#LearnLAP occurs on Mondays starting at 7pm Central Time. Guest moderators and participants discuss topics from author Paul Solarz's book Learn Like a PIRATE.
Welcome to Week 2 of the #LearnLAP Summer Book Club everyone!
Please introduce yourself to the group!
I'm Paul Solarz, a 4th grade teacher from Arlington Heights, IL and author of "Learn Like a PIRATE."
Our focus tonight is on "Peer-to-Peer Collaboration." Please interpret each question for your situation or grade level. #LearnLAP
Here are tonight's questions:
Hello Everyone! I am Katrina Swayze, a soon to be 3rd grade teacher. I am working on my last year towards my master's degree and will be co-teaching my first year with a mentor teacher, this coming year. Delaware #LearnLAP
A1 Giving Ss the control to interrupt class helps empower them;they’re in true control of learning. It aides w/ transitions, behavior, questions, ideas/skills that must be addressed in that moment. I’ve allowed “time outs” (think Saved by the Bell) for Ss and it works #LearnLAP
My name is Vicki O'Toole. Most recently I had been teaching Grade 4 in Brooklyn Park, MN. Next year I will be an instructional coach...observing teachers and offering feedback.
I have tried it, it's hard with struggling middle schoolers, you have to change their identity/belief about themselves first before they will take the risk
A1 When I first read this book when it came out this was the #1 thing I wanted to try-and still have yet to! Idk why--I need to make the effort to teach it & implement it in my class! It'd allow Ss to conduct the flow of learning! #LearnLAP
A1: I think the purpose is to give a voice to all. It’s sends a message that we can learn from everyone & empowers Ss to take an active role in their learning. I am a music teacher & see Ss 2x/wk for 30 mins. I’m hesitant. Maybe I can team up w/ a classroom T & try. #LearnLAP
A1: Students are the purpose of education - if a teacher takes away all voice from their learning then who is the class actually benefiting? A class must be structured to give credence to inquiries, desires, goals, and passions. #LearnLAP
A1: Some Ss need an opportunity to process and ask questions. It's important to provide that time and to give Ss a chance to clarify any misconceptions. I think of it more as interacting than interrupting. It shows Ss we value their voices. #LearnLAP
A1B My goal is to try it in 3 of 6 classes this year, 2 Honors and 1 CP class. I am pretty nervous about this going into the new year, but it's for the students, not me.
A1: This allows S’s to know their voice is being heard and matters. It also encourages them to take the lead in situations that the teacher would normally lead in. Haven’t tried it yet, hopeful for a positive intro of this with my new S’s #LearnLAP
Giving students the power to interpret gives them empowerment. This allows students power over the own learning. With this power comes responsibility. I have not used this yet but definitely will! #LearnLAP
A1: giving Ss the power to interrupt allows opportunities for Ss to lead, listen to one another, and direct. I have not tried this so shame on me! However, I am so looking forward to my Ss using the “give me five” this year! What a game changer this will be! #LearnLAP
A1: ABSOLUTELY. I have/will freely allow students to chat/debate during most classes that I teach. slightly easier in inquiry based/lab instruction because they should be talking anyway. Though I have always had to be clear about how to do this appropriately. #LearnLAP
A1: I like the idea of giving students control with "Give me five" but I'm concerned how my seniors will take to it. It sounds kind of "elementary school" Have any high school teachers used it? #learnlap
I have tried it, it's hard with struggling middle schoolers, you have to change their identity/belief about themselves first before they will take the risk
A1: Allowing Ss to interrupt the class empowers them. It gives them an authentic voice. It also cultivates a plethora of soft skills like listening, considering others' opinions, etc. Leadership! #learnlap
In this area I find myself often asking the S if they want to share then getting the class attn or have that S get class attn but the whole process should be from Ss-that's where I want to get #LearnLAP
A1: I can not wait to use Give me Five. An amazing T @amypacifico3 did it this year and it was amazing. Ss were empowered and more respectful. They listened to each other and engaged each other. Very powerful. #LearnLAP
A1 Immediacy of the question can help others and make the class rich with dicussion and understanding. It is tough in the instrumental situation but doable if there is a process and understanding. #learnlap
A1: @DanielPink says that autonomy, mastery, and purpose are critical to intrinsic motivation. Allowing kids to interrupt the class helps them exercise their autonomy and develop a sense of purpose in the classroom as a driver of #learning. #learnlap
A1: This allows S’s to know their voice is being heard and matters. It also encourages them to take the lead in situations that the teacher would normally lead in. Haven’t tried it yet, hopeful for a positive intro of this with my new S’s #LearnLAP
A1: Students that feel empowered to interrupt lesson w/questions or to add insight are valued. Focuses on student needs vs teacher instruction. I flipped to this as teacher: https://t.co/UciwDpkRAP
Beyond Choice Boards: Episode 1 - Fear | EdTech | United States ... #LeadLAP
A1: giving Ss the ability to interrupt the class empowers them & gives them a voice. I haven’t tried yet, would probably have to modify for my music classes, but I do see the value 🎶 #LearnLAP
A1: It gives students the chance to take on an active role in their learning and be problem solvers without waiting for the teacher. It also lets them take on a leadership role in the classroom. I have not tried it, but I would love to if my coteachers are on board. #learnlap
#LearnLAP A1: Kids havean intrinsic want ordesire to lead. We have to be willing to get that out of our Ss in a respectful manner. I have never tried this technique but I have given power to students to lead in whole group lessons. I willdefinitely be using it this year
Wonderful vacation...but now time to fly back across this ocean to home. No WiFi...and just know that struggle is the realest of real! Be sure to join #TLAP at 9EST tonight with @BethHouf & @JayBilly2 live at #NAESP18!! #LearnLAP#BalanceLAP
#Learnlap Q1- I work with small groups and I don't really have a situation where students interrupt....but I do work on conversation skills and think of my lessons as conversations...two or three way conversations. Many of my students don't have these skills.
