Rachel Evans here. I’m the AP @RivertonElem. I am thankful for my little red-headed, blue-eyed, three-year-old Eli. He shows me the importance of patience, compassion, and enjoying life. He teaches me a lot every single day, and for that I am thankful. #MCSCHAT
A1: Formatives are low stakes to #identify student strengths/weaks & help faculty target areas to improve Summatives are high stakes to #evaluate student learning and compare it to a #benchmark or standard #MCSCHAT
Formative-Occurs during instruction,Occurs ongoing daily, exit tickets, etc. Summative- Occurs in a particular point in time to determine what students know, State Assessments, Scantron, etc.
Formative assessment is ongoing and should be done continuously on a daily basis. It helps the T gauge her students’ learning & appropriate next steps to either reteach & help the S to understand or to provide extension activities to further the S’s learning. #MCSCHAT
A1: Formative Assessments are used to inform teachers and students of progress toward mastering Essential Standards. It is ongoing and requires a feedback component. It also could involve retakes or it would be summative. #MCSCHAT
A2: Most of my assessments in school were summative and were taken for a grade. We usually moved on to the next unit whether everyone passed or not. #MCSCHAT
A2: In Elem, I recall a lot of "skill & drill" followed by "exchange papers and mark the ones that aren't correct” ☹️ In Secondary, I learned under stellar ELA instructors with solid instruction & more meaningful assessments #MCSCHAT
#MCSCHAT Q2- As a student, I only recall most summative assessments. Back in the day, we didn't have many of the cool technology things we have today such as kahoot or thatquiz. My students are always very engaged when I offer other alternatives to formative assessments.
A1 - Formative occurs during/after a lesson for teachers to assess not only students, but ourselves as well! Summative occurs at the end of a unit so they can be compared to benchmarks / standards set by the district or state. #MCSCHAT
A2: I do remember my awesome senior English teacher writing in some responses on my essays. One that I will not forget... "Elisabeth, you are rambling here". #MCSCHAT
#MCSCHAT Formatives help determine where students are, what they are grasping & what we need to continue working, on while Summatives wrap it all up and give the big picture of our accomplishments
#MCSCHAT Q2 I remember summative essays the most and remember discussions prompted by papers (probably because I would rather write an essay than take a test)
Long ago, I began #journaling with my students. Wrote a response on their daily submissions via notebook, posed a question, encouraged them to write back. #conferencing with them individually about our dialog helped identify & advance their skills, and they loved it! #MCSCHAT
#MCSCHAT A3 Fun formative assessment:@Google Doc scavenger hunts help determine what tools & skills my students have grasped and which we still need to work on;
A3: For Elementary - thumbs up/down, individual whiteboards, 1-5 fingers in the air expressing the S’s level of understanding. Easiest & probably most telling: observing your S’s, look at their progress while they’re working, & listen to the academic discourse w/ peers. #MCSCHAT
#MCSCHAT I am thankful for smart, funny kids: those I see in my classroom every day, and especially the two I get to hang out with at home every evening.
A3: I love Plickers. I’ve observed teachers using this and changing instructional on the fly. The feedback is instant and they know whether kids got it or not and if more teaching is needed. #MCSCHAT
#MCSCHAT A3- Formative Assesments should be quick and concise. Our 3rd grade team gave a quick subtraction quiz to identify where they were struggling with regrouping so we could pinpoint how we could reteach strategies.
A3: For Elementary - thumbs up/down, individual whiteboards, 1-5 fingers in the air expressing the S’s level of understanding. Easiest & probably most telling: observing your S’s, look at their progress while they’re working, & listen to the academic discourse w/ peers. #MCSCHAT
Hi! I’m Katy Souder and I teach at Riverton Elementary: kindergarten with @rebeccancourt and @kaitlynhbs and three awesome other team members!
A1: I’ve always believed that assessment could many times be more for the educator than the student. Formative assessment drives my instructional decisions; summative assessment lets me know if my decisions were effective.
#MCSCHAT A3: I love to see the use of round robin posters in classrooms and PD time with our faculty. This strategy involves groups rotating from poster to poster and assesses understanding. Each group begins with a chart and some markers. The group records answers to questions.
A4: A laser like focus on the Essential Standard and the assessment should allow for analysis to determine individual components. This will allow T’s to know exactly what to address in Tier 2. @mikemattos65@SolutionTree#MCSCHAT
A3 - My all time FAV Formative Assessment is @nearpod ...... I can get active student engagement, instant student feedback, continued ongoing assessment, AND be able to identify specific concepts and students who may need extra attention❤️ #MCSCHAT