#TEDEdChat Archive
Sparked by the enthusiasm of teachers in the TED-Ed community, TED-Ed hosts #TEDEdChat on Twitter every Tuesday from 6-7pm ET.
Tuesday January 19, 2016
6:00 PM EST
Q1 How are our current education systems preparing learners for new ways of discovering the world? https://t.co/TBJm8eP5fy
Hello everyone. I am really looking forward to this talk tonight and the exchange of ideas and experiences that will take place.
A1: Our awareness of the the seize of our world and everything in it has exponentially increase our
Q1 I am not sure there is a useful level of abstraction in curriculums as yet, they are too linear and task-based
Where can I get the questions? TY!
A1: Inquiry based teaching and PBL causes students to understand the why & how, and not just the what
A1 There could be more concept-based curriculum, allowing for more transformative and civic based learning.
A1: Are they?Often there is a lack of connection across disciplines. There is more quantity of connectivity through tech
Just starting my journey as a networked learner. I think educators are using social platforms to innovate
agreed. Too content heavy and not enough exploration and critical thinking.
Linear approaches dominate & subjugate. Being open to bringing in new ideas/connections is needed
A1: World language perspective: too linear, too much grammar, even in thematic units
A1 work by people like Kegan provides a useful starting point to explore how we might change the educational narrative.
Has it? Or have we become overwhelmed with the extent of knowledge & this leads to more superficiality
Dan from a snowy St. Louis. Business teacher. Ready to jump in.
A1 Currently it matches them to our economic model, rather than setting foundations for them to recreate it to their needs.
Exploring takes time. How can you discover with pre-determined packages of knowledge?
A1 play-based and authentic learning experiences explored through a conceptual lense-I see this in the NZ curriculum
Spot on: we are caged by our surrounding institutional structures. How can we upset? https://t.co/rGliG1u5ne
A1 Currently it matches them to our economic model, rather than setting foundations for them to recreate it to their needs.
RT Exploring takes time. How can you discover with pre-determined packages of knowledge?
How do we make curricula non-linear? I'm intrigued
Officially rejected the word play from the performing arts in its development. I agree it is in there. https://t.co/9ncctAvjjF
A1 play-based and authentic learning experiences explored through a conceptual lense-I see this in the NZ curriculum
I wonder if Play is the right frame throughout education, or if there are other lenses?
There are some nice threads in Te Whariki.
discover vs regurgitate would be a great verb change for designing curriculum.
Transformative based learning is one tool towards this, but equally so, ecosystem-based models of collaboration.
make it conceptual and dialogical.
would the word `impact` have value in that line of thinking?
A1- How do you learn best? For me its by doing and exploring! why would Ss be any different? Let them find their own path!
What does 'play' mean anyway?
Yes! And, are hugely popular w/8th grdrs for & outside of schl (Ss tell me) for learning! https://t.co/tG4Cow9XSn
A1: Inquiry based teaching and PBL causes students to understand the why & how, and not just the what
Q2 coming up in a moment!
Q2 coming up in a moment!
engage in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose.
Q2 How can education create exposure to systems thinking, open source and collaborative working? https://t.co/gSkBCsAey6
However, a lot else can be inferred in terms of the developmental value of engaging with play.
Is the question then about making sure educational systems provide multiple pathways for students?
would love 2 see a shift n class titles. Teach 4 C's in elem as classes n weave n SS & SC. Create passionate learners in el Ed.
agency as an essential experience? https://t.co/yqCJdpoWy4
A1- How do you learn best? For me its by doing and exploring! why would Ss be any different? Let them find their own path!
as long as learning styles thinking stays dead in the past :)
A1 I´m no t sure about play but am sure that today content is over-rated
A1: if we are incorporating technology and real world aspects, then we are stepping in the right direction.
A2: empower the teachers make decisions about what is right for their kids
or the opportunity for students to forge their own pathway (hence multiple?)
A2: The world is collaborative now with the advent of social media- teach Ss to be responsible, contributing members- not pariahs
or could we be braver and adapt the destinations? dispositional rather than linear.
content is overrated but I still think meaningful contexts are important
Q2 For me, there are important interactions with both the local and wider community here. A sense of collective narrative.
A2: I think that real life scenarios or inspiration from global issues helps make learning more meaningful and engaging.
A2 To teach systems thinking, the lesson must be problem-based & planned w/activities that involve skills across the curriculum.
A2: encourage teachers to take risks and try new, innovative techniques
how can we ensure this collaboration is sued for meaningful & deep learning?
