#MasteryChat is a weekly chat with a growing family of educators from around the word focused on teaching better and reaching more students. Topics cover an array of challenges and solutions for teachers of all grade levels and subject areas, admins, and support staff.
#MasteryChat occurs every Thursday at 8:00pm eastern.
The chat was created by team at @thegridmethod, but is hosted by guest moderators each week. Our primary moderators are @techieteachott, @raehugart, and @jeffgargas.
Hey it’s Chad Ostrowski here from Ohio! I’m the co-founder of @teachbetterteam the creators of #masterychat and the creator of #thegridmethod. I love working with teachers, schools and districts to help educators #teachbetter! I LOVE THE PASSION TEACHERS HAVE FOR THEIR STUDENTS!
What makes me love teaching? The challenges to figure out the cognitive pathways in my students that leads us all towards success...the art of learning!
Hi! Aubrey from 🇨🇦I am few years out of classroom, but loveeeeee seeing that light in the kids' eyes when they learn in the classroom or in the gym (BB coach forever!) #MasteryChat
Happy Valentine's Day and ya for Thursdays!
Hello #masterychat! One thing I LOVE about teaching is that I get to spend my days with some amazing kiddos who help me see the world differently. #MasteryChat
I was a typical traditional teacher. No redo, no retakes, no late work... I have changed everything! I am happier, my students are happier, and I see more improvement than I ever have. Now learners care more about "do I understand" rather than "get it done." #edchat#oklaed#tlap
Hello #masterychat! I’m Marcia from Atwater CA, #tosa Induction Mentor for new teachers! I love inspiring Ss or Ts, with stories, videos, strategies, green screen, etc @DoInkTweets
I'm Randi from Ohio. I teach 8th grade Math and just found out I'm teaching 6th grade next year! I love seeing students discover that they CAN do Math and building confidence in themselves. #masterychat
Not going to be able to make it tonight, guys. We just got home and I’m going to spend some quality time with my babies before they go to bed. I’ll see you all next week! #MasteryChat
In reply to
@jeffgargas, @VNixon1988, @nankr1120, @tyarnold18, @timlriley, @MrPStrunk, @Stella_Pollard, @FbellomoB, @jeffreykubiak, @teaching_power
Karla Kiper, from Baton Rouge. I teach and work with teachers and district leaders and I love helping people of every age find new strengths. #masterychat
Good evening all. Phil from Southern NJ. Admin. I got into teaching 10 yrs ago for the relationships I could build outside the classroom on the soccer field and basketball court. I wanted to shape young boys into young men and build confidence in them. #masterychat
My college medical school advisor. He talked me into doing an independent study in my last year about eugenics and I presented at a bioethics conference as a UG. Big crowd, lots of fun teaching. He said I was a natural. #TeachBetter#TeachBetterTeam#MasteryChat#thegridmethod
We want you all to fall in love with teaching again with our Valentine's Day #TeachBetter Challenge. Be sure to look out tomorrow for the Day 1 graphic and share the love with us! #teachbetterteam#masterychat#thegridmethod
Hi All,
I am Kevin and I teach elementary science over in Taiwan.
I love when I tell students "this will be difficult" and then I see them rise to the challenge.
Hi, I’m an Assistant Principal from PA very new to Twitter...this is my first chat! My favorite part of education is when students return to visit you and it becomes crystal clear how much of an impact you have made in their lives! #masterychat
Hey everyone! Alex, 21st Century Teaching and Learning Coordinator in Freeport, IL. The thing I love most about teaching is seeing students make connections for the first time! #MasteryChat
I am Lindsay! I teach 4th grade in Granger, Indiana. I love seeing students’ faces light up with joy. Joy from learning something we, making connections, accomplishing something, or just because they are happy to see them. It’s all about the students! #MasteryChat
Dan from Wisconsin. I love the aha moment. Happened today with an S who doesn’t like science. She ran through a negative feedback loop with TSH and T4 like a pro. Then connected it to an activity about thermostats we did last week. The S usually sits quiet. #MasteryChat
Hello everyone. Luis from RI. I work with the ELL students at my HS. I love to see my students become more and more confident as they learn the language. The best is when they can show how intelligent they are without having to use a translator for their teachers.
A1 - Focusing on Self-paced mastery learning can hugely benefit these students and help build self-awareness and motivation through accountability and unconditional support with high doses of Freedom! #masterychat
A1: In my classes, I created a routine that allows students to own the flow of the class. This ownership lead them to make informed choices about their learning as they become self-starters on their journey in learning. #masterychat
Hi everyone! Rachel from Minnesota! Glad to be here for #MasteryChat, and here's what I love about teaching (no matter the students). Also, fits well with my personal learning philosophy:
A1: I am constantly giving my students time to self- reflect and opportunities to go above and beyond basic expectations. I try to be the guiding voice in their head getting them to reflect as much as possible on their motivations and drive! #MasteryChat
A1: I am constantly giving my students time to self- reflect and opportunities to go above and beyond basic expectations. I try to be the guiding voice in their head getting them to reflect as much as possible on their motivations and drive! #MasteryChat
A1: A self-regulated student practices self-awareness and is self-motivated. I keep striving to create conditions for this to happen. It's a daily struggle to allow students to pursue the things they are most passionate about. #MasteryChat
Rob LeGault, AP at Houston High in Germantown, TN. My excitement from teaching comes when students are engaged in a lesson and later take ownership of their learning and extend the lesson further.#masterychat
A1: Ss who are self regulated need routine. Start with a warm up, allow Ss to provide answers, assist in transitions, and take ownership in the class. A self regulated S will build the intrinsic motivation that is needed in a daily basis #masterychat
A1 I love seeing learners control their emotions and see the "why" I try to help them see the big picture when controlling themselves and not letting others "control" them #MasteryChat
Happy Valentine's Day, #masterychat! I'm Sara from the Dallas area where I teach wild and crazy GT ELA middle school kiddos. I love it when they don't need me... they've learned to fly on their own.
Something I also love is being part of the revolution in education: SBL, Flipped Classroom, game based learning, Engagement, relevancy in Social Studies, social justice in the classroom. I love it all #masterychat
A1: This type of student would most likely fit into any teaching style. It is the students who are not quite there yet who we have to meet where they are at and help them with strategies and coping skills to become self-regulating. #Masterychat
A1: One thing I used to do in my classroom was spend time regularly reflecting. We reflected about our understanding, performance, effort, interactions with peers, etc. It allowed us, as a community, to discuss how we can make changes to be better. #MasteryChat
A1: I would love for all students to do this naturally. I want to build capacity for all learners to get to these points. I love what one of the teachers I coach uses in her classroom: are you swimming, treading water, or sinking? #MasteryChat#TeachBetter
A1 I teach English, so students learn self-awareness by writing about topics that matter to them—like their neighborhoods, their identities, their struggles, and the books that have impacted them. Doing meaningful work is inherently motivating. #MasteryChat
I'm pretty self-motivated myself. I think I expect my students to be the same. And of course, not all of them are! Easy to fall into the "teach the way I would want to be taught" trap; have to keep mixing it up and working hard to reach all students. #masterychat
A1: student centered lessons & #PBL empower Ss to sustain their inquiry & reflect on their learning, as a T I facilitate, guide & encourage #masterychat
A1: A self-regulated student practices self-awareness and is self-motivated. I keep striving to create conditions for this to happen. It's a daily struggle to allow students to pursue the things they are most passionate about. #MasteryChat
A1: We work on self-regulatory strategies everyday. Role playing, scenario/group discussion helps students recognize the challenge. Not easy being a 21st C student with everything on Ss’ plates. #MasteryChat
A1: We do a lot of self reflection and visual learning. Self-regulation isn’t a natural skill that all Ss have. You have to provide opportunities for students to gain it. Reflection is such a huge part of that process. Building in opportunities to practice is key. #MasteryChat
I use a self-paced, sometimes mastery model in a #flippedclassroom. Ss need to be self-regulated to be successful. Of course it does involve teaching them how to do that in the beginning (with a refresher now and then). #MasteryChat
A1: I teach it! When I give students time to work in groups I tell them they can only talk like they are in a library. I have encouraged them to remind each other to work quietly. They are learning to self regulate. But it comes in fits and starts.
A1: Ss who are self regulated need routine. Start with a warm up, allow Ss to provide answers, assist in transitions, and take ownership in the class. A self regulated S will build the intrinsic motivation that is needed in a daily basis #masterychat
It should fit any style that supports student-centric learning. As #teachers, we need to provide paths of personalized learning which sparks curiosity, keeps #students engaged, provides learning targets and success criteria while developing 21st century skills. #MasteryChat
A1. My teaching & now leadership is first focused on self-awareness. I can’t ask of others to do challenging work if they are not aware of how they are perceived by others. After that we work on self-regulating skills in order to build to self motivation. #MasteryChat
A1: I have a big emphasis on self-control and self-regulation in my classroom. With 6th graders you get a mix of wise-beyond-their-years and "babies." By the winter break, they are ready to step out and show how capable they really are. #MasteryChat
A1 self regulated is the real world. Developing authentic and relevant learning experiences for kids means developing an atmosphere that cultivates self regulated learners so they become self regulated global citizens. #masterychat
A1 I love seeing learners control their emotions and see the "why" I try to help them see the big picture when controlling themselves and not letting others "control" them #MasteryChat
Hello everyone at #masterychat tonight. Sandra here from @teachconnect_us. I love teaching because of all the love I give and receive every single day to my amazing students.
