#leadupchat focuses on school leadership broadly, culture, changing paradigms, and the growth mindset. It's an Ed movement focused on Leadership, Culture, Growth and Shifts on Saturdays at 8:30am CST, founded by Jeff Veal (@heffrey) and Nathan Lang (@nalang1).
Welcome everyone to #LeadUpChat w/our special guest and author of @4OClockFaculty -- Rich Czyz @RACzyz! We are excited for Rich to guide our discussion around a MOST important topic---SHIFTING Professional Development CULTURE. We'll go live w/Rich 9:00am https://t.co/eKQzYrXOlq
Let's start off by introducing ourselves as we kick off today's exciting #leadupchat discussing Revolutionizing Professional Development, leading into the 9am CT #leadupteach LIVE interview with Four O'Clock Faculty author @RACzyz
Good morning, #leadupchat!! Excited to be here leading talk around LEARNING, specifically teacher learning!! Welcome @RACzyz and thanks for inspiring our chat. @VealHeidi@ElisaBostwick
Good morning #leadupchat Kristen Dolen, Instructional Coach in Liberal, KS! Excited for this chat... finished #4OCF a couple weeks ago! Tremendous read!
Good morning #leadupchat! Marci--Ed Consultant from Utah. Super excited to be talking about revolutionizing Professional Development today! #leadupteach
Good morning, Jennifer, elementary principal from sunny, but still extremely windy, Virginia. I hope everyone who has been impacted by this weather is ok! 🤗 #leadupchat
Rob Fulk. PROUD Principal of THE Marion C Moore in Louisville KY. 2,170 students strong grades 6-12. Doing our best to redefine Urban Ed and prepare kids for their #futureself#leadupchat
A1: PD has in many cases been left to one or two people. The REVOLUTION requires all of us to take charge of our own PD! And it will NOT be televised! https://t.co/Uup2wIZeQO#4OCF#leadupchat
Revolutionizing professional learning? Listen to what teachers said in the January 2018 Ed Week special report: The #1 criteria was PL that is based on evidence. Enough of the fact-free inspirational speeches.
A1: THat positive change often starts at the grass roots level, the "boots on the ground" teachers need to take responsibility for their learning. Stop being passive and taught at. Speak up and help create the learning experiences. #leadupchat
Thank you to each of you eduleaders!! So grateful for #teacherleaders like you who are transforming teaching and learning through your leadership! #leadupchat#leadupteach
In reply to
@VealHeidi, @LauraGilchrist4, @ElisaBostwick
Doug, I'm honored to be on a chat with you! I saw you speak years ago and have always remembered what you said about implementing anything "consistently, deeply, and over time." It's a mantra in my school. #leadupchat
A1: A revolution in PD would be to make it meaningful and relevant to all involved, not a box to be checked as part of a set of district priorities. #LeadUpChat
A1: our with the old and in with the new. We must deliver professional learning in ways we wish teachers to deliver instructionton to students. #leadupchat
A1 This first thing that comes to my mind is choice. Too often we still do not have choice about our learning and it is very hard to be passionate without choice.
A1: We ask for flexibility, personalization, mastery for our Ss. Why do we have different expectations and effort used in adult development? #leadupchat
Honestly? That it’s probably going to be about some piece of tech or program, or maybe growth mindset... instead of sound instructional practice that is cross cutting and impactful for kids. Struggling with the buzzwords lately.
A1) changing the way that of is done. No longer sitting in a meeting room listening to a speaker, ilbut incorporating staff to meet what and how they want/ need to grow #leadupchat
A1: I think about making PD relevant, choice-based, staff-led, utilizing principles of #udl, and interactive. Basically very student-centered like we want our classrooms to be! #leadupchat
A1 first is about the how-this needs to be more than just doing the same powerpoint over the internet (& I'm guilty of that) how do we truly create a community of learners who create rather than just are expected to consume #leadupchat
A1 This first thing that comes to my mind is choice. Too often we still do not have choice about our learning and it is very hard to be passionate without choice.
What I hope it would be:
Strong instructional practice that teaches direct techniques that will impact students. Hopefully self selected by an educator to increase the size of their tool belt.
