!
So true.... https://t.co/WKMrLLXYQW
I asked something like that - OK, we're doing this new thing - which old thing are we getting rid of? can't do it all
Absolutely, Desiree! https://t.co/1Xv0sCe3cH
A1-Model what being a life-long learner is to our Ss, continue to improve, continue to grow
A1: If we continue to learn new skills or ideas, we're affirming to our Ss that education is something we do throughout our lives
Moving something off the plate is so important. Sometimes I think Admin & Ps need to be educated about this point.
exactly! Model life-long learning!
We need to demonstrate to Ss how we are constantly learning & growing ourselves. Also modeling good strategies in PD for other Ts
A1 So we can learn and grow with our ss. We need to stay current and model lifelong learning.
A1 (tired & answered what not really why:) Why PD? I have always needed PD and still do as a spark to keep my teaching fun & worth it
Those here are the "seekers", & I'd argue that many have sups who use them as the measuring stick. https://t.co/jEHNIr5zCM
A1: Furthermore, I prefer personal professional development. Is there an educator here that really prefers the cookie cutter approach?
I agree. I'd rather 2 things done well then 10 things barely done. Pick things that are most effective
A2. That I learn from experience. I need time to apply new learning. I need to be able to tweak it to fit my Ss needs.
How do you model curiosity for that age group?
A2 I really, really, really wanna zig-a-zig-ahhh! Also, PD that looks like the methods prescribed.
a2 I wish planners recognized Ts are a diverse crew- diff skill sets, diff abilities, philosophies. Meet us as people
A2: I don't like skits...ever.
I am right there with you!
. Twitter chats and edcamps certainly help amplify teacher voice to empower and support them!
We need PD so we can shine! There's always something to learn to be the best for our students.
A2: I often think - I need more or I already know that but it is still good to see thing that re-invigorate and validate
A1: educators should be life long learners or else....ur kind of selling somethin' u don't believe in.
A2: I need to DO, not just listen
And help them see the value of it beyond their score/grade
Perhaps monkeyshines as well?
and it is imp. to remember what works for them may not work for you - dif. Ts, Ss, beliefs
A2: I want planners to know that I am an adult. I want my students to learn and I want to learn more for my Ss.
Sure wish we had a snow day, but glad you are here! https://t.co/CYrkQH0tBe
hey crew - jumping in late- excited about tomorrow's snow day--
a2) I like to connect with tech, have something to offer peers, want to move around, engage, & leave with tools to use right away.
You got it! It's all about the kids! https://t.co/i2haxMRZWQ
We need PD so we can shine! There's always something to learn to be the best for our students.
A2: I don't like to sit for long stretches. I didn't when teaching, and I don't like it as a learner either!
A2: Just like our Ss, we are all at different levels of learning. We need to have different PD for groups that already know
A2 I wish they knew what I do to continue to learn. I wish they knew that my twitter is more important than their hidden agenda.
A1 we talk about life long learning- PD provides those opportunities- Edu see value in learning more and more and more
A2 That PD should be reflective of our personal needs. More EdCamp, less gyms full of folding chairs
Agreed - Never enough time! https://t.co/mWbSXbTe8i
A2. That I learn from experience. I need time to apply new learning. I need to be able to tweak it to fit my Ss needs.
A2 - That I can't sit still very long and I need visuals! 😃
a2 I want to be challenged to use something that is new, that Ican take and make it my own, usable flexible risk taking!
A2 PD should include exemplary modeling of powerful, engaging practices.
A2 That I need to move & talk to process, where I am in level of understanding of topic @ hand, and time to reflect & plan.
A2: I want them to know I am like most of the Ss they teach/once taught. I want to be involved in my learning. Lectures do me no good.
A2: I'm at a different level than everyone on everything. Some good, some not so good. I need help & I can help others. ASK ME!!
A2 That I learn best when I am able to interact and collaborate with other learners.
A2: I learn by watching and doing. .
A2: I need to move! I want less theory and more practice!
A2 that I want to be the best teacher I can be but sometimes I'm overwhelmed with all there is to do
A2: I want them to know what areas I have expertise in and either help me to grow in my expertise or give me new avenues to explore!
A2 While there is more powerful learning in a group & discussion, I have different needs than others. IEP should be for more than SpEd
Love! https://t.co/Qz2z5tPYVM
A2 I really, really, really wanna zig-a-zig-ahhh! Also, PD that looks like the methods prescribed.
A2: I think it is more important that the planners think about what my Ss need from me, then what I need. Not about me
Autonomy and PD must go hand in hand. Respect adult learners
A2: The best PD puts me in the role of a learner with inquiry science that I don't know the answer to.
A2: I have ADHD. I wish PD was geared toward people who need high energy, challenging problem solving, communication and humor
A2: I'm not afraid I'm going to break "it." Let me get hands on, messy, and try, make, and create during PD.
A2: Not very diff from Ss: how I learn, what I need NOW... How is this relevant to my Tching and my Ss needs?
A2: would like time to sit down with my team of teachers and really figure out what's best for my 80 kids. We have no time.
A2: Guided PD in the format of Guided Reading soooo unfocused in a large group!
A2: I'm a voracious learner myself, just cut that apron string and set me loose. Believe me, I'll log more than u can track ;)
. A1: I need PD bc the world is larger than my classroom.
A2: People learn in different ways on different days - even professional, grown up people! Offer choice, opportunities for voice
A2 I wish they knew how I learned. I like to explore and talk A LOT with colleagues about how we can put our discoveries into ACTION!
A2: Teach me something I can't Google or find a youtube video on.