A1: From my perspective, intrinsic motivation is one of the greatest traits for a learner to have. The real challenge becomes motivating others while harnessing those aready motivated and empowering all students to grow. #masterychat
I teach multiple modes of reflection + leave ample time for it throughout the learning process. I also use face-to-face grading where students learn how to be more aware of their work + the assessment + feedback processes to provide accurate self-assessments. #MasteryChat
A1: When I taught, my goal was to work Maslow along with Blooms in my lesson planning and execution, so that by October students could take what learning was going on and make magic with it. #MasteryChat
I provide time for students to reflect on their efforts and goals, but traditionally it’s been at the end of term. I’m going to shift this to more of a weekly or even assignment related task for students to reflect more in their work along with goals and aspirations. #masterychat
A1.2: Some students are self-regulated. Others need scaffolds in to help them demonstrate self-regulation. I believe my teaching met both types of Ss needs. We were always working to analyze where we were and where we wanted to go. #MasteryChat
A1: I have a big emphasis on self-control and self-regulation in my classroom. With 6th graders you get a mix of wise-beyond-their-years and "babies." By the winter break, they are ready to step out and show how capable they really are. #MasteryChat
A1. I believe great teachers work to help students become more self aware and self-directed. Helping S’s find their strengths and become aware of weaknesses as well through specific feedback. #masterychat
A1: I design my learning opportunities so that Ss see the purpose in everything they do. I tie everything to specific learning targets so that Ss keep their goals in mind. I provide opportunities for reflection so Ss identify their own strengths and weaknesses. #masterychat
A2 - Self-sufficiency is something we can show students through both modeling and explicit direction and questioning. For example, answering questions with questions can help show them how to answer their own questions and problems which can help build these skills #masterychat
A2: I am very intentional in having real talks with my students about what a self-sufficient learner looks like. We talk about the learning process and their part in the process. #masterychat
A1. I am no longer in the classroom but I think self regulation etc. should be the goal of all Ts to produce productive citizens & life long learners. We don’t want to produce robots but Ss who are independent & are aware of how their actions impact others #masterychat
A1: I encourage teachers to allow students to set goals for themselves throughout the year and monitor instruction via CBAs and benchmarks. This leads to self-monitoring and more responsible students. #MasteryChat
~my style of inclusivity & compassion meshes nicely w/putting the needs of the Ss first & fostering individual growth as well as the growth in the betterment of others #teamworkmakesthedreamwork#masterychat
A1: This type of student would most likely fit into any teaching style. It is the students who are not quite there yet who we have to meet where they are at and help them with strategies and coping skills to become self-regulating. #Masterychat
It is so important that we invest in intentionally teaching the practices we seek in our students rather than sell them short or pass the buck to parents, previous teachers... #MasteryChat
A1: I teach it! When I give students time to work in groups I tell them they can only talk like they are in a library. I have encouraged them to remind each other to work quietly. They are learning to self regulate. But it comes in fits and starts.
A1: I make a point of explicitly modelling the things I want my students to learn. That means doing if, speaking it, and acknowledging it throughoutthe day. #MasteryChat
A2: Routines teach students the foundation of expectations and take the guess work out of the classwork. This leaves mind- space for students to take control of their learning, make choices, and determine the value of their learning. #MasteryChat
I teach @ZonesOfReg all about emotions/feelings and how our body feels & what tool/strategy we could use to help us (ie, if we are feeling silly and have lots of energy, we could do a body break). Lots of support as my Ss learn these strategies/tools #masterychat
Love the swimming illustrations! Stealing this! Students have to think about which one they fit - and it can shift depending on the day and situation! #MasteryChat
A2: self-regulation can be taught & practiced with check-ins & accountability strategies, then gradually releasing Ss with more & more freedom #masterychat
A1: I would love for all students to do this naturally. I want to build capacity for all learners to get to these points. I love what one of the teachers I coach uses in her classroom: are you swimming, treading water, or sinking? #MasteryChat#TeachBetter
A2: We use a tool called Second Step for SEL in our elementary classrooms, and we also have a graduate profile that focuses on the 4Cs along with being a global citizen. It's a tall task, but kids are worth it. #MasteryChat
A1 Using learning centers/work stations allows for self-regulation and self-motivation. They are able to make choices within varied levels and work at own pace. #MasteryChat
A1 A student who can self-regulate is better able to work with peers. They can handle change better as well as disappointment. It is a skill that students need to develop #masterychat
A2: I always go through thorough instructions and then have stopping points for the students to check back in. I’ve started to also use @Screencastify in order to give video instructions so that the students are able to check back! #MasteryChat
A1: I make a point of explicitly modelling the things I want my students to learn. That means doing if, speaking it, and acknowledging it throughoutthe day. #MasteryChat
A2. We start with a tangible goal is mind and backward plan the steps to achieve those goals. We develop a loose timeframe and discuss possible obstacles. It’s having honest discussions about expectations and triggers. #MasteryChat
A2: Reflection, evaluating learning styles, ownership of their own learning, teaching different ways to learn material, encouragement to explore their learning experiences, and MANY opportunities to practice. You have to directly teach self-regulation skills. #masterychat
A2: We model self regulating skills taught by @desautels_phd ! ! Ss need the repetition and daily routine. Get the trigger points to bring them back to their learning zone #masterychat
#masterychat - A1 - I have been preaching the power for self paced lessons and removing yourself from the front of the room. Check out this post on Blended Learning Math about how I do it!
A1 I teach English, so students learn self-awareness by writing about topics that matter to them—like their neighborhoods, their identities, their struggles, and the books that have impacted them. Doing meaningful work is inherently motivating. #MasteryChat
A1: I teach kindergarten and helping kids be self -aware of strengths and weekness can be challenging. But when the Ss start to understand, they usually double their growth and are intrinsically motivated! #MasteryChat
A2 To build our Ss self-regulation, we must be intentional about scaffolding their ability to make decisions. At its core, self-regulation requires decisions about time management, work output, & revision of current work. Important we provide these opportunities #masterychat
A2: Teaching breathing techniques. Help them to determine their own stressors/destressors - and triggers. Helping them find their passion and connecting their learning to it! #MasteryChat
A2: I provide opportnities for specific reflection. I show students how to identify their own weaknesses and what this means for setting their own goals. I model what to do when they have not been successful. #masterychat
I'm pretty self-motivated myself. I think I expect my students to be the same. And of course, not all of them are! Easy to fall into the "teach the way I would want to be taught" trap; have to keep mixing it up and working hard to reach all students. #masterychat
A2: Teach through alot of modeling & applying throughout the day. Making it a habit, something that is done consistently and not just in the moment. #masterychat
Teaching styles should facilitate student agency involving active student engagement in their learning environment. #masterychat I am a former teacher- currently a Learning Experience Designer/ Coach in higher ed.
A1: when Ss are intrinsically motivated, they’ll lead the learning and automatically start self regulating. That’s when I can quit guiding and simply encourage #masterychat
A1: I push kids to stay with me and normalize mistakes and not knowing something. I don't let them give up when it's hard. My hope is that by showing I won't give up on them or let them quit that this will build their confidence. #masterychat
A1: I encourage Ss to talk it out! We frequently have class chats for Ss to share where they are in projects & work, with what they are struggling, of what they are proud, of what they have learned. Brainstorming & sharing w/peers encourages tremendous growth! #masterychat
I start with explaining the expectations. Then I let them go and watch for a bit. See how they proceed. Then little one on one convos when needed. The focus varies based on observed behavior. Praise the change with positive feedback. #MasteryChat
A2: It is crucial that Ts have the opportunity to check-in regularly with students, especially those prone to exhibiting anxiety or frustration. #MasteryChat
A2 I role play with them. We practice what to do when emotions rise or fall. We do think behavior sheets where they think about why they did something and/or how it effected others. #MasteryChat
A2: By assessing what specific skills they are lacking and teaching those specific skills. Then practicing the skills until they are mastered and can be applied independently. #Masterychat
Kathleen from Virginia. I love teaching because I get to make a difference in someone’s life while there is still a difference to be made. #MasteryChat
A2: Routines and modeling are a necessity. We practice expectations whenever we get off track. I give Ss leadership roles so that when I am gone from the class, it nearly runs itself. We celebrate successes and develop norms for community behavior. #MasteryChat
A1) students are able to respond to variety of innovative opportunities in my room. I trust that my students will take ownership because that have been shown what it looks mike to take ownership and be responsible. #MasteryChat
A2 Model how I want them to self-monitor and adjust as needed. Check in with them as needed and provide feedback when they are floundering.
Honors students tend to self-regulate naturally because they have skills and confidence. What can you do for your standard and struggling learners? #masterychat
A2: By assessing what specific skills they are lacking and teaching those specific skills. Then practicing the skills until they are mastered and can be applied independently. #Masterychat
A2: Executive function skills like self regulation require explicit instruction and practice. Modeling the expected behaviors can play a large part in how students perceive self regulatory skills. Hold students accountable! #masterychat
A2: We need to teach this skill the same way we teach a student how to balance an equation or read for meaning. It needs to be consistent, & grow over time & can’t be taught in isolation. Be explicit and give students an opportunity to show self awareness #sel#MasteryChat
A2: examples of teaching @ZonesOfReg with my Ss. Zones board to put their name tag and identify how they feel, folders for learning & possible tools they may want to use, and an example of a tool my Ss use (sensory bins, S gets 5 min break with it using a timer) #masterychat
A2: I think by making directions clear and keeping expectations high we can help Ss self-regulate in the classroom. Lesson planning with realistic learning targets also help Ss see bigger picture. #MasteryChat
A2: practice, model, reflect, give feedback...repeat. Have to give them opportunities to practice. Failure is okay..reflect and change behavior. #masterychat
Self-regulation is hard for many adults, too! It is a process - students need to see it modeled, practice self-awareness, and be reminded that it is not a case of mastery, but growth, learning, and always striving to improve. #masterychat
The act of Self-Regulation is not a soft skill, its an essential skill. This is not covered in an Advisory or awesome Friday lesson. These skills must be purposefully incorporated into daily learning taking place in the classroom. #masterychat
We did our last student-led Harkness Discussion today + students were making awesome connections between course content + their lives. Huge improvement from the beginning of the year + a reminder of the difference meaningful feedback + consistent practice can make. #MasteryChat
A1. This type of student I would want to continue to challenge and provide the opportunity for him or her to demonstrate an ownership to the learning in their own way. #MasteryChat
A2: I start small and build up over time with explicit instructions.