A2 investing in teachers, providing high quality e-learning, thinking outside the box by delivering lessons through new mediums
A2 using technology students don't need to be sitting in a classroom next to each other for collaborative working.
I wonder to what ends? What genuine exchange could there be through education becoming more civic based?
A2 Problem-based learning means contextualizing the learning in a familiar narrative, story or challenge in the Ss lives.
A2: between all things social media, Ss have ways to make learning applicable to real life.
A2: Using Skype to work on collaborative projects with other classes, including those in other parts of the world.
I feel if elem Ss were taught 4 C's as a class, ms & hs could dive deeper n2 content w valuable learning experiences
Agree! just don´t loose the learning objectives by focusing to much on content
a2: The arts (specifically performing) are the ultimate in collaborative, critical & creative thinking(1) https://t.co/EmXt7ADZnX
Q2 How can education create exposure to systems thinking, open source and collaborative working? https://t.co/gSkBCsAey6
only if they take multi-linear, incremtal approach.
stagnation is the enemy of innovation. Emphasize encourage & not throw babies out with bath water
only if a multi-linear, incremental approach is taken
agree: start with problem or essential question starts it as a conversation that may take dif direction (not linear)
A2 systems thinking also means looking at problem from several perspectives. Problem-based challenges Ss to create mult hypothes.
A2 Collab. is no linger limited to the classroom. Ss can collab. with other classes, states, countries. https://t.co/YOBJuTkmhW
A2: The world is collaborative now with the advent of social media- teach Ss to be responsible, contributing members- not pariahs
So, increasing exposure to the arts increases collaboration (2)
Might design based approaches also have a role here in providing a frame in which to apply them?
I wonder what the edu infrastructure would look like that promoted this kind of working.
I guess it is more about engaging in a meaningful context (chosen by students) then getting through the content
My Ss have chosen health topics "close 2 home" 4 > depression, anxiety, addiction...Other:art therapy, yoga...
Totally agree, let them be part of the design process, will improve their sense of autonomy
Yes, & inclds self-efficacy to ? current thinking. Creating hypo & argumentation skills is a part of sys thinking
agree. somewhere (I have seniors) this stuff gets lost & they open their mouths for a spoon
exactly, let them be part of the design process of the problems/projects to be addressed
indeed, but there is still enjoyment and recreation in it for it to be play, otherwise, it must be .......
something else. The term is romanticized and generalised a lot.
design thinking aligns with most project/inquiry approaches quite nicely. https://t.co/br9GzkpNST
Might design based approaches also have a role here in providing a frame in which to apply them?
when we start teaching the values of failure and equipping Ss through struggle we will start seeing greatness again.
I love padlet I use it ALL the time
An example IB PYP-concept driven, thematic and multi dimensional with student voice through action
A2 Learning that the initial problem may be complete or may reflect a larger, unknown problem is a powerful motivator for PBL..
Q3 What value is there in shifting from teaching subjects towards concept-based curriculums? https://t.co/SoS21SgkCL
Creating intentional struggle is hard. A balance between being challenging enough but not letting them drown
Oh how I would love for all educators to view learning as recreation! Talk about transformation!
if it starts in hs or ms I agree. Start early & it works. During development years- train Ss to struggle and overcome
A3 every Wed we do passion projects with 4 conceptual/process pillars. This creates scholarships, publications, & engagement.
how do you see passive environments transitioning to active ones to enable learning beyond baseline?
Would you rather be assigned a paper on Lincoln or design investigation of effects of Civil War? https://t.co/9s8Sm85Uh2
Q3 What value is there in shifting from teaching subjects towards concept-based curriculums? https://t.co/SoS21SgkCL
A3 Many teachers are bringing in real world already. AP has the big ideas.
A3 Subjects reward students knowledge, concepts empower students with skills.
If we switch to strategies instead of content, we can teach kids how to learn things they don't know, struggle, and overcome! A3
Would you mind sharing examples of pillars?
A3 The prob & cog skill dev, synthesis & argumentation R embedded in real prob. & avail for Ss generalization to novel problems.
A3: concept based from the begining. Don´t give TS syllabuses, give them subject logic to be developed
a3: innovation occurs when we connect the previously unconnected. When we look at learning as a whole (1) https://t.co/TocRVz9O82
Q3 What value is there in shifting from teaching subjects towards concept-based curriculums? https://t.co/SoS21SgkCL
A3: It helps Ss become more engaged, and therefore, interested in the subject.