Yes! Let's hear about what we can do practically. Show me something good! https://t.co/4WjiARMkc9
A2: I need to move! I want less theory and more practice!
A2: I need to be involved in PD sessions. If I/ we are just sitting listening, I am fully checked out!
Yes! You got it! https://t.co/u6J7tBSv78
A2 While there is more powerful learning in a group & discussion, I have different needs than others. IEP should be for more than SpEd
A2. That we, like our students, are different, we learn different, have different styles, learn at different paces, in different ways.
A1 To keep us current and to remind us of the good things we already do. Ts get wrapped up in the next big thing and forget the greats
Q2 I love tech- I love to learn by doing- I struggle with sit and get like many of our Ss- make it an activity create PD as event!
More time to observe other Ts, reflect, and plan. Help content teachers teach reading to Ss.
Love being put in the role of risk-taker! Not everyone does though.
Yes! Same with me. Helps me feel like I am moving forward with some solid momentum
A2:Want time to collaborate on things I think would be effective w/ passionate people over time. I need for T!
A2: I really wanna DO and MOVE. Don't make me sit for hours--ohh I won't or I'll pee my pants.
A2: I often find the best PD leaves me asking more questions than thinking I have everything answered....
A2. I like learning, but please respect where I am and help me grow. Make learning for me, not your convenience .
A2: I teach the kiddos who find exceptions to every rule. If the material can't be revamped for my kiddos, can't use it. Flexibility!
A2: Something I can use immediately.
PD implies that there is something to develop. Many Ts haven't been offered the most basic learning opps. Ts want to learn
A2 I want to play with new ideas. I don't want to have a slide read to me. I want ideas when my brain is a little fresh. Also: FOOD.
A2: well I am a PD planner. I look at it same as when I was helping Ss learn. CHOICE and Pd that can be done at any level are imp.
Time is a precious resource we never have enough of https://t.co/s5qEUqQXSa
A2:Want time to collaborate on things I think would be effective w/ passionate people over time. I need for T!
And we need some prep in order to do that. Don't just lay this on me when I walk into the PD session - prep me for it.
A2 I would love to learn how to produce video chats to share my old school experience W new tchrs. #
A2 I wish they knew that I have already seen their procedure, process or method. It just has a new wrapper, and it doesn't help the Ss
A2: Love this Q! I want them to think experiences over "coverage". Engage Ts & aim to inspire. Give choice.Ask us & value our answers.
A2 PD should cause me to grow so much that I can't help but cause others to grow.
the best PD strikes the balance between inspiring and do-able
YES! Time is SO precious, I hate it when it feels wasted!
sometimes I wonder if every PD was like Edcamp, the amount we would be able to accomplish or if every PD had :)
A2: that we are students too who need differentiation and individualized PD in order to grow.
A2: Please allow me VOICE and CHOICE in PD.
We need more like you in the business! https://t.co/BeBMWZkgJN
A2: well I am a PD planner. I look at it same as when I was helping Ss learn. CHOICE and Pd that can be done at any level are imp.
A2 I want to try things out and explore! I don't want to sit through a lecture!
A2. I have ADD for the love of God don't read ALL the powerpoint slide to us.... We are adults and can READ
A2: Time to process quietly built in for us quiet thinkers.
A2: One thing that I wish people knew was that I have AD/HD and that I don't need or want just one thing. I want it all
How about Ts who aren't flexible? How do you work with them?
That I want the Pearsons and the College Boards and the ETS to realize that good teaching and learning is not in a TEST.
A2: I as a learner want same things we should give kids. ..voice & choice. Options based on learning style, need, proficiency, etc
You said it! https://t.co/avq6DIc2oa
A2: Love this Q! I want them to think experiences over "coverage". Engage Ts & aim to inspire. Give choice.Ask us & value our answers.
A2: The people who attend any sort of PD come with skills, experience and expertise - make great use of those
A2: My personal learning plan
A2 Optimize me, my time! I need tech that district IT blocks! I want to give input!
A2 Time with my crew to create and use the pd we are given. Less talk and more action!
A2 Friends and I did my tow favorite days: DIY PD with tacos & beer near the beach, and Toys, sharing, and fun at Crayola.
I second this emphatically!
Unconferences/edcamp style pd is a great way to spark learning and collaborate
I agree with ALL of this :) https://t.co/OTvEg9iOxl
More time to observe other Ts, reflect, and plan. Help content teachers teach reading to Ss.
A2: Don't keep showing the same vids.
A2: I love when schools decide what their greatest areas of need are, don't consult Ts, & then design PD & then not consult Ts again
. I cannot explain how cool it is to belong to a PLN that includes a former student, now colleague
Love this. Sometimes we forget students need to 'read to learn'. All content hands need to be on deck. https://t.co/cJt0Fu1q1q
More time to observe other Ts, reflect, and plan. Help content teachers teach reading to Ss.
HOLY SMOKES is ON FIRE!! This crew is amazing!!
Yes! Give the lecture/information ahead of time so we utilize our face to face time for exactly that. Collaboration.
screencast-o-matic is a good place to begin.
Personalized PD is the best! Grateful to have the chances@BethHouf https://t.co/kw024xl9Ca
A2: Please allow me VOICE and CHOICE in PD.
A2: PD presentations need to paired with workshop time. I want to sit with colleagues I need to plan with and create.Leave with stuff!
That's a good point, but unfortunately, planners don't always understand student needs OR how best to support Ts 2 meet needs
You mean you wanna reflect? And put the plan into practice!
I make time to visit another teachers class at least one to twice a year. best PD can be just down your hall!
respect learners as adults don't treat us as though we were children
A2 I want them to realize that they can't change me, Only I can change me, tell me how to motivate Ss not evaluate me.
