Welcome to the #EduGladiators chat!
This am we start a {NEW} Series: Making an Impact & honored to have @Dr_Bedden lead the convo on Professional Standards: Impact on School Leadership!
But 1st...who's here?
Share your name & how/where you 'gladiate' 4 Ss!
#EduGladiators Hello everyone, this is Dana Bedden with Bedden & Associates, https://t.co/VvikScCnAS. I'm looking forward to this session and the opportunity to share information about the 2015 Professional Standards for Educational Leaders.
Good morning everyone. excited for the chat today! Checking in from Pittsburgh, I teach Spanish and a course about #STEAM#digcit and tech #EduGladiators
Friends, get your Tweetdeck up & coffee mug filled! Incredible chats happening NOW with #EduGladiators {NEW} Series: Making an Impact w/ @Dr_Bedden leading the convo on Professional Standards: Impact on School Leadership! Also #bookcampPD & #Nt2t
Let's GEAUX!
New to Twitter Chats? Qs drop as Q1...Q2... & you answer A1...A2... Don't forget to include #EduGladiators hashtag & follow @EduGladiators where ALL of our Qs drop from!
Morning, #edugladiators. I'm Brian. I teach middle-school students English in Colorado. With more characters at my disposal, perhaps I'll abbreviate less...
#EduGladiators A1 - The conditions and characteristics of children attending schools today, in terms of demographics, family structures, etc., have changed and continue to change. We must make changes in how we lead in order to meet the needs of our current student population.
A1. We cannot continue to lead the same way it has always been done. It is impossible to treat our students today the same that we were treated when we were in school. it’s an injustice! #edugladiators
A1 Need to be prepared for the changes in teaching methods, tools available, technology needs and ways teachers are able to create and present content and how Ss show learning #EduGladiators
A1) Same Old Thinking, Same Old Results
I believe it is our #MoralImperative to create opportunities that ensure the success of all students. #EduGladiators
A1. Just as teacher standards have needed ongoing shifts to align with the changes within education, the same is true for our educational leaders. "The way we've always done it" is a slippery slope if that's the rationale to keep things "as is" #edugladiators
A1) We know that the #AchievementGap and #EquityGap is consistently growing in our world causing division and decreasing opportunities for future generations. Education as the power to change this.
A1. We've learned a lot about the possibilities and challenges of teacher leaders in the past 20 years! Leadership is flattening AND broadening, and that's a good thing. #EduGladiators
A1: Because we are teaching an entirely new generation of Ss who are digital natives AND our Ts workforce is comprised of yet a different generation, Professional Standards must reflect these changes in pedagogy in order for our Ss to be successful. #EduGladiators
A1: Great ed leaders continuouslyupdate their skills and knowledge. So the standards by which we are evaluated should be as well. I like affirmation that what I am doing matters and is recognized. But if the scale isn’t current, my evaluation won’t be either. #EduGladiators
A1 we don’t want teachers teaching the same way they did in 2008 -don’t lead the way you did then-be reflective on what stakeholders need now-not what we think they needed 10 years ago #EduGladiators
A1: We need big change in our schools, and our teachers need strong leaders to support them in the shift. We must move our students from consumption —> creation. #EduGladiators
A1 Becuase we don't live in the 1950's any more. Speed of change, immediate access to information, and broadening access have chnaged the paradigm. #edugladiators
For a long time I was teaching the same way that I was taught, or using similar methods each year, thought I had to, thankfully I realized how wrong I was, #edugladiators
Reflection is a constant in education. Ss continue to fall through the cracks and we are graduating Ss that are not prepared for college. Too many Ss are enrolled in remedial classes in college & many classrooms still operate like the 50s. #EduGladiators
Truly on of my fav visuals on the important of equity & validates mission of #EduGladiators m - ushering in new era of leadership, engagement & advocacy! Nice Jordan!👌🏾
A1: Not sure if there are many things more dangerous in education than leadership that does not lead into the changing world. Leadership that thinks the same old is good enough will not be meeting student needs #EduGladiators
A1: So much has changed. We need new ways to address new issues. The learner, and the resources we use continue to change by the moment. We must keep up. #EduGladiators
A1: The 2017 world needs leadership standards that create a sense of global community. The relationships we are modeling/ teaching for Ss & Ts are more complicatedthan ever, yet the foundations remain the same. #edugladiators
#EduGladiators A2 - To meet the challenges in preparing, hiring & supporting teachers, the professional standards define the nature and the quality of work of leaders/persons who practice in the profession.
A1 To me, learning game feels simultaneously different & not different. I see value in new standards as reflective effort to codify what matters most now. I fear new standards that mostly serve as window dressing or emperor's new clothes. #edugladiators
#EduGladiators A2 Coninued - The Professional Standards for Educational Leaders 2015 are organized around the values of leadership work that both research and practice indicate contribute to students’ academic success and well-being.
