#FLedchat is a virtual meeting place using Twitter. Educators across the state of Florida come together on Wednesdays at 8pm EST to discuss the topics of the week.
Well hello there everybody! And to the thousands who are on the way!! #FLEdChat Dene here from the city beautiful! We will allow some time before getting started!
A1. I have started diversifying the books that are available for students. I want my babies to be able to find books with characters that look like them. #FLedChat
A1. I have started diversifying the books that are available for students. I want my babies to be able to find books with characters that look like them. #FLedChat
I am fortunate ... I have Media Specialist dump books on me when they cull their library ... I also collect history books from a wide range of topics ... #fledchat
I think we sometimes spend too much time thinking about outward appearances and not enough about what is in our heart ... that is truly what the kids care about. #fledchat
A2: Application - When Ss showcase their coding learning, I encourage them to make it about their passions. They have so many diverse interests. #FLedChat
I wish that were possible. But each student is working on a wired in PC. They each have a Chromebook as well. Definitely diverse screens there. #FLedChat
A2: Application - When Ss showcase their coding learning, I encourage them to make it about their passions. They have so many diverse interests. #FLedChat
Each time a student logs in, the pc pulls up their profile. The Ss have learned that by using the same computer each day, they don't have to reset it every time and they log-in quicker. #FLedChat
ahhh that's right--at the HS level, each student logs in with a specific username password? We're still a generic one size-fits-all log in at 4th & 5th grade #fledchat
One my friends called me this summer and said come check out the books before they head out to district trash bin ... got like 10 boxes ... reference and AR type books ... #fledchat
This is true. I've shown some of my older students how to do specific searches, and they're learning about things they care about, creating Google slides, and sharing w/me #fledchat (during "free time")
A3: I have to say that I like scenarios and the use of drama to teach this kind of thing. I also am intentionally mindful so as to turn the light on my actions so they can see. #FLEdChat
A3: I don't believe that respect has to be earned. But in a classroom, it must be given by me to my students, first. So they can see what I expect from them. #FLedChat
That is the rule I try to live by. I just know that respect is not always taught and modeled for them at home..or perhaps only at a certain level.. #FLEdChat
I teach Middle School ... that respect is tough ... they are trying to find their identity as humans ... struggling ... lashing out ... shielding ... not thinking before speaking #fledchat
Love what you're saying here. I find value is showing them what respect is in situations. For example, listen when anyone else is talking. They have something valuable to offer too. #FLEdChat
Q4: Working as a team is often unavoidable. Learning how to do so is important as a building block for life and it helps build community. What tools and/or scenarios have you used in your classroom to encourage teamwork? #FLEdChat
We have it ... just the audio though ... he is working on a Biographic rap on Andrew Jackson ...while another does one for Nat Turner ... they were running low on motivation so I set up a rap battle #fledchat
A4: I use the "Ask 3 before me" to encourage Ss to support each other. They start to realize they know more than they expected. It definitely builds community. I love to hear "Ask Jamie, she helped me with that yesterday."
A4: Authentic problems with no real single solution. Like life, teamwork and other perspectives are an absolute must. And I love dissent too. Dissent is where the great ideas come from. #FLedchat
A4: Love Google Docs/Slides for this, OneNote is great too. Would love to use Gantt charts with student projects to help show them how they all contribute to the big picture. #FLedChat
A4. I offer them the choice of the size of their team--2-5 members. But I also let them choose to work alone for some projects. Variety and choice. #FLedChat
Listen to ideas, give them a chance, celebrate success & encourage trying again. Look for chances to collaborate & where diverse approaches can be combined to make better for everyone #FLEdChat
Q5: Shifting gears slightly...name a place you’d love to go visit and tell why. What makes this place so appealing to you. #FLEdChat (Bonus points if it references diversity and community) Ha!
A4: Authentic problems with no real single solution. Like life, teamwork and other perspectives are an absolute must. And I love dissent too. Dissent is where the great ideas come from. #FLedchat
A5. I want to travel to Morocco. I have made teacher friends there and would love to experience the culture. I also want to travel to the Provence region of France after reading the Peter Mayle books about it. #FLedChat
Q6: Humanity: human beings collectively. What is one thing you have in common with a student in your classroom or within your reach? How has that connection helped build community? #FLEdChat#forthegreatergood
Q5: Shifting gears slightly...name a place you’d love to go visit and tell why. What makes this place so appealing to you. #FLEdChat (Bonus points if it references diversity and community) Ha!
A6: Socioeconomic backgrounds. I grew up on the lower end and worked to get through college. Helps my students realize they can do it as well. (But only if its their passion, I try not to push the college or nothing message.) #FLedChat
A6: I have bonded with kids over singing, acting and the military. It is never a dull moment. Someone wants to talk to me almost all day every day LOL #FLEdChat
A6: There was a Chinese girl in my 2nd grade class who shared my birthday and we were both left-handed. The other Ss said, "Maybe you're twins". So cute! #FLedChat
Q7: Learning is so important. As lifelong learners, can you point us to a resource or tool that would help us foster diversity and community? (Book, internet source, person, etc.) #FLEdChat
Love this! Was having a tribute day to Chris Cornell in class and a student opened his phone to show me a backstage pic of the two together. Built relationship from there! #fledchat