I will say, there are sometimes where a powerful lecture can get me to ask deep questions and challenge my thinking.
Practice what you teach! You guide your Ss to learn, do the same!
. A2: depends on day and subject. Some days I wanna be artsy and move, others I'm a sponge absorbing it all up with notes in my seat.
LOVED when my Ts held their !st EdCamp for PD. Need to be risk-takers to better ourselves for our Ss!
A2: I can take whatever you show me and fit it to my room/Ss
I have a hard time just sitting and listening. Need to move around be hands on!!
OHHH MAMA is BURNING DOWN tonight. Just ask
OHHH MAMA is BURNING DOWN tonight. Just ask
Are you Scary Spice or Sporty Spice?
A2 I'm usually fairly obliging, but even I cannot stand having to sit for the whole day.
A2 Large group PD sessions tend to be generalized & impersonal-making learning fun & engaging works as well with teachers as students!
Doing it for the second part of our pd day in February for the first time- so excited!
A2: Would love to see an all-district building edcamp.
A2: Please don't tell me to close my laptop and put my phone away. Those are tools for my learning! Engage me!
A2: Create opportunities for people to talk and share - but not just the extroverts. Brainstorm with stickies, talk in small groups
last dist asked me to plan a PD day like that- Supt said great reviews- never did it again when I was there
A2: Not a fan of sitting in small chairs in a school cafe. learning about Kindy State testing for 6 hrs, while Ts eat/talk around me.
Make that *implement* our answers, stop window dressing! https://t.co/aQZ20hQyBX
A2: Love this Q! I want them to think experiences over "coverage". Engage Ts & aim to inspire. Give choice.Ask us & value our answers.
This should be an expectation. :) https://t.co/fvop9lDcpt
I make time to visit another teachers class at least one to twice a year. best PD can be just down your hall!
I agree ifit is a dynamic speaker it can really motivate, but for the most part I learn so much more by experiencing
Difficult to get this across to Admin who have been doing it this way forever. Hopefully they have an open mind & ears
So true. Look at PD as an amazing opportunity for new learning & growth. Not filling time. My district is getting there.
A1 The last couple years PD has been social. It's a cool chance to rendezvous with mind expanding people.
There are times when I can go to content specific conference & be engaged in new ways w/ content that I have missed as admin
That's a great point! https://t.co/3wWXp7pcp3
I make time to visit another teachers class at least one to twice a year. best PD can be just down your hall!
YES! Risk Taking! I also want to be challenged and pushed.
A1: We are all Ls. We all should be searching for ways we can grow.
and if your power point has that many words, SMH. Think about your presentation.
That I am a professional and that my time is valuable. Make my learning as valuable as you claim to make your student's.
Yes I couldn't agree more. The knowledge is in the room. Embrace the power of co-learning. https://t.co/qw1FZaliz0
A2: The people who attend any sort of PD come with skills, experience and expertise - make great use of those
Wanna be Scary, probably Sporty.
He is random, he put that can't be a pirate thing on there
A like is not enough for this tweet. It needs to be shared. Right on! https://t.co/mGdvIYcUPD
A2. I have ADD for the love of God don't read ALL the powerpoint slide to us.... We are adults and can READ
A2 I want PD that allows me to create, to invigorate, to motivate me into being a better pirate
Hey pals - giving PD on Wed to a Twitter-phobic group...any advice?
Yes, personalized PD really helped last month. I got to focus on my PD plan. https://t.co/4lEPSIrOCL
Personalized PD is the best! Grateful to have the chances@BethHouf https://t.co/kw024xl9Ca
A2: Please allow me VOICE and CHOICE in PD.
WOWZA! This chat is FLYING! Q3 is up in 60 seconds!
We need to get voice from Ts both before and after PD. Let them help plan it, and evaluate it. Give ownership
let people choose what they need-we all know the things we have to do-let us choose what will help get it done
A2: Help participants walk away w tools&skills from every session. Make it worth their while. Empower them to solve their own problems
frequent observation, ongoing professional dialogue, etc. Relationship-building
A good thing for PD planners to consider. How about flipping the PD? https://t.co/LB9OZFzH3y
A2: Teach me something I can't Google or find a youtube video on.
A2 Give me something that is so amazing that I can't wait to use it!
We all need to be more aware of having a learner's mindset! https://t.co/CndEqDT8F0
A1: We are all Ls. We all should be searching for ways we can grow.
Sometimes it's because they've already signed a for a friend to provide the PD.
That's a great idea. Love the idea of leveling the learning.
YES https://t.co/LbSKXpPnIR
A2. I have ADD for the love of God don't read ALL the powerpoint slide to us.... We are adults and can READ
demonstrate leveraging power and a community.
so much fire I can't keep up. The waves are overtaking the boat.
If Ss aren't allowed to read powerpoints, why should adults?
And while we're at, what about putting a single phrase or a graphic on the slide instead of a paragraph.
A2: I like to guide my own learning. Let me pick how I learn it. I'm a techie guy & creative. Let me make something to show I know it
A2 And CHOICE! We don't all need the same thing at the same time.
Our Teachers Convention is building in EdCamp sessions! I am MIGHTY excited!
A2: Please allow me time to play and explore.
Not the one I'm at currently. The Personalized Learning schools did. Called them instructional rounds.
people at home are tweeting ...interesting
A2: knows how to inspire staff with personalized PD! Plus he budgets for innovation & author connections. He rocks!
A2: give me plenty of time to play! Need to practice after I learn
We had to turn on the AC. Really. Listening to Nelly as we tweet...
Thanks, I'll look into it.
