ICE is the largest organization in the state devoted to the use of technology in education and is an organizational affiliate of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). For the past 31 years, our nonprofit member organization has played a vital role in supporting the integration of technology in education. The 2017 ICE Conference attracted 3,500+ registered attendees, with 130+ exhibitors, and 1,000+ educational sessions.
Pt. 1/2: Try Quizlet! Instead of you creating it, have your students make their own. They'll retain the information better by thinking of each concept through question form. I'd recommend having them share their Quizlets with the class; not just you. #ICE18
I love the point made about how educators need to focus on applying good, old fashioned research on the new technologies we have at our disposable today. What's difficult is considering the teachers that don't have those same resources. #ICE18
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@EdTech_K12, @thomascmurray, @E_Sheninger