This is probably not what they are used to in school. we have to prepare them for the future, where they have to have the confidence to speak up, but know the right ways to
A2 Ss need to understand what the real-world is like and “take charge” of their learning and how to effectively lead others/themselves. Ss will be far more invested in the class if they have the opportunity to steer the boat rather than the teacher always at the wheel. #LearnLAP
It's an authentic life experience. How often do we raise our hands in adult situations? We, at least I, speak up when I want to and listen when I need to. :) #LearnLAP
A1: @DanielPink says that autonomy, mastery, and purpose are critical to intrinsic motivation. Allowing kids to interrupt the class helps them exercise their autonomy and develop a sense of purpose in the classroom as a driver of #learning. #learnlap
I believe in the idea -- I don't really want to be in control all of the time, or to have all of the responsibility of remembering everything! Students come up with great ideas and I want them to be able to share. #LearnLAP
Learning to be a leader is a process: it only comes through risk-taking, mistake-making, and reflection. When we provide lots of opportunities, we provide lots of chances to build this skill safely #learnlap
it is sometimes a struggle for me because I'm an #introvert, so the noise can get to be a bit much. When this happens I just tell myself "They're teaching each other, and they're teaching me". #LearnLAP
A1: Nneka from Texas jumping in late. I don't mind the interruptions, as long as it's in the correct time and place. I would prefer Ss not interrupt when someone is talking (respect); I think of interruption as a break in a train of thought or to introduce new ideas #learnlap
Providing opportunities for Ss to lead the class allows for teamwork, problem solving, being proactive about learning, empowerment, and even practice with public speaking. All of which are important life skills. #LearnLAP
A2 Develops leadership, allows for different voice, provides new perspectives, fosters ownership, cultivates other important sklls for students. #learnlap
A2: We learn when we take an active role in the learning, when we feel safe taking risks & trying new things, & when we share our thinking w/ others. Offering Ss leadership roles helps Ss take an active role in learning & helps them to see themselves as leaders. #LearnLAP
Q2: Providing Ss with opps to lead in the classroom helps to cultivate independence, growth mindset, and ownership. These all help with engagement and help to create a more empowering learning culture. #LearnLAP
Learning to be a leader is a process: it only comes through risk-taking, mistake-making, and reflection. When we provide lots of opportunities, we provide lots of chances to build this skill safely #learnlap
A2: Why not? Makes our job easier when kids understand how to lead and deal with conflict on their own and not look to me for the answers all the time! #learnLAP
A2: the learning has to be authentic- if we don’t give Ss the time to practice true leadership how will they learn to grow and develop their thinking and leadership skills? #LearnLAP
A2: Student led learning validates students. It focuses on learning rather than teaching. Plus, it's in the standards! https://t.co/3DmEmeKJB9
Teachers: It's Not About You! | EdTech | United States ... #learnlap
A2 it is important bc it offers teachable moments, it also gives the Ss more control over their own learning experiences. These skills become more import. when the Ss are collaborating together. #LearnLAP
A2: If we are teaching this skill of leadership to our S’s we have to be strategic in offereing them. Create situations that call for leadership and see who takes them. If they do not, use that as a time to model the skill. Give them space and time to lead #LearnLAP
A2: It is important for teachers to make a conscious effort to provide opportunities for students to lead the class because they're developing polished interpersonal and leadership skills that will be crucial to their future success in collaborative environments at work #learnlap
A2: Providing Ss with opps to lead in the classroom helps to cultivate independence, growth mindset, and ownership. These all help with engagement and help to create a more empowering learning culture. #LearnLAP
I believe in the idea -- I don't really want to be in control all of the time, or to have all of the responsibility of remembering everything! Students come up with great ideas and I want them to be able to share. #LearnLAP
A2- Students need some autonomy in their learning process- too often they were expected to play the game of school. We need to give them opportunities to use their voice so that that confidence will grow responsibly #learnlap
A2: I know I read a bunch of good ways that students could lead, in the book, but I can't remember them. I'm thinking I need to create a poster, to help me and my students find ways to lead. #learnlap
A2: I think this is especially important for students who don't already identify as "leaders". Taking turns in leader roles shows the Ss a) that they can also lead (especially the reserved/quiet Ss), b) what areas they're strong in, c) how hard it is to learn sometimes. #LearnLAP
A2. This is more authentic. Prep for future when they will have the opportunity to take charge and lead others. What leaders will we form if they all sit back compliantly and wait to be told what to do? #LearnLAP
A2. We want our Ss to be engaged in the learning process and by empowering them with voice and choice they can lead in their learning and teach others.#learnlap
A#2: I find that my students are sometimes afraid to lead or look for answers on their own. The students are sometimes so afraid to be wrong. #LearnLAP
A2. This is more authentic. Prep for future when they will have the opportunity to take charge and lead others. What leaders will we form if they all sit back compliantly and wait to be told what to do? #LearnLAP
My job is very similar most of the time, but I do occasionally teach whole group. In my small groups kids know they can jump in and often do, as long as I'm not giving directions. #learnlap
