#TCEA8Chat Archive
#TCEA8Chat brings together members from TCEA Area 8. Join us twice a month as we share innovative ideas for technology use in classrooms. Led by the TCEA Area 8 Director and members, we also welcome anyone else to join the conversations.
Thursday May 19, 2016 8:00 PM EDT
Its 7:00 lets thank for great Q's tonight. Take a min to introduce yourself, name, location, and school dist
I have 7:00, not sure if the auto tweets will be working for questions, so lets Introduce ourselves for
Welcome everyone! Glad to have you here tonight. I am Chrissie, the Technology Integration Specialist at Region 8.
Kevin Tanton from Sulphur Springs High School.
Janet Corder, consultant, checking in tonite from Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Ready to be home tomorrow 😃
Rock on . Thanks for tonight's questions.
Greetings from Ennis. I'm a 6th-grade reading/ELA teacher.
Kyle Smith Sulphur Springs Middle School
look forward to what you two have 2 share on topic, You all spent a ton of time with concepts
Greetings from Texas. Welcome to our little chat.
Q1 What does Blended Learning mean to you?
remember to use the # with so others will see it!!!
Charlotte-Instructional Coach in San Antonio! Area20 TCEA Director crashing !
A1: It is a combination of classroom learning and online learning, with some Student control of pace & place of learning.
A1: Blended Learning provides S's chance to learn at their pace, and brings together best of traditional class, with digital
Blending learning is way of giving Ss back some control of their education.
A1 being able to reach ALL students and what fits their needs
A1: Mix of classroom teach with technology. More self-paced than teacher paced.
Wondering where some of our Dekalb, Hooks, and others are tonight???
Meredith Townsend Sulphur Springs HS Digital Learning Specialist
A1 Blended Learning -Student control learning over time, place, path, and/or pace. The best of both worlds.
Glad you are here. Welcome
A1: Blended Learning is risk-taking in the classroom, seamlessly integrating tech, meet the needs of all learners.
Hey guys, I'm here and as usual...late!
where are you all tonight?
A1: traditional classroom enhanced by the use of technology/digital learning
Some ppl may be at awards ceremonies and other EOTY events. Tis the season.
Good timing, way to make the dramatic entrance!!! :)
True this isnt the greatest time of year for evening events!!!
A1: a traditional classroom plus technology. It gives students a chance to own their education and learn at their own pace
Q2 How is Blended Learning different from Flipped Learning?
Let's welcome to the Area. Shess our new hire, going to be a great addition to the group!! https://t.co/aH1JKmO8Aq
A1: traditional classroom enhanced by the use of technology/digital learning
A2: Instruction isn't just outside the classroom or virtual. Small groups, stations w/ the online component, or collaboration.
Shutt from Sulphur Springs Middle School.
A2: Flipped learning is a form of blended learning, with access from home to learn online.
A2: blended utilizes traditional classroom techniques and adds tech to it rather than tech outside class, practice in class
A2: flipped relies more on technology. And the use of technology at the students home
Some ppl I know who would love this chat are managing an auditorium for EOTY events. .
A2 blended gives the Ts the ability to work face to face and online at the same time
A2: Flipped learning requires the learner to spend time outside the classroom learning content through video/digital instruction
Blended learning different than flipped bc BL is the right mix F2F and online.
A2: FC the students receives the instruction outside of the class time, BC is more of a traditional class w/tech aspects
A2 Blended learning takes the best of both worlds, where Flipped is more limited in scope of what its doing.
A2 so does flipped "have to" be outside the classroom? If you take that concept inside, does it become Blended???
A2: Flipped is a form of blended. However, I think of flipped as being unit based. Full blended continues throughout a course.
No, I read that wrong, yes, it does!
flipped can be a form of blended, but blended isn't necessarily flipped. Flipped has an outside component.
I see has fixed the login issue!!!! Not bad, about a 25 min response time. Thanks guys!!!
Blended learning is at it's best when some flipping is involved, imo. https://t.co/ZBQb2BVP15
A2 Blended learning takes the best of both worlds, where Flipped is more limited in scope of what its doing.
That's the point I'm trying to make. https://t.co/YZYUmLDcSS
A2 Blended learning takes the best of both worlds, where Flipped is more limited in scope of what its doing.
answer your question with a question: would it be best to teach by video or by being in front the the class teaching
does it have to be done outside, what about those with no access. Does that kill it all ???
The outside component is what gets me with a flipped class. Many of my Ss do not have access to internet when they leave school
I was having a hard time and finally got in!
Q3 What is the 1 piece of tech that you would start with? Apps, Google Classroom, Padlet???