A1: We ask for flexibility, personalization, mastery for our Ss. Why do we have different expectations and effort used in adult development? #leadupchat
A1: Revolutionizing the PD experience is about ownership, authenticity, and personalization - it is about leveraging the collective skills of the group, not relying on a one-size fits all, approach #leadupchat
A1: We stress how #edtech should transform instruction, but how many sit & get PDs have we endured since the massive #edtech era? Why treat Ts so differently than Ss? #edtech can bring so many favorable changes. #leadupchat
A1: PD is necessary, and I seek it BUT, it is most beneficial when it is filling a gap I need to reach my current goals. One size mandated to all PD must go. My district is ahead of the game. I believe. #leadupchat
A1: I think of making learning more relevant to the needs of teachers--individually, and as a group. I think of providing more voice and choice, and considering a variety of adult learning methods and strategies. Learning through a social network. #leadupchat
A1: Overthrowing the status quo for the greater good. :) And I LOVE that you call it Professional Learning as opposed to Professional Development. As leaders we are learners and we need to carefully craft learning experiences for those around us. #leadupchat
A1 Would love to have an experience with the staff that gets them excited to meet again. No more eye rolling and “I am here for coffee and snacks” mentality. #leadupchat
A1: We ask teachers to differentiate or personalize instruction in their classrooms. We must model the same in professional learning for teachers. #leadupchat@Leadupnow@RACzyz#4OCF
I think part of the problem is that Ts are often so overwhelmed they don't have time to read up on their professions...so they don't know what they don't know & need to know. #leadupchat
A1: I also think of involving other stakeholders in the process. Let students and parents participate or at least watch to see the great work we are capable of and to help remind us of our “why.” #LeadUpChat
A1: Too often to sources of PD come from one or two district-wide employees - the best PD out there is from ALL passionate educators who are trying innovative things! #LeadUpChat
#leadupchat For me the word revolutionizing sticks out. It means changing from the ways things have been done which is usually the sit and listen model and instead making it an open collaborative discussions that open people up on a personal level
A1: Revolutionizing Professional Development makes me think about varied approaches to PD and largely abandoning those one-size-fits-all PD models. Just as we promote differentiation in our classrooms, we should promote it in our PD as well. #leadupchat
I think it comes down to trust. If we are not being fed exactly what "we need" then maybe we won't continue to learn and grow in the right direction? #leadupchat
My friend @YellowTuxJesse pays his people to read. I think we need to consider how leaders need to provide time, space, and incentives to grow 💪#leadupchat
A1: Giving teachers choice in their learning. Offering relevant experiences for teachers to learn. Duplicate what we do for our students each day. #leadupchat
Hey #LeadUpChat! Louie jumping in late! I usually don't make it for Sat AM chats, but ready to go this morning. Middle School SS T here. Lancaster , PA
A1: Honoring your audience’s voice & empowerment come to mind. Revolutionizing PD will focus on continuous growth through a shared learning experience. #leadupchat
Best practiced in revolutionary PD is the “Science Fair” where teachers share simple three-panel displays that show 1) My challenges: 2) My intervention; 3) My results. Promotes inside-out change.
A2: Adults should be LEARNERS alongside students. We NEED to use Teacher Feedback to guide & improve professional development! https://t.co/vYIpTISKhv#4OCF#leadupchat
"Speak up and help create the learning experiences." THIS! True professional learning communities engage everyone in the learning. It isn't just about the weekly "meeting". It is about the culture of learning--from and with one another. #leadupchat
A1: THat positive change often starts at the grass roots level, the "boots on the ground" teachers need to take responsibility for their learning. Stop being passive and taught at. Speak up and help create the learning experiences. #leadupchat
A1: Real professional development happens when people plan and own it for the sake of students, rather than sit and passively receive it. I don't know if that's being revolutionary, or just effective. #leadupchat
A1: Revolution is a very big word. In professional learning we need to aim to support over a significant amount of time where individuals get to work with the content and apply their learning to their practice and then come back and discuss, reflect, & share. #leadupchat
A1b Moving the mindset from PL being something you "go to" or happens to you to something that we take part in and get to do on a regular basis, in many forms. Kind of like we want learning to be for our kids, you know? #leadupchat
At my old school, we did PD staff-led book clubs so time and discussion was built into the day/PD time. But also could listen to books or podcasts! There are so many different ways to get information and new ideas. #leadupchat
In reply to
@alienearbud, @LaneWalker2, @YellowTuxJesse
A1: THat positive change often starts at the grass roots level, the "boots on the ground" teachers need to take responsibility for their learning. Stop being passive and taught at. Speak up and help create the learning experiences. #leadupchat