A2: I know for me, when I take responsibility for my learning, I grow and learn more. Leading allows students to take on that responsibility. I'm looking forward to having sts teach mini lessons! #LearnLAP
I waited too long to start having them take charge of addressing the class last year. They did it using the chime, but this coming year, I'm going to teach it first thing!!! #learnlap
A2: when Ss have a chance to lead the class they take ownership of the learning process. Also, Ss need to understand they don't have to rely on the T for information! #LearnLAP
This was my first year where I encouraged student leadership in this way- It was a huge change after 26 years of me being in total control! I loved it! https://t.co/c7eT4eRyJg#learnlap
A3 I always try to get Ss out of their comfort zone and encourage them to lead their lab groups or collaborative grps. Same goes for Ss that need to step back and take a passive role and provide encouragement rather than lead. #LearnLAP
I teach in a setting of one or two students. We work on conversations and part of conversations are waiting your turn and giving everyone a chance to talk. As a teacher it takes effort to not just include them in the conversation but let them lead it.
A3: Modeling is critical. If we want Ss to behave or conduct themselves in a certain way, we have to show them. This is especially true in communication and leadership. They need to see clear, powerful examples. #LearnLAP
A3: Model leadership, celebrate variability within the classroom & create a climate in which students are expected to learn from each other more than even from their teacher. Create digital collaborative spaces for peer feedback & peer teaching. #learnlap
Q3: One way I have done this is through teaching self advocacy. My S’s need to know their needs and who to talk to to get the support they need. It has been huge in the area of leadership this past year. #LearnLAP
A3: I allow my Ss to be experts in what they know content, tech... and they are the go to person not me. Ss learn best from each other. I also try to model good leadership as much as possible in the CR and around he school community #LearnLAP
A3: Modeling is critical. If we want Ss to behave or conduct themselves in a certain way, we have to show them. This is especially true in communication and leadership. They need to see clear, powerful examples. #LearnLAP
A3 Demonstate and discuss leadership...give positive feedback when they lead. Know your Ss and help them find the leadership role that fits them, but give them the chance to try roles on for size. #LearnLAP
A3 Talk about / teach listening and your students to take inventory before responding. How does this challenge my view? How does it align with my view? What questions do I have? What did I learn I did not know. Then teach encouragement as aprt of the process. #learnlap
A3: after discussing with Ss the difference between active and passive leadership, I think by recognizing when each is being done by Ss and turning it into teachable moments of enthusiasm, it will encourage others when and how to use it. #LearnLAP
A3 I need to model the types of leadership that they will need in RL, and allow them opportunities each week to practice and use the skills in S, M, or L groups
A3: Active and passive leadership has to be taught to Ss with lots of practice, discussion, and teachable moments. Conflict management also is taught. As a result, Ss become empowered, respectful leaders. #learnlap
A3- Ss can not only do "Give Me 5," but also do much coaching of each other. They also take responsiblities for daily tasks and routines! Even the quiet ones love to quietly remind you that you've forgotten about lunch again and they really need to wash up! #learnlap
A3: First, I think it takes a deep understanding of the "why" (depends on the lesson) and next, it depends on opportunity. Create a classroom culture where Ss know they will have the chance to lead, and encourage behaviors that promote respect as each S leads #learnlap
A3 Provide opportunities, model, and acknowledge when Ss are demonstrating. Do this by having Ss work in groups, demonstrating behaviors/lead by example, class edcamps etc #LearnLAP
A2: It builds ss confidence and gives them a chance to grow as learners, leaders, and people. We do this by creating opportunities through careful planning and giving over some control to our ss. We encourage them and step back. Praise! Reteach expectations as needed. #learnlap
This is the hardest. @BreneBrown always says that we have to remember our kids come into the world hardwired for struggle. Our job as adults is not to prevent failure, but to create space where they belong and are loved. Period. #learnlap
A3: I didn't even realize passive leadership existed until I read this book. We need both forms of leadership, and students need to understand that both are important and when to put them into play. There will most likely be opportunities for both. #LearnLAP
Yes! And we talk about setbacks, mistakes, failures, etc. all being important stepping stones to success! To look at these as something to learn from, rather than be embarrassed by. #LearnLAP
Q3: I appreciated how often you talked about giving kids feedback so that they are encouraged and know that someone sees their efforts. I think the feedback regarding active and passive leadership is vital.@42OToole
A3 Demonstate and discuss leadership...give positive feedback when they lead. Know your Ss and help them find the leadership role that fits them, but give them the chance to try roles on for size. #LearnLAP
@PaulSolarz I think you mentioned in the book that you don’t do “give me five” in specials classes. Is this because special teachers preferred to handle leadership in a different way? #LearnLAP
A3: I would explain to my Ss what the diff. is between the two. I would then ask them which one they believe is more effective for the CR. My hopes is that they would agree a passive approach is most effective, majority of the time. #LearnLAP
I think the most important and often skipped by Ts is acknowledging when it happens-say that the S acting this way is showing leadership by doing it, comment on the help a S provided to another as leadership, etc #LEARNLAP
