#dtk12chat Archive
Please join us for a weekly conversation about design thinking in K12 education. We will have a variety of moderators with a wide range and depth of design thinking experiences. Each week, we will connect the dots to the design thinking methodology and how it can and will play a bigger role in today’s K12 educational arena.
Wednesday February 24, 2016 9:00 PM EST
Welcome to Tonight-DT & GT: HMW use DT to meet the needs of our Gifted & Talented student population? https://t.co/8rU6h3ghxq
Joseph Broughton Teacher-Librarian & Tonight's moderator on
Hi! My name is Jason . I am a Moravian College student who's learning to be a teacher.
Hello ! Chris in Altanta. I hope all is well out there
Howdy! Ellen in SF Bay Area maybe in and out tonite!
Dvora Kravitz, Educational Therapist, Los Angeles
Darren Ellwein, Principal, South Dakota
I'll be bringing some TX slang near the end ;)
in CA excited about two great communities ( ) sharing DT-and-GT ideas to improve education and thus people.
pretty good. U? gonna b in LA in June.Maybe we can connect.Gonna b doing some DT in Jewish community.
Let's get together. Let me know where you will be
Sorry...Clarification...GT = Gifted & Talented.
A1) I work in gt school... Incredible variety, many twice-exceptional. Incredible to see giftedness come blazing out when tapped
Btw, hi! Here just for a sec as usual :-)
A1 student who ddn't wnt 2 dig into anything. lots of ideas, ddn't wnt 2 dig deeper. Even when his choice, couldn't stick w/it.
A1 LD, ADD, Easily bored, rushes through work, makes many mistakes
It is great that you mentioned twice-exceptional. This often complicates every aspect of working with GT Ss.
A1: jumping to the solution first; thinking "i know the answer" instead of "i know how to get to a solution"
can't wait to see u in Texas (almost) birthday girl!!
A1) We should always let students do what they love for a living. How else are they going to learn and enjoy themselves?
I have had several similar Ss like this. Very challenging but I think common for some GT Ss.
or "I can evaluate different perspectives" ! Hard for kids who are often told "right, you're so smart!"
Yes. was before I was trying stud-ctrd lrng. iPad helped. https://t.co/DIOD1FKH4B
I have had several similar Ss like this. Very challenging but I think common for some GT Ss.
Tuesday night at ! We should go out for something fancy :-)
A1: Doing minimum. Figuring out the system & just getting by especially if school isn't meeting his/her needs.
yes, and we get number crunching w/out any number sense
Yes; I often find that these exceptionalities mask the GT aspect for some.
wld lv to hv that stud again and try PBL or dt.
I'm remediated on several levels, and the S's mom is talking about stopping because it's not a good fit :(
We should make everyone feel comfortable if they're not acclimated to a school environment. Provide some motivation!!
Hey team. I'm late to the party James from ATL. I will hop in and out trying get little people to sleep
yes, some Ss recognize a pattern and adopt it w/out any further thought
Q2 coming to a Twitter stream near you.
definitely. Gotta say, sometimes I don't blame them.
A1) a common problem - due to variations in - is that GTs aren’t GT in all areas.
much more of the same ol' stuff
We've been talking about this A LOT the last few days about the GT Ss on our campus.
A2) Gifted students talents!
Beautifully worded! or as says
slack, Twitter, Facebook...
A2: Sputnik (spherical, yet pointy in parts), particular, sensitive
"We've been talking about this A LOT... on our campus" and it's a common topic on - selective GT?
Jumping in late, but we are big fans of this chat in Round Rock ISD.
Sputnik? as in "make the Americans crap in pants"??
*blush* gt is my full-time gig :-) gt, for goodness sake... Too fun
Angél from Atlanta in and out A2: overestimated, underestimated, label
Hi, Lisa from Pittsburgh! Moderator for ... sorry I'm late! Looks like a great chat so far.
LOVE Round Rock. Looked into moving there a while back.
welcome! We are finishing up Q2. Q3 coming up shortly.
Thanks for joining us, Angél!
I would also accept "hedgehog-like"
Almost forgot the next Q...
it's the place to be. Lot's of opportunities.
Sputnik, as in "Heed, pants! now!...his head looks like an orange on a toothpick" "
I am just happy to say I have met you there are about 7billion more people I need to meet https://t.co/bPDFIklOcO
slack, Twitter, Facebook...
Thanks for joining us, Lisa. I had a great time last night on
Sadly my (former) school did very little 2 meet needs of these Ss.Had 'they'll be fine' attitude.
A3 partner with Ss and families to get their input, iterate, repeat
is having gt as your "full-time gig" exciting and fun? (+ challenging?)
was going to say echidna. sometimes hard to get to know but underneath the (sometimes awkward) exterior lies a cool S
A3: empathy is key so that we can truly understand GT Ss. HMW dig deeper into needs of GT beyond assumptions & labels?
That is sad. The more I learn about GT, the more I see the need.
