This is the official Twitter account for #OklaEd, thehashtag that brings OK educators together. #OklaEd is not political & promotes constructive dialogue.
Thanks everyone for joining tonight. I'm Christopher Vian and I teacher Gifted and STEM at Coronado Heights Elementary in @PutnamCityOK and am the president-elect of the Oklahoma Association for the Gifted, Creative, and Talented. #oklaed
A $40,000 salary in OKC is respectfully equivalent to a $63,180 salary in Kodiak,AK. AK has the highest paid reaches in the nation with a salary of $77,843 per year. Therefore, AK teachers get paid $15,605 more than OK teachers. #oklaed#oklahomateacherswalkout
A1: I feel like I am cheating and would NOT have answered this way before the @OklaSaid interview with @EpicCharter, but its a way of processing information. ;-) #oklaed
A1: Gifted and talented...I like to believe that all my students are gifted and talented...after all...Howard Garner did talk about multiple intelligences... #oklaed
A1 to have a unique mix of strengths or skills; imo, everyone is gifted in some’s just a matter of discovering and developing those gifts. #oklaed
John a Bennett, Emeritus Engineering, living in Midllothian, Virginia. Education is NOT about teaching; it’s about developing skills important to ongoing Effective Learning and critical to lifelong learning. #oklaed
A1 - I think all students are gifted and talented in many unique ways. But to be part of a G&T program a high level of processing skill is necessary. #oklaed
A1: I have mixed feelings on what it means to be GT. This is always a tough topic for me. I get it, I do..but I also fear it promotes segregation, and I think it needs to be more diverse. #oklaed
A1: high performance capability in intellectual, creative, artistic, or leadership capacity, or in specific academic fields, and who require services or activities not ordinarily provided in the regular classroom #oklaed
A1: It means excelling at an area that is tested. #oklaed Schools usually consider it being above average in a few special ways of processing information and provide Ss extra ways of developing these talents.
#oklaed A1: Being gifted and talented is finding the strengths in a student and helping them show it. Being a part of the program is really showing all those strengths outwardly.
A1: I have mixed feelings on what it means to be GT. This is always a tough topic for me. I get it, I do..but I also fear it promotes segregation, and I think it needs to be more diverse. #oklaed
Hello, #Oklaed -
Joy Hofmeister, Oklahoma State Supt.
Ready for tonight’s chat after
fun afternoon saying “Yes to the dress” w/my daughter! 💍💕 #WeddingBells
Identified gifted is a part of special education services. All students are unique, beautiful, and full of unlimited potential but not all are “gifted” #oklaed
Here is the National Association for Gifted Children FAQ to help show how a national organization defined gifted and talented #oklaed
#OklaEd A1: Students who have capabilities for learning AND application of that learning to useful situations - beyond the typical student at an age-consistent stage of formal education. NOTE: With my definition, I’m not sure many of the G&T students are really G&T ...
A1 category 1 is 97th percentile on qualifying tests. Cat 2 is local qualifiers and how they are served. Cat 1 don’t always achieve as expected. Some struggle as much as othe rspecial needs. #oklaed
A1) I think it is difficult to define, but means that the S & parents will need additional supports and resources to remain engaged and pushing toward their potential #OklaEd
We have special services and classes for people who enjoy band, sports, art, and other activities, but some Ss just need time to explore different avenues. GT kids tend to be thinkers who need extra stimulation. #OklaEd
A1 at one OAGCT keynote said research shows GT students do better segregated, but everyone does better with them in class. Balance of enrichment and mainstream is best I think. #oklaed
A2: Where I am, there is not much resource to go around. All I can do is enrich their lives with my content knowledge and my experience. It's not much, but it's something... #oklaed
A2: My district has GT classes (STEM based) for elementary school, but I don't think they do anything beyond that except pay for part of concurrent classes. I teach AP, though, so I get some of them... #oklaed
In my school, we personalize for each S. I know GT Ss recieved extra curriculum, but not sure how many took advantage. Not my area of expertise in our model...or any, really. #oklaed
#oklaed A2 One of the biggest resources would be creative, passionate, and motivating teachers who offer various types of learning activities for all students.
