Hello, #TECHtalkGA! I'm Angela, Dist ITS for MS/HS in Forsyth Co!
One thing I learned this year from a conference is that I have a lot to learn about writing proposals to submit!
Hi #TECHTalkGA. I'm Robbie, a teacher-librarian, from DCSD.
At #edcampATL this past Saturday, I learned that you can force copy a Google doc, by changing the word "edit" in the URL to "copy". Simple and VERY useful.
A1: Hi everyone! Martha Bongiorno, library media specialist, and will be working in Fulton County next year as the new METI for Autrey Mill Middle School! I learned about digital breakouts this year at @GaETConf and have fallen in love with how awesome they are. #TECHtalkGA
A1: #TECHtalkGa Jaki Day, instruction tech Floyd co. I have learned about @Seesaw but actually from other teachers,using what they have learned via Edcamp
#TECHtalkGA Q2: #edcamp, @GAETCconf, and @EdTechTeam Summits are powerful professional learning and networking opportunities.
What makes it important to continue to grow yourself and others at these types of events?
A1 I had a blast presenting #gaetc17 and learned that #techtalkga has amazing teachers! Can’t wait to present writer’s workshop wows in Atlanta with https://t.co/HMQhe4b1jr this year.
Hi there, #TECHtalkGA! I'm Mandy Buckenham, ITS for Floyd County Schools. I have learned from this year that everybody has a story to tell and something to share!
A1: Justin Mewborn ITS Vickery Creek Middle School Forshth County. I learned that these type of learning opportunities are what you make of them. I found the presentations that were specific to my interests #TECHtalkGA
A1: #TECHtalkGA Hey all! Pam Pettyjohn, instructional technology coordinator from Whitfield County Schools. One of my favorite things I learned was how to create a Chrome extension at the Tennessee Summit last year @edtechteam@wterral
A1: Good evening #TECHTalkGA. I'm Cat Flippen out of #OneJacksonGA@JCSchoolSystem and from recent edcamps I have learned more ways to address the needs of passionate educators.
A2: I am continuallyreminded thatvthese events fill me with inspiration for my to do list and to learn list, but also that we are cheering each other on. #TECHtalkGA
A2 #TECHtalkGA
If you are comfortable or not learning, you aren't growing. It's important to push yourself and grow others to maximize the tools and resources that we have available.
A1: Justin Mewborn ITS Vickery Creek Middle School Forshth County. I learned that these type of learning opportunities are what you make of them. I found the presentations that were specific to my interests #TECHtalkGA
A2: By continuing to grow you’re continuing to evolve and perfect as closely as possible your craft! And as you grow you continue to help others grow too because you realize the power in growth!! #TECHTalkGA#gwinchat
#TECHtalkGA Q2: #edcamp, @GAETCconf, and @EdTechTeam Summits are powerful professional learning and networking opportunities.
What makes it important to continue to grow yourself and others at these types of events?
Bridget - 6th Grade ELA - not so much ‘learned’ as had my eyes opened and was motivated to start shifting my teaching to allow the learners more control. Also realization about how easily ‘grades’ become about compliance rather than mastery #changesahead#TechTalkGA
A2: It's rejuvenating to meet with other educators, sharing ideas, and collaborating on projects. I like the discussions at conferences and the people that challenge me to think in new ways. #TECHtalkGA
#TECHtalkGA Q2: #edcamp, @GAETCconf, and @EdTechTeam Summits are powerful professional learning and networking opportunities.
What makes it important to continue to grow yourself and others at these types of events?
To get the MOST out of a conference, you need to be more than a consumer. You must be a collaborator and an open creator.
Some of your best learning will come from sharing ideas and allowing others to build upon them with you. #GaETC18
#TECHtalkGA Q3: We’ve all wasted our time in a meeting or presentation that didn’t pertain to us.
How do we create engaging presentations and less “death by meeting?”
#TECHtalkGA A2:
I think the most important reason to keep learning & growing is b/c it's part of life. Every time I present, I learn something new, which makes me better and more informed.
But I also love getting to LEARN from all of you amazing people & hope to do so soon!