Week 1: 5 minutes of silent work
Week 2: 10 minutes of silent work
T:"Can you whisper quietly when we work silently?"
Ss: "No"
Then I give them feedback immediately after the task.
A3: I have found that bringing a self-awareness of the learning process to these students, helping them to reflect on what they are doing that is working, not working, etc...helps them to gain access to self-regulation. #masterychat
We need our students to see the importance of looking at where they are at and doing the needed fixes. They must learn to be okay with revision of thinking!
It starts with involving them in the process. It's not something you DO to #students, but a process in which they co-construct their success criteria. Every child presents different needs. Feedback must then be ongoing, transparent and provided at the right moments. #MasteryChat
A2: I find that having students really embrace the goal and own it, then the conversations around self-regulation are easier. Since they own the process, the process is constantly being addressed, which gets to the students self-regulating their learning. #MasteryChat
Honors students tend to self-regulate naturally because they have skills and confidence. What can you do for your standard and struggling learners? #masterychat
A2: Create a plan that explains the end goal, provide and explain steps to achieve said goal, include student choice, and offer students time to explore, embedding guiding questions and facilitating along the way. #MasteryChat
A2: I use our LMS @CanvasLMS for practice videos. Students self-talk through a practice session. Must set a goal, use a recognizable strategy and show improvement #masterychat
~opportunities to find their likes, dislikes through learning experiences that are varied, project based, passion driven ...
~classroom meetings that are driven/led by the needs of the Ss
~community bldg from day 1 ❤️
A2 Sometimes we have to set up a process to guide them...don't answer every question, check with a partner...have to show them that struggling is part of the process until it becomes a seamless way to think... #MasteryChat
A2: Self-regulation can be modeled or simply taught to students explicitly. We use a strategies using the EDI (explicit direct instruction) model to our sped and ELL students. It works wonderful. #MasteryChat
A2: Executive function skills like self regulation require explicit instruction and practice. Modeling the expected behaviors can play a large part in how students perceive self regulatory skills. Hold students accountable! #masterychat
A2 I teach self-regulation using activities that help students clarify their values. If they’re doing something intellectually or emotionally hard, it’s in the service of their values. #MasteryChat
Want your students to self-regulate? Start with learning progressions using good rubrics that offer a track of beginning to excelling. Then, simply be their guide towards mastery.
A2. An essential factor for self-regulation is self-awareness. A large part of having good self-awareness is knowing one's strengths and weaknesses. Work with Ss to re-frame their negative thoughts & to see change as a positive opportunity for self-development. #masterychat
A3: I must disagree. Many honors students struggle to self-regulate because they aren't used to having weaknesses. In my class we call it "identifying what you don't know." It's okay to not know, but it's not okay to pretend you do. #masterychat
A2. Model expectations. It’s not a one size fit all. Some students need ya to release more of the responsibility while others need more of our scaffolding. #MasteryChat
A3: Part of building confidence includes modeling self- talk and "talking to yourself, don't listen to yourself." Those inner voices are so quick to bring down your confidence! #masterychat
Honors students tend to self-regulate naturally because they have skills and confidence. What can you do for your standard and struggling learners? #masterychat
A1) Yes, but they need strategies & guidance to be able to do this. Make no mistake, strategies for how to do this must be explicitly taught. #MasteryChat
A3: we must believe in our standard and struggling learners the same way we believe in our honors Ss.This is a big equity flaw that often details at risks Ss bc we may not have the same belief in them as the honors level Ss. Treat all the same with high expectations #masterychat
Honors students tend to self-regulate naturally because they have skills and confidence. What can you do for your standard and struggling learners? #masterychat
A3: focus on setting growth goals that reduce the gap and encourage habits and increasing expectations set the stage for exponential growth!#MasteryChat
Q2: I lyrics to teach growth mindset through some SeL lessons. I love the Dojo video series. We love the power of YET. Teaching mostly in small group allows for me to listen and discuss with my students what they think they’re good at and what they don’t know “YET” #MasteryChat
Self-regulation is hard for many adults, too! It is a process - students need to see it modeled, practice self-awareness, and be reminded that it is not a case of mastery, but growth, learning, and always striving to improve. #masterychat
A3: I tend to offer support (in a Special Needs class so it's part of their program). Some support is built in (ie, more opportunities for snack, body breaks etc) and some are suggested as needed (ie, 5 min sensory bin break during language work time) #masterychat#SPED
2) Self sufficiently and self regulation are very different things, but both require students to think introspectively, therefore we must teach introspection and reflection.!#MasteryChat
A2 In first we model and practice routines and expectations from day 1. Anchor charts are helpful in remember morning routines and basic sequences followed through the day. #MasteryChat
A3: Small victories build upon themselves and give you something to call back on when S is struggling. Play to strengths and positively reinforce always. #masterychat
A2: Practice makes permanence! I provide Ss time & require them to reflect on how effectively they are self-regulating. I have them identify their Achilles Heel & what fumbles the plan. Lastly, I ask them to think of themselves as CEO of their own academic company! #masterychat
#MasteryChat - A3 - Allow space for students to learn. Have an expectation for learning, rather than just compliance. Learning is personal and it looks differently for each child. So I say reach the struggling student by expecting them to learn, not just comply.
Honors students tend to self-regulate naturally because they have skills and confidence. What can you do for your standard and struggling learners? #masterychat
A3: I sort of answered this already, but I believe the key is REFLECTION! We need to reflect on everything we do. It’s our check about how we are doing and where we can go next. #MasteryChat
Honors students tend to self-regulate naturally because they have skills and confidence. What can you do for your standard and struggling learners? #masterychat
A2: lots and lots of modeling. Small steps and consistency. Self regulation comes easier for some Ss than others. Check lists for the Ss to use also helps! #masterychat
A2: I start small and build up over time with explicit instructions.
Week 1: 5 minutes of silent work
Week 2: 10 minutes of silent work
T:"Can you whisper quietly when we work silently?"
Ss: "No"
Then I give them feedback immediately after the task.
A3: Build in a sense of ownership...allow for voice and choice...focus on learner strengths...incorporate more student-led opportunities rather than text/curriculum based tasks #MasteryChat
A3. I don’t necessarily agree with this. I see Honors students that internalize their failures which manifest in anxiety. They outwardly look like it’s all together bc the pressure to succeed is so great. They need it self reg as well. #MasteryChat
Honors students tend to self-regulate naturally because they have skills and confidence. What can you do for your standard and struggling learners? #masterychat
A3: I think we shouldn't mistake compliant vs learning. I think honors students tend to play the game more naturally, but it doesn't mean they are learning. #MasteryChat
A3: this is also something I use @Screencastify with. I am able to talk through assignments and instructions self paced while the students are able to pause and start of the video again. #masterychat
Honors students tend to self-regulate naturally because they have skills and confidence. What can you do for your standard and struggling learners? #masterychat
A2. There's no single event that will magically kickstart Ss' self-regulation. Just as Ss physically develop at different rates, they develop self-control at different rates as well. Building Ss' self-regulation toolkit requires thoughtful planning & understanding. #masterychat
A3: Best practice works for all learners. This feels like a little like a trap question.I find all students need support with stress management, executive functioning, & organization. There is no honors for brain development, just time to learn & grow. #MasteryChat#aimsnetwork
A3: Discuss the skills of successful learners-not just honors students -prioritize the skills and... teach them.. the skills our best learners have are teachable @MrPStrunk#MasteryChat
A3: Model and practice skills. Teach the student specific steps for each skill then practice. We use the Boys Town Model at my school and we have skill cards that we use with all of our students K-5. The skills sheets are also implemented like a social story. #masterychat
A2) I think it's important to provide Ss with strategies and the tools to be self-regulators. Oftentimes transparency of learning expectations and objectives can help with that. Tech can help provide autonomy with instant-feedback from standards-tied assignments. #masterychat
A3: Struggling Ss need clear expectations with accountability & incentives. They need to see it, feel it & experience it. Videos of this learning with discussion might help too #masteychat
A3 - We need to provide accountability along with student centered learning environments that focus on support and meeting the needs of students. Students will rise to the level we expect of them. #masterychat
A3 There are instances where we can partner our honors Ss with those needing additional support. These self-regulated learners can engage in peer-to-peer support to help grow others. This provides additional S leadership opportunities to grow organic self-regulation #masterychat
Honors students tend to self-regulate naturally because they have skills and confidence. What can you do for your standard and struggling learners? #masterychat
A3: at the 9th grade level I find even honors students struggle to self regulate. For all of them it’s about oversight and scaffolding and making expectations clear to everyone #masterychat
A2: most people arent aware but self regulation is developed in the executive functioning area of the brain. This is also the area of the brain developed by physical activity. I discuss it in my latest Washington post article
A3 Disagree. Students who get good grades sometimes seek praise or achievement at the expense of their self-care and relationships. All students need to learn self-awareness—not just through modeling & reflection but through explicit teaching of those skills. #MasteryChat
Many are asking for information on the Workshop model... Please PM me and I will talk more with you about this. I can also do a chat about this...