A1: In my mind, revolutionizing PD would mean a similar emphasis on learning for adults that we have for kids—because good teaching & learning strategies aren’t age-bound #leadupchat
A1: When I think of "revolution" of anything I imagine a break from the old way and the emergence of something new in its place that better meets primary wants and needs #leadupchat
Super important to have teachers experience great learning in the way we'd want kids to experience it. It's easier to create what you've already experienced. #leadupchat
A1: Talent without initiative never reaches its potential. It’s like a caterpillar that won’t get into its cocoon. It will never transform, forever relegated to crawling on the ground, even though it had the potential to fly. Revolution starts with initiative. #leadupchat
Can I retweet this numerous times? You nailed it!! Differentiation for adults is the key to relevant learning experiences--just like it is the key for students. And I definitely differentiate for my own needs by being a connected educator! :) #leadupchat
A1: I think of making learning more relevant to the needs of teachers--individually, and as a group. I think of providing more voice and choice, and considering a variety of adult learning methods and strategies. Learning through a social network. #leadupchat
Love that reflective piece... How often do we, as teachers, have time to reflect on our practices with the professionals who surround us every day? #LeadUpChat
Adult learning shouldn't look much different than the good pedagogical practices we are striving for in our classrooms - We can highlight ENGAGEMENT by making it RELEVANT, and should reflect VOICE and CHOICE. #LeadUpChat
A1: Real professional development happens when people plan and own it for the sake of students, rather than sit and passively receive it. I don't know if that's being revolutionary, or just effective. #leadupchat
A1.2: Sit and get is about as exciting for adults as it is for students. If you want to revolutionize instruction, revolutionize PD. Model what you want to see in your classrooms. Something I am working to get better at every week. #leadupchat
A1 A departure from past PL practices that have yielded minimal positive impact on instruction and student learning and a move toward approaches that will transform classroom environments to purposefully grow Ss #leadupchat
Revolutionary to pay people to read-- but I get it. To give teachers time to read is a gift-- but smart if you want your people to become experts. #leadupchat
In reply to
@alienearbud, @LaneWalker2, @YellowTuxJesse
yes! PD needs to focused on sustainable change over years not just a thing we have do to do for compliance-"why are we doing this & is it going to get us to our longtemr goal?" needs to be asked #leadupchat
A1: Revolution is a very big word. In professional learning we need to aim to support over a significant amount of time where individuals get to work with the content and apply their learning to their practice and then come back and discuss, reflect, & share. #leadupchat
Love this quote! And I LOVE thinking about professional learning communities as "friends sharpening friends"--Covey's sharpen the saw, right? :) #leadupchat
Adult learning shouldn't look much different than the good pedagogical practices we are striving for in our classrooms - We can highlight ENGAGEMENT by making it RELEVANT, and should reflect VOICE and CHOICE. #LeadUpChat
A1: Changing the way PD is run so that it is meaningful for everyone! #EdCamp style PD is just that! It's tailored to the needs and requests of all those involved. #leadupchat
A1: Talent without initiative never reaches its potential. It’s like a caterpillar that won’t get into its cocoon. It will never transform, forever relegated to crawling on the ground, even though it had the potential to fly. Revolution starts with initiative. #leadupchat
A1 Doea PD have to take place in one space? What about using google classroom or twitter? Think about buy in when staff is free to choose a time when they can focus and be engaged. #leadupchat
Exactly @MattPorricelli! We need to take a hard look at what we model during PD sessions and how that reflects what we want to see happening in classrooms. #leadupchat
Adult learning shouldn't look much different than the good pedagogical practices we are striving for in our classrooms - We can highlight ENGAGEMENT by making it RELEVANT, and should reflect VOICE and CHOICE. #LeadUpChat
A1)To me revolutionizing PL, means taking something that I've just learned and being able to implement it immediately. As in go to my office/classroom and put it to use. Whether it's a system of org, a protocol, a thought process, a new way to teach something, etc. #leadupchat
A1: Strong PD also requires strong planning- both short & long term. Teachers see through the hastily thrown-together PD event a mile away. #leadupchat
A1: Empowering Ts to learn in engaging and practical ways; whether it’s Ts as leaders or its Ts from multiple grades or departments working together or it’s expanding the setting for PD into one another classrooms or inter-school visits. #leadupchat
A1: A revolutionary is a person who either participates in, or advocates revolution. Revolutionary professional learning begins with a person who causes complete or dramatic change. The Status quo has to go #leadupchat
#edcampPD is rad!! I recommend it. Start school based (if a large school) then go bigger! Teachers faces light up after...the key is THE LAW OF TWO FEET! Use time AS YOU WANT to learn. #leadupchat#leadupteach
A1: Changing the way PD is run so that it is meaningful for everyone! #EdCamp style PD is just that! It's tailored to the needs and requests of all those involved. #leadupchat