Fixed! https://t.co/cSzSbUqY8V
I see has fixed the login issue!!!! Not bad, about a 25 min response time. Thanks guys!!!
that is interesting, I dont necessarily agree, doesnt make me right! I dont think for blended you have to have outside
A3 What ever the T is comfortable with. Everyone is different.
A3: I love Google Classroom to upload assignments, communicate, get feedback, easy to use.
A3 Google Classroom. We use it already-I love it and so do the Ss! It's a great starting point.
depends on the needs of the student. Everyone has unique needs!
Agreed. But, I believe blended is enhanced when flipping is involved some. https://t.co/07I0unLYUd
that is interesting, I dont necessarily agree, doesnt make me right! I dont think for blended you have to have outside
so does bringing it back into the class, automatically become blended? And is that better?
I've done it both ways. I've taught my Ss how to create portfolios and add writing to them using videos. https://t.co/aFzclUbbue
answer your question with a question: would it be best to teach by video or by being in front the the class teaching
A3: Depends on the district and access to certain apps. Google was my answer, before I started working with OneNote!
I don't think it has to be done at home. It does not even have to use technology.
A3: I have loved EVERY MINUTE with OneNote! I don’t know how my class will look starting without next year
you guys rock!!!! Didnt really expect a fix tonight, but appreciate it!
imo the point of flip class is to spend time with content out of class, no access is a major issue to this style
Have you submitted your proposals 4 the Feb conference yet? May 31st is the deadline, GET ON IT! https://t.co/R9yafaZddT
is it better than an LMS?
been building my OneNote all year looking forward to using it
No access causes quite an issue.
Submitted! Answers to whether they are accepted come in August, just FYI :) Can't wait for TCEA17
I have one in and am working on another!
I think we agree on the methods, just saying it a little different. You are not wrong, I am trying to stir pot a bit
A3: Discussion boards with videos is where I cut my teeth. They gave me the confidence to tackle more.
A3: Google Classroom, it drives T and Ss workflow and allows you to incorporate other forms of digital learning
A1 Blended learning provides a mix of a traditional class with integration of tech. Meeting the needs of all learners.
Tools for blended learning...! Google Classroom, Blendspace!
Thats why I am glad you are here, expand please on the no tech!
A3: I have to say that my students love blogging as well!
Does it have to be out of class, or is it just the method of instruction? I get what you are saying!!
A2: Could blended learning, not only be enhanced by technology, but also include multiple inputs for multiple learning styles?
A3: I think it depends on the T & the district. If the dist uses Canvas (or whatever), then that't the starting point.
Our campus is not BYOD, is that what is referring to by "no tech"?? https://t.co/98XZFqiRTX
Thats why I am glad you are here, expand please on the no tech!
Great point and yes I think so
What makes you choose OneNote over Google? Just curious. Looking for different perspectives. https://t.co/ZecA0nWDFW
A3: Depends on the district and access to certain apps. Google was my answer, before I started working with OneNote!
No, not really, just have student 365 accts.
A3: MS Office. With OneNote and PP w/ Mix the possibilities are endless.
That is Awesome, I want to attend them. Thanks for willingness to share!!
the method is spend time wi/ content on your own time to broaden learning in class and practice with teacher, so yes
I would like to know as well. I have heard of OneNote, but haven't really dove in yet. https://t.co/ijlZzVw2c3
What makes you choose OneNote over Google? Just curious. Looking for different perspectives. https://t.co/ZecA0nWDFW
A3: Depends on the district and access to certain apps. Google was my answer, before I started working with OneNote!
T asks students to find the meaning of a vocab word on their own. They can ask parents, Google or whatever. Choices!
Q4 How can Teachers support the Students as they use new technology?
From an elementary perspective I like a healthy mix of the apps that my Ss have mastered successfully. Padlet, ClassKick, SeeSaw.
great lesson, does "blended Learning" have to have a DIGITAL component though by definition?
The key to me is the S is finding info, not the teacher lecturing and spoon-feeding them.
Q4: immediate feedback through the technology or f2f
A4: Patience with students is key. Fail forward if tech plans flop! Lots of practice time.
A4: Must have a support network while Ss go through online lesson.. Back channels, classroom, twitter chat, Today'sMeet.
A4: Encourage them when they get frustrated, and praise them when they succeed. I also think letting them dive head first w/ it!
A4 be willing to work with the tech before you give it to them, and then be willing to lean with and from your students
I think you and are agreeing here. https://t.co/TQ7fYw1NzI
A2: Could blended learning, not only be enhanced by technology, but also include multiple inputs for multiple learning styles?
Hi all. Shelly here from DeKalb DMS lurking and learning
I have also found that even if the teacher doesn't know the tech, the Ss will dive in and learn it! https://t.co/ptRUGCu8Gn
A4 be willing to work with the tech before you give it to them, and then be willing to lean with and from your students
Send video home on flash drive or DVD. ! school I heard about checks out hot spots they bought through a grant.
