#RuralEdChat is a chat that focuses on the needs of the rural educator. This chat has been revised by Tammy Neil (@MathNeil), John Martin (@edventures) and Natalee Stotz (@nataleestotz).
Good evening #RuralEdChat! I'm Matt, a full time software dev and part time volunteer Computer Science teacher. Exciting to be back after a couple weeks AWOL :)
Hi! I am Rylee, college student and future teacher trying to learn new things about teaching so these chats tend to help. I currently am a preschool teacher, but when I graduate I would like to teach K-3rd grade. #RuralEdChat
We apologize for not getting an ad out today with our topic. Life got in the way for our team. @TG_Neil is prepping for an edcamp and @edventures is chaperoning kids on a field trip this week. @nataleestotz and I will help keep things rolling for #ruraledchat tonight :)
Q1: This time of year can be hard as we're coming out of winter and nearing the end of the year. How do you keep your enthusiasm and energy up? #RuralEdChat
A1: For me personally the children in my room always have enough energy for both of us, they are still excited about learning. We go outside more which is fun and have started learning about things that we couldn't see during the winter. (Trees, flowers, bugs, etc.) #RuralEdChat
Q1: This time of year can be hard as we're coming out of winter and nearing the end of the year. How do you keep your enthusiasm and energy up? #RuralEdChat
A1 For the staff we have a party to celebrate all of our successes. Each teacher brings one success story to share. For the S's we eliminate all homework except reading. Focus on standards review #RuralEdChat
Field experiences are great this time of year. I work at a nature reserve and we have school groups booked almost every day from the end of April through June. #ruraledchat
Q1: This time of year can be hard as we're coming out of winter and nearing the end of the year. How do you keep your enthusiasm and energy up? #RuralEdChat
Q1: This time of year can be hard as we're coming out of winter and nearing the end of the year. How do you keep your enthusiasm and energy up? #RuralEdChat
A1 I also like to challenge my staff to think of things wee need to change to improve learning and culture. We are reexamining how we implement RTI. Building time into the day instead of after school RTI. Difficult with small staff #RuralEdChat
A1 End of the year field trips, preferably with camping involved and a visit to a college if possible. So fun to watch the kids learn, when they think they are just playing. #RuralEdChat
Ah yes! I remember how great it was to have the tests over and done with and some great in-depth studies with more freedom followed. Flashing back to the old high school days! #ruraledchat
A2: I keep them going by reminding them summer is on it's way. There's only a few more weeks. I continue to tell them to push themselves because it will pay off wen they're free! #RuralEdChat
A2 I amp up my student interviews. Interviewed 30 S's today and asked about their school year, about their summer plans and talked about their commitment to stay strong to the end
that's awesome, Kip. 1-1 conversations definitely help with connection and engagement. I don't ever remember that happening with my principals. Very cool! #ruraledchat
A2: Exercise. The Great Outdoors. Gamification. Dry-erase boards (I teach grade-2 - it works). Following our curiosity & using it as the basis for lessons. Evidence of mastery/growth. Golden Horseshoes & if that doesn't work, I threaten to eat them, which they love. #ruraledchat
A2) We're doing a lot of review ahead of testing, so it's constantly switching up routine - student lead reviews, Socrative quizzes, review games, mini projects, anything we can other than lecture. #RuralEdChat
At first, I thought you meant you threaten to eat the Golden Horseshoes, which would probably motivate my (high school) students. "If you all ace this worksheet, I will eat one!" #RuralEdChat
I walk to the classroom call a S out and walk to the office. I have them sit in my chair and ask questions about their lives. Families, likes, dislikes, then let them ask me anything they want about me
In reply to
@LindaAragoni, @robinhosemann, @casas_jimmy
At least they're made out of paper. I could probably choke down a few. Golden Horseshoes, not students. The kids get to use the Golden Horseshoes in a Colts Corral prize store on Fridays. #ruraledchat
Yes and yes. When first started it was "what did I do?" Now it is "I have a question I thought about asking you. Way cool way to change how the S' view you
In reply to
@robinhosemann, @LindaAragoni, @casas_jimmy
Q3: I like to include different lesson plans/activities that we have not done in the past. This is the time for me personally as a review session to go over everything we have learned in the year together. Going outside to do these activities helps. #RuralEdChat
A3: Students & I are highly motivated by Science investigations & Tech. & we love 2 play the "Economy" game. I'm the payroll bank. Volunteer Dad is the cashier. High school aides R stores w/ goods pics. Kids earn play money via work on Khan Academy & then spend it. #ruraledchat
I'm sorry I'm not interacting much in the chat too much tonight, it's an awesome chat, but Tweetdcek is keeping me from being able to respond in time. So frustrating! #ruraledchat
A3: Not esp. creative, but definitely pleasurable & motivational: Reading4Pleasure. Find a spot in the room, maybe turn a chair over 2 use as a backrest. Pick a book based solely on personal choice. Maybe go solo or find a partner. Put on instrumental jazz. Enjoy. #ruraledchat
A4: Getting the job done. The next grade down is relying on you & the next grade up is relying on you. Communication. SSTs. IEPs. Standards. Academics. Behavior. Preparing the kids. Preparing the families. #ruraledchat
As we round the bend on the end of tonight's #ruraledchat we want to thank you for stopping by and connecting. Big thanks to @nataleestotz for moderating our questions!
As we round the bend on the end of tonight's #ruraledchat we want to thank you for stopping by and connecting. Big thanks to @nataleestotz for moderating our questions!
We are working on a chat series coming up soon around navigating conflict in school settings, so be sure to visit #ruraledchat again. We promise to publicize that one better!
I have parties on board for a guest mod night, I just need to get them to commit to a date & then help me generate some questions. So it is in process & moving forward. The non-techie ones want our gentle support. ;-) #ruraledchat
I can't even make eye contact with our shovel anymore. It's just cast aside by the front steps. Here's hoping nothing comes of this latest storm. See you here again soon, Linda! #ruraledchat