A1 We focus on what others tell us our PD should be for Ts on our campus. What about the areas where the teachers actually need growth? What about the Ss on our campus? How can Ts develop to best serve them? #leadupchat
Exactly! PD does not have to happen in that same cramped space where your behind falls asleep after 2 hours of sitting. Flip it digitally! Mix it up! Introduce stations! #LeadUpChat
I love the #edcampPD model! The PD is quick => there is always something you can do tomorrow and since it comes from the group, there is something for everybody! #leadupchat
#edcampPD is rad!! I recommend it. Start school based (if a large school) then go bigger! Teachers faces light up after...the key is THE LAW OF TWO FEET! Use time AS YOU WANT to learn. #leadupchat#leadupteach
In Alaska, most of our PD tends to be online since schools are not on the road system. I’ve struggled trying to get people to talk & interact especially with open-ended questions. #leadupchat
Q3 "It is better to know how to learn than to know." -Dr. Seuss What is something you are learning on your own, simply because of your desire to learn it? #leadupteach
Yes! #edcamp LAW OF TWO FEET: If at any time you feel you are not learning from or contributing to convo, use your two feet and move to somewhere you can be productive. (if getting paid, just don't leave the building). #EdcampPD#leadupchat
#edcampPD is rad!! I recommend it. Start school based (if a large school) then go bigger! Teachers faces light up after...the key is THE LAW OF TWO FEET! Use time AS YOU WANT to learn. #leadupchat#leadupteach
A1 A departure from past PL practices that have yielded minimal positive impact on instruction and student learning and a move toward approaches that will transform classroom environments to purposefully grow Ss #leadupchat
I agree! The #edcamp movement has transformed professional learning. Participants are in the driver's seat and engage in learning that is highly relevant for them. I love seeing districts create this model for their district provided PD! #leadupchat
A3: My 95-year-old mother is doing original historical research on Lincoln’s career before politics. Now that’s lifelong learning - what a model and inspiration.
So fascinating to hear about PD in Alaska, where the distance would necessitate online collaboration. Helps me appreciate my nearby colleagues I have in good old NYC. Yet I also appreciate the breath of fresh air on chats like this. #leadupchat
Yes! We don't do this enough. It always blows my mind that there are so many other teachers and schools, and we rarely get to talk to or see each other. Also why I love twitter so much! #leadupchat
A1 Not a waste of time. #HMW make PD a tool for personal and communal growth? What if professional learning brought faculty together, allowed for discourse and focused on liberators structures for Ss, Ts and school leaders? #leadupchat#leadupteach
Q3 "It is better to know how to learn than to know." -Dr. Seuss What is something you are learning on your own, simply because of your desire to learn it? #leadupteach
Q3 "It is better to know how to learn than to know." -Dr. Seuss What is something you are learning on your own, simply because of your desire to learn it? #leadupteach
A3 Right now I am learning Office 365 with my students so our classroom functions can be smoother and they will have more opportunities to share their learning. #leadupchat
A3: I’m learning about better ways to provide PD to make sure staff are given the freedom to make it their own. This lead me to research andragogy....which was so interesting! This theory has been ignored for years when dev. PD! #LeadUpChat
One principal who greeted students at his door told me, "I handle 90% of my school's discipline problems by greeting my kids here every day." #leadupchat
Visiting other schools is a breath of fresh air-- although it's challenging for schools to cover people when they're away, intervisitation can be priceless in impact. #leadupchat
I love the #edcampPD model! The PD is quick => there is always something you can do tomorrow and since it comes from the group, there is something for everybody! #leadupchat
#edcampPD is rad!! I recommend it. Start school based (if a large school) then go bigger! Teachers faces light up after...the key is THE LAW OF TWO FEET! Use time AS YOU WANT to learn. #leadupchat#leadupteach
A3: It's a bit of a throwback, but I was a learner in the ITI model in the early '90's and I am looking back at it now as an educator and administrator to learn more about the what and why of the Integrated Thematic Instruction. #leadupchat
Q3 "It is better to know how to learn than to know." -Dr. Seuss What is something you are learning on your own, simply because of your desire to learn it? #leadupteach
A3 Most of the professional reading I do is based upon what I want to learn & improve upon. My 2 most recent reads were #4OCF & #Culturize. Looking for ways to spread the learning! #leadupchat
A4: I guess I really do have to just create the #edcamp in my district. I've been advocating it for years, but since no one else has experienced it yet, they aren't quite receptive. Build it and they will come I guess. #Edcamp, #Leadupchat#leadupchat
A3: I am fascinated by philosophy and religion. I love the biggest questions. I pursue that knowledge reverently and on my own. I’m a huge nerd! Shhhhhh! Don’t tell anyone! #LeadUpChat
Next steps for PD: 1) Get evaluations before the PD starts so that you can get feedback on expectations before it’s too late. 2) Live Tweets throughout the PD in order to make mid-course corrections.