You'd have a lot of tired Ts if he was running all PD I get tired just reading his book
A2 PD where they actually listen! and really listen, and allow change to occur
or for a whole hour need to move
Excited to be hosting Tom Feb. 2nd at 8pm PST. Topic: Differentiated Instruction
But, balance fun and play with content delivery - make sure everyone participates in their own way
and this is how we TEACH:) should be parallel
A2 Powerful PD should be focused on the day AFTER, the day I return to the students, the day that deeply matters.
A3 gives power to the people!
A2: PD between building. No more barriers
A2: Choice at my own pace with a small group of people in comfortable chairs!
A2 PowerPoint (slides) have a place in PD. But not in front of me. Spins story that gets me/us up n moving, making (mistakes?) stuff.
Who invited ???? It is getting hot in here y'all!
If my position is the same next year, I'll suggest it. :)
Nothing like an ed chat and Nelly. You are living the high life.
a3 Honestly-- its been , , , that have been game changers more than anything else!
A3: You know who they are all rock the
Yes! And I need more than just a 5 min body break...
Last year we introduced tools/apps to Ts one week, and gave them the next 2 weeks of PLC's to play & collaborate
Julie: Share testimonials of people that are reaping the benefits of Twitter to start session.
I travel around doing PD on & critical thinking - and I am good & funny!! I swear! =)
How true! https://t.co/85GoL1U2ht
A2: Please don't tell me to close my laptop and put my phone away. Those are tools for my learning! Engage me!
Exactly! So much of what we are expected to do w/ Ss are not done for us as Ts.
a1: we need PD to keep us fresh and connected with new ideas and changes to the old way. Don't fight it. Evolution not revolution.
A3 - Must be held with tacos and beer available, preferrably near a beach. Share ideas for the fall.
A3: Ts enjoyed the style PD we did recently. Most of our teachers had never experienced an style learning!
sketchy! Happens with vendors too unfortunately
As a future teacher, what sort of PD experiences should I look for?
Paula Kluth was amazing, involved us in the presentation, not just listening
A3 its all about good presentation... inspiring yet do-able
A3: Twitter is 1 powerful gamechanger, I can constantly get what I need = Personalized Learning
A2: Appreciative inquiry - visit other sites/classrooms to observe, appreciate and learn from successes of others
Good luck you will rock it!
A3. Innovation Teacher and his book Pure Genius. Liberating and invigorating to say the least.
Personalized PD is the best. Its only relevant if it is needed and wanted, otherwise it is just taking quality time. Love PD for me
A3: Book Study last year changed my thinking of how we could change the face of PD in our district!
A3)When I get to go to conferences, I feel that is time and money well spent, such as USA|KANSAS, NASSP, etc. It's all relevant to me.
I haven't see it but I'd bet its funny and she is pretty smart too https://t.co/azOUKk59s8
I travel around doing PD on & critical thinking - and I am good & funny!! I swear! =)
My self designed PD to Barcelona, Spain via a fellowship changed my professional life. For me, by me.
A3 when she did a tech showcase allowing the audience 2 min. each to present their new tech
You need to come to BA, hang out with the niece & come play with a few OK pirates https://t.co/YIRTST2W2x
I travel around doing PD on & critical thinking - and I am good & funny!! I swear! =)
Do-able is a great way to describe it!
The Student Work Study in Ontario is an amazing opportunity for S and T growth. More info...
A3: Hearing & speak is a MUST for any educator! Their passion for their craft is infectious & inspiring
a3 best PD in my life was discussing bringing the passion back to teaching with great session.
A3 Twitter has been a game changer for me; leads me to learning I may not have heard about otherwise.
Read He talks about being Energized from good PD & he's right C.H.O.I.C.E.
ones that directly affect you/your instruction/your kiddos/an interest of yours
Definitely needs to be purposeful for all involved
A3: and were game changers for me.
Attended a session this past week at on maker/spark spaces and it was amazing! Lots of things out for us to tinker ourselves
My mind is not Nelly-ing and taking a break from the Eagles sound track of my life the last week. Gen gap
A2 and quit throwing out jargon that no one understands
A3: best presenters have a sense of humor and are still teaching
I also think this is a good way to refresh good T who may be experiencing a lull or feeling discouraged!
A3: stepping foot into classroom and realizing the opportunities for collaboration has been the best for my Ss
A3: Personalized PD. Able to work on what I needed, and learn with the second best FMS Social Studies teacher
A3) Uncommon PD = Car rides with to . Always worth the trip in conversations during travel.
A3 - Invite Ts to your classroom for lemonade and cookies. Everyone shares their best new thing!
A3 was a great learning experience. is great alt to traditional PD. Both challenged my thinking in different ways
A3 is some of the best PD you can invest in. Buy the book and live the pirate life!
A3: The most powerful PD that I have experienced was when I chose to go get it. Whether it was a book, a TED Talk, or a Twitter Chat.
P2: Ask your audience/participants what they want help with, tailor your presentation to each audience
A3 Any is insanely good - upbeat, fun, rebellious.
A3: The Layered Curriculum PD I once got from was the first timei ever believed ALL kids could learn in a classroom.
a3 and looking forward to in KC this weekend-- hope to add the to the list of awesome.
A3: Because I'm a one man show in the PR world at FPS, Twitter and the and are awesome and of course
Welcome to This one is a bit slower than better for your 1st chat
A3: My best PD has been Twitter & my Masters. Both are driven by my understanding of what I need as a T & what my Ss need as learners
On the waiting list for this year!
A3 a T workshop put on by . Great hands on climate connections, have used many, will share this wk at .
A3 Best PD was Got to play in the exhibits and create new lessons w/ dynamic peers! Left w so many great resources!
