#SafeSchoolsChat Archive
#SafeSchoolsChat is a weekly chat moderated by @teresagross625 and @daviswelcome to increase safety awareness in schools. Every Sunday at 3:00 PM Eastern.
Sunday April 17, 2016 3:00 PM EDT
Greetings from Kevin in Ireland.I m a Teaching Principal in a small rual Irish Primary school
Glad you could join us, Kevin.
Teresa, MS Literacy Teacher, NY.
Hi friends! Spiri from PA, G & T, excited to be here!
Hello Teresa and Eric and all.
Hey there, Spiri! Glad you could join us!
Hello ! Glad you could join us!
Evan from VA-- Happy to be here!
Welcome ! Nice to see you!
Don from Connecticut, on spring break been a great Sunday. Time to learn a bit. Health and Physical Educator, Crisis team!
Our spring break was already 2 weeks ago!
Question #1 coming up in a moment.....
Yes seems a little later but beautiful weather.
It's the 1st day it's been warm enough to open windows!
Always great to open up the windows get fresh air in the house.
Q#1: What are some suicide prevention strategies?
A1: Listening........hearing what the person has to say.
A1: education for Ps, Ss, School Staff, etc.
A1 Important to inform all involved parents, teachers, staff, community, students, on how to recognize signs that exist.
A1 Suicide prevention starts with listening. Be attuned to undercurrents in the community to be aware of stresses.
A1: early detection of depression or something doesn't "seem right"
A1: Having ways that you can find out about bullying.
A1 The more that we can understand, recognize, as educators, parents, students, the better chance we can help.
A1.I think building self confidence is a start.Having an environment where Ss are free to talk without judjement helps too
A1 Education, communication, parent communication, and very strong counseling staff...
A1: picking up on a Ss way of saying, "I need help." Might not outright say it, but infer it.
Yes. Never letting personal feelings cloud the issue.
A1 Teaching all to cope with tragedies, with despair, with downfalls, allows for ways to fight through "suicide" as an end.
A1) Listen, observe, build relationships, make the time, be kind, and repeat often
A1: provide safe, trusting, supportive environments for all Ss
A1 If you have have an inkling something may be awry, report it, get help for that individual, that's key to prevent it.
A1: not ignoring signs because it might be "uncomfortable" to discuss
A1.Create an environment where everyone feels free to BE THEMSELVES .We all have bad days.Principals included
So important to involve admin, Ps, guidance councilor, team effort.
Reporting is critical! https://t.co/9iwCZU2128
A1 If you have have an inkling something may be awry, report it, get help for that individual, that's key to prevent it.
A1: knowing your skill set, if you're not comfortable, find another way to help the individual
Welcoming environment! https://t.co/yt0yYRX7sK
A1.Create an environment where everyone feels free to BE THEMSELVES .We all have bad days.Principals included
A1: always go with your gut, do not be afraid if something seems off, every life is precious
A1 Teaching the mechanisms and skills to cope key in today's fast track world. We cannot forget this key aspect of educ.
Question #2 coming up in a moment.....
A1: giving Ss strategies in case it's a friend or peer they are worried about
A1 As always it's not an easy and comfortable topic to speak about, but it's so important to understand so we can help.
Q#2: What are some early signs that a person might be severely depressed?
A2: not engaging in activities/sports/hobbies he/she once found "fun"
A2: change in mood, slow or fast, person doesn't seem like him/herself
A2 Depending on age, a person may become extremely quiet, turn to drugs, "disappear" socially, and more.
A2: giving away personal items, taking risks that be harmful to them
A1 Educate Ss, Ps, Ts to see the signs and to report. Esp. help Ss understand reporting is helping in this case.
A2 A person starting to withdraw or be detached from the rest of the community should be contacted, maybe get referred.
A2: Withdrawl from friends, writings, grade changes, not eating, not taking care of self..
A2: Always tired with little or no interest in normal activities.
A2: A verbal admission of feeling "helpless"/"hopeless". Depression makes the reasonably possible seem so distant.
A2: Some may show withdrawal and activities and things of interest, anger, others may be happy knowing end is near.
A2: making negative comments about self worth.