A3) As I wind down completing my dissertation, I am looking at learning how to code. Coding is going to be so important in our future that we need to lead by example. #leadupchat
A3 I’ve been learning about coding and robotics alongside my learners. It is so much fun for me and empowering for them because they often learn it faster than I do...then they get to teach me what they know. #leadupchat
Q3 "It is better to know how to learn than to know." -Dr. Seuss What is something you are learning on your own, simply because of your desire to learn it? #leadupteach
A4: I think perhaps simply talking more about what I am doing with my own PD with my faculty, or starting a conversation where folks can share what they are doing and then glean ideas from each other. #LeadUpChat
A3: I recently went to a PD on design thinking and I am so excited to read/learn more. Please send any books, podcasts, or other resources my way!!!! #leadupchat
A3: Reading Thinking Fast & Slow in the #mastermind. Fascinating. 2 "systems" in our 🧠S1 is intuitive; your "gut" S2 is methodical & does complex thinking. The problem? S2 gives into S1s wrong intuitions bc it's easier than deep thinking
Q3 "It is better to know how to learn than to know." -Dr. Seuss What is something you are learning on your own, simply because of your desire to learn it? #leadupteach
A3 I have been learning about equity and cultural competency but am shifting to nderstanding more deeply elements of my instructional framework and how to use DOK correctly within the ccss especially considering the vertical progression of skills #leadupchat
Q3 "It is better to know how to learn than to know." -Dr. Seuss What is something you are learning on your own, simply because of your desire to learn it? #leadupteach
Here in Texas, we often see rural schools get neglected in PD because they can't travel far or don't have the resources. Definitely would like to see virtual networks for this. #AIEconf#leadupchat
A3: Brain research in education! Love learning about how the brain works and what methods best help Ss find the sticky they need to retain information. #leadupchat
A4: I need to keep looking at how to acknowledge and praise Ts for continuing their PD, as well as removing barriers for them! It’s hard to find financial resources to purchase books, subs so they can observe, and bring in quality speakers. #leadupchat
A3: Professionally, I am trying to teach myself to write code and script => personally, a lot of DIY on Youtube for a first time home buyer! #leadupchat
A4 We challenge our teachers all to set a goal focused on growth from where they are and what they are interested in. We will share at next staff meeting. #leadupchat
We do try to bridge distance with VTC too. But often times PD also means flying and sleeping at a school floor for a couple days. The cameraderie that comes out in the in between moments can be fun @AlaskaTeacher wrote a blog on it https://t.co/5K2epCyzir#leadupchat
In reply to
@julienariman, @Tellez2u, @AlaskaTeacher
A3: I'm learning/training how to do a pull-up-- honestly, a humbling experience that makes me more empathetic to my students who struggle. :) #leadupchat#fitleaders
A4)I do my best to model what I want to see my Ts do in the classroom when we have faculty meetings. I may try to flip my part of the meeting, suggest a new tech by modeling, etc. #leadupchat
Q3 "It is better to know how to learn than to know." -Dr. Seuss What is something you are learning on your own, simply because of your desire to learn it? #leadupteach
A4: A key component to the personalization is helping teachers to form small groups focused on similar goals. Collaboration, peer observations with feedback, reflections on success/failures, are critical to the spread of innovation and a change in the culture of PD #leadupchat
Next steps for PD: 1) Get evaluations before the PD starts so that you can get feedback on expectations before it’s too late. 2) Live Tweets throughout the PD in order to make mid-course corrections.