A4: I assure students it's ok to mess up. Learn from your mistakes. There's a lot of work involved in making projects look good.
A4: T must first help themselves, know what may go wrong and be able to troubleshoot
A4 Embrace your failures! Modeling, rubrics, praise, let them dive in and learn.
If a writer or graphic designer is doing an effective job, composition and design look easy. They're not. Ss need to realize it.
I love when Ss learn tech and then help their peers with the troubleshooting! It's so cool to watch!
A4 T's must be willing to get outside of their comfort zone.
Q4: Remember that failing is part of the educational experience
Hi. Lori from DHS. Late. Lurking. Learning.
A4: Teach them how to use it and know the tech front and back. Also let them teach you about the tech.
First build relationships and then Ts can support Ss by teaching them how to learn!
A4: my mantra while going 1:1 this semester, “you can’t break it!”
For sure! If you can teach a few, they can usually teach the others!
Unless you step on your tablet... https://t.co/ukgyiBk1Dk
A4: my mantra while going 1:1 this semester, “you can’t break it!”
Absolutely! And Ts need not fear asking students, "Hey that's cool! How'd you do that?" https://t.co/OmBZGn9e7q
I love when Ss learn tech and then help their peers with the troubleshooting! It's so cool to watch!
awesome glad you are here!
Yes! Absolutely! https://t.co/kqDa699snn
Absolutely! And Ts need not fear asking students, "Hey that's cool! How'd you do that?" https://t.co/OmBZGn9e7q
I love when Ss learn tech and then help their peers with the troubleshooting! It's so cool to watch!
That is so hard for Ts to do!
yes, access is an issue, but issues can be resolved with determination!
learnign from the mistakes is key, and doing something about it to fix it. The mistake cant be the end of it
or at least be comfortable enough to not give up at first sign of problem
Awesome moment: When a S discovers a new tech that the T didn't know and then teaches the teacher!
Couldn't agree more. If a lesson is learned, the mistake isn't in vain. https://t.co/qPrwtvIykJ
learnign from the mistakes is key, and doing something about it to fix it. The mistake cant be the end of it
Q5 Why do Teachers need to weave together the classroom and virtual education media in blended learning?
HAPPENS ALL THE TIME. Love it! https://t.co/ra4EOy6wEJ
Awesome moment: When a S discovers a new tech that the T didn't know and then teaches the teacher!
so really, key is blended learning allows 4 student centered approach, is that fair to put those words in your mouth
A5 gives the students a different voice....literally in some cases.
late is ok, glad to see you
Tech alone will miss teks, traditional alone is shortchanging kids of 21st century skills. Find the happy medium.
of if they do, we will find a way to fix it
Mistakes are an excellent way to grow! We want our Ss to be free to make mistakes so they can learn!
A5: Everyone learns differently. One way is not always best way.
A5: Ss need technology, but they still need guidance. Too much of either does not make for a productive classroom imo
I like the way you said that for me!
A5: So that the Ss will see the value of what they are doing online. It should drive the work in class.
A5 blended environment is their lives are all the time. Relevant ways to utilize it in college or the workforce is paramount!
Yes that is great. Just like being creative, you have to WORK at it. I wasnt born with my so so tech abilities
A5: Reality is blended, not all face to face, not all written, the classroom should prepare them for reality and the global mrkt
to me the entire conversation about blended learning, is simply putting the Student in position to THINKusing all tools
I'd rather my Ss mess up and learn in my class - rather than finding out the hard way on a job interview. https://t.co/cBNbCDyHIh
Mistakes are an excellent way to grow! We want our Ss to be free to make mistakes so they can learn!
A5 because technology, when allowed, can give student choice and let them take charge of their learning
. I flipped my classroom in 1986 when kids read book chapter at home and we expanded on that.
A5 Ts often have taken creativity and thinking away from the student, BL allows Ss curiosity to enhance their own learning.
very true, S's will all feel more comfortable sharing via different ways, choices allows for that
our current school system with GPA and grades doesn't give Ss the opportunity for failure to be accepted
A5 The more we expose Ss to, the more opportunities for engagement and learning.
took the words out of my brain.
A5: Would learning modalities factor in? Are there certain things that are more easily brought out in person than w/tech?
Media now different, as is access, more potential, no sure the idea is really that new.
if you all are not yet following , and do it now. They have seen it all, and get it!!! https://t.co/DWPMn4mMHE
. I flipped my classroom in 1986 when kids read book chapter at home and we expanded on that.