A3) For my struggling learners, explicitly guided and scaffolded work is great for moving them forward toward self-regulation. Lots of "check in" points when they can tell me how it's going, what is hard for them, & we can exchange ideas on next steps. #masterychat
A3: get them in a music class ;) my colleague says “performance music is the ultimate team sport” no bench and absolute interdependence for success #masterychat
YES!! GREAT point! I love to make a mental note of those successes and then bring them back up to the child when they are feeling frustrated again. "Remember how low you were feeling when we started division- AND THEN YOU GOT IT! You can do it again!" #masterychat
Conferencing & reflection! Help the struggling ss by conferencing frequently help ss by teaching them good reflection skills Help them keep a schedule meet with them often circulate & discuss their progress to keep them on track Boost their confidence with praise
A3 It is about celebrating the little successes. You have to know your Ss. Provide scaffolds and accommodations and then gradually remove them. #masterychat
A2) We role play solving problems. We act out problems & come up with solutions. I also teach them to stop & think how to solve a problem. Also, this isn't a one and done conversation; you work on this continuously. #MasteryChat
Yes! Very important to look beyond the grades and make sure Ss are able to handle setbacks and obstacles. Otherwise, the wall is coming for them! #MasteryChat
A3. I don’t necessarily agree with this. I see Honors students that internalize their failures which manifest in anxiety. They outwardly look like it’s all together bc the pressure to succeed is so great. They need it self reg as well. #MasteryChat
Honors students tend to self-regulate naturally because they have skills and confidence. What can you do for your standard and struggling learners? #masterychat
I tend to monitor from afar and move in when I see them exhibiting self-regulation, after a few minutes, to acknowledge it after checking in on content. Trying to build confidence in the s after the behavior. Positive reinforcement? #MasteryChat
Honors students tend to self-regulate naturally because they have skills and confidence. What can you do for your standard and struggling learners? #masterychat
A3.2 With that said, high ability Ss may demonstrate self-regulation, but some lack confidence & experience a worry about not meeting expectations. The things we do for Ss that struggle with self-regulation, may also benefit our high ability Ss for a different reason #MasteryChat
I use heuristics to get students to make their thinking + their literacy skills visible. The heuristics provide frameworks without demanding a certain answer or agreement with my thinking. Here's an example of a heuristic called QTI. #MasteryChathttps://t.co/7WdbZv591Q
A3: All our students are measured in tiers (approaches, meets and masters). Depending on how they ended the year before, they are expected to grow one year. From approaches to meets and from meets to masters. Every child must grow. #MasteryChat
A2: Students best learn through authentic activities. It isn’t enough to just talk about it, either. We have to give students the opportunity to learn by doing. I use PBL as the vehicle for teaching and doing. #MasteryChat
A4: When we intentionally teach students to reflect after completing a task, we show them the importance of looking at the process and their part in what made it a success. This eventually becomes habit! #masterychat
A3: I disagree with the supposition that honors kids tend to self-regulate. They just need different supports. How to slow down, not be anxious, embrace the struggle, know that failure is learning... #MasteryChat
A3: We must establish a culture of trust and support, and create structures that allow students to feel safe in trying new things. As their confidence grows so will their abilities. #masterychat
A2) Have them brainstorm everything that might not go according to their plan in the classroom. Then crate an action step about what they will do to persevere and come out ahead regardless of what happened. #MasteryChat
YES!!!!!!! So true. They have the basic skills to come to the class motivated and ready to find THE WAY, but they also need to learn the struggle. So true and this takes us deeper into SR!
A3: I must disagree. Many honors students struggle to self-regulate because they aren't used to having weaknesses. In my class we call it "identifying what you don't know." It's okay to not know, but it's not okay to pretend you do. #masterychat
~foundation of trust, relationship blg that is continually& mutually tweaked according to the needs of Ss...
~boundaries , clear vision for all
~second chances ~ provide a soft place to fall, supports to get back up & empowerment to grow & soar 😊
Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I hope you're feeling loved today, but just in case you haven't been told yet- You are loved! You are amazing! I'm glad you're part of my #PLN! You make a difference!
A3: Hi everyone- love this topic & jumping on briefly... I think it’s about the messages/feedback we give to all students... do we give off the vibe that all kids can really??? #masterychat
A3.2: And how about we stop labeling learners based on how quickly they can learn something? All learners, adults and children alike, have unique perspectives, skills, and backgrounds. Teachers should honor that. #MasteryChat
A2. An essential factor for self-regulation is self-awareness. A large part of having good self-awareness is knowing one's strengths and weaknesses. Work with Ss to re-frame their negative thoughts & to see change as a positive opportunity for self-development. #masterychat
A2 - Teach students self regulation by differentiating by pace, but give the students room to fall behind and maybe fail the first time and then have them reflect on those outcomes. #MasteryChat
A2. We teach students self-regulation by modeling it our selves, because we can't expect students to self-regulate, if we're not doing it ourselves. #masterychat
A3: I think it's important to have the firm belief that all learners can learn with the right teacher by their side. Also, difficult mental health and high-achievers have things in common. Article: https://t.co/bF1GDjhz8Z
Give them a voice and a choice let them help with the scheduling and deadlines of activities Model these skills show them how to self-regulate We assume they know all of this when they get to us They can't learn and grow unless we guide them
A2. We teach students self-regulation by modeling it our selves, because we can't expect students to self-regulate, if we're not doing it ourselves. #masterychat
A4: Self-reflection is huge! It shows the learners that their thoughts and feelings matter. School isn’t about compliance. It’s about meeting our learners where they are at and helping them grow from there, both emotionally and academically. #masterychat
A3: Honestly, I think it is a myth that honors students naturally self-regulate. (I speak from personal experience.) All students need to be given the opportunity in small, safe steps and then gradually expand. #MasteryChat
Honors students tend to self-regulate naturally because they have skills and confidence. What can you do for your standard and struggling learners? #masterychat
A4: Reflection implies there was more to the task than the completion of it. If the task being worked on are meaningful & valuable, then reflection will be natural along the way. We want them to grow as learners and how they learn best. Reflection works towards that. #MasteryChat
A4 With reflection comes lessons learned about how Ss approach long-term tasks. During subsequent learning opportunities, Ss can apply those lessons to improve their effort, collaboration, and overall work product #masterychat
A3 praise the little things they do right, boost that confidence that they made the right choice. Point out the 2 paths they had and where they both would've led to. #MasteryChat
Honors students tend to self-regulate naturally because they have skills and confidence. What can you do for your standard and struggling learners? #masterychat
A3: Struggling Ss need time devoted to building those skills. 1. Learning to identify when they need help. 2. Learn ways to cope w/frustration. 3. Learn there are MANY ways to master skills. 4. Teach them strategies. 5. Talk to them & help them reflect. #masterychat
A4: Reflection is so crucial in helping others learn from an experience and prepare for the next task, using honest reflection to better improve given outcomes. Also grows others to be more selfless and empathetic. #MasteryChat
A3. Hmm. I think everyone has their strengths. Helping Ss learn how they operate/think as a person(maybe w/ Myers Briggs?), what works best for them & what motivates them can help determine a strategy. Then help Ss put into place the pieces needed for follow-through. #MasteryChat
A3 For My learners I need to help them build confidence in themselves. I try to help them by teaching them how to use tools and strategies to help themselves #MasteryChat
Not just how quickly they learn, but how quickly they are able to demonstrate that learning in a format we’ve prescribed. Who can blame students who struggle to self-regulate if their schools don’t honor their learning? #MasteryChat
Heyhey #MasteryChat- Gi Gearity here from New Jersey. I love teaching because it is an honor to have the opportunity to mold minds, change lives and empower students everyday!