A3 Provide opportunities, model, and acknowledge when Ss are demonstrating. Do this by having Ss work in groups, demonstrating behaviors/lead by example, class edcamps etc #LearnLAP
Suggestion: Start w/ something as simple as a constant and rehearsed "call to attention" to provide order to their interjections. It provides a clear segue from the teacher to the student and keeps the rest of the class "in order." See: "Give Me Five" from @PaulSolarz#LearnLAP
This is the hardest. @BreneBrown always says that we have to remember our kids come into the world hardwired for struggle. Our job as adults is not to prevent failure, but to create space where they belong and are loved. Period. #learnlap
A3b- Might seem silly, but my kids were amazed that I would allow them to leave the room for library/restroom/clinic when they needed to. They simply had to sign out- no need to stand in the hallway and wait while the whole class waited. I trusted them! HUGE! #learnlap
QUESTION 4: Conflict divides students & hurts collaboration. How do your students currently handle disagreements? Any changes planned for the future? #LearnLAP
A2: As a Kindergarten teacher my students LOVE being a leader. I think getting them to feel safe and comfortable in front of their peers at a young age is important and will only help students as they grow. #LearnLAP
I loved how you didn't allow the Ss to choose their partners...in life, we often don't get to choose our partners at work. I can see that the Ss would have to learn to work with all different types of leaders and figure out how to collaborate! #LearnLAP
QUESTION 4: Conflict divides students & hurts collaboration. How do your students currently handle disagreements? Any changes planned for the future? #LearnLAP
Some years, the specials teachers have been OK with it, but historically speaking, they prefer to lead the class themselves. They've thought that the interruptions from the students were more distracting than useful. We make sure that we respect their wishes! #LearnLAP
A4 I model and foster disagreement “conferences” by having students talk it out, explaining their rationale, then trying to come to a resolution. If this doesn’t work out they either Rock/Paper/Scissor or vote on the outcome as a group (majority rule). #LearnLAP
A3: Use direct instruction to teach both types of leadership then acknowledge, encourage, and praise both types of leadership when you see your ss practicing them. #learnlap
A4 We spend time on conflict resolution. Listening skills, process appropriate escalation, and team building. It can ALWAYS be better. Always looking for ideas. #learnlap
A4: I read an interesting article that argued students are not adept at managing personal conflict because that do not have enough unsupervised play. Instead, students' parents & teachers solve problems for them and immediately intervene at first sign of disagreement. #learnlap
QUESTION 4: Conflict divides students & hurts collaboration. How do your students currently handle disagreements? Any changes planned for the future? #LearnLAP
A4: This requires so much explicit instruction with little ones. Sentence stems, conversation starters, and lots of modeling. This is something I'm constantly working on. Also, giving them the opportunity to practice! #LearnLAP
A4: Conflict requires communication. It is a must that conflicts be dealt with ASAP with conversations where Ss on both sides feel valued. We serve as neutral parties that promote resolution. #learnlap
A4: I love the three choices to dealing with conflict from the book. I will be using these three options.
1. Rock, Paper, Scissors (I’ve used this one before)
2. Compromise (I’ve used “Think win-win”)
3. Choose Kind. (I love it! Why haven’t I thought of this???)
Some years, the specials teachers have been OK with it, but historically speaking, they prefer to lead the class themselves. They've thought that the interruptions from the students were more distracting than useful. We make sure that we respect their wishes! #LearnLAP
A4 IMO conflict isn't something to avoid all the time. Conflict is natural and helps us learn. It's important to tell kids it's normal and that if dealt with appropriately, can be a great learning opportunity! #learnlap
A4: in the past my Ss have handled disagreements essentially by me being the mediator. I will be chNging that this year to rock-paper-scissors, compromise, and choose kind. I want my Ss to apply these strategies without me! That is so very important. #LearnLAP
That makes a lot of sense. We don't give them a chance to try to solve problems - it's uncomfortable or it's time consuming or it's just easier to avoid the problem to begin with. I can see that... #LearnLAP
A4:so hard for Ss to work through conflict but so important to teach. In my CR we have discussions + try to mediate the situation with a 3rd person. Sometimes it as easy as rock, paper, scissor! I try not to get involved I often say sounds like a problem you can fix. #LearnLAP
A4 We spend time on conflict resolution. Listening skills, process appropriate escalation, and team building. It can ALWAYS be better. Always looking for ideas. #learnlap
A4: I am lucky that in K the disagreements and conflicts are minimal and usually forgotten about within minutes. I try to always switch my groups as much as possible so they are always working with different people, different personalities and different ability level. #LearnLAP
I show rehearsals from collegiate and professional videos and talk about how they interact. Was the rehearsal disurpted? If not, why? How can we apply it in our rehearsals. Agreed expectations and behaviors. #LearnLAP
I've made that mistake too! Whenever we stop giving feedback, fine-tuning these skills, our students begin to struggle, or their leadership wanes! So important to give input daily! My kiddos give a lot of whole-class feedback daily during REARJMCL too! #LearnLAP#LearnLAP
That was a huge component- one I did really well at the beginning! When I began to slack with the feedback the kids stepped back. Feedback is vital because it provides encouragment and validation!
