#spedchat is a Twitter hashtag used for (1) daily, continuous research and resource sharing on issues related to and effecting students with disabilities, & (2) a scheduled weekly Twitter chat on Tuesday nights from 9:00-10:00 EST.
Tonight's #spedchat will discuss encouraging S's independence. Looking forward to great discussions! (For those new to chats, S=student, T=Teacher, P=Parent)
#Spedchat A1: Independence is Ss having the knowledge & skills to do independently everything they desire. Knowledge & skills includes the knowing how to find resources for help/support in order to do the desired thing. That's still independence, to me.
A1: Now I'm working in middle school and indpendence has changed compared to HS. At this age self-determination has to start kicking in. Ss need to know they have disabilities and need to know how to get support
A1: not unlike their typical peers, it just looks a it different with appropriate scaffolds. Identify goals, provide the structure and supports, and guide them. All based on individual needs, but I know I'm preaching to the choir! #spedchat
A1: In my opinion, independence for students with disabilities depends on the kid. Each kid is different, not one kid acts or learns the same. So they all can't be treated the same. #spedchat
A1: A lot of times people try to protect students with disabilities by making decisions for them. I think defining independence means to give your child choices early on and teaching your child to self-advocate. #spedchat
A2: Teaching students to know their areas of need and be able to articulate them. If you know you have a math disability you can say that and get some help with your taxes without embarrassment
#Spedchat A2: The most important thing I can teach my students is that they deserve independence at whatever level they desire, can be as independent as they desire, & that resources are available to help them do just that!
A2: I feel that the most important life skill that I can teach my SPED Ss to help them be independent successfully is learning to cope with their surroundings, peers, teachers, consequences, and actions. #spedchat
Hello everyone! My name is Megan and I am senior at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville! I am studying elementary education with minors in early childhood and special ed inclusion. Excited to participate in my first chat! #spedchat
#Spedchat A3: Biggest barriers to independence are over-helpers, under-estimators, weak dreamers, low-expectationers, & the unspoken (and sometimes spoken!) messages they send over & over across my Ss' lifetimes.
A3: It is a huge barrier when Ss are not encouraged to be independent at home! If parents/teachers are not on the same page, little to no improvement is made. #spedchat
A3: When Ss, Ts, and Ps aren't used to the fostering of independence, sometimes you can look like a jerk and may not easily get the support you need
A4: Learned helplessness is a huge hurdle, especially for older kids. Independence is a skill, and if it hasn't been taught bad habits are formed. #spedchat
A3: Currently I'm just an Elementary Education student but I would say the biggest boundary for encouragement would be getting past parental expectations. Parents are of students with disabilities often times want to protect their students w/o realizing the harm caused.#spedchat
A2: self-advocacy and confidence! The two go hand in hand in many ways... but if we can help kiddos improve their ability to advocate, less dependence on others will increase confidence for many. #spedchat
Oh my gosh, this is SO important and so often forgotten and ignored! It drives me crazy when Ss have no idea what their disability is or what supports help them! #spedchat
A2: Teaching students to know their areas of need and be able to articulate them. If you know you have a math disability you can say that and get some help with your taxes without embarrassment
A3: fear of the unknown. In many ways, we want to help our students and they rely on us. The fear of the unknown, fear of failure. Confidence and resiliency are key! #Spedchat
A1: To me independence for students with disabilities doesn't differ greatly from their peers. It could be Ss being able to make decisions on their own, or completing a task on their own. #spedchat
A4: If they are going to college I just keep them on that self-advocating route and help with the transition (i.e. put them in contact with disabilities services at school).
A4: the dialogue for these condos must begin early. Start the post HS transition early (8-9th grade) to facilitate this convo. Have realistic conversations around needs, set goals, meet w/key stakeholders. Team approach! #Spedchat
#Spedchat A4: I approach adult goals w/asking 1. W/current skills/supports, what of your goals are doable? 2. What skills will improve for sure by adulthood? 3. What needs will still exist for sure? 4. What supports *might* be needed? 5. How can we be ready w/them just in case?