A3: is great. You should see do her thing. has so many tools to share
A2 How about EVERY tchr being given a $1500 allowance to create their own PD? Some might choose to work alone, others in groups.
A3: When our Ts took the lead and shared their amazing talents with others. 1st ever EdCamp. So many leaders.. amazing!
Absolutely! Appreciative inquiry is an ongoing, supportive, celebratory process!
Plus you can get more ideas about !
A3: My favs at are the fast and furious tools and/or strategies to use right now with real examples of why. Check them out later
me too, learned soooo much from Twitter why'd it take me so long to make an account
The best kind https://t.co/6rrWCW33kT
A2 PD where they actually listen! and really listen, and allow change to occur
A3: CYOA (Choose Your Own Adventure) had been my dist MO for years Had it in MO & brought to OK :)
A3: Going further, any admin should be pleased when a T is splitting time between a PD Twitter Chat and his XBox on a Monday night
I wish there was a strong understanding of the different roles everyone plays in the building. I appreciate being included in a lot
A3: Personalized PD time was a game changer. I loved having the choice and to be trusted to accomplish goals.
Choice is important for me too!
so many awesome crew connecting tonight and lots of among them discussing PD tonight!!! what could be better?
last year was my jam. 7 PD sessions in 24 hours about stuff I picked.
A3: John Antonetti, Ned Miller, . They were amazing because of their passion for kids and education!!
A3: One of my fave PD experiences was when I took Ss to present w/me!
Yes, so true! Best PD out there!
A3: stepping foot into classroom and realizing the opportunities for collaboration has been the best for my Ss
LOVE LOVE LOVE this response! So many of us are in this same predicament. The POWER of TCHAT:) https://t.co/h945LHPAwn
A3: Because I'm a one man show in the PR world at FPS, Twitter and the and are awesome and of course
A3: totally messed that one up I tweeted to rather than it's been a long day, struggling to keep up
A3) Time to read, reflect, and blog.
a3) Visiting AB COMBS & seeing Leader in Me in action. Off to Ron Clark Academy later this month. Show me & l learn.
One size does not fit all. There are no high yield strategies - only high probability strategies. https://t.co/pf72L6ZjeQ
February 02, 2016 at 02:23AM MrHowardFMS: A3 is some of the best PD you can invest in. Buy the book and live the pirate life!
A3: Twitter has changed my life, PD wise. I feel like it has the ability to cover virtually anything I'm curious about.
A3 I've been fortunate to attend great conferences, edcamps, & speakers. All come down to choice & engagement.
A3 I get a lot of great ideas at my own pace via podcasts.
A3: I didn’t know what PD looked like until I took part in the shenanigans held each monday with . Truly amazing stuff. Energizing.
A3: Discovering the power of Twitter and EdCamps in the same year... Coincidence? I think not. https://t.co/1on93WknED
A3: things that are meaningful personal and new, tech showcase summit
A3 I've said this A LOT but best PD ever- I am totally recharged! and gotta say at ISTE was pretty unbelievable
how do you build relationship with educators who are resistant? Do not have the same philosophy
A3B: Our FPS Crew, lots of powerful people within district
A3 Writing & winning sci PD grants with . . . WOW - non stop learning and doing!
of it doesn't apply to me. I like to use my time on things that directly affect myself and my students.
A3: presenting yourself makes conferences much cheaper if not free
we learned it by watching u!
A3: If you haven't seen he says a lot that makes sense. We need to listen
I'm excited to go to my first Edcamp this month! !
Differentiation for teachers!!! YES!!!! https://t.co/x8seTz1DSv
A2 How about EVERY tchr being given a $1500 allowance to create their own PD? Some might choose to work alone, others in groups.
A3 Some of the best PD I've ever experienced is just a conversation with someone who has challenged my thinking and pushed me to act
. A3: got an entire day to plan with my peeps and play with new tech while school paid for sub. We kinda impressed ourselves!
Would have to agree. Amazing to connect w/ educators globally! So much awesomeness out there!
For a GT PD partner & I created a tic tac board for a class to guide them to learn photosynthesis. No tech involved but so great.
I agree! Twitter is GREAT PD! Voice and choice!
A3 Sad that all my best PD is out of my district.
I literally took one for the team when I let 3 other teachers go to see while I stayed home
A3: I was fortunate to meet and listen to - awesome PD
A3: Loved learning with last week! Inspiring!
A3: Love attending sessions/workshops/conf that aren't just about education-learn from ppl in diff fields, push creative thinking
Matt ❤️ "For the love of God" ADD or not, adults or Ss alike don't need PPT read word for word!
A3- Always impressed by (Cute little fearless firecracker). I try to channel her energy and passion with I present.
A3: ANY of the books published/written by ! They ALL have been phenomenal & have made a huge impact in my practice!
Teach Like A Pirate and Dave Burgess
"Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these pirates from learning from their leader.
Yes! It was AMAZING!! https://t.co/r9f9OJUUTE
last year was my jam. 7 PD sessions in 24 hours about stuff I picked.
Yes!! I totally agree with this! And just in general, reading and learning about other industries. https://t.co/goHDGsAdwj
A3: Love attending sessions/workshops/conf that aren't just about education-learn from ppl in diff fields, push creative thinking
I'm going to my first this weekend with . We are excited!
-Didn't know the bulldog would be here. :)
A3: I got to see at and they rocked and were funny too
Try to meet them where they're at? Find something you do share? Offer to help?
$1500. approximates the cost of a conference, or a course, or tech equipment, etc.
1. Make your own.
2. Invite everybody.
3. Bring food.
4. Have a blast.
5. ???