This was probably my biggest take away from the book (along with the "Give me 5"). I plan on implementing the Rock, Paper, Scissors/ collaboration/ choose kind! #LearnLAP
A4: I read an interesting article that argued students are not adept at managing personal conflict because that do not have enough unsupervised play. Instead, students' parents & teachers solve problems for them and immediately intervene at first sign of disagreement. #learnlap
QUESTION 4: Conflict divides students & hurts collaboration. How do your students currently handle disagreements? Any changes planned for the future? #LearnLAP
A4: My students had "tattled" on each other or would want me to interceded. I like the conflict resolution ideas in the book! Rock, paper, scissors is a classic. #LearnLAP
A4: That iswhy in reading your book Paul! I need to change my tactics! They usually got negative and most of the time verbally abused each other. It was really tough year. #learnLAP
A4 my students handle conflict in good & bad ways. Depends on their background. This year I plan to sit as a group & give detailed bios. I feel that the kids knowing each other’s true life stories will change their mindset about each other #learnlap
A4 For the past few years, my students argue with one another, getting louder until I have to intervene. I need to change that this year and help them learn to resolve their problems peacefully without disrupting CR
A4: I think "I" statements are a great way for Ss to communicate with each other about their feelings. I also think having a CR meeting to solve conflicts that may arise also help Ss. It is a way to comm with the whole team about the conflict n come to a solution. #LearnLAP
A4- Often it was discussed at the end of the day at RESET. That was our time to reflect and set goals. Conflict happens because with human children- learning how to deal with it is vital. talking it out with involved parties during a quiet time was helpful. #learnlap
A4b: I also teach Ss how to argue/disagree respectfully. It's a big lesson at the beginning of the year and one that is repeated throughout the year. #learnlap
Yes! That's why we use a call-out rather than a tech tool or light switch or bell, etc. So important that it can happen quickly, seamlessly, wherever we may be! #LearnLAP
A1 - You never know when those Aha moments are going to come. Or when leadership moments arise. Sometimes it’s spur of the moment. Interrupting the class gives students the ability to be heard and the ability to explain their thinking. Powerful!
A4: Lots of community meetings! We talk about EVERYTHING! I force them to be honest, yet respectful in their sharing of how things are going. My last class was PERFECT in this respect...hoping for the same this year! #LearnLAP
QUESTION 4: Conflict divides students & hurts collaboration. How do your students currently handle disagreements? Any changes planned for the future? #LearnLAP
A4: in the past my Ss have handled disagreements essentially by me being the mediator. I will be changing that this year to rock-paper-scissors, compromise, and choose kind. I want my Ss to apply these strategies without me! That is so very important. #LearnLAP
QUESTION 5: Do you use Classroom Meetings or class time in a less formal way to discuss life skills or classroom concerns? Describe how you do/would do that? What topics do you discuss? #LearnLAP
A4b: I also teach Ss how to argue/disagree respectfully. It's a big lesson at the beginning of the year and one that is repeated throughout the year. #learnlap
Yes! Self-advocacy is huge and important for all ss. I spend a LOT of time working on this with my ss with disabilities. They need to know their accommodations and make sure they get what they need when I'm not with them. #learnlap
I'm sorry to hear that Darren! It can totally get better! There might still be moments, but they're easier to get through when you can refer to all the social-emotional skills you've been teaching throughout the year with regard to becoming a "family." #LearnLAP
A5 I don’t use class meetings only b/c I’ve felt limited w/time since I see each class for 55 mins. I would like to take at least 5-10 mins on Mon. and Fri. to hold a meeting to see how the week will go/went and reflect on what needs to change and celebrate awesomeness #LearnLAP
Middle school has additional challenges because we have 48 minutes with each set of students and more curriculum than we can cover. I take the pulse of class if we need a talk we have it, I also embed into what we are learning
QUESTION 5: Do you use Classroom Meetings or class time in a less formal way to discuss life skills or classroom concerns? Describe how you do/would do that? What topics do you discuss? #LearnLAP
A5: As a music teacher, I call class meetings if I have a class that is having a hard time functioning together. When that happens, we decide as a class what we want to work on first during music and how we will go about it. #LearnLAP
A5: I've never had these types of discussions with my class. I always thought I had to stick with academics. I will be using the ideas in the book though because 21st century learning is not just about technology...it's real-world skills. #LearnLAP
A5 I think a less formal way we use it in my class is during read aloud time; so often things that happen in the stories we read can directly relate to us, our class, & we can easily discuss then #LearnLAP