#TECHtalkGA Q2: #edcamp, @GAETCconf, and @EdTechTeam Summits are powerful professional learning and networking opportunities.
What makes it important to continue to grow yourself and others at these types of events?
A2: A couple of reasons. 1) It's important to me to stay current and learn about new and innovative practices. 2) It's good to be around like minded educators so we can continue to have these conversations #techtalkga
#TECHtalkGA Q2: #edcamp, @GAETCconf, and @EdTechTeam Summits are powerful professional learning and networking opportunities.
What makes it important to continue to grow yourself and others at these types of events?
#TECHtalkGA Q3: We’ve all wasted our time in a meeting or presentation that didn’t pertain to us.
How do we create engaging presentations and less “death by meeting?”
A2: by definition, teachers should be learners - and collaborating with other teachers to learn what worked for them, or what they are struggling with, or just brainstorming, is the most powerful learning. Eyes & mind are opened - with 100% support from the team #TechTalkGA
I used One Note because it was easy to password protect the tabs. Open a tab, solve the puzzle, use it to open the next tab.
Learned it at @glma Summer Institute last summer!
A2: #TECHtalkGA Being a learner is the only way to be a teacher. One can not happen without the other. Without Summits, PLN, conf. &other learning opportunities we are just saying the same thing over and over.
#TECHtalkGA Q2: #edcamp, @GAETCconf, and @EdTechTeam Summits are powerful professional learning and networking opportunities.
What makes it important to continue to grow yourself and others at these types of events?
A2 - I love hearing about the amazing things people are doing in their schools and districts. You never know what kind of cool ideas you can learn just by striking up a conversation with the person next to you at a conference! #TECHTalkGA
A3 #TECHtalkGA
End "death by meeting" by:
- Involving the audience
- Not using bullet points
- Tell stories and use pictures
- Share your successes AND failures. People need to know you are human
A3: Anytime we can differentiate PD the better! Create workshops or meetings that pertain to what teachers care about OR make it so much fun they won't faint of boredom if it's something new/disinteresting to them. #TECHtalkGA
#TECHtalkGA Q3: We’ve all wasted our time in a meeting or presentation that didn’t pertain to us.
How do we create engaging presentations and less “death by meeting?”
Well said @ClintWinter. #edtech can be lonely. We may be the only technologist in our school or district. It's important for us to have each other.
A2: A couple of reasons. 1) It's important to me to stay current and learn about new and innovative practices. 2) It's good to be around like minded educators so we can continue to have these conversations #techtalkga
A3 we have challenges in each of our trainings to give learners practice with a skill or tool. We learned @GaETConf presenter about “get and go” and “stay and play” for PL. Quick overview and then open for individualized time to play around. #TECHtalkGA
A2 I have met so many wonderful educators at national conferences- I’ve learned from them as I’ve shared my skills. Growing a PLN is empowering and rewarding. #TECHtalkGA
#TECHtalkGA Q2: #edcamp, @GAETCconf, and @EdTechTeam Summits are powerful professional learning and networking opportunities.
What makes it important to continue to grow yourself and others at these types of events?
A3: Though not always possible but I think it is better if it has a low key vibe. I usually have some good music playing and always have time for people to try and learn from one another in the session. #techtalkga#johncougarmellenchat
A3: Well one of the things I learned from the #edcamps et al was to provide participants with a voice/choice session rather than “I guess I’ll go over here because it’s better that over there!” mentality. So choice sessions it is for me and my school PD! #gwinchat#TECHtalkGA
A3: create experiences, notably ones that involve the audience and enable collaboration. All of the wisdom is already in the room- find a way to tap into it ! #TECHTalkGA
A3 - Providing choices for Ts and staff so they can choose what they want to learn or develop. That's why I love our #fcsclassic so much! There's something for everybody! #TechTalkGA
#TECHtalkga A3:
Follow the flow of the room and let the conversation drive the content. Sure, you may have the most *perfect* slidedeck, but if the conversation of the session flows away, let it flow.
And to be even more controversial, don't make a slidedeck at all #GaETC18
#TECHtalkGA Q4: What’s a success story from your experience that you could share at an @edcamp, @GAETCconf, or @EdTechTeam Summit?