6. Profit
A3-Just went through 6hrs of "Google Bootcamp" at school. Flew by. was a great presenter. Going back for more this Sat.
Welcome ! So happy to see you on :)
A3: I also like PD's with a back channel for Q's & A's. Twitter hashtags and a padlet wall are what I like to use myself.
A3 Twitter chats like (at 9 pm tonight) and a plethora of others!
A3: Big Shout out to & workshop about Artful Thinking! Made Ok to take breaks b4 new lesson,Mind blown.
You'll be hooked!! Have fun!!
A3: When I'm allowed choice for content, pace, practice. When I leave PD challenged & excited.
Another great PD for me has been Twitter and hanging with educators at restaurants... just talking and sharing stuff.
Find out why they are resistant. Show them how it can help them, Ss or be more efficient.
A3 Pds have been awesome. DB live was great. Several Edcamps have been inspiring.
A3: in same GT PD mentioned b4 all Ts had to draw a bird house w/out 👀️ing around then hang them in wall. 😳 all so different!
sorry to have to leave early have to run to another committment
a3: opportunities to name a few. Better learning opps online than in class sometimes & on my schedule
a3: opportunities to name a few. Better learning opps online than in class sometimes & on my schedule
A3: I'm pretty sure I could listen to read the terms of service for an online dictionary & learn something to help kids.
For some reason I thought you'd have food listed more than once. ;)
Me too, Laurie! Love it https://t.co/2tSlYAxblC
A3: Twitter has changed my life, PD wise. I feel like it has the ability to cover virtually anything I'm curious about.
A3:Outrageous Teaching Techniques n Health by Came 2 MOAHPERD yrs ago & has influenced how I teach Health ever sense!
You are extremely lucky. Enjoy the experience. Our Ts couldn't stop talking about it.
A3 ECET2 has been pretty fantastic!
Great idea... Never even thought about this! https://t.co/DAXDTS0S8D
A3: Love attending sessions/workshops/conf that aren't just about education-learn from ppl in diff fields, push creative thinking
DITTO!! https://t.co/vxNURXeCg9
A3: I'm pretty sure I could listen to read the terms of service for an online dictionary & learn something to help kids.
A3. I love PD I can choose, based on my needs. Twitters great for this! PD that has immediate application.
I love seeing how Ts are using Google Slides to help make presentations actually interactive & engaging
NEVER underestimate the bulldog!
Same here! Love the access to PD at my fingertips.
And there are others, too… I am addicted!
I sent teachers to a standard conference. When they came back, they asked "Whats this hashtag thing"
I've found I often get wrapped up in the back channel at a conference. When I attend conference, will commit to being present
A3: Talking teaching w non-teachers brings a new perspective to your thinking. Try Mastermind groups!
A3 Not only the books but the implementation stage, as I , I , which allows me to what else https://t.co/uGTcFnxQm7
A3: ANY of the books published/written by ! They ALL have been phenomenal & have made a huge impact in my practice!
A3: Collective PD can also be an awesome way to bring a staff together.
Carol and Carol will NEVER get old. They were ahead of their times!
What are mastermind groups?
A3 & were always great sources of Professional Development, relevance & clarity are always huge factors in great PD
When we went to our 1st Edcamp, T asked what's first? Answer: Get on Twitter.
A3 Also Innovators Mindset by will change your teachin' game
A3: i've learned a tremendous amount from studying Walt Disney - if you want to learn abt how it applies to education, I wrote a book
have you read George's book 'The Innovator's Mindset? Too good!
will be in our district on August 12, 2016!!!!
A4 Relevance and being given time to plan, practice, reflect & share. Did I say time?
SO right Ronald! It's never enough to just READ the books, it's in the messy doing that the magic & the mess is found :)
Just like legendary singers have their own XM/Sirius channels, Dave & Co can have their own bookstore aisle.
Me too. I can side bar, connect with others, see what they are learning. Great tools, you mentioned! https://t.co/nOxQtIAWjc
A3: I also like PD's with a back channel for Q's & A's. Twitter hashtags and a padlet wall are what I like to use myself.
Yes! I am a broken record…. https://t.co/sRlxmmioYI
When we went to our 1st Edcamp, T asked what's first? Answer: Get on Twitter.
I'm doing a "break out" pd Friday, I hope everyone loves it and wants to put it on their favs list
Maybe share how great something went w/ "someone w/ so much experience & knows how hard this topic is.."
Some of my most beneficial PD times have been having time to work with my peers, classroom teachers who understand the environment.
First of all, congratulations. Secondly, it's a good book, not just a book.
A3 seeing present in person-
the 1:1 conversations with passionate edu
edcamps both in person and GHO
a4: using what we learned within a week - after that it is forgotten! need to put into practice
A4b colleague visits, behind the class observation, job embedded, teacher led.
A4a The PD model Reading Recovery uses makes learning stick: continuous,
A4: Collaborative conversations, implementation, and reflection.
A4: A good mixture of inspiration, empowerment, and practicality!
A4: If it was meaningful, it will stick. I need to use it, need to understand it, and need to continue to grow with it.
Great point!
A4b colleague visits, behind the class observation, job embedded, teacher led.
Like walking outside on summer day after being in dark theater Blinding at 1st but so worth it
A3(b): ALSO my district had speak! AMAZING!!!!!! such a cool guy, got to meet him afterwards.
A4: PD sticks when you take ownership. Take 1 thing with you & play with it, build with it. We're not here to be spectators.
A4 Feedback, followup, virtual feedback, bookstudies, twitter chats, enlarging PLN to compare with others.
A4 Usefulness and/or usability.