Did I read that right as defined in 1972? I was 12. Surely I was gifted back then. But please don't ask any of my still living Ts. They will tell you I was only great at BS! #oklaed
A2) We have a “GT specialist” and a GT committee that is working to find ways to meet those kids at their level in what ever area they are gifted in. #oklaed
A2) Clinton, in 7-12, has honors classes, AP classes, and has had preAP classes. We also have advanced music courses and art courses along with maker-space advancements. #oklaed
A2 we have an elementary gifted program—I was in it 100 years ago when I was a kid but don’t know much about it know—plus honors/pre-AP/AP classes, and maybe other programs? Wish there were more individualized options. #oklaed
#oklaed A2: Since I'm a PST I can't say much currently, but I know back in middle school there was a gifted/talented program where students were selected to take part in it.
A2: AP classes at the high level, I looked the fact that anyone can take these classes. Students & parents have a voice/choice and can challenge themselves. #oklaed
#oklaed A2 enrichment in class and in small groups. Note that there are sleepers out there that are not identified! Check alt ed and In-house frequenters!
A2: At the high school AP classes, Career Tech, and lots of other art, music, and language opportunities are available, resources I find the most useful are in peer networking and "borrowing" from the pros! #oklaed
Have you seen the test? It reminds me of the ASVAB - designed to test things other than what Ss learn in school: pattern recognition, problem solving. It's a different type of MC test, I think. #oklaed
Interesting to see all the answers to Q2 talking about AP courses as a gifted class. I understand using them, but even the College Board says they aren't meant as a replacement for GT education. Not sure what the answer to this is. #oklaed
A2: AP classes at the high school level, I like the fact any student can take these classes. Students/parents have a voice/choice and choose to challenge themselves. #oklaed
#oklaed A2 enrichment in class and in small groups. Note that there are sleepers out there that are not identified! Check alt ed and In-house frequenters!
A1) It is a little embarrassing that our primary identification for gifted and talented identification and funding is still based on an I.Q test score. We should study a more equitable way to fund programs that help all students enrich their educational experiences. #OklaEd
A2) Clinton, in 7-12, has honors classes, AP classes, and has had preAP classes. We also have advanced music courses and art courses along with maker-space advancements. #oklaed
As an AP T at the high school level that focuses primarily on processing skills I would like to see things done at the elementary and middle level that challenge and build this abilities. I would like to see those resources increase. #oklaed
A2 when I did HS we had career fairs and luncheons with a variety speakers. I monitored to see who wasn’t plugged in to any enrichment, such as AP, sports, leadership, fine arts, community, etc. #oklaed
A1)It is a little embarrassing that our primary method for gifted and talented identification and funding is still based on an I.Q test score. We should study a more equitable way to fund programs that help all students enrich their educational experiences. #OklaEd
So if GT programs are good b/c they allow for exploration/STEM/problem solving without being tied to a grade, why don’t we offer that for every student? Why must it be Ss who are defined by a test? #OklaEd
A2: I have relationships. All Ss need those. Just saw a GT student yesterday and all she talked about was the bond we shared in her hard times. Sorry- counselor, here! #oklaed
Good point! But I think often GT students enjoy the different atmosphere of AP classes. My AP Lit class this year has a different type of S than usual - not listed as GT, but definitely talented in areas. #oklaed
Interesting to see all the answers to Q2 talking about AP courses as a gifted class. I understand using them, but even the College Board says they aren't meant as a replacement for GT education. Not sure what the answer to this is. #oklaed
A3: I struggle w/the wording in this ?... "really be gifted".. YES! Absolutely, YES! are you only talking academically? because there are other areas to be gifted in and experience success and contribute to the world. #oklaed
A3 - I was. I was in the G/T program as an elementary student, and had an IEP and saw the speech therapist because I was so soft spoken and never talked in class. #oklaed
A3 heck yes! An IEP/504 plan only means that a kid may need support in certain doesn’t mean that a kid can’t be intelligent/gifted/talented. #oklaed
#oklaed AP is meant for anyone who wants to participate. I think all classes should follow the philosophy. GT is much broader. There sre various tests to attempt to identify different types, but nothing is perfect. Pay attention to individuals!