Remember, what is ordinary to you is extraordinary to someone else.
A3- Presentations should have links to what you want folks to catch, so they can go back later. Keep it upbeat by reading the room. If you need to skip something to keep them engaged, they have the link! #TECHtalkGA
#TECHtalkGA Q3: We’ve all wasted our time in a meeting or presentation that didn’t pertain to us.
How do we create engaging presentations and less “death by meeting?”
#TECHtalkGA A3:
I try to think of presentations the same way I did my classroom. I build in some time for intros, some time to share & collaborate, hands-on practice, etc.
I'm also learning more about the ARCS Model of Motivational Design & hoping to incorporate that. #EdDprobs
#TECHtalkGA Q3: We’ve all wasted our time in a meeting or presentation that didn’t pertain to us.
How do we create engaging presentations and less “death by meeting?”
A4: The most powerful thing about #edcamps like #edcampforsyth is all the connections other educators make! Two teachers met at last years #edcamp and now are best friends and they are helping each other grow professionally! #TECHtalkga
A4: You know, usually I have my stuff so people can follow up or email me if they have questions and I've met a lot of people from all over and continued our learning that way. #techtalkga
A3 Be sure to outline your presentation and describe it well-if it’s better suited for certain grades or subjects let people know. Don’t be offended if people leave to find something that meets their needs. #TECHTalkGA
#TECHtalkGA Q3: We’ve all wasted our time in a meeting or presentation that didn’t pertain to us.
How do we create engaging presentations and less “death by meeting?”
A4 #TECHtalkGA
I already plan on sharing #fcslevelup at @GaETConf, but I really want to do a panel discussion with #TECHtalkGA leaders to foster and grow future and current instructional technologists.
A3: #TECHtalkGA I agree that you want to try to put your best foot forward in a presentation, but I also know that I have to own the learning when I'm attending.
#TECHtalkGA Q3: We’ve all wasted our time in a meeting or presentation that didn’t pertain to us.
How do we create engaging presentations and less “death by meeting?”
A4: well, winning the standing desk was pretty motivating 😂😂 - real answer; invigorating and thoughtful discussion @NEGAEdCamp about how to grade for mastery and not compliance. New teachers and seasoned in the mix. Different beliefs and background, same goals #TechTalkGA
TOTALLY agree, Monica! Isn't part of the point of edtech to build BETTER relationships? Let's use it to do that, rather than to depersonalize our communication!
A3: create experiences, notably ones that involve the audience and enable collaboration. All of the wisdom is already in the room- find a way to tap into it ! #TECHTalkGA
A4- Using visuals with students like #sketchnotes have been a successful adventure this year. I've also had fun with the speech to text features in so many apps/tools. #TECHtalkGA
#TECHtalkGA Q4: What’s a success story from your experience that you could share at an @edcamp, @GAETCconf, or @EdTechTeam Summit?
Remember, what is ordinary to you is extraordinary to someone else.
A4: biggest success was bringing a team to gaetc. We would meet up at night to discuss what we learned and what next steps were needed, and shared Google doc for notes on sessions. Our team could then follow up with teachers throughout the year. #TECHtalkGA
A4a: I’ve been in Technology coaching for 6 years an this yr was my first @GaETConf. Sad I know. But with that said, it sparked a desire to find more like minded individuals so I landed on Twitter and I’ve been on the edcamp tours #gwinchat#TECHtalkGA
Q4: after years of teaching HS , I realized I wasn’t forging authentic relationships with my Ss. I read about PBL. Began implementing it, and it lead to the most memorable years in the classroom, all thanks to growth mindset and fail forward mentality #TECHTalkGA
A4: #TECHtalkGA I feel I've been successful in presenting several ideas using Google and @CommonSenseEd . My teachers have really loved the addition of @PearDeck to Google Slides.
#TECHtalkGA Q4: What’s a success story from your experience that you could share at an @edcamp, @GAETCconf, or @EdTechTeam Summit?
Remember, what is ordinary to you is extraordinary to someone else.