I think the ability to share more through their 365 apps with compatibility. But I was a google gal b4 fo sho
i hear ya! current definition how I know it, is using video/ digital media for content delivery
Q6 How do we help Students without internet access at home?
A6: A map of all the places in town that have wifi, opening library early or after school. Some even have hotspot check-outs.
A6; Right up my alley--give them access at school. Before, after, lunch, study hall.
A6 Allow for the time in the classroom to share ideas, or to receive same tech
whats the saying, what goes away will be back in a few years?
A6: My start was in Title 1, sub housing, homeless. I started a Early Birds club for them to come early and get on tech.
tech allows for creativity and for Ss to own their learning. Blended learning is reality.
you will get us into a whole other conversation here!!!
I agree! It is more real world, what they will see in college or the business world .
A6 OneNote makes some content available if synced before leaving school... Convert videos put content on flash drives...
A6 My school checks out hotspots to Ss. I try to make sure there are as many options as possible for them.
A6: free public wifi areas or access tools that have an offline component like Google Docs
That is SO AWESOME https://t.co/Oz0eAHxDiA
A6 My school checks out hotspots to Ss. I try to make sure there are as many options as possible for them.
Content, I get it..you have to know your world. But whats beyond that?
My only problem is that in a small town, there are no free public wifi areas https://t.co/IFBx7tYvBX
A6: free public wifi areas or access tools that have an offline component like Google Docs
and would you add, how to be prepared for what the world holds.
A6: Why can't our school libraries loan hot spot devices?
mentioned partnering with local business to offer goodies to students who come to use their wifi for homework...
A6: Districts can work with local ISPs to offer low or no cost internet to qualifying families. Been reading about it.
Best blog! https://t.co/nGeSmcswue Subscribe today for tons of great ideas, tips, and tricks directly to your inbox!
Do u have McDonalds? I think they all have wifi.
Prepare students for the opportunity of possibility.
Our wal-mart, McDonalds, and public library have wifi now!
a problem that I will probably soon learn coming from a district in the middle of Dallas!
Q7 What is your best advice for someone starting this blended learning in their classroom?
A6: Let's put wifi on buses for kids who spend an hour or more on the rides to and from school.
A7 don’t be afraid of the technology, and if you are then I KNOW there are other Ts who would LOVE to help!
A7: Know you will fail at least sometimes. Look for engagement among students and capitalize on it.
A7 make a goal to try something once a week to enhance learning, not just to use technology; and keep it up
A7: The book Blended - Using disruptive innovation to improve schools by Horn and Staker. A must read!
We do in the next town over, but I teach 7th grade so they can't drive themselves there :-( https://t.co/AhD1W8fDdC
Do u have McDonalds? I think they all have wifi.
A7: start small and don't lose faith! ask students what they want! let them take a hold of their learning!
Check out the chat dates and topics through Oct. Looking 4ward to great discussions in coming months https://t.co/APkGulxeSk
A7: Don't beat yourself up or get frustrated!!
YES YES YES! It isn't about the tool but about the learning. Define your objective first then enhance!
YES! Don't lose faith! Keep plugging away. It will eventually happen organically, esp with tech! https://t.co/TNRZRxh5pu
A7: start small and don't lose faith! ask students what they want! let them take a hold of their learning!
A6 reality, some businesses w/wifi do not particularly want to be kid friendly. Groups of kids drive away other paying customers
Such a bummer. The right businesses will cooperate, maybe... https://t.co/9BBkcuBTLy
A6 reality, some businesses w/wifi do not particularly want to be kid friendly. Groups of kids drive away other paying customers
You are going to do amazing things with the Comp Sci classes!!!! https://t.co/xaMmAVwNoa
A7 make a goal to try something once a week to enhance learning, not just to use technology; and keep it up
Don't be afraid of tech. Your Ss will surprise you. Facilitate the engagement. Watch the growth & collaboration of your Ss.
A7: Baby steps. Monitor and adjust. Reflect in a blog. Share your lessons, so others might not repeat your mistakes.
A7: Get feedback from Ss. Allow student to have a voice in what blended learning looks like. & start small!
Definitely doing this next year. Polling students to find out about them and their likes...Microsoft form https://t.co/eEs2z3hcK7
A7: Get feedback from Ss. Allow student to have a voice in what blended learning looks like. & start small!
I agree with you, cause Ss voice is so important in blended learning.
A7. Don't be afraid to fail a time or 3. Make it a partnership w/your Ss; you are all learning together. Ss ❤ seeing Ts as Ss.
Yeah...I came from Dallas-the struggle is real.. https://t.co/TmPSG7jBRc
a problem that I will probably soon learn coming from a district in the middle of Dallas!
A7 you guide and shape learning, and use whatever tools are necessary, its ok for things to be different