A5: I think we need to stress that everyone relies on some type of support. Part of being independent is knowing when to ask for help or for a little guidance. #spedchat
A4: the dialogue for these convos must begin early. Start the post HS transition early (8-9th grade) to facilitate this convo. Have realistic conversations around needs, set goals, meet w/key stakeholders. Team approach! #Spedchat
A2: I feel the most important life skill to teach all Ss to help them be independent successfully is self-advocacy. Ss need to know how to stand up for themselves and what they believe, in an appropriate way. #spedchat
A4: Life skills and academic skills should be treated and worked on differently. If that is done, there is little confusion on behalf of the Ss. #spedchat
A4: Treat them like a child without disabilities. All students need guidance from adults. Opening up a conversation and gaining trust is important. Be honest with your student about what supports will still be needed in the future. #spedchat
A4: I think we need to stress that everyone relies on some type of support. Part of being independent is knowing when to ask for help or for a little guidance. Just ask my electrician! #spedchat
A4: I think we need to stress that everyone relies on some type of support. Part of being independent is knowing when to ask for help or for a little guidance. Just ask my electrician! #spedchat
#Spedchat A5: Frequently remind them the consequences of overhelping/underindependence-ing, beg, plead, threaten, rotate staff frequently, change aide schedules, work w/S on skills to refuse assistance when not needed, beg some more...
A5: Explaining their IEP goals with other staff is essential to get everyone on board. Because teachers cannot keep an eye on each S at all times, all forces need to be in the loop! #spedchat
A5: I would say sit down and come up with plans for each child. Go beyond the state IEP. Set reachable goals together, have uniform expectations at home and school. I would make sure all staff know and understand the capabilities of each individiual Ss. #spedchat
A5: Getting your Ss Ps on board with helping them gain independence is sometimes a difficult task. With Ps I feel like the more data we have to back up how something helps for the better, the more on board they are for us The staff that I work w/ is great at helping #spedchat
Then you make a plan for how to improve the skills that were lacking in having success, finding resources for accommodating a missing/weak skill, or adjusting the goal w/newfound experience in consideration! #spedchat
A4: Let the students know you are there for them and help them through the transition from high school to college. Everyone needs a little guidance! :) #spedchat
A5: I think we need to remind staff and parents that this 5 year old will some day be 15 years old, and then someday 50 years old. There is no self-contained Target. What are we teaching them at 5 yrs old that will lead to independence when 15 or 50? #spedchat
#Spedchat Time to wrap up tonight! We are looking for people interested in being regular moderator for #spedchat, especially if interested in moderating as weekly chat again. @INISchoolsSpEd and I have really full plates & want to pass chat to those who can put in time/work!
#Spedchat Time to wrap up tonight! We are looking for people interested in being regular moderator for #spedchat, especially if interested in moderating as weekly chat again. @INISchoolsSpEd and I have really full plates & want to pass chat to those who can put in time/work!
#Spedchat Time to wrap up tonight! We are looking for people interested in being regular moderator for #spedchat, especially if interested in moderating as weekly chat again. @INISchoolsSpEd and I have really full plates & want to pass chat to those who can put in time/work!
See you 1/9 at 9:00pm EST for the next #spedchat! We’ll do the 2nd Tues in January b/c of holiday breaks! Please DM me if you're interested in becoming a regular #spedchat moderator (or if you'd like to guest moderate a chat/topic)! Thanks for a great chat tonight!
A5: Having different independent teaching lessons where the students can learn independence without a teacher or aid doing everything for the child. Students should learn certain tasks early on to help with this change. #spedchat
#Spedchat Time to wrap up tonight! We are looking for people interested in being regular moderator for #spedchat, especially if interested in moderating as weekly chat again. @INISchoolsSpEd and I have really full plates & want to pass chat to those who can put in time/work!
Thanks for joining #spedchat! I loved your input - I kept saying "Yes!!" out loud to everything you tweeted!! My dog thinks I've lost my mind because I keep talking to my laptop. :)
A great SEPAG presentation tonight @mthollyschools w #SPAN hosted by @LDRawley Proud of our parents and teachers and looking forward of our future collaboration together.