A4a: I’ve been in Technology coaching for 6 years an this yr was my first @GaETConf. Sad I know. But with that said, it sparked a desire to find more like minded individuals so I landed on Twitter and I’ve been on the edcamp tours #gwinchat#TECHtalkGA
A4: After ditching the instructional technology quarterly newsletter in "loo" of "Tech Tips While You Tinkle" was a great move this year. I actually can walk through some of our schools and see the learning that's taken place in the restrooms. Crazy, huh? #pottypd#TECHtalkGA
A4b: And as a result, I’ve jumped into sharing what I know while learning from a room full of “strangers” and not feeling like I should’ve known how to do something especially if I’m going to be effective in my job. #gwinchat#TECHtalkGA
A5: I always find that I solidify my thoughts and better my performance when planning a presentation. Plus, I thrive on sharing my passion with others! #TechTalkGA
A4 - This yr I really wanted to focus on ways to get parents involved in their child's day. Using tools like @Seesaw have been great to not only communicate w/parents but also allow them to give personal feedback to their children. #TechTalkGA
A5- I haven't done it yet, but I would think the value comes in the sharing. I'm an "outloud" thinker and I love to talk to people about THINGS so it's a win-win. And sharing helps you be more in sync with your message. #TECHtalkGA
A5 #TECHtalkGA
As they say in High School Musical, "we're all in this together." By sharing our experiences and resources, we can push each other to excel and grow.
A5: Again a 2 parter for me 1)Often you get in FREE if you present that way my school district says sure you can go! 2)When I present I get to share something I'm passionate about 3) I always walk away with ideas on how to tweak whatever I'm presenting about #techtalkga
Q5: being vulnerable to share ideas can create some of the best relationships. Last year I met a T in my session, worked with her this year, and we are submitting a presentation together this year. Such a win! #TECHTalkGA
Hmmm, let's chat about this! I submitted a session at #GaETC18 for a #TECHtalkGA in-person discussion on coaching, but I still have time to edit...
Submissions don't close until June 1.
A5 - The thought of presenting at such a big event scares me beyond belief, but if it's going to help one teacher somewhere try something new & useful in their classroom, then it is worth it! #TechTalkGA
Excellent point! It's important to put yourself out there. The first step can be the hardest, but it can create a domino effect of positive events #techtalkga
Q5: being vulnerable to share ideas can create some of the best relationships. Last year I met a T in my session, worked with her this year, and we are submitting a presentation together this year. Such a win! #TECHTalkGA
A5: Ditto what @clintwinter said. And early on in my career, I had to get past the whole "are my ideas worth sharing? Will anyone care what I have to say?" battle. It's hard for some new to edtech
#TECHtalkGA A5:
We have so much to learn from each other, but the only way that happens is if we present what we're doing so that others can see it! Even if it's a "simple" idea to you, it may be "BRILLIANT" to someone else! Share your light!
To help with the fear, practice, practice, practice. If you teach, you can do this with an audience. Be confident and willing to listen to the audience and move with them.
Weird that you said this...I stopped "presenting" when I meet with grade levels or departments. Instead, I ask what they need. The conversation drives the session and has been much more productive and collaborative. Many times, they teach me something new as well! #techtalkga
A5: Again, the opportunity to grow!! Just like when I taught chem, I thought about it 1 way and my Ss thought about it 2-5 ways and be listening to them I learned how to incorporate all our ways for my future classes. FLEXIBILITY was gained by me #gwinchat#TECHtalkGA
A5 Yes! @CatFlippen Growth. Stepping outside of your comfort zone at conferences by presenting is a way to grow and become confident. Tell your story and share with other teachers! Collaborate #TECHTalkGA
Hey, #TECHTalkGA! Please take a minute to thank @iamryanwhite for his excellent hosting this week!
Next week is our last regularly scheduled chat of 17-18 but also when we'll announce dates for a chat in June & July, just to keep up!
Have a great week!
Also, if you've been procrastinating on submissions for #GaETC18, those are due June 1! Take some of what you've seen here to finish up your proposals and submit!
Timely tweet for #TECHtalkga
If @burgessdave says it, it must be true! So go finish up those presentations & get ready to share your knowledge!