#tnedchat Archive
TNedchat is a way for educators in Tennessee to share thoughts, resources, and information. The weekly chat is moderated by Jessica Warner (@jessawarner) and Samantha Bates (@sjsbates).
Thursday February 18, 2016 8:00 PM EST
Welcome to ! Tonight we're calmly discussing TNReady.
is an edcamp-style chat with free-flowing conversations. So this will be so much fun.
What positives do you think came from ?
Came? I don't think we know yet, do we?
Alright, so let's talk about your feeeeelings.
Rephrase: what positives came from the PREP for TNReady? https://t.co/R8VN5wObzl
Came? I don't think we know yet, do we?
couple to date: Network upgrades in 100's of schools hardware access for many S's previously unavailable... https://t.co/ny85NPgsMW
Alright, so let's talk about your feeeeelings.
Yes. Shout out to who started investing in lotsa Chromebooks two years ago.
But apparently not the state..... :-D
I can say what we're all thinking; who am I going to get in trouble with?
Okay, so the prep for TNReady has helped us to be more effective communicators, problem solvers, and evidence citers.
I saw a lot of teachers using data from tools like Edulastic and MICA to better inform their instruction.
I'm not going to lie; I've moderated from section 214 before.
A lot Ts discovered were reluctantly dragged into because of TN ready. And they actually loved it!
Positive: they're learning responsibility & how to regroup while becoming resilient
But apparently not the state..... :-D
"Prep" continues as we address learners through scope of standards beyond standardized assessment: "Learning Ready" to TNReady.
There it is!!! https://t.co/tSaJjrNsDH
Okay, so the prep for TNReady has helped us to be more effective communicators, problem solvers, and evidence citers.
Talking about TN Ready at right meow!
Spoken with educator wisdom! https://t.co/sh2X19iyyM
Agree, and when we use this as a formative instructional improvement tool we will truly have advanced and found value!
I think our focus on TNReady preparation may have served as an impetus for more engaged and intentional instruction and learning.
I hope we learned that you get what you pay for. TN went with the lowest bidder for an online testing too.
Real educators enjoy sharing the success of students in assessments and detest "gotchas!" How does instruction improve?
I'm just floored by the lack of keyboarding still. Writing and typing are NOT the same skills.
I think the use of the prep tools for TNReady as formative assessments, as you noted, has already had a + impact.
what about the lack of keyboarding floors you?
You're right; am I really surprised? No.
My thoughts exactly! Once resisters,who felt overwhelmed, made time to learn & embrace https://t.co/BCmrWtb9IB
A lot Ts discovered were reluctantly dragged into because of TN ready. And they actually loved it!
I'm worried that many of my Ts will abandon them now that TN Ready is back to paper/pencil.
me too! Many districts lack keyboarding classes & it was left up to Ts, think we'll see a change
I'm concerned about logistical feasibility of timely feedback based on TNReady tests: looking at pencil/paper item samples. Hmm.
I don't think our 3-4s should be typing yet. Their little fingers arent fully developed. Ergonomics.
My fears too! But maybe not bc the state is still moving fwd w/online testing https://t.co/lyTUBMBanl
I'm worried that many of my Ts will abandon them now that TN Ready is back to paper/pencil.
I'm concerned about the grading as well.
BTW, the update this pm allowing us to split writing assessment if we find appropriate was welcomed news...Thanks
I'm less worried about how the graders are found so much as the background checks appear to be lax.
I'm so glad that people are agreeing with me on this. I am often in the minority with my anti-typing stance for k-4.
finding graders from Craigslist is just disturbing
Now, my second grader would probably disagree with you...
They are not just smaller, they are DIFFERENT developmentally. A failure to recognize invalidates any assessment!
How will we discern unintended/intended marks on number lines & Cartesian coordinate grids efficiently to provide timely data?
Anyone concerned about articles that talk about money "wasted" on tech?? Heaven forbid we use tech for, you know, instruction.
These are ppl who still treat tech as an optional outlier&havent made it a seamless part of curriculum https://t.co/DfxrgQfYJh
Anyone concerned about articles that talk about money "wasted" on tech?? Heaven forbid we use tech for, you know, instruction.
Yeah the whole "When I was a kid..." crowd. Ug.This is why we need more more advocacy for ed and edtech.
I'd love to use it more daily, but when you don't have enough for your whole class, it is very inconvenient.
PPL? there are entire schools and districts that still view tech as an accessory to education.
I once heard an admin call iPads "candy" and I just about died.
those that cling to the 19th century model will continue to struggle to adapt.
Holy Toledo, Batman! Our hour is nearly up!
Thank you for joining . Don't forget to RSVP for https://t.co/GxS8Zlr4DS
Challenging but doable...tell my Ts its like stations w/ a little restructuring 😊 https://t.co/ag7GMfw4UC
I'd love to use it more daily, but when you don't have enough for your whole class, it is very inconvenient.
Holy Toledo, Batman! Our hour is nearly up!
Thank you for joining . Don't forget to RSVP for https://t.co/nu6pTZxQIQ
Some edcampers are going home with document cameras and interactive whiteboards, btw.
true that! I grouped them but you're sadly correct
Schools that cling to the 19th century model will continue to struggle adapting to the TN Ready era.
I think that any instructional model needs to be adaptable to the needs it intends to address.