A2 They could be the opposite, masking depression with statements like, "everything's great" "life is perfect"
A2 Lost of interest in things that they liked, getting rid of possessions, change of personality.
Welcome! Happy to have you!
Absolutely! https://t.co/8yDHzhpbKs
A1 Educate Ss, Ps, Ts to see the signs and to report. Esp. help Ss understand reporting is helping in this case.
Yes, they have almost "tunnel vision".
A2.Im no expert but signs might include sadness, withdrawal, being alone and negative, not eating and confronting everyone
A2 The "I don't care" attitude that's so blatant you realize something is definitely wrong and alarming.
So true! https://t.co/XchKE4nhsS
A2: A verbal admission of feeling "helpless"/"hopeless". Depression makes the reasonably possible seem so distant.
I have read that people who are considering it almost might be happy again. Change in mood again.
Question #3 coming up in a moment.....
quiet, withdrawn; disengaged from academics, friends, extra-curricular; misbehaviour
That's masking of depression you become an actor to hide one's true feelings.
Absolutely! https://t.co/JOBixcsWBe
quiet, withdrawn; disengaged from academics, friends, extra-curricular; misbehaviour
A2.Being withdrawn, lack of motivation/engagement, irritability, lack of focus, low self-esteem, change eating/sleep habits
Q#3: What are some community resources to support suicide prevention?
Good afternoon ! Paola from Orlando, FL.
A3: AFSP is a huge organization for Suicide Prevention. Chapters across the country.
Depression manifests itself in diff ways in diff people though 😐
A3 Services whether public or private that allow for counseling to support the needs of our students, families, and more.
There's a book called "Thirteen Reasons Why" that deals w/teen suicide. It is a easy but hard read. It is eye opening.
A3 Youth Services bureau, local agencies that support "mental" health and the like.
A3 You can do bulletins and brochures, but best way to engage suicidal depression is an active, trained counseling staff.
A3: in Rochester, people who have lost someone have formed support groups of their own.
A3: Mental Health, Addictions, Counseling, Mentorship
Outside presenters come in and talk to the Ss. I know AFSP will do this.
I would recommend parents and teachers to read this.
A3 Any program that can meet the challenge head on and prevent a child or children from getting to the pt. of despair works
A3: Suicide prevention hotline, speakers come to schools, better plan, better emergency plan in place, additional guidance
Yes, hotlines are available 24/7.
A3 Support groups, counseling, mental health centers are all great ways.
A3. Jed foundation, SPRC, SAVE, & others. important 2 provide resources/training/awareness tools for Ts, Ps & Ss
A3: If anyone feels in despair they should never hesitate to contact one of these places!
Kids Help Phone in Canada
You are leading me to my next questions.... :)
A3 Support is so important, privacy too. Some remain so private due to the stigma of the act. It needs to be supported.
Question #4 coming up in a moment....
A3 Helping Ss from an early age (kinder) understand their self worth doesn't come from others but from within.
Please share Crisis Text Line with Ss, texting 741741 will get them a crisis counselor & care https://t.co/BUk2g9PSon
Q#3: What are some community resources to support suicide prevention?
Tons of stigma attached, which may deter people from getting help they need.
Building that positive self-image.
Very nice! https://t.co/CCpL1OOxMD
A3 Helping Ss from an early age (kinder) understand their self worth doesn't come from others but from within.
Q3 Please share Crisis Text Line with Ss, texting "hello" to 741741 will get them a crisis counselor & care
Teresa that's why education, prevention, and parent support so important early on in a child's life.
Q#4: What are some processes to support staff members?
Q#4: support staff members if they lose a student to suicide?
A fantastic question for which too few districts have an answer! https://t.co/hzXBU5D4M1
Q#4: What are some processes to support staff members?
A4 Yearly we have mandatory training that allows for the latest and best ways to recognize, to support all.
Thank you for letting me participate for a little while - have a wonderful week
A4 Staff should have general depression and suicide awareness training, at least enough to detect probs to refer to pros.
A4 Being sensitive and loving/caring to those that may have experienced it in their lives impt. to recognize. Educate all.
A4: giving them a place to talk about their feelings and what has happened
A3 Build relationship with your Ss where they'll feel comfortable talking w/you. U might be the only one they can talk to.
