A chat that offers middle school teachers a chance to have a collaborative discussion about a different topic each week. Our topics change from week to week, ranging from Common Core State Standards to Character Education. During the chat, participants exchanges ideas and resources. The chat group ranges in size each week from 10 to 50+ participants. Discussion can be general talking about instructional style or process to specific. Recently members of the chat group help each other create lessons.
A1 Inquiry is the science how learning how to think It puts the ownership on both the Ts & Ss shoulders Inquiry done properly only creates more questions to learn from #mschat
A1. Inquiry is a foundational means to engage student critically and https://t.co/z2txm7EpHM's also a way to engage in a more personalized learning. #mschat
A1: Inquiry stokes the fire of curiosity. It encourages question asking, which promotes risk-taking, and allows for innovation! Whether we do it consciously or subconsciously, inquiry is an essential component of a healthy learning environment! #mschat
A1: Inquiry is important because it is characteristic of the learning process. Too often we value the end point more, but, often, the process is where the learning really happens.
A1: For people to think and learn on their own, inquiry is essential. We all need curiosity and the ability to question in order to take responsibility of our learning. #mschat
A1 Inquiry forces students to be critical thinkers. When students come up with their own questions it also helps keep lessons relevant and empowers students. #mschat
A1: Inquiry is important because it is characteristic of the learning process. Too often we value the end point more, but, often, the process is where the learning really happens.
A1: Inquiry guides Ss to dig deeper than the surface of learning. It allows them to take the curriculum in a new direction that better suits the problems they want to work with in topics of discovery. #mschat
"But, do all questions have answers?" and "Can I answer a question with a question?" are phrases I use with my Ss. They have a love/hate relationship when I get that way. #mschat
A2. I attended my local District's strategic planning meeting this week and was stunned by how many parents still see value in traditional textbooks versus the more flexible and current online resources. #mschat
A2: Student driven learning... A teacher guides students but never just gives them answers. Students instead receive resources, trust, belief, and meaningful feedback to growth. Growth is valued over grades.
Great question, but I don't really have an answer. As a teacher, I would sometimes video tape my classes, now we can use @Flipgrid, and I reflect daily on lessons, but I don't know of any specic strategies. #mschat
I am really intrigued by the concept that homework should engage in inquiry and provide an experience between Ss and Ps. Haven't dug too much into this yet, but am open to hearing how others might do this. #mschat
#inquiry#pbl looks like controlled chaos, asks big sometimes un-answerable questions, real-world applications & implications, can be connected to content, tho it's always connected to critical literacies. PBL turns your need-to-knows into your want-to-knows & gonna-dos! #mschat
A2: In an ideal setting, Ss are creating the questions that drive the instruction. This takes practice, as anything worth doing does, but the end result is highly-engaging, student-led and guided instruction. #mschat
A2 it’s messy and beautiful it’s pure creation students have choice and voice in where they go and where they want to get to. Ts become facilitators and offer direction through questions and support #MSChat
A2 Still trying to figure this out myself! I think that there needs to be some S choice, plenty of opportunities to get feedback and ask Qs to help improve, & references to how work relates to "real" life #mschat
I like this idea: Homework should be asking why and how things work and happen around us... this leads to independent discovery #mschat Where students want to do the work
Teachers in my building have taken a very literal approach by teaching students how to write and pose open ended questions. What approach do you take? #mschat
A2. Students lit up w/ eyes up & alert, leaning forward to ask, hear, engage, & respond, capturing ideas & questions together, working w/ teachers as learning community. No fear. #mschat
When we do #inquiry, our 'homework' is to continue our research, look for supplies, find experts, etc.... or it might be 'grunt work' like note taking to clear class time for thinking and doing. #mschat
As an introduction to a new topic, we work on writing our essential questions together as a class. We use those questions to guide instruction and develop understanding. Ss and I reflect on progress using success criteria/learning target as a guide to if we've answered. #mschat
A3: I like what @PHausTech said about open-ended questions. When students can learn and express that learning without always having completely right/wrong answers it allows for more exploration and more inquiry. #mschat
I present sessions on developing driving questions for inquiry....I'll share a resource in a sec.... are you familiar with Universal Themes and Generalizations from the #gifted sphere or cross-cutting concepts from NGSS? These are a great place to start (at the top) #mschat
A3 A high-quality inquiry-based learning experience is open-ended enough that students can connect their learning to what’s genuinely important to them and defined enough that they understand expectations and can succeed.