My lower-level math students benefit from having creativity in how they present their learning. Lots of reflection and lots of feedback on class & projects. I make a point to include this in future assignments & show them the impact of their feedback on how I teach. #masterychat
Every child needs a personalized path to learning any set of skills. Be it honors, standard or struggling. Kids are kids. They deserve opportunities to grow, develop resiliency & gain 21stC skills. Every #student needs a sense of mastery, belonging & independence. #MasteryChat
Honors students tend to self-regulate naturally because they have skills and confidence. What can you do for your standard and struggling learners? #masterychat
A3. Instilling an attitude of resiliency and a Growth Mindset will help our students who struggle. Show them examples of people who have overcome adversity. Help them realize that hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard. #masterychat
Honors students tend to self-regulate naturally because they have skills and confidence. What can you do for your standard and struggling learners? #masterychat
A4: Reflection implies there was more to the task than the completion of it. If the task being worked on are meaningful & valuable, then reflection will be natural along the way. We want them to grow as learners and how they learn best. Reflection works towards that. #MasteryChat
A3 I think the grit and determination are there...we just have to guide them and be patient...start the tasks simple and them always make it a point to praise them for it...builds them up quick 💪🏾 #MasteryChat
Every child needs a personalized path to learning any set of skills. Be it honors, standard or struggling. Kids are kids. They deserve opportunities to grow, develop resiliency & gain 21stC skills. Every #student needs a sense of mastery, belonging & independence. #MasteryChat
Honors students tend to self-regulate naturally because they have skills and confidence. What can you do for your standard and struggling learners? #masterychat
A4: Whether in the classroom or on the athletic field we must always reflect in order to improve our craft. It is an opportunity to identify progress and strengths/weaknesses etc. Ts, Ss,Admin should always make it a common practice so you will grow authenticity #masterychat
A4: In reflection, we grow. We can identify what went well and areas for continued learning. We can set goals based on where we feel we end up. Modeling and giving time for reflective practices is essential. #MasteryChat
A4: Reflection is a lifelong skill that will help Ss learn from trying. It helps them realize their struggles, successes, and breakthroughs. Thus helping them be more successful when they try again. #masterychat
A4: Reflection paves the way for continued improvement. Identifies what went well and why, what didn’t and why, and what could be different next time or how it can be applied to various scenarios. #masterychat
A4: If the students are reflecting on the task they are identifying where they still need work. This can and should guide their future learning and the steps they need to take to reach their goals. #masterychat
A3 Having mixed ability groups is a must. Children learn from each other and seeing more self-regulated students in action benefits and models for those still working towards that. #MasteryChat
A4: personally it’s difficult to grow academically and personally without reflecting. Self reflection has to be at the top for implementing growth in the classroom and in life. #masterychat
A4. Reflection is your internal teacher. Outside feedback can be ignored but your inner monologue is what steers you to making smart choices. When we reflect we identify what we need to pay attention to & how it makes you react. #MasteryChat
A4: I think it's important that we teach students to self-regulate through the journey - not just the end. It helps with midcourse corrections and how and why they learn or make decisions in a particular way. #MasteryChat
A4: If there is not a reflection at the end of a lesson or unit what is the point of the lesson? We need to be thinking about what if anything was learned, what strategies worked best, how does this information fit into my learning? #Masterychat
A3: struggling learners need to build that confidence and be explicitly taught self regulationwith scaffolding and guides to keep them on track- not to mention our emotional support!#masterychat
A4: Its important to see where we can IMPROVE! Every time I am completing tasks or even lessons, I always go back to see what I could do differently #MasteryChat
A2. By being intentional about it. Teach them metacognitive skills so they understand how they learn. Have them keep track of their own progress through portfolios & graphing their growth so that they become more involved in their own learning process. #masterychat
A3: Are honor students actually more self motivated, or are they just good at the game of school? I think All Ss who feel safe and have relatable lessons that are built around their interests are just as motivated. Maybe it’s more about class culture? #Masterychat
A4: If there is not a reflection at the end of a lesson or unit what is the point of the lesson? We need to be thinking about what if anything was learned, what strategies worked best, how does this information fit into my learning? #Masterychat
A4: Reflection is important in all of walks of life, so it’s important to establish it with Ss. Taking time to look back allows for adjustment and reinforcement of good habits #masterychat
Reflection helps ss make adjustments to their learning and to make better choices
It helps them realize their potential & set new goals
Reflection builds confidence & shows ss where their strengths are while helping them work through weaknesses in meaningful ways #MasteryChat
A1 #MasteryChat My honor’s classes r filled w/these Ss. Generally, they need the bar raised higher&higher. I ❤️ the challenge of T-ing them, but in many ways, they NEED me less! I think it is the middle and reluctant Ss who is really attracted to my crazy unpredictable style!
A4 Reflection helps students notice what they did and choose what to do next time. It connects their past learning to their values and motivates them to use and build upon their learning in the future. #MasteryChat
Self-regulation in honors students might be compliance + an understanding of how to do school. In general, I find non-honors students to be less anxious + more willing to take academic risks. They don't need regulation, per se, but they do need our trust + support. #MasteryChat
A3 I’m big on building confidence. Struggling kids may know but they aren’t used to being right. I give multiple ways to demonstrate learning. #MasteryChat
Reflection = where the growth and learning are! It helps us gather ourselves for another try, attempt a new approach, be mindful of ourselves. We need to guide students to reflect - to internalize their learning. We can use their reflections to change how we teach! #masterychat
A4) Reflection allows us to grow and get better. It allows teaches Ss perseverance and pride in your work which are all important things to develop in order to grow and strive for more! #MasteryChat
A4 - We expect ourselves as educators to be reflective of our practice, and we should expect the same of our students. This is where goal setting and conferencing play a role in building self awareness and emotional intelligence #MasteryChat
A4. All learners (adults and students) should experience the value in self assessment. There is always something we can learn from and improve upon. #Masterychat chat
#masterychat honors students don’t always have self-regulation skills. Many honors students struggle with anxiety and self-regulation b/c of the pressures placed on them.
A3: I believe all students need training on how to self regulate, with embedded Schoolwide checks each 4.5 weeks. Those that better understand could then grow into learning leaders for other students in need of further peer support to self regulate. #masterychat#allmeansall
A1: In my classroom, my lessons tend to be s-centered, kinesthetic & collaborative. Thus, I require that my students do their own progress reports each marking period by reflecting on their progress both academically and socially. #MasteryChat
A3: Honors students do not self-regulate naturally, it's learned same way our students who do not self-regulate will learn. Start small, encourage, Ss experience success, Ss do it again at a higher level, then the process repeats.
Start small. One brick at a time.
Reflection = where the growth and learning are! It helps us gather ourselves for another try, attempt a new approach, be mindful of ourselves. We need to guide students to reflect - to internalize their learning. We can use their reflections to change how we teach! #masterychat
Yes! Even adults need this! I participate in the #shadowastudent challenge by "being" a student for a full day! I had a blast in gym after lunch to stretch out! #MasteryChat
Hey all...are you following all of these great minds? We learn best when we have a fantastic PLN like the educators here tonight. Follow and Learn!
A4: Reflection is crucial. It’s important to provide different ways to reflect. I have visual cards they tap to show how they feel they’re doing. We have video reflections. We have graphs they color in each week. We have conversations. Variety is important. #masterychat
A4: Reflection is big...accurate reflection is even BIGGER! I work with adults who reflect, but don’t reflect accurately. Reflection against well defined criteria helps to grow and develop learners. #masterychat
#masterychat honors students don’t always have self-regulation skills. Many honors students struggle with anxiety and self-regulation b/c of the pressures placed on them.
A4: reflection helps reinforce the natural cycle of learning! Evaluation of yourself, on the tasks, skills, challenges. Reflection brings out our “next steps”, our next learning or revision #masterychat
A3 #masterychat
Providing learning activities for all students, that cultivate self- regulation like mindfulness meditation -supported by evidence based research .
A3) Explicitly teach the strategies2 self-regulate. Self regulation is especially difficult for Ss who might struggle w/ challenges that affect their executive functions.They need lots of support in this area.We can help by providing strategies,tools, reminders, etc. #masterychat
A4 its the same reason we do a draft. We need to step back and look at what worked and what didn’t. Kids often don’t know how to look for how to do things better #MasteryChat
A4: reflection helps reinforce the natural cycle of learning! Evaluation of yourself, on the tasks, skills, challenges. Reflection brings out our “next steps”, our next learning or revision #masterychat
A4: Students won't learn to do what we don't teach. Reflection is a way to think about what was done and what could be done differently. We don't want students to learn for a task; we want them to learn for life. #MasteryChat
Even as an admin, I find myself reflecting on my own practices and decisions through journaling and blogging. It helps me see where I can still improve and do things better for the benefit of my staff and Ss. #masterychat
A4 - Student reflection is SO important. I often work with teachers to pose additional questions after a student completes a task that either have them explain thinking or review a concept they showed mastery on. This is a great way to ensure mastery #MasteryChat
A4 Students really need the time to reflect after completing assignments to look at what went well, what didn’t work out as expected, and look at where they can improve #MasteryChat
Even as an admin, I find myself reflecting on my own practices and decisions through journaling and blogging. It helps me see where I can still improve and do things better for the benefit of my staff and Ss. #masterychat
A4: Reflection is important because it allows a time to process what was understood and locate where meaning was broken down. Opportunity to use fix up strategies. #masterychat
A4) B/c they need to be the drivers of their own learning. Self reflection allows Ss to really become dependent upon themselves to make important decisions about their work, their learning, & their next steps. #masterychat
I believe all #students reflect after completing tasks, just at different levels. It's important to teach metacognition in order to help teach those skills necessary for deep thinking, reflecting and self-awareness. It's an artform & needs to be explicitly taught. #MasteryChat
A2 #MasteryChat
Modeling behaviors
Providing examples at different levels and have Ss grade on rubrics so they can see expectations!
Providing tools and strategies [sticky notes, organizers, folders, etc.]
Lessons on organizing computer files on Docs
Equity means creating the a culture of abundance for everyone + honoring all literacies by creating legitimate opportunities for all students to be celebrated. No student should exist in a culture of scarcity because of a label they have or haven't gotten. #MasteryChat
A4 Ss aren’t used to reflecting. Their lives can be very hectic. Taking time to slow down and reflect is a skill that we have to teach. It is a life skill, not just a school skill. #masterychat
I believe all #students reflect after completing tasks, just at different levels. It's important to teach metacognition in order to help teach those skills necessary for deep thinking, reflecting and self-awareness. It's an artform & needs to be explicitly taught. #MasteryChat
A4) we have to model this as teachers. I know I don’t do this enough. It needs to become part of the normal part of an assignment or project. #MasteryChat
A3. Use mixed ability groups (differentiation) so that the regular Ss learn from the honors Ss. (vice versa as well) Also model & reward desired behaviors when you teach #masterychat
A4: Relfection is a life skill for success. It’s important in every aspect of life. If you want to continue to grow in anything, reflection, forgiveness for mistakes, and flipping failures are requirements. #MasteryChat
A2 #MasteryChat
Modeling behaviors
Providing examples at different levels and have Ss grade on rubrics so they can see expectations!
Providing tools and strategies [sticky notes, organizers, folders, etc.]
Lessons on organizing computer files on Docs
A3. 3 forms of Self-regulation:
Emotional self-regulation helps Ss manage how they express emotions.
Behavioral self-regulation helps Ss demonstrate control over their actions. Cognitive self-regulation helps Ss follow rules & plan out the appropriate response.
A5: Voice and Choice is directly related to self-regulation as it offers students control in their learning and allows them to make decisions based on what works for them to learn best. #masterychat
Teach the same skills the successful Ss have to the less successful Ss. It may require more support (small group work, individual work, practice, repetition) but they can develop the skills that help the most successful have so much success.