A5: It's impor. to discuss with the Ss how to collaborate effectively n respectfully. The Ss will one day have to work with others and it is impor, now, to learn! Now it is ok to make the mistakes n learn from them. #LearnLAP
A5: I am pretty good at recognizing organic opportunities to address non-curricular/life skills as they emerge, but I could be more intentional about creating time for these conversations. #LearnLAP
A5: we have whole school and class community meetings. S’s put possible topics in a jar based on good and bad things we see. We talk through them. I encourage the writer of that topic to take the lead since they have more insight into why we are talking about it! #LearnLAP
QUESTION 5: Do you use Classroom Meetings or class time in a less formal way to discuss life skills or classroom concerns? Describe how you do/would do that? What topics do you discuss? #LearnLAP
A5: Only seeing the students twice a week I don't usually do class meetings unless there is something specific we need to discuss - planning upcoming events, working through conflict, ect #LearnLAP
"Assume positive intent" is a focus of our school for the upcoming year. I am hopeful that this thinking will spread and make a difference in all of our classrooms. #LearnLAP
A5: I use CR meetings to discuss issues in the world-it is a great time to allow Ss 2 share their voice about issues that are facing them, concerning them, or events they are proud of-I have many serious conversations-Making a safe place to speak candidly is important #LearnLAP
A5: classroom meetings are essential to discuss life skills & classroom concerns. I use them when I feel there is a need and it will benefit the class. We meet on the carpet in a circle or Ss sit in front of me but I’m always on the floor with them on their level. #LearnLAP
Of course! Make it work for you! So important to find the time to address social-emotional skills, though! Glad to hear new classes are being creating to address this! :) #LearnLAP
With approximately 55-60 minutes per class X4, it is sometimes hard to implement the class meetings. However, our team worked really hard to take the time to stop and talk about life skills along the way. We implemented a new class last year which was more geared towards this.
Q5: I have used meetings when dealing with bullying or other conflicts at recess time. I think using the meetings to be proactive before issues occur would really be a great use of the meeting time. We use class meetings to say farewell to students who are moving.@42OToole
A5- We start our mornings out with a class meeting and some @classcraft#RandomEvent - Team/class building is imporant- We end each day with a Sled RESET (my adaption of REARMJCL) - Ss reflect on day and set goals for tomorrow! #learnlap
Our students learned collaboration, research, presentation skills, and speaking/presenting...then we asked companies from town to give the students a problem from their company. Kids would have to use the skills they learned to come up with a real world solution. #LearnLAP
A5 I teach soft skills in my CR. They have to be on time, greet me or anyone who enters the room, collaborate, follow procedures.... I treat it like a job & pay them at the end of the week with our pbis bucks #learnlap
A5: I don't because I don't have a "class". I did do lunch bunch with my 5th graders and we discussed many of the topics you listed in book for your class meetings. I would like to expand next year and do a 3-5 social skills lunch group. #learnlap
QUESTION 5: Do you use Classroom Meetings or class time in a less formal way to discuss life skills or classroom concerns? Describe how you do/would do that? What topics do you discuss? #LearnLAP
A5 We use our classroom meetings to also set weekly intentions, similar to the kind of intentions you might set for yoga. It allows us to talk about what this looks like, sounds like, and feels like in our room. #learnlap
QUESTION 6: Why is it important at the beginning of the year to help students see one another as equals, all with important skills and abilities? How might you do this? What role does growth mindset play in this? #LearnLAP
QUESTION 6: Why is it important at the beginning of the year to help students see one another as equals, all with important skills and abilities? How might you do this? What role does growth mindset play in this? #LearnLAP
If an issue arises, that needs to be corrected immediately or someone was hurt in the process than yes the meeting will occur as soon as it is necessary.#learnlap
A6: I did not think about this until today, however, my son talked to me a lot about the book Wonder when he was reading it in his class. It was also mentioned in this book n I will def use it in my CR. #LearnLAP
A6 It’s all about equity. Ss must understand that we all learn at different paces, need different supports, require different feedback & reflect differently. Have Ss share strengths with one another and promote building on them. Inspire each other, peer assess, reflect #LearnLAP
A4B My new plan for the first two days is to have a round table discussion, and allow Ss to share their background, their fears, and their strengths, and explain how they can help their fellow Ss succeed in 9th grade.
I have used “Give Me Five” for years.. super excited about providing this as a leadership tool for my 2nd graders . There have been years where students would do this on their own to get their team’s attention, but never thought about teaching this as a active leadership tool!