A3 I think some of the elements must include time for thinking about questions, time to explore, time to develop deeply personal relationships and time to reflect. #mschat
A3 A high-quality inquiry-based learning experience is open-ended enough that students can connect their learning to what’s genuinely important to them and defined enough that they understand expectations and can succeed.
#inquiry#pbl must begin with questions.... teaching higher level Qing is key and you can do this through categorizing levels of Qs. I suggest checking out resources on QFT from @RightQuestion and reading A More Beautiful Question from @GlimmerGuy#mschat
A3: A culture of empathy and understanding one another, the comfort of knowing that a wrong answer isn't a dead end, the ability and time to collaborate and investigate the questions. All must be present before inquiry begins. #mschat
A3: A culture of empathy and understanding one another, the comfort of knowing that a wrong answer isn't a dead end, the ability and time to collaborate and investigate the questions. All must be present before inquiry begins. #mschat
We do the easy & fun lesson of brainstorming all Qs we can about a topic/wonderment, then categorizing those Qs into inch, foot, yard, or mile Qs.... helps kids focus on bigger ideas vs. which ones can be googled in the service of answering the bigger Q. #mschat
In reply to
@mrgranito, @Mr_Lisek, @Beyond_the_Desk
I like this approach. We work as a group to incorporate "inch" and "foot" questions into our "mile" questions. But, this allows for more opportunity to arrive at a response to a questions. #mschat
In reply to
@Hell2Teach, @mrgranito, @Beyond_the_Desk
Agreed that this is a great way to organize inquiry for students. I can also see how the 'inch' questions can be communal questions for the class and allow all students to be collaboratively engaged in the inquiry before bridging out more. #mschat
In reply to
@Mr_Lisek, @Hell2Teach, @mrgranito, @Beyond_the_Desk
A4: As a world geography teacher, I have my Ss investigate a global issue of their choice and film a 5-minute PSA using the green screen. Ss build their questions and use the 5 steps of geographic inquiry to "solve" the issue and film their findings. #mschat
A3 Authenticity & relevance are key for #inquiry#pbl. What we do in school must apply beyond the 4 walls and beyond ourselves. Include #SDGs (sustainable development goals, #civicaction#social justice issues & #designthinking to solve real problems & tackle real issues #mschat
A4 I think it is all through the core area at this point There is so much cross-over & coherence and the Ss bring in other areas in class Very Awesome! #mschat
A4 I'm not too involved w/ this, but the middle school Ss do a 20% Project. I allow them choices to research things they are interested with shorter term projects. For example, allowing them to pick current event articles. #mschat
A4: Most inquiry type projects/activities in our schools center around performance base assessment. They are not one type nor one subject and use an amazing range of tools.
And these simple, lower level Qs are still important...they are foundation builders as well as a clue for the teacher into what the kids may or may not know re: background knowledge... but we cannot stop there...push, push, push towards bigger, better questions! #mschat
In reply to
@MrKerstenTIOGA, @Mr_Lisek, @mrgranito, @Beyond_the_Desk
A4: Currently my Ss are researching social justice issues they're passionate about & examining those organizations, people, etc. working to solve them. Helps Ss see how they fit globally as well. #mschat
Nothing more relevant that the Capetown issue. We have had Ss focus on the rising ocean levels, the shrinking of the Aral Sea, how fracking as increased earthquake frequency, and the results of human activity on increased natural disasters. #mschat
A4: I am in a different role this year, but in the past we did genius hour activities with students which allowed them to connect with things that they were passionate about. Favorite engagement, a student developed a language acquisition program in @scratch for EL Ss. #mschat
A4: lots of projects, plenty of choice. Just kicked off arg/persuasion and kids are challenged to prepare their own argument or persuasive piece on some change they want to make. Totally open ended re:what and how. I can’t wait to watch minds spin! #mschat
7th gr classes are exploring a variety of social issues like fair trade chocolate, child slavery, etc. My 6ers are studying ancient civilizations (have to do) while focusing on #SDGs (sustainable Development Goal) such as education, inequality, peaceful institutions, etc #mschat
7th gr classes are exploring a variety of social issues like fair trade chocolate, child slavery, etc. My 6ers are studying ancient civilizations (have to do) while focusing on #SDGs (sustainable Development Goal) such as education, inequality, peaceful institutions, etc #mschat
Q4 - Question binder. Students ask questions you don't have time to answer. The Q's go in the binder. Anyone can search through the binder and research any of the questions. #eda655#mschat