A2 start with ending the 12-16 week student teaching model & move to 1 year paid internships that truly prepare new Ts-way to important of job to learn in a semester #edugladiators
A1 I think some educational leaders have already made the shifts in their own minds to be what education needs now, and others are waiting for a standard to tell them they have to change. It is time for everyone to be on the same page. #EduGladiators
A1 have to wonder why the standards seem to = the top down, one size fits all approach. Maybe that’s not what they were supposed to do, but it happened anyway. Perhaps a change in standards isn’t the answer. #EduGladiators
A2. These standards, along with a diverse team of educational leaders as part of the interview process are instrumental in getting "the right people on the bus" in an ever-changing educational landscape. #EduGladiators
A2: make sure when you are interviewing, you focus on the whole person being interviewed. They need to be able to fit into a positive attitude and not be afraid of change. Also, if you have current negatives, nip it. It changes the environment of the entire school. #EduGladiators
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A1 - revised leadership standards foster a change in growth mindset...are we more focused on obsessive evaluation of teachers or growing professionally as a learning community? #EduGladiators
This is a great idea. One of the biggest issues with student teaching is coming into a room that is not your own that you haven't done the work to set up (which is one of the most important things we do--partner with kids to set the culture and expectations!) #EduGladiators
A2 start with ending the 12-16 week student teaching model & move to 1 year paid internships that truly prepare new Ts-way to important of job to learn in a semester #edugladiators
A2: Awareness and resourcefulness are essential components. We need to hire individuals who are able to quickly identify issues that need to be addressed. Once identified, our staff must be ready and willing to find solutions. #EduGladiators
A2 If standards emphasize preparation & hiring, but shortchange supporting, then we'll have retention problems.
Wait, what's that? We already do?
Really interesting perspective. Built in to the standards have to be some flexibility for local context for sure, but w/o standards of any kind, wouldn't we be floating aimlessly? What is the alternative? #edugladiators
#EduGladiators A1 - The conditions and characteristics of children attending schools today, in terms of demographics, family structures, etc., have changed and continue to change. We must make changes in how we lead in order to meet the needs of our current student population.
A2 Sometimes leadership cheats toward a hire with knowledge more than one who fits...the end goal should be how can we develop this person to be their best #edugladiators
A2: Unfortunately educators are in the only profession that expects perfection immediately after graduating! Every other profession has a apprenticeship like progression into the profession. This isn’t fair for students, teachers, and education! #edugladiators
A2 We need to consider #equity in hiring, supporting, and retaining- especially Ts and Ps of color as studies indicate higher levels of Ss achievement (from historically underrepresented groups) in there are Ts and Ps that look like Ss. #EduGladiators
A2 start with ending the 12-16 week student teaching model & move to 1 year paid internships that truly prepare new Ts-way to important of job to learn in a semester #edugladiators
A2 not just about being able to teach a content but teaching the whole child & do you have positive mentality to take on the grind-we can coach you to teach but not coach heart #EduGladiators
A2 anyone can show a mastery of the standards. Allowing them to be your guiding principles is a different thing. Really important to do Due Diligence when bringing new people on board. If they don’t align, have to make the change. #EduGladiators
In praise of loose/tight, both/and... Standards that specify performance targets while flexibly welcoming many ways to reach (or even exceed) those marks. #edugladiators
A2: once new Ts are hired, districts need to do a better job of supporting Ts. Better mentoring prgms, regular professional development. Providing targeted support early and intentionally. #EduGladiators
A2: That teaching is the greatest profession on the planet. Leadership & it’s standards are not isolated to the office, it’s universal to classrooms! The work we do is intense & intensely rewarding #edugladiators
Yes-how are we selecting those "lead" teachers-is it just sending emails & asking for volunteers or are we vetting them-the best of the best should be the ones who pass knowledge on #edugladiators
A2 start with ending the 12-16 week student teaching model & move to 1 year paid internships that truly prepare new Ts-way to important of job to learn in a semester #edugladiators
A2 We must address equity, access and quality. How do we move to a place where every student sees these in their education and when they don't there is an efficient mechanism for change/intervention. #edugladiators
#EduGladiators A3 - In all realms of their work, educational leaders must focus on how they are promoting the learning, achievement, development, and well-being of each student.
For 30 years, I've been preaching "Attitude." I plan to preach it for 100 more years! In other words, I'm saying, focus on closing the ATTITUDE GAP and achievement will follow. Check out this 57 second "Sage Talk" clip. #bamhttps://t.co/izC09T0w9M
I agree w/that. I think we need standards to know where we are going. How we actually get there, however, should be left for schools and Ts to decide. #edugladiators
#EduGladiators A3 - In all realms of their work, educational leaders must focus on how they are promoting the learning, achievement, development, and well-being of each student.
#EduGladiators A3 Continued - The 2015 Standards reflect ten interdependent domains, qualities and values of leadership work that research and practice suggest are integral to student success.