A4:I have to use it right away and have follow up, has to be something that interests me to begin with
a4) Connection-help me see where I connect with the PD already & next step. Make it relevant.
I participated in my first last month. Awesome!
Couldn't have said it better myself https://t.co/TF8F0qF4l1
A4: A good mixture of inspiration, empowerment, and practicality!
a4: Making it stick is all about application. You need to DO it in your classroom & use what you learned to enhance your craft
A4: Using your learning right away and a group to problem solve after.
A4) When I make an action plan of how and when I can implement it.
A4: Give me something I can use RIGHT NOW! Even tomorrow! Do that, and it'll stick!
A4: putting it into action the very next day in my classroom!
Great thoughts. https://t.co/9BD7eH1a2q
A4: If it was meaningful, it will stick. I need to use it, need to understand it, and need to continue to grow with it.
A4: When it has purpose and can be implemented the next day.
A4: Coaching that follows up on PD but I guide where I go.
A4: immediate application hands down best chance. Support /continued training/admin support/accountability also.
Thanks, Sean! I hope it's amplifyed your
A4: PD being something I can use tomorrow AND having someone I can go to if I fall.
A4: PD sticks when it's genuinely something you want to do or see a purpose in. You feel like a loser if you picked it & didn't use it
A4 The best PD shows me that I have been prioritizing wrong, thus there is a NEED for me to change and grow.
A4 Fear of reprisals! (Not a good motivator, but sometimes effective!)
Agreed! Need time to process and reflect for sure! https://t.co/cW4dOYBevD
A4: Collaborative conversations, implementation, and reflection.
A4: Solid engaging common sense information that comes just when it's needed. Either inspiring or hitting the mark just right
A4 relevancy and meaning!
the PD that sticks is the ones that I see makes a difference for my Ss.. Something I know made the time away from them worth it!
A3: Likewise . I've learned so much through Twitter over the past year. https://t.co/WSECkZT6Pz
A3: Twitter has changed my life, PD wise. I feel like it has the ability to cover virtually anything I'm curious about.
A4. PD sticks when I can collaborate with others, reflect on my understanding, & try again. PD sticks when my Ss learn from it.
can't learn without practice!
I LOVE that aisle...and need another bookshelf as proof:)
A4: putting what you learn into practice quickly. You can't wait!
A4: REAL LIFE, immediate take aways, attainable, memorable visuals, high energy, & ongoing conversations long after PD
being able to review it and put it into action immediately.
A4: I need to use it immediately. I hate PD early in summer then have to wait all summer.
A4. "Own it" and it will stick. Embed it into your practice.
a4 be inspirational enough to make me change, be easy enough to be successful, and be something that wont add things to a full plate.
A3: If you haven't seen speak on social media, you are missing out!
T may be more receptive in areas (tech) that they may feel like young T should be better at
A4: Observations and advice from peers
A4: I love PD w/a break between sessions. Not just 10 min to get to the next, but long enough to talk to presenter or create materials
A4: It needs to be engaging and meaningful, and put into practice right away!! And time to reflect!
A4: PD sticks when you get feedback on changes from Ss.
A4 brainstorm implementations with others, and reflect on our what we currently do.
A4 When you give Ts a chance to use the stuff. Too much PD is just piles of theory and unread books. Give me something I can use now.
A4 instant application - time to do and try- most importantly it has to have and be meaningful and useful- don't waste our time
To be fair, I'm only part way in, but the Walt mindset speaks to my tribe well.
A4: relevance and engaging
A4 Having it in my dropbox or google drive immediately. paper handouts - nope.
A4: PD that sticks = relevant, authentic, just in time.
😡 https://t.co/TNPwHzwRdk
A4: I need to use it immediately. I hate PD early in summer then have to wait all summer.
Absolutely! It can only be a Failure if you don't try it. Then let Ss evaluate it too. Listen to them - do it together
A4: Reflection on what you learned today, tomorrow...
Sometimes some old school make and take after learning can be the best. https://t.co/UigPuuEcF8
A4: I love PD w/a break between sessions. Not just 10 min to get to the next, but long enough to talk to presenter or create materials
A4: make it mean something. Just bc it's trendy doesn't make it the right fit or meaningful for everyone
A4: It sticks when it can be implemented and supported immediately and over time. We must feed the beast
A4: has to be at the right time, hard if it's June and I have months until use
A3 Last August's Vegas.. Awesome faculty/experience. was awesome.
Love this! https://t.co/Y82nOzsl3f
A4 When you give Ts a chance to use the stuff. Too much PD is just piles of theory and unread books. Give me something I can use now.
A4: When it is more than a "one time" occurrence or conversation.
The answers I give for PD tonight are the ideas we as Ts need to bring to our classes- make it engaging meaningful and full of choice
don't wait until next year, or with the next group, Immediate action! imperative!
A4-Like the kids, I can't take information overload. Give me a small dose of something useful and challenging
Lots of great conversations and pleased to see good turnout from across my district.
A4: When it is broken up into smaller, more useable pieces! Easier to make it happen.
especially that last part, Ben.
Agreed! How can we move experiences from this "one-time" category to more long-term thinking?
A4: PD sticks when relevant and there's time for reflection and collaboration.
A4: How about a whole day to have time to implement after a full day of PD
A4 Best PD leaves you w/a fuel that makes you run into the classroom finding it impossible to go back to the days before that PD came
That's exactly why we need Admin and any other presenters to model how we want to see it in the classroom. Give choices.
A4: We also have to commit to making it work.
Joining late but...A4: PD sticks when there is accountability for the learning. So what did you learn? Now what will you do with it?
A4: being able to apply PD and being able to get support after initial PD
A4 Oooh! If it's something that I wanted or was looking for, it's more likely to stick!