Every teacher in my life loved teaching. They made it an art form. I don’t remember being taught how to take a test. But I do remember being challenged as a writer & critical thinker. They are a huge reason I am where I am today. And why I have so much more to do. #TeachBetter
How do we help students build their self-confidence and grit? Today's @calm daily meditation ended with this quote. Self love matters so much for kids and adults alike. And it's very neglected in our culture of criticism. #masterychat
100% agree. The learning journey is a process. A soccer coach wouldn't wait until game day to inform his or her players how to improve. Likewise, nor should reflection only happen at the end. #masterychat
A4-I not only think students need to self reflect, I believe we as teachers need to do it as well. Building it into your class time, ensures it gets done but also makes it as important as what they learned.
How do we help students build their self-confidence and grit? Today's @calm daily meditation ended with this quote. Self love matters so much for kids and adults alike. And it's very neglected in our culture of criticism. #masterychat
A5: The more we can empower students, the more they will have the skills, experience and confidence to self-direct and self-regulate their learning and self. THIS is essential to success! #masterychat
This is where building relationships is so crucial. If a S is in a situation whether they are seeking the T, if we have developed a relationship they will trust our approach to assist them in self regulating #MasteryChat
A3: I teach Ss from various backgrounds-from BD to LD. I had a major breakthrough with these Ss when I started incorporating #growthmindset into my lessons. Inspiring Ss to be reflective, growth minded, & intrinsically motivated is TOUGH, but key! #MasteryChat
#masterychat reflection is a huge part of an individual’s growth. We must reflect on the positive and the negative to determine where we must go from any given point.
Anytime we love from product to process, we deepen the learning and ensure Ss will be capable of applying the learning in any context we throw at them! #Masterychat
A5: I believe voice and choice make self regulation easier. There’s not as much pressure to regulate or “follow” when they have skin in the game. #masterychat
Going back to an earlier question, one of the reasons I like using heuristics + thinking routines is that it requires students to slow down + engages them at the metacognitive level. Thinking isn't a race + deep consideration can be vital, especially when reading. #MasteryChat
A5: Authenticity is the key! When students are asked to do something for the teacher, it needs to be good enough. When done for others, if needs to be good. But when done for self, it will be great! #MasteryChat
A5: Giving learners the ability to decide when, where, and how to do their learning, choose how to demonstrate their learning, and then reflect will help them discover the process of the learning cycle. It will then allow them to set goals to move forward. #MasteryChat
A5: Ss love to be in charge of what they’re doing. If you give them choices to pick what they love, they are more likely to participate and self regulate through! They also love to pick they’re music in class 🎶 #masterychat
A5: If a student is finding their voice, they should be asking themselves if what they are creating represents them or if is what they really want to say. As they do that, they are becoming self-regulated.
A2: We often assumes our students already know or should know how to self regulate. We need to teach, model, role play, and give immediate ongoing feedback #masterychat
A5: Authenticity is the key! When students are asked to do something for the teacher, it needs to be good enough. When done for others, if needs to be good. But when done for self, it will be great! #MasteryChat
A5: It shifts ownership of one’s learning to their own hands. It liberates teacher and student to learn and explore. Plus it will shift the culture from a me to a we when learning a given standard. #MasteryChat
A1: when you have students like this I like to use a flexible seating arrangement as well as The in person grading where you can provide valuable compliment and feedback to the student.. #MasteryChat
A6: When kids are empowered to personalize their own learning, it becomes easier for them to self-regulate. Genius hours and passion projects are powerful! #MasteryChat
A5: Ss love to be in charge of what they’re doing. If you give them choices to pick what they love, they are more likely to participate and self regulate through! They also love to pick they’re music in class 🎶 #masterychat
A5) We want Ss to be able to make good choices depending on the situation they are in and we as Ts want to give them choices in learning so they can do things that allow them to better themselves, grow, and make choices depending on their mindset #MasteryChat
A5: S voice and choice is giving ownership to the class. It builds a culture and family approach of safety when Ss move in and out of class each day all year long #masterychat
So true: being afraid not to be right. And another fear I've seen in my Ss starting in about 2nd grade is a fear of how a percentage score on a paper will affect their "grade" for Spanish. It's kind of crazy how, for some, their learning shuts down if a score is low. #masterychat
A6: When kids are empowered to personalize their own learning, it becomes easier for them to self-regulate. Genius hours and passion projects are powerful! #MasteryChat
Yes! Self regulation needs to be taught! I think more training for regular education teachers would help! Sometimes we just don’t know thank goodness for amazing PLC! #MasteryChat
A5: Voice and choice can remove much of the resistance to learning and leads to buy-in. Once you get buy-in, self-regulation usually follows. #MasteryChat
A5 - We want to create empowered individuals who feel that they have a voice that is heard. More than ever today Ss need to be adept in speaking up/out to advocate for their needs, rather than be forced to do something because that’s the way it’s always been done #MasteryChat
A3 #MasteryChat
Build solid relationships w/Ss!
Use door so Ss C ur smile B4 they enter & Ss learn 2 want 2 B there.
Use it again when Ss leave so they want 2 return!
Ss want to learn fr Ts they respect and who ❤️their subject. Create an atmosphere Ss ❤️ & they’ll learn fr u!
A5: My Ss have choice in the tools/strategies they use to help them self-regulate (with support sometimes). Ex: we use @GoNoodle for body breaks, helper chooses the first song. Ex: My Ss when they need a break can choose sensory bin/book reading/snack/rest for 5 min. #masterychat
That was supposed to be Anytime we “move” from product to process, we deepen the learning and ensure Ss will be capable of applying the learning in any context we throw at them! #Masterychat
A5: Life is all about choice. We are developing the future leaders of our world. Self-regulation within boundaries and with choices is important for students to master. We must provide different opportunities for Ss to feel safe exploring & expressing themselves #masterychat
Many of my Algebra students are struggling for the first time in their Math lives. They don't know how to self-regulate and get back on track. They never built good study skills because they never needed to.
I recently attended a session with @JamesNottinghm where it was stated: providing simple "voice and choice" provides a 0.04 effect size. #Students naturally take the path of least resistance. We need to shift the mind models so easy=boring & challenging=interesting. #MasteryChat
A5: Without voice and choice, there really isn't any earnest authentic learning being expressed or demonstrated.
Voice and choice completes the learning, reinforces self-regulation with good results and kickstarts the reflective process.
It's key.
A5) We also want Ss to voice concerns or discuss and talk about their frustrations and failures instead of taking it out on themselves or others. Building strong relationships and having Ss reflect and talk out their choices in important #MasteryChat
A5) I would say motivation is a big factor in this. The higher a S's motivation, the more invested that S will be, & I would imagine the more self-regulated as well. #MasteryChat
A5: S Voice and Choice allows Ss to explore their own learning and allows them to demonstrate mastery in any format that they want. It allows the to be creative and try new things. #masterychat
A5: Allowing for voice and choice helps the learners become more invested. V&C is an integral part of my classroom culture...from planning our day, choice in group topics, presentation mediums, form of reflection tools & more...self-regulation becomes habit over time #MasteryChat
Totally agree!! I am moving out of the classroom into a new position where I will specialize in #SEL! Check out my blog if interested- I share out tips and strategies in there! (linked in my profile!) #masterychat
A culturally responsive classroom is a choice-based classroom, as it allows students to be at the center of the content + the learning. We can teach the skills, but they get to adapt the learning environment + material to their own interests + funds of knowledge. #MasteryChat
A5: When students have an active role in their learning and are able to voice what works for them, they are are able to work more effectively. Allow for coloring outside the lines. #MasteryChat
A5: Voice and choice can remove much of the resistance to learning and leads to buy-in. Once you get buy-in, self-regulation usually follows. #MasteryChat
A5. Classrooms with voice and choice encourage confidence. Voice is not about being correct, it’s about having a safe space to take risks. This is where self awareness kicks in. Creating the environment to be heard & not ridiculed is vital. #MasteryChat
A4. Reflection is high order thinking because you must contemplate what you have just accomplished. It causes you to review & understand the steps you went through to complete the task. It goes beyond just memorizing steps. You understand the “why” behind things #masterychat
When students have a voice and a choice they feel more connected to the learning they begin to take ownership and feel a sense of pride with completion and mastery
This is a driving force to help them pursue other tasks and increases internal drive and confidence #MasteryChat
Our struggling learners need to have time built into their schedules to receive instruction and practice these skills. There needs to be consistency in these practices and feedback across all areas in order to generalize the skills #masterychat
A5: giving Ss a choice and a voicein their work allows them some buy in to make their learning meaningful. When it means something to them, they are more apt to feel confident-> self regulate-> and reflect #masterychat
A5: self-regulation can only emerge from Ss who are actively engaged with their learning which emanates from amplification of their authentic voice #Masterychat
A5 - With structured frameworks, systems and routines more freedom can be provided on the “front end” of instruction. I work with so many teachers to implement #thegridmethod that build self-regulation through best practices in instruction all at the same time! #masterychat
A2: Each student learns differently and at respective paces. In order to teach them S/R skills you need to figure out what areas they are strong & weak at and get to know your students. over time you will see what they are capable of achieving and ease into new areas #MasteryChat
Student Agency- voice and choice, provides students with opportunities to actively engage in their learning, encouraging academic, personal and social responsibility for their expressed thoughts and written reflections.