It's powerful when leaders create a learning community where Ts don't feel alone when they walk in the school. Helping Ts feel connected to each other should be a big part of a leader's focus #edugladiators
I would love to see affinity groups leverage professional standards to support Ts and Ps of color to promote self-efficacy, skill training, and mentorship. #Edugladiators
A3: Having a supportive social/emotional structure in your school community is important. Without it, student growth and development will not be fully achieved. #EduGladiators
#edugladiators The positive movement of leadership standards including an expectation of considering the well-being of the student is huge and progress in the right direction - IMHO
A2: you have the professional standards tied in to and supporting your top level goals (the mission). Get this right and let it drive the way we train hire and support #EduGladiators
A3: Community awareness is vital. We have to have a clear picture of our kids’ lives and experiences outside our buildings in order to serve them well in the classroom. #EduGladiators
A3 Ensuring we meet the social / emotional needs of Ss, providing Ss with experiences & opportunities that broaden their knowledge base. #EduGladiators
A3 Cross-pollinating this morning's #satchat focus with #edugladiators - effective partnerships among schools & families are realms worth investing in.
A3. Everything hinges on the school climate and culture. Without these being strong it is difficult for morale, engagement, strong ongoing relationships, etc. to thrive daily at full capacity. #EduGladiators
A3: The impact of today’s online world, the waning impact of face to face relationships, an impact of child/ family trauma. These components’ impact influence leadership like no other in 2017 #edugladiators
A3 Learning about the Ss, their needs, having time to work w/each S and really thinking about the methods/tools needed to help each S succeed, meaning focus on relationships at the start, that is crucial #edugladiators
A3: Just observing great leadership I see there is so much more than the students that they have to work with to ensure that the students can be the focus of the teachers. #oftenunderappreciated#EduGladiators
A3 That effective communication is a must...digitally or face to face...whole group of personable...conquer that realm and you’lll have a connected campus #edugladiators
A3 It’s important I establish a culture that is responsive to the social emotional needs of all the kids. The leader must model but it’s when everyone follows that the magic happens. #EduGladiators
A3) Building relationships that are positive & respectful. Building on the positive is so much more effective (& we need to always find the positive). #EduGladiators
#edugladiators One thing we can do is continue to push for continuous improvement of what a leader is expected to know and do. While the standards represent progress, I think we might all agree that 7 years may have been to long for an update/review.
A3 We should resturcture theadmin chart so Anything that takes away from leading learning in the building is tasked to another comptent professional #edugladiators
A3 ask how are we building a community not just test takers-this means addressing those outside factors that come in the building-poverty/violence/racism/sexism these effect students daily #edugladiators
#EduGladiators A4 - Because student learning is the center piece (focus) of the new standards, they support and promote the learning, achievement, development, and well-being of students. The standards have 10 interdependent domains that are grouped into three related clusters.
A3: The focus of education must not be so much on content acquisition and marks but on teaching life skills (grit, discipline, respect, empathy, curiosity, etc...)
#EduGladiators A4 Continued -
The domain of School Improvement affects all of the clusters, which together reflect a theory of how educational leader practice influences student outcomes. The new standards better support efforts to educate the whole-child (student).
A2 create time and space for colleagues to be colleagues, grow inside out around common identified problems of practice within the building #EduGladiators
#Edugladiators Having students in the center, the focus is a huge step forward. I would encourage all of us to look at how we organize the work in our school districts and schools to see if the student is in the center/focus. @edugladiators
#EduGladiators - Bedden & Associates is a diverse group of educational professionals committed to providing high-quality solutions to organizations. Feel free to visit us at: https://t.co/VvikSckMci. Thank you EduGladiators for allowing me to join you today.
#EduGladiators A4 - Because student learning is the center piece (focus) of the new standards, they support and promote the learning, achievement, development, and well-being of students. The standards have 10 interdependent domains that are grouped into three related clusters.
🍎 #EduGladiators continues our December series: Making an Impact next week with our very own CORE Warrior @SaneeBell leading the convo on The Power of Teacher Engagement! Join us for this POWERFUL convo examining the impact teachers have!
A3 Many transactional and state mandated items on leaders’ to do lists that are distractions from focusing on teaching and learning. Crucial for leaders to share best practices to handle these duties effectively as to be freed up to focus on kids. #Edugladiators#KidsDeserveIt
A4: Stay the course! As long as leaders never hesitate to promote leaders beyond the office, in the halls, create community, these standards will succeed. Leadership standards are of great value but only to the extent that great people can impact them #edugladiators
Huzzah for student learning placed centrally! At the same time, 10 domains sounds like a lot. Yes, learning's a complex endeavor, yet might we borrow page from Thoreau and "Simplify!" in order to frame school stories compellingly? #edugladiators
#truth 1st question we must ask is "is this best for my kids" if not then we need to rethink-we need to get over thinking we need to make things easier for adults at expense of challenging Ss to be best #edugladiators
#Edugladiators Having students in the center, the focus is a huge step forward. I would encourage all of us to look at how we organize the work in our school districts and schools to see if the student is in the center/focus. @edugladiators
A3: should constantly provide context to Ts and Ss. Why are we doing what we’re doing? How does it fit in to the world? Now and tomorrow #EduGladiators
A4: The new standards include the most important element which is wellness. If someone is not well, they cannot achieve to their fullest potential. S's must feel safe and accepted before they fully open up their hearts and minds. #EduGladiators
A3 Reflect - does school culture empower both Ts AND Ss to lead in the 21st century? Do even our youngest primary KG Ss begin their leadership development the first day they walk through the door? #edugladiators