Seeing a lot of posts saying we need to serve all students and while I agree opps for GT can benefit all students; it sounds like it’s being treated like a privilege for GT vs need re: EL or IEP. It’s okay to say GT students NEED services. #oklaed
#OklaEd A2: Sorry, I really hope there is nothing different from what should be available for ALL students - maybe more, “maybe” because of how I think most G&T are identified ...
A3) Absolutely, I’ve seen plenty of kids with IEP/504 be gifted in my band classes or be gifted with other things like welding in ag and working with computers. #oklaed
A3: ABSOLUTELY!!!! Just remember Albert Einstein... I feel that although a student may lack academic achievement, they may still be gifted in other things such as music and art. #oklaed
#oklaed q1: the state recognizes any child who scores in the top 3% on a nationally normed standardized test as gifted. One misconception lies in spatial reasoning. The Nagleri is a gray identifier. Could be non-verbal or low edge stll G/t
A3 - I was. I was in the G/T program as an elementary student, and had an IEP and saw the speech therapist because I was so soft spoken and never talked in class. #oklaed
A3: While I don't see many IEP/504's in my AP classes, I do get to share class with them in my Biotechnology classes and I can answer with a resounding YES that some are VERY GT #oklaed
A3: We label students too fluidly to adhere to policy. Of course students with IEPs/504s can be gifted. Let’s meet individual needs. It’s not about compliance. #oklaed
A3: Just because a student learns a different way, it doesn’t mean they can’t be gifted. I’ve met some brilliant students who have been labeled. Labels can’t disguise brilliance. #oklaed
A3: Of course. I don't think there is any sector where Ss would automatically be unable to be gifted. But they might not always be gifted in a way that qualifies for GT programs - and sometimes they are! #oklaed
Yes! If you’ve seen a twice exceptional student, you know this is true! Disability does NOT negate giftedness! These students, sadly, are under identified and under served! #oklaed
A3: I struggle w/the wording in this ?... "really be gifted".. YES! Absolutely, YES! are you only talking academically? because there are other areas to be gifted in and experience success and contribute to the world. #oklaed
If more money is given bc of their identification they deserve to see the funding put towards their individual education, can look different in different schools #oklaed
A4: I think need depends on the kid and opportunity. In Norman, my kids are both considered GT and are pulled. But they’d be fine without it. Well, mostly because they are awesome and have awesome teachers! 💙#oklaed
A4: If your district has a GT program that states it is the classroom teachers responsibility to serve those Ss then yes, Ts would need extensive training, I had a 30 hour class in Tx., then 6hr update each year after #oklaed
A4: The ? isn't should they be pulled..bc FIRST we need to ask ourselves what makes them any more gifted/talented than a peer? and Why is TALENT in the label? Playing the Piano is a talent.. but that doesn't necessarily get you pulled for GT. Ugh! I could go all nite. #oklaed
A4- We don’t do pullout in my HS, but I feel like they should be after school programs, otherwise it separates kids based on “abilities” &I think that furthers inequities. Honestly, I wish we could redesign the entire school day in HS, but that is a soapbox I won’t get on #OklaEd
A3) one of the most gifted students I've ever seen was a blind student who excelled at speech, drama and debate. Brilliant. But had to work really hard. Exceptional? Yes, in many ways. #oklaed
Oh, I agree. I have been that overlap, but when people say “all students” in this conversation, it sounds like, “Oh, they’re GT so they’ll figure out how to enrich themselves.” #oklaed
A4: I do not believe so...they should already understand that education does not just happen inside the classroom. A lot of it occurs outside the classroom. #oklaed
I completely understand this sentiment. However, I have met too many teachers who actually think learning or physical disabilities automatically disqualify a student from being gifted to not address it. #oklaed
#Oklaed G/T S are often misidentified as problems. They often have no or little filter. Allowing them to demonstrate their area(s) of expertise and showcase their learning style is important Resident experts
A4 I truly have mixed feelings. I benefitted from an elementary G/T program enormously! But the egalitarian (as well as the shy kid) in me wonders if there’s not a better way. I don’t have an answer that I find acceptable without major changes in class sizes, etc. #oklaed