A5 When Ss have choices they have to self-regulate. They have to choose an appropriate activity, area to work in, peers to collaborate with. Without self-regulation Ss can’t effectively learn #masterychat
~Ss needs, interests are our 1st priority & all Ts+Ss need to be decision makers in the teaching/learning experiences in order for the investment in immediate & future teaching/learning to be meaningful
A2: Each student learns differently and at respective paces. In order to teach them S/R skills you need to figure out what areas they are strong & weak at and get to know your students. over time you will see what they are capable of achieving and ease into new areas #MasteryChat
A3: It's worth mentioning that honors Ss might be successful very early on because of their natural abilities. They don't really need to self-regulate until later, & they stumble or crash when coming up against that first wall. They need a different kind of support. #masterychat
A5 Even when self-regulating, Ss don't learn in a vacuum. They get the feedback they need to make informed choices about how they learn best. From there emerges a life-long learner. Woohoo! #masterychat
A4: Being reflective leads to growth&improvement. It's a skill that can be taken beyond the classroom & into the real world. Reflective thinking, along w/ the teaching of other soft skills, can tend to get lost in the curriculum but are crucial to Ss success. #MasteryChat
A6: I use a multitude of rubrics that I create or that I create with students. They compare their work to the rubrics to see where they are on the scale and what they need to do to get the best product possible... #masterychat
A4 #MasteryChat Reflection is important life skill 4 Ss & adults! When u take time 2 think about what u did & how it went especially based on ur own expectations, u learn 2 understand ur strengths, weaknesses, ?s to ask, emotions, and what interests u and pushes u forward! HUGE!
A4: Being reflective leads to growth&improvement. It's a skill that can be taken beyond the classroom & into the real world. Reflective thinking, along w/ the teaching of other soft skills, can tend to get lost in the curriculum but are crucial to Ss success. #MasteryChat
A6: When Ss work in groups and roles and responsibilities are assigned they can cross check themselves with each other and learn from each other to grow together #masterychat
A5. We need to understand who our students are and how they learn. Once you understand your students' needs, you won't waste time delivering content in a way that they won't comprehend. It saves lots of time and effort. #masterychat
This is very interesting! So much emphasis on giving students choice. What is the source of this data? Would love more info on this @JamesNottinghm. I agree that there needs to be a shift to challenging = interesting. How we grade probably plays a big part in that. #MasteryChat
In reply to
@ThaddeusBTeach, @JamesNottinghm, @JamesNottinghm
A5: Voice and choice helps learners to develop a stronger sense of self...a greater ability to direct the course of one’s life...to self-regulate with a renewed sense of purpose and confidence! #masterychat
We recently starting working with the #GridMethod and are loving it! I’m able meet with every learner every day. There are some many amazing conversations happening. It is helping to take our relationships with each other and our learning to a whole new level! #masterychat
A6: When Ss work in groups and roles and responsibilities are assigned they can cross check themselves with each other and learn from each other to grow together #masterychat
A6: I had my students fill out a google form to reflect on the writing and reading we have been doing this semester. Then over the past three days, I met with each one of them and they articulated what they needed to do next. #MasteryChat
So true! I find that at first, Ss can be uncomfortable with addressing these areas of improvement during self assessment .It is important to create a culture where progress and growth are encouraged and celebrated! #MasteryChat
A6: Student data notebooks have been an excellent tool for them to use and self regulate. Embed periodic checks and peer discussions over target goals and 💥#MasteryChat
A6: I had my students fill out a google form to reflect on the writing and reading we have been doing this semester. Then over the past three days, I met with each one of them and they articulated what they needed to do next. #MasteryChat
A5: Everyone is different. What helps one student to self regulate, may not work for another. Therefore it is important to have a variety of methods that students come up with together and make the choice what to use and when based on what works for the individual #masterychat
Right on! I had students disrupt heroism + the hero's journey by creating visual compare-contrast essays that looked at elements of heroism in The Odyssey + Song of Solomon. Students had the choice in form, medium + design + the results were really compelling. #MasteryChat
A5: Voice and choice helps learners to develop a stronger sense of self...a greater ability to direct the course of one’s life...to self-regulate with a renewed sense of purpose and confidence! #masterychat
A6: I let the students discuss with groups a lot of the time. Whenever they hear how others are performing or how they are doing, they have more direction. Collaboration is KEY! #masterychat
A6: Beyond content, I encourage my Ss to reflect on WHAT they are FEELING in their bodies as an indicator of how their MINDS is doing. Is your stomach feeling tight or are you feeling low energy? That may be a sign you are struggling with this? Bodies hold clues! #MasteryChat
A6 I'd say it's less about allowing and more about helping Ss gain skills in thinking and reflecting so that self-assessment is a meaningful process. #masterychat
A4- Reflection is essential part to learning and overall growth. By teaching Ss self-awareness, Ss can fully understand what they know and where they need to improve. Being able to identify one's own areas of strength and need is an essential life skill. #masterychat
A6 - This is something that is built into a lot of the work I do with schools. By pre-planning a learning path and utilizing backwards design students can focus on learning objectives trying to be taught. When plans are day to day this is very difficult. #masterychat
A5. Ss don't walk into class with their passions/interests written on their forehead. Ts have to uncover these things while giving them the opportunity to explore/discover their interests for themselves. Choice can help them to figure out how they learn best. #masterychat
A6: I let my students tell me when they are ready to demonstrate mastery on a learning target. If they're not ready I ask them what their plan should be. If they don't pass a checkpoint I have them make a plan before they re-assess. #masterychat
A6) I try to meet with Ss and when Ss turn in their work they put it in bins based on their understanding so they are reflecting on how they are doing. #MasteryChat
A6: I let the students discuss with groups a lot of the time. Whenever they hear how others are performing or how they are doing, they have more direction. Collaboration is KEY! #masterychat
A6: This is hard—the natural tendency is for Ts to tell the student what the next step is. It takes away all the ownership and pushes simple compliance. The best phrase I have used is simply to say, “How can I help?” It allows them to take control. Huge impact. #masterychat
A5 #masterychat V&C grows confidence & confidence motivates! When Ss get 2 choose what they do & how they do it — and they feel safe to talk, ask ?, discuss, they want to learn and they learn more! When you r doing what u enjoy, your heart goes into it! #genioushour
A6: Hard for me to answer, because my "students" right now are teachers. When looking at assessment design, though, we think about how students will set goals based on the assessment. https://t.co/9CT4Jx5Zv3
A6: Having Ss determine where their level of learning is according to the proficiency standard. The next step would be to self-initiate the learning opportunities necessary to reach mastery. #MasteryChat
A5: #MasteryChat providing voice and choice is the number 1 motivator. When people are given options and their voices are valued, they are more invested in a situation.
First it involves teaching what effective self-assessment is. What is the success criteria? Let's use triangulation of evidence. What will we see, hear & hold if we are hitting the learning target? Once this is established we can be more confident about "next steps".
We reflected today on our Romeo and Juliet wedding planning. What worked what didn’t. What they contributed and what they think could have been better #MasteryChat
A6: Hard for me to answer, because my "students" right now are teachers. When looking at assessment design, though, we think about how students will set goals based on the assessment. https://t.co/9CT4Jx5Zv3
A6: I teach students to answer three questions: What worked? What didn't? What would I change next time? This is a quick stop-and-jot activity that is doing frequently to develop habits of self-assessment. #MasteryChat
A6) My Ss are 6/7. To help teach them self-reflection and assessment, I begin w/a checklist. It's a very concrete way of helping them understand what they are aiming for. In addition, we use a 1-4 scale for Ss to assess their knowledge of ability at something. #masterychat
A6 I give students the same rubric I’ll be using to grade their assignments. They self grade before I do, they often are harder markers than me 🤔#MasteryChat
We must be intentional in our work with these ideas...
We cannot simply tell our students to do something. We need to be patience and systematic in gradual release.
First it involves teaching what effective self-assessment is. What is the success criteria? Let's use triangulation of evidence. What will we see, hear & hold if we are hitting the learning target? Once this is established we can be more confident about "next steps".
A6: it begins with productive struggle, and then model the thinking process as you work through the process together. Next problem, have them explain each step and why they are solving it like that. After, reflect with them and look at other options to solve. #masterychat
Let ss create their own reflective process: A blog a Google doc a journal a check-in check-out process Whatever works for the student should be used consistently and regularly and meaningfully. Both the student and the teacher should contribute to the reflection
A6.2) We r also in the process of developing proficiency scales (T & S friendly) that explicitly shows what a S knows & does at each level. This will help Ss better drive their own learning. #MasteryChat
A6: I teach students to answer three questions: What worked? What didn't? What would I change next time? This is a quick stop-and-jot activity that is doing frequently to develop habits of self-assessment. #MasteryChat
A6. Ss pick one area from their rubric that is not spelling, grammar, structure related and work that one area in order to show how effort leads to progress. Ss can select the area and get multiple levels of feedback and use mentor texts to improve. #MasteryChat
Lots of check-in points & self-assessment rubrics. Ss can show me where they were and where they are now. I can see their progress. Together we can chart next steps. Often, they can tell me their next steps, but sometimes I need to offer more guidance/suggestions. #MasteryChat
I agree! They also need to see the WHY. If a S cannot find anything relevant about the content, they may be less inclined to commit to the learning experience. Combine a solid purpose with the "see it, feel it, experience it" and you may just change that Ss mind! #MasteryChat
A6 We conference a lot, we talk about what went well and what we need to improve. We set 1-2 daily objectives for class expectations That has made it easier for Ss to self reflect #masterychat
Great point! I see that happen a lot with honors kids around their sophomore...that first real speed bump. Definitely a tough moment for those kids and support is needed for sure. #masterychat
A5. There are many aspects of school where Ss are not given the opportunity to be active participants in their learning. Providing opportunities for S voice encourages them to actively participate ie., own & drive their learning, & eventually discover their purpose. #masterychat
Q6: Every week, each learner adds to a self-reflection video portfolio on @ClassDojo. They answer 2 prompts: Something I’m proud of and My plan for growth. These are then shared with their families as well to allow the opportunity for convos at home as well. #masterychat
A6) My Ss are 6/7. To help teach them self-reflection and assessment, I begin w/a checklist. It's a very concrete way of helping them understand what they are aiming for. In addition, we use a 1-4 scale for Ss to assess their knowledge of ability at something. #masterychat
I have face-to-face conferences with my students throughout their learning process + then again at the end. Our conversations are mostly process-oriented + meant to be forward looking. Students self-report their grades, so the focus can be on reflection + growth. #MasteryChat
Ss like this help me in my democratic teaching style. Such students though they are self aware and self motivated does require a focused guidance from the teachers #masterychat
A4. What makes this hard is I first have to empower students by allowing them to set the goals and means to verify. It also means I have to allow multiple options of showing success. Personalized Learning. #masterychat
A6 We conference a lot, we talk about what went well and what we need to improve. We set 1-2 daily objectives for class expectations That has made it easier for Ss to self reflect #masterychat
A6- We started implementing a weekly scorecard with my sophomores. End of the week they reflect on grades, attendance, behavior, passes out of class, and self analyze how their week went and start planning for next week. #MasteryChat
A7 - I am constantly looking for more ways to build up self-regulation in students especially in self-paced, mastery learning environments. I will continue to do this and take some of the awesomeness we saw tonight and put it into practice! #masterychat
A6: I don’t know that this is done enough. Students need the opportunity to self-assess in an environment they feel comfortable in being honest with themselves and know they have the support to constantly progress #masterychat
#masterychat A6: I allow my students to self-correct quizzes, tests, essays, etc. In order to learn from their mistakes. Simply marking something correct/incorrect does not show them how to grow, self-correction does.