A4: Our next step is to be intentional about embedding processing, reflection and team time into all PD. We need to make sure Ts leave our PDs knowing what they are going to do next to serve learners. #LeadUpChat
CALL FOR PAPERS: The Journal of School Administration Research & Development (JSARD)—an open-access, peer required journal—is currently seeking manuscripts for its Summer 2018 issue. Deadline is March 18. Check out https://t.co/S9nEvVZMk7 for more info. #edchat#leadupchat
A4: We are revolutionizing professional learning by taking ownership in the #mastermind
I have the privilege of working w nearly 40 school leaders in 7 countries 🇺🇸🇨🇦🇦🇺🇿🇦🇨🇳🇧🇩🇧🇪4 different continents 🌍#education#leadupchat
A2: I’m learning more about Google and becoming Google Certified. Also, I’m allocating all my March reading to professional texts. #leadupchat#leadupteach#edchat
Q3: I am getting my Master's because I desire to learn. For this class, I've been dragging my feet a bit, I need to get the "desire to know how to" evaluate technology. #leadupchat#leadupteach
A1- We need to allow educators to have a say in the development of PD. What do they think? Why do they think that? My ADHD brain wants exciting and interactive. If I’m leading, I am just part of the team and we are on this journey together. Just there to help guide. #leadupchat
Yes, it’s the 2-way communication that can be a struggle. I will open up a discussion only to get silence... maybe we need a more scaffolded approach to help people learn via distance #leadupchat
A4: Get more Ts and admin utilizing Twitter for PD by connecting with the EDUs on Twitter instead of the occasional post of "here's what I'm doing" kind of thing. That's fine, but it needs to go further. Twitter chats and finding their own tribe is my goal for them. #leadupchat
A3: this year I’ve focused on amplifying teacher and student voice as a means to share our campus story and highlight the great works our Ss and Ts produce! It’s challenged me to reflect on why we do what we do. #leadupchat
A3. I do just about all PD personally on my own... #EDUGeek status. I find it fun and fulfilling whether it be collab and networking on Twitter or Voxer or learning how to better my classroom pracices... This year it has been blending instruction and Hyperdocs. #LeadUpChat
Q3 "It is better to know how to learn than to know." -Dr. Seuss What is something you are learning on your own, simply because of your desire to learn it? #leadupteach
A3: I’m learning more about Google and becoming Google Certified. Also, I’m allocating all my March reading to professional texts. #leadupchat#leadupteach#edchat
A4: I’d like to experiment with askingfolks what they expect from each PD opportunity prior delivering. Also involving more of our paraprofessionals inpur training #leadupchat
I had a US history teacher in 11th grade (Mr. Worley) & he said to me his job was to help us learn how to learn. When I was 16 /17 years old I have no idea how important that simple idea was. Currently learning to play the guitar and do electrical work in my remodel. #leadupchat
Check out my twitter page. I have lots of great book suggestions and happy to email over more resources regarding equity/cultural competency! #leadupchat
47 Edcamps is so impressive! I'm looking at heading to @SpEdcampNJ in... April I think? Taking a bit of a break, unless something pops up sooner! #LeadUpChat
I am, only because there aren't any around me and with snowmaggedon yesterday I didn't want to travel anywhere. No worries though, I'm flowing several virtually and will be at one next weekend! (That will be #47). ❤️😀
In reply to
@mr_middle_2, @EdcampUSA, @EdcampAoP, @NacleEdCamp, @EdcampNJ, @ihmedcamp
A3: Learning more about bringing innovative practices into my classroom and empowering my students to own their learning. Currently reading Learner Center Innovation by @katiemartinedu#leadupchat
I think time is a factor too. People feel it's wasting time to be online when there are other things they can/should be doing. Got to show that online communication is time well spent! #leadupchat
A3: Learning more about bringing innovative practices into my classroom and empowering my students to own their learning. Currently reading Learner Center Innovation by @katiemartinedu#leadupchat
A3b: also fascinated by the potential in cross grade thematic teaching that builds by grade level and can develop deep knowledge that can translate to making connections across subject areas #leadupchat#vocabulary
A4: Take PD to the next level - share, share, share => Books & Breakfast PD sessions, #edcamps, write and share blogs, and be present => get into classroom to see what your colleagues are doing! #pineapplechart#leadupchat
A4: I organized 2 edcamp style PDs for my entire school division this year. Principals saw the value and supported the movement. Both well received by 99% of the comments. The detractors chose not to contribute to the process so... #leadupchat
A4 Twitter has been a great resource for spurring the revolution. Trauma based strategies & relationship building for a supportive school culture are my future endeavors #leadupchat
A3: I didn't see Q2, in case anyone can share that with me. 😊 I am learning how to practice mindfulness in my day-to-day. This is not just at work, but in my life outside of the school day. #leadupchat
A4: I am currently collaborating with colleagues to review our professional learning content through the lens of adult learning theory. Less "talking at" and more facilitating conversation and collaboration. #leadupchat
So, it really does begin with me... Oh boy! I guess I've got my work cut out for me and I have my next project in my mind -create a local #edcamp. Fortunately, @EdcampUSA@EdCampPSWA@StudentEdcamp could help me. #leadupchat.