I know several schools have gone away from calling it Gifted/Talented. Call it what you want.. it's the same thing. but maybe to my 4th graders asking me why they don't get to go to GT classes..maybe a new name would help. #oklaed
That’s where your advocacy will be key. A physical or specific learning disability should not be a factor in determining giftedness. Students must be given the supports AND opportunities needed. #oklaed
A3: I struggle w/the wording in this ?... "really be gifted".. YES! Absolutely, YES! are you only talking academically? because there are other areas to be gifted in and experience success and contribute to the world. #oklaed
A4) Not necessarily. Assignments can be differentiated to meet them at their level, which in honesty should and can be done for all students, not just GT. #oklaed
A4: In my opinion no. GT Ss should be encouraged to participate in enrichment activities, such as clubs and groups after school, not singled out during the school day #oklaed
Q4: It is important for gifted students (and all students) to learn in context and they should be provided experiences that allow for relevance while teaching problem solving. #oklaed
Q2 #OklaEd Opening Pre-AP and AP classes to any student who chooses the rigor is an important step in G/T work. Catches those talented in a subject matter yet perhaps not in top 3%. Aligns to College Board philosophy
What if every teacher looked at every student and tried to help that student figure out where their gifts lie? What if I identify students gifted in my area of expertise, I nurture those students, and other teachers do the same? #oklaed
#OklaEd Since I believe EVERY student I’d G&T in some way, I’m not for “pulling” - but by now I’m sure I’ve probably made my answers in this chat insane for most of you... I am who I am, sorry ...
A4) Pull out, differentiate, challenge, leave in, motivate, stimulate. Isn't that what the best Ts do for their GT kids? And their special needs kids? And their kids? Damn this job is hard. #oklaed
A4: yes because it is too easy for regular ed teachers to focus on the struggling students with the misconception that the gifted students will be successful no matter what... #oklaed
A5: Elem. Ts should have small group with GT Ss just as they do any other group, leveled to their ability, ALL Ss can be peer tutors and leaders #oklaed
A5 - I think it is always beneficial for Ss to teach each other and collaborate. Not sure what that looks like in elementary, but my Ss are almost always working together in my class. #OklaEd
A5 I think peer mentoring is good if the student is gifted at teaching others, as well. Some students aren't. Some students just need to be able to focus on developing their gifts, whether it's writing, math or something else. #oklaed
A5: I use peer mentors in my classroom. BUT each student learns a new skill differently. What one S may have caught on to quick, another maybe got it slower. but next skill will look diff for each S. #oklaed Group them accordingly.
A5) Not really! Your gifted students deserve something suited to their learning styles, and using them as peer mentors does not provide them with what they need. #oklaed
Gifted ed (my PhD specialty, close to my heart) is important and NOT for every kid. It’s for those who are identified bc without it, THEY experience educational injustice. All students HAVE gifts; all are not “gifted.” #OklaEd
#oklaed A5 I think it always depends on the kid. Is the S an effective mentor? Are there guidelines? Is it benefitting? Are there another non-GT Ss who can also mentor? Will it harm them not to have small groups? Nah. I think whole, class, student needs/resources
A5) Every situation is different, that could be acceptable depending on the situation. If all Ss involved benefit, Ts know that learning to teach a topic does require more mastery, so it could be a great thing. #oklaed
Very good article. GT should logically include diverse groups so the screening process and definitions need to be intentionally inclusive. Demographics of GT (of all our identified groups for services) should absolutely be looked at. #oklaed
Also, in OK we have many schools not doing good ID of gifted students, or only basing it on test scores or grades, which is not appropriate for ID. What @joy4ok said, disability should NOT be hindrance. We have to use a spectrum of ID tools! #oklaed
If feel we've knocked it out of the park with our responses to 4 and 5 some I calling an audible.