A6: Creating a positive and encouraging classroom climate at the BOY creates a space for students to truly engage with one another. This can be done through conversations and read alouds. #LearnLAP
A5: Individual student conferences. They have to be sincere and authentic. Be open and honest -- what can we both improve on? What's worked? What hasn't? Be reflective and be responsive. When you dedicate yourself to self-improvement (as a T), students follow suit! #LearnLAP
A6: we learn our True Colors at the beginning of the year. We learn about ourselves and how we relate to those different. We then do activities where we work together and see how everyone’s differences actually make us stronger in the end. #LearnLAP
QUESTION 6: Why is it important at the beginning of the year to help students see one another as equals, all with important skills and abilities? How might you do this? What role does growth mindset play in this? #LearnLAP
A6 It’s all about equity. Ss must understand that we all learn at different paces, need different supports, require different feedback & reflect differently. Have Ss share strengths with one another and promote building on them. Inspire each other, peer assess, reflect #LearnLAP
A6: It is so important to level the playing field so all Ss see one another as equals to aide in respect, collaboration, kindness, and teamwork. I love the idea of having the Marble Theory meeting to achieve this. #LearnLAP
A6: We all have worth. We all have strengths. We all have something to add to this world. Life would be boring if we were all the same. In fact, the book, #LearnLAP says, “Our differences help us grow and change and experience new things.
A6: Students have different abilities and experiences, so it's important to show them that they all are special and can learn. I've seen growth mindset change failing sts to ones who succeed. #LearnLAP
Q6: If everyone is going to be a leader they need to feel on equal footing with others. There are stories that get across the idea of everyone having different strengths/weaknesses. And growth mindset...yes, because I have some talents that I don't even know about YET.
A6: I plan to use The 7 Habits along with literature like Mem Fox's Feathers and Fools. Also, the chapter book Because of Mr. Terupt. I want my Ss to become a respectful, empathetic family/team/crew. #learnlap
A6- I started out with #Wonder which led to many discussions the first few months. Talking about differences & the unseen forces in our lives help make the class more cohesive. Ss could identify with diff characters and relate- This helped Ss see own self-worth. #learnlap
A6: It's important for Ss to know we are all here to learn and grow, but not every one does that via the same path. It's especially important in band/orchestra - the contribution of all members is necessary! 🎶 #LearnLAP
A6 One of the most beautiful things in my class this year was watching my littles cheer each other to success...all on different levels but celebrating accomplishments! #LearnLAP
A6: It's important for Ss to know we are all here to learn and grow, but not every one does that via the same path. It's especially important in band/orchestra - the contribution of all members is necessary! 🎶 #LearnLAP
A4B My new plan for the first two days is to have a round table discussion, and allow Ss to share their background, their fears, and their strengths, and explain how they can help their fellow Ss succeed in 9th grade.
A5: The two most impactful Qs I asked last year that generated significant feedback and progress during student conferences:
1) Is there anything preventing you from doing your best in school and in life right now?
And my favorite...
2) Are you happy right now? #LearnLAP
A5: The two most impactful Qs I asked last year that generated significant feedback and progress during student conferences:
1) Is there anything preventing you from doing your best in school and in life right now?
And my favorite...
2) Are you happy right now? #LearnLAP
A6: I love beginning the year with the #GRA and giving Ss a new perspective to learn from. We are all different but can learn so much about each other if we take the time. #LearnLAP
QUESTION 7: When students learn to empathize, they begin to care about their actions and behaviors. Bullying and excluding-behaviors lessen. How do you teach your students empathy? How do you encourage empathetic behavior in your classroom? #LearnLAP
A6: It’s important for students to understand their role in the class community. Each bring their own unique personalities that can help one another. Teachers can help promote this by allowing kids uniqueness to shine! #LearnLAP
A5 I have used CR Mtgs in the past year with my 9th graders to address problems or issues that affect all of them- school shootings, suicide, failure, etc.. Ss need a place to speak up, to share without judgment, to let their voice be heard.
QUESTION 7: When students learn to empathize, they begin to care about their actions and behaviors. Bullying and excluding-behaviors lessen. How do you teach your students empathy? How do you encourage empathetic behavior in your classroom? #LearnLAP
A7: I enjoyed this part of the chap that talked about racing to the finish should not be the priority in learning. I am one that likes to take time w/ my work n always felt rushed to finish. I wasn't given the opport. to soak up the learning process. #LearnLAP
A6: This is crucial to establishing a culture of mutual respect, building confidence, and creating an environment where ss feel comfortable taking risks. I have used multiple intelligences in the past and growth mindset. Will be adding marbel theory #learnlap
QUESTION 6: Why is it important at the beginning of the year to help students see one another as equals, all with important skills and abilities? How might you do this? What role does growth mindset play in this? #LearnLAP
A7 I discuss differences among all of us and have students “celebrate weirdness”. It’s ok to be quirky! I fall into the “jock” stereotype so it’s a surprise to my Ss that I acted in high school and I was an editor/writer for yearbook & newspaper. https://t.co/tMU0bqAYs4#LearnLAP
A7 I find the Peace Talk incredibly helpful. It has kids learn how to identify their own emotions. They cannot develop empathy for others if they do not understand themselves and how to communicate their emotions first #learnlap
A7: I like the idea from the book about reading the book "Wonder". I don't think I'll have time to do that, but I will take a shorter story to drive home the same point about empathy. #LearnLAP
A6. To keep a positive learning environment where Ss feel encouraged to speak freely because they are equal encourages a growth mindset for the Ss.#learnlap
A7: Starts from the first day of school. It pains me to walk into or hear of other classrooms where students don't know the person sitting next to or behind them. I started last year with a "speed dating" activity where Ss met with and talked to each other about (1/2) #LearnLAP
A7: BY ACTUALLY PUTTING THEM INTO THESE SITUATIONS! We spend so much time giving back- not just money- but our time and resources. The discussion after is amazing, and usually tear filled!