"Speak up and help create the learning experiences." THIS! True professional learning communities engage everyone in the learning. It isn't just about the weekly "meeting". It is about the culture of learning--from and with one another. #leadupchat
A1: THat positive change often starts at the grass roots level, the "boots on the ground" teachers need to take responsibility for their learning. Stop being passive and taught at. Speak up and help create the learning experiences. #leadupchat
A3: I am investigating writing from an adult's viewpoint. After 20+ yrs of #WritingWorkshop with 5-year-olds & maintaining our class blog, I'm hoping to expand the blog into something more - & my writing, too. Lots to figure out on Twitter! #leadupchat
A4: I'm going help my teachers see inter-visitation as a habit to feed their sense of possibility, rather than as a once-in-a-while school-coordinated effort. #leadupchat
I have been learning to code! I got some basics in HS, but there are so many resources out there now... makes it so accessible to anyone #leadupchat@codeorg
A4: Taking PD up a notch requires us to be vulnerable => we can't just share and create all that we do well, but be reflective about the areas in which we want to continue to grow #leadupchat
A3: learning more about how to build new educational learning environments for students. Breaking or of the mold and doing it different for the kids ! #kidsdeserveit#leadupchat
Go for it! There are so many topics and you can really work at your own pace. AND...they are FREE!!! Through the courses you can connect with learners around the world. :) #leadupchat
A4: We started staff-led and staff-chosen PLCs this year and it has had an awesome impact on culture and instruction. Staff feels empowered, connected, and supported, and willing to take more risks in their classroom! #leadupchat
A4: (Not my idea, but it’s awesome & should be shared.) My department just had Ignite sessions at our last meeting. One person from each team gave a 10 min share out of a cool strategy. So many great ideas! Check out Pear Deck & Scrum Boards/Trello. #leadupchat#leadupteach
A4: Our next steps are to empower the talent on our team. The experience at our academic conference day reaffirmed this belief. @EdTechRanger@AandALaGue#leadupchat
A4: A focus on using & teaching rubrics for teacher clarity, student ownership of learning, & a shift to the learning-focused classroom culture from the grade-focused culture #leadupchat
Great reminder @mattporicelli
Effective PD is not just success stories, but honest conversations about programs and practices that were hot five years ago, but simply did not work.
YES!!! our growth can not happen in a silo!!! We have to connect and communicate with a global PLN => it helps us as professionals and as citizens of the world #leadupchat
Relationships matter. The small amount of time required for this action certainly results in greater S motivation & engagement. Ss don't care until they know Ts care #leadupchat
Currently experimenting with 2 types of pro learning offerings. The 1st is online. Seems pretty straightforward but was new for our district. 2nd is a hybrid model that takes place over a period of time with face the face, online, application, & reflective components. #leadupchat
A4: I will continue to survey teachers to see what they need. I am encouraging teachers to be facilitators at our after school learning labs. #leadupchat They are the experts in the trenches each day! Who better to share and educate on what works??
We will be cheering you on as you take the leap! As a Principal, I hosted school based #edcamp and teachers were true leaders of learning. Start small and grow it! You are super smart to lean on all of the @edcampUSA resources! #leadupchat
In reply to
@HartofLearning, @EdcampUSA, @EdCampPSWA, @StudentEdcamp, @EdcampUSA
A4: We implement learning circles. Ts were provided a choice of two that linked to the learning needs of our school (PBL and RC). In these, we engage in opportunities for discourse across grade levels and use a text for grounding. Next year, even more choice. #leadupchat
The most powerful growth tool I’ve found is connecting with folks across the globe and sharing ideas and perspectives #leadupchat#kyadmin#edchat#piachat#satchat
On the topic of self generated PD please join me for my first Twitterchat tomorrow night as I moderate #SRLedchat all on lifting up literacy in our classrooms #leadupchat#g2great#LeadLAP
In this discussion, let’s not forget PD for administrators, board members and other policymakers. 21st century practices won’t be supported by 19th century policies.
To start, try @udacity's free courses or @MIT's open courseware. If you want an affordable degree in education, nursing, business, or IT, I recommend @WGU. I am getting my Master's through them and loving it. #leadupchat#leadupteach.