A6- We started implementing a weekly scorecard with my sophomores. End of the week they reflect on grades, attendance, behavior, passes out of class, and self analyze how their week went and start planning for next week. #MasteryChat
A3: I have learned that When you use teamwork and collaboration skills within the class, Sometimes you can pair up a fast paced student with a struggling one to help build the students confidence as a whole. This allows you to focus on the class as a whole! #Masterychat
A7: I have been researching this and working with my students to help me learn this for the past three years, thus...I am writing on this subject and would be happy to meet with anyone via Google Hangouts to discuss... #masterychat
A6: somewhere I need to grow. Biggest obstacle in trying to work through is providing time to act after reflection. I understand it’s one of the most important parts for growth so I’m slowly making it a priority #masterychat
A3: I have learned that When you use teamwork and collaboration skills within the class, Sometimes you can pair up a fast paced student with a struggling one to help build the students confidence as a whole. This allows you to focus on the class as a whole! #Masterychat
I agree. Students should be engaged in all elements of learning: they should have a say in lesson design, building assessments + the grading + feedback process. Kids should never be abstractions + the voices of our most important constituents need to be represented. #MasteryChat
A5. Ss don't walk into class with their passions/interests written on their forehead. Ts have to uncover these things while giving them the opportunity to explore/discover their interests for themselves. Choice can help them to figure out how they learn best. #masterychat
A1. I observed and experience that when we give a sense of ownership to self motivated students the learning paradigm has changed and working for better. #MasteryChat
A6: Especially important during long-term projects. Settting mini-deadlines with time for conferencing and check-ins help Ss to center themselves and strategize/problem solve. #MasteryChat
A6) I try to meet with Ss and when Ss turn in their work they put it in bins based on their understanding so they are reflecting on how they are doing. #MasteryChat
Q6: Every week, each learner adds to a self-reflection video portfolio on @ClassDojo. They answer 2 prompts: Something I’m proud of and My plan for growth. These are then shared with their families as well to allow the opportunity for convos at home as well. #masterychat
A7: I’m going to start diving into working with subgroups of high schoolers and using Naviance strengthfinders and career builder tools to help them grow in self regulation. #masterychat
A6 small group are helpful in allowingthem to share what they’re doing and get ideas from others. They can share what they understand and ask questions when of each other. #masterychat
Thanks! I also think doing a full diagnostic...and not just academics is so important too for kids. They need to see that behaviors, attendance, and work ethic all go hand in hand with their growth in learning. #MasteryChat
Got to jet! My girls are asleep and I’m going to spend some time with my wife. Great job @LevineWrites and thank you #masterychat PLN for expanding my thinking and knowledge base! Appreciate you all!
A7: I need to show students how I use their reflections to guide my teaching. I value their input and modify my teaching and classroom based on the input I receive from them. I want to encourage practices they say work for them and build them into my routines. #MasteryChat
A7: I’d just like to find out more about how others are carrying out the final step in reflecting. I teach over 100 students in 40 min periods so time is an obstacle #masterychat
A7 I'm connecting the learning process to the structure of narrative. Exposition (learning the facts), rise of action (thinking about the facts), identifying the fatal flaw (resistance to learn), conflict (chaotic thinking) and resolution (integration). #masterychat
A7: I'd really like to see some evidence-based studies that will support my efforts to encourage more empowerment of students and the end of the compliance culture altogether--specifically regarding student discipline. #MasteryChat#EndCompliance
I teach an accelerated Humanities class + a student said, "I've been with all of your since sixth grade + we've never been more invested in learning than in this class since we self-report grades + we make meaning together rather than compete against each other." #MasteryChat
A7: I’m a big believer in identifying self regulating strategies for Ss. I work at a district where Ss score high on the ACEs scale and building relationships is important. We must stay ahead of the brain and be there for the S by staying current with all practice #masterychat
Q6 #masterychat w/LA skills or writing, Ss do rounds of self-assessments (SA), then peer review, then ?s or review w/me ALL b4 final gr-book grade. I use checklists so as Ss move along Sa path, they don’t hVe 2 wait 4 me. Ss will FIX if u give them a chance! Then, they learn!
A7: For me, it’s constantly searching for new ways to teach students self-regulation and help them on this journey. Every student is different & sometimes it takes a lot of trial & error to find something that clicks. #masterychat
A7. Next steps: building an array of skills for student choice. Questions: How to bring more Ts on board to create a building wide goal. Not forced but having that We do this bc Ss benefit mentality. #Masterychat
A5: IMO, you can't teach a S until you know what makes them tick. Giving Ss voice & choice by asking for their feedback, investing time in getting to know their interests & helping them discover learning strategies that work for them can help create self-regulated Ss #MasteryChat
A6. I would say break assignments/tasks into smaller interconnected pieces where they can’t move to the next piece unless the previous one is correct. They would have to really reflect upon what they did if the encounter an error #masterychat
A5: IMO, you can't teach a S until you know what makes them tick. Giving Ss voice & choice by asking for their feedback, investing time in getting to know their interests & helping them discover learning strategies that work for them can help create self-regulated Ss #MasteryChat
A6. I would say break assignments/tasks into smaller interconnected pieces where they can’t move to the next piece unless the previous one is correct. They would have to really reflect upon what they did if the encounter an error #masterychat
A6: An easy way is a quick exit ticket with the question “What did you learn today?” “What do you need to learn next?” This is not only good for the student this gives the teachers tons of info. #Masterychat
As the Tech coach I help ts understand different methods they can use for reflection a quick exit poll a iblog a shared Google doc or an emoji activity
There are so many options I also use student interviews to find out what tool or app they would like to use #MasteryChat
Great chat tonight as always #MasteryChat! Such a great community of thought partners. It means a lot to myself and others that you are advocating for students through better teaching practices.
Dropping Saturday - @InstantRel with @yesriorg founder @erinhall47! Check it out!
Point being: I don't believe students are motivated by grades + I don't think they want to so product oriented, but we have to show them a different way + use the agency we have as teachers to reorganize our classrooms into something different. #MasteryChat
Hey @LevineWrites, great questions and super job supporting everyone! And of course, @jeffgargas and @RaeHughart, so great as always! #MasteryChat@teachbetterteam
I spent most of time as observer being inspired, but wow, that's a lot of talent packed into one chat!!!!
I teach an accelerated Humanities class + a student said, "I've been with all of your since sixth grade + we've never been more invested in learning than in this class since we self-report grades + we make meaning together rather than compete against each other." #MasteryChat
A7 With 1st graders every day is a self regulation journey. I just try to stay tuned into my Ss and try to help them find what works for them. We have sensory bins, yoga balls, movement breaks and dedicate break areas. #masterychat
A 2 yes ofcourse Modelling. A best example for effective self regulation. Students need to be taught accountability then only self regulation matters #MasteryChat
That sense of ownership over their learning (especially from what I've observed at the HS level) is definitely a game changer and gives Ss a sense of pride in their work! #MasteryChat
Hey @LevineWrites, great questions and super job supporting everyone! And of course, @jeffgargas and @RaeHughart, so great as always! #MasteryChat@teachbetterteam
I spent most of time as observer being inspired, but wow, that's a lot of talent packed into one chat!!!!
A4: if we teach our students how to self regulate in the classroom early, we are helping prepare them for “post graduation”. With that being said, it will allow them to enter their careers with the mindset of knowing how to take on tasks and be successful in life #masterychat
I believe teaching social-emotional skills must be at the ❤ of education. If you look at the data from The Class of 2030 by @Microsoft and @fresnounified, it shows how important these skills are. Self-regulation is a piece of this puzzle & must be given attention. #MasteryChat
A7: I would love to learn more about strategies for self-regulation. Most of my learners are adapting very well to more personalized learning but I have a few who are struggling no matter what trick I pull out of my toolbox. Any recommendations for further research? #MasteryChat
Tonight’s PLN was fantastic and I encourageall to follow @desautels_phd as she is the guru with self regulating strategies and how our brain works in education. I’m a huge believer in building relationships and trust with my Ss and helping them self regulate is vital #masterychat
HUGE thank you to @LevineWrites for hosting #masterychat tonight! WOW! So many deep conversations, resources, graphics, & ideas to better support students!
A7: I would love to learn more about strategies for self-regulation. Most of my learners are adapting very well to more personalized learning but I have a few who are struggling no matter what trick I pull out of my toolbox. Any recommendations for further research? #MasteryChat