Ditto! (I was about to Google it)
(2) rather than as individual subjects S begin to see how everything works together.
Subjects compartmentalize; concepts connect through all subjects.
take it further to concepts and allow the students to discover their own strategies
A3: skills, skills, skills not concepts!
A3: teaching concepts allows for more variations in how the subject matter is presented. Allows for more projects/collaboration.
One main area of mine is connecting classical world to other cultures. The diversity of paths this can take huge
q3 this shift transforms the finished product (Ss) from content masters 2 innovators n a world that requires evolving innovators
! Remember that the building blocks of a domain is content. Content + skill/processing/analysis/synthesis=cycle
building on this, students collab strategies together
Definitelly projects will help as integrators
Ss need skills + content, analysis, synthesis which leads to schema formation & avail for novel future prob solve
The focus for Ts and Ss can be radically different, content engages Ss, but Ts intentions ....(1)
are to realise concepts, working with a concept based curriculm
I did something similar in my 5th grade classroom, during projects I'd give time for "How are you..." days
Start term w/essential ?s + themes to be investigated. End product includes formal writing + public presentation.
Yes. Said way more succinctly than I did. https://t.co/2QYhCvQuGx
Subjects compartmentalize; concepts connect through all subjects.
Fantastic! Thanks for the resource
and better if you let them design or choose the outcome
Y, but Bware of content overload. Ideally, intro content (stuff) & allow Ss to exper via skills .
mmn. content is highly contestable (in history anyway). You need contexts to work but noprescription
we need to transition out of invitro thinking to connective, complexed based frames
students writing their success criteria. It can be done even with our int standards-based assessment
Y! that is part of systems thking, to ? facts w/coherent argumentation & informed hypothesis based on
I teach my daughter dispositional relationships and complex adaptive system princples through morning cereal :)
Q4 How can education reform social infrastructure & governance to meet the needs of our next generation? https://t.co/P1rNN2YTJ1
how about peer assessments for project outcomes?
agree to an extent but facts are not stable & are contested. You need them but not as a prescription
Not only strategy. We work content w/strategies to logical elab & teach hypothesis & argumentation at same time.
Tech is good to a degree but I still believe in face to face communication.
absolutely. This is one of the new things I am bringing in formally (did just as activity before)
Q3: World is made up of concepts not curriculum. Why do we struggle w/ getting Ss to solve problems? We dont let them solve any.
Exactly..b/need "stuff" to argue.The domain content is presented & CT strategies "torture" the theory
Need to change the tech-centric narrative of education4.0 that is emerging, frame tech as a tool for connection
a4: Interdependence- we need each other to succeed and to survive. Creating a healthy community of interdependence should be key
Make collaboration key, take the T out of the spotlight & Ss thinking in, value connection instead of restriction, be fearless
Q4 allow for local control of assessment and system-wide eval of student progress regarding 21c capacities
Yes! Look at this Twitter chat -- people from around the GLOBE coming together for collaborative discussions
education is the key and tech is the chain that can link us together to solve larger problems.
A5 The lang of a domain- the academic lang know that Ss enter school with is a huge factor in Ss failure. It's ancultural capital
How might learners be involved in connecting locally and engaging with community, rather than axiomatic thinking?
A4 Needs of the next Gen is getting Ss to think and work globally. Skills of Global Collaboration
lets encourage this type of conversations with ss from diff countries and bkgds
SS work: underworld/Dante; myth & comic heroes/gaming; Aristophanes & modern satire
A5 as a curriculum writer I dissect lessons to articulate small but devastating patches of cultural know gaps that cause failure.
let students explore to find problems of their own to solve. Let them work within their passion. Stop pushing them towards yours
We need to demand all schools all over the world to really, really develop 21st Century Skills.
and start when they are young
encourage collab with external stakeholders (charity or exerts) as part of the project process
and let them connect to whom they need to find answers (as part of our education process)
I see curriculum as a vehicle. The concepts can be the curriculum if you choose.
A4 The reform that needs to happen is how to accurately asses this type of learning.
strongly encourage? People don't tend to react well to demands
A5 systems thinking is an inst theory that seeks the counter-intuitive ans & creative solutio to an intractable problem.
connecting students w/ real world pioneers & global movers and shakers to understand that they CAN do something great!
what assessment tools would work?
or is assessment towards qualification another abstraction process down to social fracturing?
How about including 21stC assessments and evaluations as well? We need buy in from