Question 6: How can we make sure we are adequately identifying and providing services for our students of color, students with disabilities, and English Language Learners? #oklaed
Sorry to butt in but this is something I am passionate about. It is NOT semantics at all. Sadly, our budget crisis has wounded gifted ed, as well as training teachers and admin to know how to serve them. We don’t need a name change, but a training change! #oklaed
Gifted ed (my PhD specialty, close to my heart) is important and NOT for every kid. It’s for those who are identified bc without it, THEY experience educational injustice. All students HAVE gifts; all are not “gifted.” #OklaEd
My son that is now 21 was always in GT from a very young age. I was proud of him. I also wasn't a teacher yet and didn't understand the process and never considered the other students. I am more educated now. and I struggle. #oklaed
#OklaEd It is crucial to a successful G/T program to provide an avenue for identified S to have some type of differentiation in their instructional year. District resources should be used for these S to be in compliance of the funding they receive
A6 - This is hard for me. There is so much data to show standardized tests are racially biased, yet we use those to define a S’s skill set. The achievement gap has WIDENED since NCLB. I’m not sure using a “test” is every adequate for our minority Ss. #OklaEd
A6) If we are striving to reach all of our Ss their level to see them gain more mastery of a subject or skill, it shouldn’t matter where they fall in the range of diversity? #oklaed
GT programs can be great benefit re: economic or cultural disparity...however, I feel the chorus about to sing, “Those programs can benefit all students.” Okay, then how do you differentiate services for GT? Or don’t you? #oklaed
This is an important question. My experience was that it was only partially effective. I got more out of my honors/AP classes than I did my GT pullout class. #oklaed
Ugh! My laptop just crashed and my phone is almost out of power. I guess the powers that be decided I need to do something else right now. #oklaed But think about this: GT helps a portion of Ss. We just need more programs for other talents! 😉
Q6: Know your students personally. Outside of their parents (sometimes more), you spend the majority of time with them for a whole entire year. It’s demanding but that is the best way to know what’s your Ss need. #oklaed
#OklaEd A5: Somehow students are identified as G&T. OK ... Isn’t it the teacher’s responsibility to facilitate their learning and useful use of that knowledge - just as for all students??? Or are there special mandates for G&T???
A6: I get to know my students as best I can, every student can learn, figure out how they learn and teach that way. If you’re only teaching 1 way, that may be a problem. #oklaed
If feel we've knocked it out of the park with our responses to 4 and 5 some I calling an audible.
Question 6: How can we make sure we are adequately identifying and providing services for our students of color, students with disabilities, and English Language Learners? #oklaed
As an elementary kid, having the freedom to explore areas i was interested in on a deeper level than I would have been able in the classroom or on my own was important. And I was beyond bored in the classroom most of the time. GT kept me focused and engaged #oklaed
Boy, people are getting fired up on this topic. All kids have Maslow’s needs, all kids need love, a place to belong, and such. I think people may be coming from different places on this chat. #oklaed
The ES g/t program I was in as an @okcps student at @Arthurokcps changed everything for me and even influenced my career path, but it was about the teachers as much as the program. #oklaed
#OKlaEd Ts must put ego aside for successful G/T programming. It’s ok for the S to know more than the T. The T is actually the facilitator and provides time and resources for the magic to happen.