A4 Time sometimes is the best healer but that's not enough. Support, counseling, so key.
yes counselors are a key component of the whole student wellness team
Q4 I think time to process together as needed would be huge, not try to just push through.
A4: supporting staff if it is a Ss family member
Everyone grives at a different rate in a different way. Need to recognize and support that.
A4 Have outside counselors come in and talk with the staff.
Counseling support, supporting and listening to each other, time to heal
A4: I cope by reading, having resources available to staff.
A4 School Counselors, crisis team - Staff need to know support is their for them
A4.As a leader I am always focused on staff wellbeing also
Wonderful, open and honest conversation today!
A4 Open communication also is key. Staff needs to know what has happened in order to support other staff members.
As an abused teen, what kept me from suicide or violence was a healthy emotional connection with a caring teacher.
Excellent! Thanks for sharing!
Question #5 coming up in a moment.....
Yes, we just need to know that it has happened not anything else. Just so that we can be there to support.
A4.Staff sometimes time out to re connect.We must be understanding and give support.That was me once
A4: admin need time and support to grieve as well, they have to take care of themselves too
If it helps a young person today, it is worth it. It's why I'm an educator. Mr. Schroeder saved my life.
Positive teacher-student relationships are key to supporting students
Exactly. It is deeply personal and such a tragedy for those close to the person. Need respect privacy.
Awww.......what an amazing person he and you are!
Thanks, Don. My father almost killed me 3 times. A caring teacher showed me another way. Thx, Mr. Schroeder
Q#5: What are some school healing strategies to move forward?
What an amazing story! You are inspiring!
Better relationship yield great results in the affective and cognitive domains
You are a must follow. An instant inspiration.
A5: acknowledging that it's okay to grieve, it is an extremely sad time
You're kind, Teresa. I shudder when I consider what my life would be like without what he did decades ago.
A5: access to counseling, support each other (staff and students), time to heal and grieve
A5 Programs that bring students together- a continuance of counseling support or students
A5 Counseling groups, sharing of feelings, private and public if needed. Impt. to support and remember positives.
Develop a relationship with your Ss & they will go to the end of the earth for you!
A5 Have counselors ready for whatever and whenever a crisis arises. Allow time to recover, not rush to business as usual.
Thanks, Don. I suppose I found a purpose through what I went through. Sadly, I was not the only one.
A5: remembrance such as Out of the Darkness Walks hosted by AFSP
A5 Have places they can go for "emotional time outs" as much as needed.
A5: remembering the good times with the person, not focusing on the end
You are quite welcome. This is why we educate the whole child and recognize the need to help.
A5: keeping personal opinion on the topic of suicide to self, support and encourage each other
One last question coming up.....
A5.To move rorward I have opened Irelands first and only Primary School STEAM Room.Not a book in sight.Quality teaching
I have heard of people creating memory books to use also to help heal.
Thanks. Healing comes thru "paying it forward". I *think* I've repaid what was given me. Still doing that.
A5: remembering the power of language (Don't say.... I could......myself.)
AFSP has quilts they hang at the walks/digital quilts to submit photos and messages. Memory books=great idea!
It is extremely important to help people not blame themselves for what has happened. This makes healing harder.
Last question: What are some strategies to support the community as a whole?
I was JUST thinking this! Yes!
You are so right - I am committed to holistic education - the entire child.
A5.Have times and places where Ss can hang out and express themselves.No books no tests just quality time with a teacher
A5 Hold memorial services so that the community can come together and support each other.
"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all." - Aristotle
A6 Coming together to support a loved one's life after their passing is so important. Celebrate their life, their positives
A6 Have an active counseling program. Publicize its existence. It must have credible confidentiality. Have rumor control.
A6: open door to support from the school community, a shoulder to cry on, lend an ear to listen
This topic/subject/loss is close to my heart. A sincere thank you to all who participated today. You are amazing!
Celebration is so important!
A5.Thanks Eric and Teresa for another great international engagement.We learn so much from eachother.Engaging is learning
Yes. It's so difficult at times to understand but as you get older/wiser it's never easier but it necessary.