A7 When teaching empathy I try to teach/explain what "putting yourself in their shoes" mean & also how to respond in a way that shows you care-if you don't know a way you can always say, "what can I do for you?" #LearnLAP
A7: one way I teach empathy to Ss is by role playing situations that I have printed out on cards. Partners draw a card, discuss it, act it out in front of others, and then the class discusses what they saw, what they heard, and what we could do better. #LearnLAP
Here is a pic of my S’s putting it into action. S’s created a penny drive to raise money and awareness for DIPG which has affected a family in our district. They then brainstormed with the S’s mom on other ways to impact! #LearnLAP
A7: We used Wonder this year as well school-wide. Our principal bought a copy for every classroom. We use lots of literature, discussion, modeling, and questioning. Most of my ss are pretty great at showing empathy! #learnlap
QUESTION 7: When students learn to empathize, they begin to care about their actions and behaviors. Bullying and excluding-behaviors lessen. How do you teach your students empathy? How do you encourage empathetic behavior in your classroom? #LearnLAP
A7(+) we also make sure empathy is always included in our apologies- "It was wrong for me to...I'm sorry you felt (empathy part)... Next time I will..." #LearnLap
a big "life question" that they wish they had the answer to. The last day of September: seating chart quiz - first & last name. Ss need to feel as though they are a valued member of the classroom... because they are. Not just to the teacher, but to other students! (2/2) #LearnLAP
QUESTION 8: Competition can be very motivating & helpful, but can also cause students to push others aside to rise to the top. What harm can competition, implemented improperly, cause to a collaborative classroom? What can be done to integrate competition successfully? #LearnLAP
A7(+) we also make sure empathy is always included in our apologies- "It was wrong for me to...I'm sorry you felt (empathy part)... Next time I will..." #LearnLap
A7: When Ss do kind, thoughtful acts for others, I make sure to notice their act and tell them how thankful I am to have such kind and thoughtful Ss. We need to help Ss SEE themselves having empathy for others. In time, they will know and act that way for life. #LearnLAP
A8 Competition can cause Ss to disengage if they feel like they aren’t keeping up w/ peers. Always, always, always foster positive growth and working hard toward a goal. We don’t all finish at the end at the same time but we can cheer each other on ALLDAY #LearnLAP
having taught at an all boys school, competition is important. teams and changing things up, making the competition about the game or the group win is important otherwise you can totally destroy all of your class culture and safe environment rapidly
QUESTION 8: Competition can be very motivating & helpful, but can also cause students to push others aside to rise to the top. What harm can competition, implemented improperly, cause to a collaborative classroom? What can be done to integrate competition successfully? #LearnLAP
A8: Competition is valuable for some kids and detrimental for others. Going back to A5, 6, and 7, building a positive classroom culture and modeling empathy can help make competition in the classroom more meaningful. #LearnLAP
A7: Competition can be healthy, especially when Ss are using it to push themselves to be better (instead of trying to be better than someone else). Constant reminders, that all of our paths/goals are different, are necessary #LearnLAP
A8: this is an area I have yet to figure out. This is a whole new level of competition in 5th grade compared to when I taught Kindergarten. We talk it out...a lot, but this is an area they are overly confident in and I cannot seem to get them to budge! #LearnLAP#HELP
QUESTION 8: Competition can be very motivating & helpful, but can also cause students to push others aside to rise to the top. What harm can competition, implemented improperly, cause to a collaborative classroom? What can be done to integrate competition successfully? #LearnLAP
A8: In short, competition can fuel animosity, cliques, and more conflict. This part of the chapter forced me to reflect on my practice of using competitions. #learnlap
A8: competition in a collaborative classroom can cause Ss to focus on a win/lose mentality instead of the mastery or learning of a skill. However, internal competition allows for Ss to have personal drive but not at the expense of others. #LearnLAP
A7: Competition can be healthy, especially when Ss are using it to push themselves to be better (instead of trying to be better than someone else). Constant reminders, that all of our paths/goals are different, are necessary #LearnLAP
A8: Internal competition is best. I remember in HS track, I would focus on earning a PR (personal record) and help my teammates get a PR too because it helped the team when we all succeeded. #LearnLAP
It focuses on swd, but is great for all ss. One year my 1st grade inclusion partner and I modified the one-pager into a writing assignment and had all ss complete then held an I'm Determined night for ss to present. We actually had parents crying they were so proud! #Learnlap
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