In reply to
@marcihouseman, @SarahJHuber, @hgse, @udacity, @MIT, @wgu
@JustinStumbaugh I like the idea of a #pineapplechart. So many great things happening in our school. Would be cool to expose teachers to some of the cool things happening. #leadupchat
A4: We are currently designing our large Advancing Improvement in Education Conference for November and looking at breakout sessions/panels for school leaders across the state. #leadupchat#AIEConf
A4: Sharing my teacher voice with admin. Both of my principals always bring relevant PD that is engaging and interactive. I leave with strategies I can immediately use with my students. #leadupchat
A4 late to the party this AM but my next step is to get all surface level how to and basic info sharing stuff into formats that Ts can get info as needed. All inst tech f2f training should be sessions to create and leave redy to use next day. #LeadUpChat
Currently experimenting with 2 types of pro learning offerings. The 1st is online. Seems pretty straightforward but was new for our district. 2nd is a hybrid model that takes place over a period of time with face the face, online, application, & reflective components. #leadupchat
So fun to hear from @RACzyz live as he talks about his educator journey and why he was inspired to read Four O'Clock Faculty! Tune in with us! #leadupchat#leadupteach
A4: I hardly ever read education books. Focus my learning around experiences and the investigation they elicit. Spend more time in the mountains, desert, ocean. Asking ?’s and figuring out how to start answering them...same way my Ss should be learning. #leadupchat#LeadUpTeach
Great point Tracy, significant cultural change in any organization requires leadership that empowers their stakeholders to a make a positive difference! Effective leaders facilitate & empower the ones they serve to be the difference! #eduar#leadlap#LeadUpChat#JoyfulLeaders
A2: That's a hard question. As a leader I have to pull out the leadership skills/traits in as many folks as I can. Sometimes, it is as simple as asking the wallflower to share a successful strategy they have used in the classroom recently. Find the genius in everyone! #eduar
For me best part is it’s on demand and you quickly had feedback on ideas. For an extrovert it’s also strong to gather energy from other passionate folks. #leadupchat
A4 also need to make time to pick .@KariEspin brain on her #ourwhy stuff she's doing. Loved the PD at the Waco zoo day she did, want to make pd come to life #leadupchat
Thanks. That's a good idea. The thought that I needed to do an all day #edcamp was preventing me from taking the leap. Maybe I can make it three hours and see if I can get clock hours sponsored, but less is sometimes more. Thanks! @EdCampPSWA#leadupchat#leadupteach
Great “science fairs” happening in Wisconsin, Missouri, Connecticut, Nevada and many other places. See “Reframing Teacher Leadership"
A3 Although I am in a leadership position already, I will always want to learn how to do better, how to be better, how to best serve Ts so they can best serve Ss #leadupchat
Words and incessant acronyms educators use but barely understand that create barriers for those outside the profession, especially parents, to have meaningful dialogue with educators.
Stop using them. Let’s be accessible
"We are expecting our students to learn something new every day. Unfortunately, educators sometimes think they don't need to learn something new. We must." @RACzyz#leadupchat#leadupteach
A4: I’m eager to continue scaffolding professional learning in relation to where staff may fall on the learning continuum. Identify where staff are at and provide learning that moves them from their A to their B. #leadupchat
Always appreciate the voices of our teachers. As ldrs, we must humble ourselves to the voices we serve. Listen and create experiences meaningful to the learner, not the presenter. #leadupchat
A4: Sharing my teacher voice with admin. Both of my principals always bring relevant PD that is engaging and interactive. I leave with strategies I can immediately use with my students. #leadupchat
"If you are not getting what you need in your professional setting, expand your boundaries. Find those people who will challenge your thinking and help you grow professionally--may not always be an administrator...find an #edcamp near you." @RACzyz#leadupchat#leadupteach
A4: My spheres of influence are mostly colleagues. When my kids create powerful results from things I found on Twitter, I share w/ my friends. "Where do you keep getting all these great ideas?" Little by little, I'll share... in my small revolution! #leadupchat
A4: We just presented to 100 Principal supervisors from around the state and will be continuing support through webinars and conferences in the upcoming year-excited about giving them PD opportunities.#leadupchat#AIEConf
Words and incessant acronyms educators use but barely understand that create barriers for those outside the profession, especially parents, to have meaningful dialogue with educators.
Stop using them. Let’s be accessible
Recommendation from @RACzyz: at beginning of a professional learning session, place two jars on a table with two topics--teachers drop a marble in the jar that they are most interested in. Empower educators with choice in their professional learning. #leadupchat#leadupteach
"Honoring time--start on time, end on time, use minutes in meaningful ways...we need to stop sharing information in meetings that can be shared via an email/newsletter." #leadupchat#leadupteach
Right? If it was easy, everyone would be doing it. I appreciate how it forces us to really learn our teachers strengths, abilities and areas we can partner with them to develop. #leadupchat
"Honoring time--start on time, end on time, use minutes in meaningful ways...we need to stop sharing information in meetings that can be shared via an email/newsletter." @RACzyz#leadupchat#leadupteach
Ultimately, professional learning must impact student learning. What will change in our buildings as a result of the professional learning? @RACzyz#leadupchat#leadupteach
Exactly - rather than “learning outcomes for PD, we would be requiring “action outcomes.” Without that, it’s a colossal waste of time.
Wondering what chats to join this Saturday morning? Here is a graphic for you and something to easily RT to a team member. Happy Saturday to you! #LeadLAP#LeadUpChat