We enjoyed your contributions at as well! https://t.co/DW0itRchhY
Thanks for joining us, Lisa. I had a great time last night on
A4 I think w/all students create a DT challenge requires them to stretch their GT muscles
It's hard for those of us who aren't GT to get into the head of those who are
: I wonder what areas of design thinking would feel just right for GT &what areas would be out of comfort zone?
Wonderful point. Using the empathy in DT to approach the S.
A3: DT might be a gateway 4 GT Ss to dig deeper into a passion or way of thinking in order to connect w/world more deeply
depends on the specific brain strengths, Ss might struggle with ambiguity, Big Picture stuff
yes, Ts/Ss/Ps need empathy to "truly understand... dig deeper... beyond assumptions & labels" to help GTs.
A3: can b used 2 help design learning 4 these Ss & also nature of DT can meet needs of G Ss.
When I think about gt kids at my old school and how untapped they were... So sad
One of my Ts says that what makes my GT Ss & me click. I'm w/ my own kind. (Not sure if that was a compliment??)
Connecting with the world through DT will make you figure out who you are and what your purpose is in society.
perhaps, yet if we are true to DT, the process offers the vehicle to gain understanding
Phone at 2%... Gotta make a move.
A3) to help GT-Ss be more GT in more areas of life, empathy (emphasis of DT) can be useful. https://t.co/IrkQhZQNHv
I get that, and knowing I'm not in that category, I have to work hard to understand a GT S
Yes & reflect on own learning
A4: extended projects for GT, prototype critique cycles keeping them on track and part of the community
Love the Community aspect of this! https://t.co/UNT8ObIryK
A4: extended projects for GT, prototype critique cycles keeping them on track and part of the community
A3: keeping GT Ss engaged is a major challenge. DT constraints may provide the puzzle that hooks em it might also push them away
yes, we can use "the process" of DT "to gain understanding" of all Ss, including GT.
yeah, in the classroom is for critiquing, group brainstorming, authentic audience https://t.co/JNkPjzwyGs
Love the Community aspect of this! https://t.co/UNT8ObIryK
A4: extended projects for GT, prototype critique cycles keeping them on track and part of the community
to provoke a bit, aren't we all GT beyond a "legal" definition? HMW dig into everyone's GTness?
of course, but GT is referring to a specific profile
I'm not sure that the GT I'm referring to is the legal def. but one defined by current discourse in Sp Ed.
A4 I'll hold that question for a few wks into the course
A4) Two great characteristics that could improve society, and bridge gaps in the job market.
I'm always impressed how people with Downs Syndrom have a gift for affection and human warmth
Push back- I was considered GT as a S & taught/trained as GT T- what I learned is good teaching/learning
I have to run peeps duty call
Just goes to show, you can't judge a book by its cover! In this case, it's people1
A4) I think I need to learn a lot more about design thinking! Y'all are sure making me 'think' tonight!
that looks like a job to read and understand
Yes. Found it difficult when used 2 have “GATEfunding” 2 provide only 4GT cuz it was good 4 all Ss.
that's why Universal Design for Learning is so impt.
A4: DT=a way to break habit of projecting GT stereotypes give Ss a chance to exp. "messy" productivity
good insight: high-EQ Downs Syndrome People are GT in "affection and human warmth." :<)
A4: I'm working on a GT/DT hybrid program that engages GT Ss in both radical collaborative teams & individual work.
HMW capitalize on power of DT to break walls of stereotypes & better understand all Ss?
yes, "hybrid" mix of "radical collaborative teams & individual work" could be great combo for GTs.
Just joining and catching up
Just joining and catching up
interesting! Reminds us that all Ss need direct instruction on how/why to collaborate & when individual work makes sense
Can anyone provide link/s to 'layman's' info on DT?
I've been more & more convinced of the necessity to not over emphasize group work
A4 Teaching our GT kids that exploration can lead to innovation. Ss create a new idea or product to help solve a problem.
Great Q. so much in Empathy practice and strength of relationships
Yes, especially when you don't teach children how to work in a group- they don't learn thru osmosis
someone in this chat shared that with me when I started participating in
yes "all Ss need direct instruction" sometimes for this (+ other ideas & skills) for optimal learning.
Yes! I find that many GT Ss often find this frustrating.
True, but can't reflection on the group process help Ss make the conclusions that would be taught?
Q5: Reflect back on your S in Q1. How does your current approach/prototype meet her/his needs? https://t.co/Gafc944tlE
Would this be especially important for GT students to do? For any students actually?
"many GT Ss often find this frustrating" so wise guiding (with empathy!) + concepts (by direct?) useful.
Thanks Ellen & Chris for the Love & Acknowledgement :)
Perhaps-assuming we make our thinking visible thru reflection-another form of direct instruction
Hey sorry to miss LIVE tonight… jut got back from dinner meeting…. Love the Q visuals… Looks like a fun discussion
- so... don't "over emphasize group work" but do some (with guiding) so Ss can learn from eclectic mix?
Thank you for considering the needs of GT students. Look forward to learning more! Excellent chat!