A4: Person interest, relevance to my current Ss, chance to practice/think, let me talk it through w/ my peeps
A4: PD sticks when you see yourself&your Ss in what you learn, have a chance to reflect, leave w something for Someday and for Monday
A4: Getting time to PRACTICE, reflect, discuss & revise relevant PD topics helps make them stick. Also, having a go-to person/group!
A4:Relevence, if this is something I can use great. Something that challenges me as an educator https://t.co/7cbntXYXrZ
A4 When I listen to a great keynote. When I get to share my passion with like minded educators. Learning new ideas.
You don't love Drive By inservice with no follow up? Huh!!!
LOVE THIS! It is not that we don't have time, it is we use our time differently.
Yes. Give us something we can use. https://t.co/PS95bMQGWN
A4 instant application - time to do and try- most importantly it has to have and be meaningful and useful- don't waste our time
So it's a paid service? I'll read about it later. :)
Even better when you hear it at PD, and then it's like my size 32 pants - I've never seen them again.
Relevant to your needs, time to process it and use it. U see changes u value in it, but you have to give it time.
And creating a culture where PD is ongoing, not just one and done.
A4: when PD "speaks" to me; fills that void & fits my kiddos
Yes, ! https://t.co/a1Q2prE6fY
A4: make it mean something. Just bc it's trendy doesn't make it the right fit or meaningful for everyone
Great way to say it! https://t.co/jP9qNgPrql
A4: PD sticks when you see yourself&your Ss in what you learn, have a chance to reflect, leave w something for Someday and for Monday
A4 designated time to implement, collaborate, and reflect for a while afterwards
A4 When it leave me excited & full of hope for the next day! Could have used some sanity PD today! "Gods Work" w/ a smile
A4: When it satisfies a need
is an amazing principal that is actually letting Ts have a voice in our PD and planning it
This is an awesome idea! https://t.co/N9wt309rAX
A4: How about a whole day to have time to implement after a full day of PD
A4: It gets me in the feels and I can picture at least one kid who I can affect with the PD. I come home like Katniss, catching fire.
Also, PD that makes me uncomfortable or that pushes me to the edge tends to linger more because I continue to chew on it
A4 Can we somehow have PD developed by or the cast? Kinda obsessed here...
A4: Empower participants, engage them in their learning, immerse them in the experience, celebrate their expertise!
And since we know how we learn best, we know how to best use our time!
there are school initiatives we have to do but we have curriculum we have 2 cover-both need to be ramped up-build excitement
What I need this yr based on my Ss may be different than what I need in the future. My Ss drive what PD I need.
A4 The same thing that makes kids create their own homework when they don't have to.. the learning experience is personal.
Yep, keep working hard the tough days are sometimes the days we make the biggest difference. https://t.co/MVBsq4M62F
A4 When it leave me excited & full of hope for the next day! Could have used some sanity PD today! "Gods Work" w/ a smile
A4: Participants walk out of the room with new ideas, tools and something to do right away.
Absolutely FREE (unless you want graduate credit...some pay for that) Otherwise it's just learning &
There are times that building leaders need to encourage those not self motivated
A4: Download time. Give time to analyze information and apply to individual kids, classrooms, buildings. Then reteach! Need reminders
YES! PD should challenge something I do in my classroom. There is the PD I want and the PD I need. https://t.co/UCuFXzfiP2
Also, PD that makes me uncomfortable or that pushes me to the edge tends to linger more because I continue to chew on it
A5: Interaction. Let them know they will participants not just watchers. Also make it relevant, not the same stuff we have heard.
A4: When it's relevant, can be applied and I have time to reflect.
It is cheesy but something as simple as PD bingo makes my fellow Ts excited about PD A5
Sorry for my lateness...sick wife. Hi!!!
I totally agree, that kind of pd causes an itch that eventually needs to be scratched https://t.co/FD7JrwCYlS
Also, PD that makes me uncomfortable or that pushes me to the edge tends to linger more because I continue to chew on it
Yes! Dialogue should be ongoing
A5: When it's teacher led PD.
A5: Is a margarita machine a tool??
We are rarely afforded the time to really do that, and that's too bad.
You could set it up at your house too (or coffeeshop, or pub). Hang out & learn together
Hope she feels better! Glad you made it.
A4 PD sticks when it's presented by Ts who are currently us
I don't see why not. One more reason for off-site PD!
A5: wine and cheese PD.... Happy hour PD. Or just food
A4: Great PD is positive & progressive. Celebrate the things we already do well, help us build upon those. Don't focus on criticism
A4: PD sticks when there is a plan to revisit and keep it alive. Need to have future connections to see how it's going. The good/bad!
A5: hook such as funny video to engage right off bat
A5 Engagement activities. Kahoot is a fun way to start.
a5) High energy music to welcome! Group cheers!
A5: I use cupcakes....4 choices at each session. I used to own a bakery. These are churro cupcakes. https://t.co/EG0zX0DRPP
a5 when it's a topic of personal interest & growth. Hmmm...sounds like choice.
Q5 Um... a bike and a kayak?
Settles! Glad you could make it!
A4 Sometimes the BEST PD REINFORCES that you are getting it right, might need just a little tweaking. LOL
Awesome! How about adding on some follow-up opportunities too? Keep leaders and participants connected.
a5 asynchronous delivery-- use like does. flip the PD! Have us come prepared.
A5 One lesson I learned as a Club President at the university - you have to bring Food, Donuts, or the promise of food.
A4 Dint underestimate the power of , even in professional development: humor, visuals & fun stick! https://t.co/ovfwlKOnIa