Nice! My 7th grade Geography class is in the middle of a Global Issues unit where we are reading articles and writing about similar issues. We watched several Ted talks that brought these issues to life. #mschat
A4b We've also done work with content combined with issue of access to clean water (prompted by our core novel A Long Walk to Water). From charity work to reducing number of plastic water bottles sold in our district! #mschat
A4 In English, I often ask students to list their genuine questions—while they annotate, when we explore a theme, or when they’re generating ideas for their writing. We don’t necessarily look for answers; sometimes there’s value in just noticing our questions. #mschat
And Linda Sue Park is on twitter! She is an amazing "expert" resource too! I had the kids carry/log around a gallon milk jug of water all day too, lol! #mschat
I used the entire TED Radio Hour show entitled "The Big Five". Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie has a great talk on the dangers of a lack of diversity in storytelling. #mschat
A5 In English, I often ask students to list their genuine questions—while they annotate, when we explore a theme, or when they’re generating ideas for their writing. We don’t necessarily look for answers; sometimes there’s value in just noticing our questions. #mschat
We have been reading it for apx 3 years now...dual narrative, big issues presented bluntly but not distastefully...great way to start 6th grade & open our kids' eyes to what life is like for others. Tie your content to the world beyond...besides it's more interesting! #mschat
A5 In English, I often ask students to list their genuine questions—while they annotate, when we explore a theme, or when they’re generating ideas for their writing. We don’t necessarily look for answers; sometimes there’s value in just noticing our questions. #mschat
I genuinely wish I felt I could do more of this right now. But we’re in #ISTEP crunch time, and there definitely IS a right answer in that world. I balance it all, yes, but it’s still hard. #mschat
Have you tried a Wonder Wall too? Then the kids can post Qs and take Qs to answer anytime and don't have to search for them....might more accessible #mschat
Anytime! I try to do as much #inquiry#pbl in class that I can and I present on inquiry/pbl topics too! Where are you my new pal? I'm in Southern California (and didn't properly intro myself, sorry). #mschat
A6: Teachers need the skill of questioning and letting go of control allowing students to guide the learning environment as teachers sit back asking guiding questions #mschat
A6: The most important skill for me to support inquiry learning is a combination of trust and facilitating. Ts must trust Ss to drive their learning and be strong enough to only guide, not give answers, even when it is far easier.
Man, aren’t they? I’ve promised my students I’ll keep it as sparkly as possible through it all. I’m me, after all! Worksheet Busters work for test prep too 😉 Doing Shuffle Board tomorrow! #mschathttps://t.co/SsKgccL7ZS
A6: Need the skill of humility so that you aren't forcing students do things YOUR way all the time, but allowing them to go out and explore! And patience to work with students when they fail at first, so that they can succeed next! #mschat
#mschat A5 My 7th grade social-arts team does an inquiry project on issues seen in society then create 30 second PSAs in small groups using Wevideo. The student PSAs will be aired on our morning TV news broadcast throughout the remainder of this year.
A6 I think teachers have to have a really meaningful relationship with their students and there has to be a strong environment of trust and mutual respect. #mschat
A6: Ts need to know that their Ss can do it through the struggle. Don't be afraid of not stepping in and "saving" Ss from struggling. W/o struggle, their ability to solve problems isn't developed. #mschat
A6 Again, still learning this. An inquiry-based classroom needs a T who can CHILL OUT & be okay w/ the chaos. Ts need to be able to listen, think on the fly, and have a good knowledge base in order to take advantage of teachable moments whenever they pop up! #mschat
A6: How to respond/follow/guide to help inquiry flow with meaningful learning, following the riverbed of standards if you will, to honor our content AND meaningful learning. #mschat
A6.2: My Ss were so fed up with me today because all I would tell them while they were working was, "I'm not sure. You should investigate that." They always want you to step in. Simple answer: DON'T DO IT! #mschat
Exactly. The kids know I am not Google, nor a table of contents, nor their mother, lol! I came up with the term "Socra-tease"...they ask me a Q, I ask them right back "What do you think/How can you find out/I don't know, can you/Why not?" #mschat
I’ve got to dash to get my boys to bed. We’re on book 5 of Harry Potter, and that’s a nightly ritual I just can’t miss. Thanks for stretching me and arming me with ideas, as always, #mschat!