Definitely not a GT kiddo. I just talked to my friends and the teacher. I loved school to socialize. Not sure where my kiddos get it. Maybe @AtchleyLinda family! #oklaed
Question 7: There is no need to identify gifted students at an early age, right? (Keep in mind that this is about misconceptions and not my personal view) #oklaed
Everything about dropping the ego is true! Let your Ss teach you. You'll be amazed at what they can do when you give them the go ahead to be smart. #oklaed
#OKlaEd Ts must put ego aside for successful G/T programming. It’s ok for the S to know more than the T. The T is actually the facilitator and provides time and resources for the magic to happen.
A6: This is THE question. I don't have the answer either. All I know is I struggle with it. I see it from the perspective of a child finding out they qualify, to a child wondering why they don't. . #oklaed as a Teacher I am so confused. and I love them all.
Question 7: There is no need to identify gifted students at an early age, right? (Keep in mind that this is about misconceptions and not my personal view) #oklaed
#oklaed The GT Program I was I. Lowed me to study topics I was interested in - we all studied/researched/learned different topics - put me in charge of my learning to an extent and I loved it!
7A By second grade I was gifted at being in trouble, keeping other kids from learning and causing the T to run out of the room with her hair on fire. I was identified early alright. Caused my younger siblings to be identified early too. Does that count? #oklaed
That's a good question. Perhaps our legislature has an answer to it. They seem to think we can do this with 452 kids in our classes and no money. #oklaed
I think the younger we identify Ss the less they qualify, research also says a cognitive intelligence test should only be given every 3yrs. IMO more start qualifying in 1st gr. #oklaed
After school is an option, instead of a pull out program like I did. But having the in school program, my regular T was aware of what I was doing when I wasn’t doing regular class the enrichment meant she wasn’t having to shift attention from other Ss. #oklaed
Just been observing #oklaed but I have to say..we focus on inclusion of IEP Ss with no pull out but we are so in favor of pull out for GT identified Ss. We get $ for both. Can't a gr8 lesson challenge all? Inclusion done right works.
#oklaed In early grades it is often hard to determine who is a high achiever and who would be identified as gifted according to the test. Often teachers notice a child is thinking differently and solving problems with a logical process.
A8: I have a very gifted child in my class now. His peers struggle w/ever wanting to compete against him in anything. They assume they will lose every time. This is unfair to both children. #oklaed
#OklaEd A7: Obvious to me: “There is NO JUSTIFICATION for identifying (artificially/arbitrarily) G&T students BECAUSE ALL students are G&T honestly in some way ... Forget this and challenge ALL STUDENTS to optimize their formal education in preparation for lifelong learning.
Question 7: There is no need to identify gifted students at an early age, right? (Keep in mind that this is about misconceptions and not my personal view) #oklaed
A7) I have trouble with this because it becomes a status symbol with some parents and it can be used to push/ pressure a student who isn’t academically or mentally mature yet ......#oklaed
This is part of how GT students need support. Empathy, patience, and working with others are skills that must be taught, as are the skills on how to deal with failure and frustration when things are not easy #oklaed
A8) My GT kids hated being segregated from their friends, ostracized for being the "brainiacs" or worse. GT did set a very high bar as they grew academically but it was about their teacher and differentiation without being "more busy work because I finished first" #oklaed
A6: Oklahoma has under-identified Gifted/Talented minority students for decades. This must be changed. We are developing new strategies to reverse the trend and better serve all students. #oklaed
A8 my vocab was advanced for my age so communication wasn’t always easy...but other than general mild geekiness, I was ok socially. (don’t hurt my feelings by contradicting me on this...😉) #oklaed
A8- Not sure. Again, by 11th grade I’m not sure I always see the “social issues.” The Ss I have with stars by their name in PowerSchool are all so different and so unique. #OklaEd
A6: Oklahoma has under-identified Gifted/Talented minority students for decades. This must be changed. We are developing new strategies to reverse the trend and better serve all students. #oklaed
#OkLaEd One other thing to remember is that leadership is giftedness and many districts write within their plan a nomination inventory where a S, fellow S, T&P May nominate S