#WCPSSchat Archive
#WCPSSchat is designed to be engaging and all interaction should be 'solution-oriented' and consist of constructive feedback. Please refrain from derogatory comments. #WCPSSchat is a virtual opportunity for Wake County public school stakeholders to engage in conversations around instructional practices, county-related resources, and unique educational challenges.
Wednesday January 13, 2016 8:00 PM EST
Welcome tweeps, we're getting started with . Let's introduce ourselves. We're Q&A format here. First Q coming after intros
Welcome to the . We'll be RTing and answering questions from after intros. https://t.co/BCMXUupbA9
Welcome tweeps, we're getting started with . Let's introduce ourselves. We're Q&A format here. First Q coming after intros
Jesse Gore from . Excited that has returned.
Welcome. Glad is back too!
Good evening, folks! Brendan - IRT at . Glad to make it into the tonight.
Thanks for joining in Jesse.
Looking forward to connecting tonight
My next few tweets will be designated to the . Feel free to join in. Topic - Student Assessment
Hey all - good to see everyone tonight!
A1 - Authentic assessment involves the incorporation of the 4 c's. This leads to genuine understanding of material.
Good seeing you too Mike. Thanks for joining in.
Kristy instructional tech in wake
Thanks for joining in Brendan!
How do we incorporate this? I look for Ss to be creative and communicate ideas in constructed response.
Kristy! You made it! Thanks for joining.
I do a lot of project-based assessment in history. Ss made music parodies a/b revolutions. Scripts covered standards
I had Ss make a exam review lesson & create their own assessment.
I really like the idea of students created an assessment that is meaningful to their peers.
A1: Authentic assessment of student learning happens during the learning. Can be peer eval, self eval, teacher eval.
A1:I would rather a chauffeur who has passed the driving part of their test than the written.Authentic Assessment vs. Traditional
Q2 is a biggie! ...here it comes...
BAM https://t.co/xeN3TkD9Yl
A1 - Authentic assessment involves the incorporation of the 4 c's. This leads to genuine understanding of material.
Thanks for joining in MaryLu
A1. Authentic assessment occur throughout learning...many avenues - peer eval, self refection, mentoring (formal/informal) , etc
A2 - Using google classroom has been beneficial to tier assessments. Also always offer multiple options on projects.
A2: differentiate S assessments by setting individual learning goals w/Ss and then measure their individual learning
Do we differentiate assessments or do we use formative assessment to differentiate instruction?
A2: From my experience in World Language classroom, proficiency-based learning. Ss meet same goals but at their own level.
Interesting. How that??? I'm an guy, which I love for assessment. But I like the idea of tiered assessment.
I like the idea of having students track their progress using teacher assessments.
Was just talking about the "choice" (multiple options) in the last night. https://t.co/xQfNt6Gdw8
A2 - Using google classroom has been beneficial to tier assessments. Also always offer multiple options on projects.
A2. Goals for students vary based on their individual learning level. Should always be taken into consideration. Give choices!
A2: depends on what u are looking for? A grade or mastery - growth of the individual or group? Development of individual is key
Thanks for joining in Amanda!
Thought-provoking. What do you think Melanie?
A2: Give students choices in how they demonstrate mastery of a concept & use rubrics to evaluate
I am a little late but here!
they could even negotiate the learning targets together based on needs, interests, strengths...
I can see both sides. Using assessment to drive instruction for all Ss to meet objective, but in ongoing assessments P1
students need to learn from their mistakes so modify as we progress through tiers P2
You know what they say... Better late than
Are they mutually exclusive? Can't formative assessments be differentiated?
Great discussion surrounding Student Assessment. It's not to late to join us. Search the hashtag and answer away.
Absolutely. But how do we accomplish that?
A2: growth mindset can move focus to the individual and their growth vs. Themselves. May not make mama happy - kids first!
I think I favor more student choice and less "temperature taking". Education is not a prescription imo
If we differentiate instruction based on assessment 1, modify the 2nd on learning targets from the 1st?
Absolutely! https://t.co/gyeO6MbD6y
A2: growth mindset can move focus to the individual and their growth vs. Themselves. May not make mama happy - kids first!
This may be a 'Duh!' But what are all the ways we can use this data>>We've hit on choice and teaching. https://t.co/e3O2OShr1k
Just finished our PTA meeting & excited to catch-up on the chat thread. Happy Wednesday!
A3 - My standards spiral so it really helps me know how to adapt my teaching the second time we cover a standard.
A3: Student assessments can be used to reflect on effective teaching practices. Compare within PLT for best practices and share
A3: So can label schools "low performing" without actually investing in committed solutions to problems? :P
Mr. Williams! The man, the myth, the legend. Thanks for joining us.
A3: Assessing students to improve instruction is one use of student assessment
A3: Sometimes you need assessments so Ss can see how they are growing.
A3: assessments let us know if they learned what we thought we taught! Key- can they show they know?
This should be one of the driving forces in a PLT. Using one another to make each of us better.
WOAH! Drop the mic. What are the alternatives (hint-hint for Q4)?
Renee White from . Sorry so late! Preschoolers & toddlers... What ya gonna do
Always love ending the day w/ my dynamic PLN
A3: assessments for driving instruction, exit tickets /closure, deeper thinking, communicating progress,...
So true! I rather see the focus on student growth over proficiency. https://t.co/J3BH7m1EaY
A3: So can label schools "low performing" without actually investing in committed solutions to problems? :P
A3: Ss can also use assessment to determine if they are meeting their own goals. (Informal like for D5 in )
I try to demonstrate the use of a quiz as an assessment for their understanding to grow for "the test."
Excellent way to reflect, compare, and share during your PLT. https://t.co/j3PZSfqIzL
A3: Student assessments can be used to reflect on effective teaching practices. Compare within PLT for best practices and share
Thanks for jumping in tonight! Welcome!
A3. Assessments let Ts & stakeholders know what Ss have mastered & specific areas differentiation groups should be based upon
A3: assessment has to be intentional! Let them know why - great opportunity for feedback/ open communication with students
Those types of assessments serve their purpose but are not always going to showcase student growth.
In 1st I don't call them that.. They are "show what ya knows" so Ss can show their learning or what they still need to learn.
Agreed. But it helps the kiddos to learn from an assessment, it's not about the score but the understanding.
YES. https://t.co/7Lf443A18H
A3: Student assessments can be used to reflect on effective teaching practices. Compare within PLT for best practices and share
Ironic that a school "meets expected growth" on EVASS and then earns a grade of C. It's not adding up https://t.co/7AozM6Lb2V
A3: Students setting their own goals.
yes, assessments are a type of feedback! I can't believe I forgot to add to my list!
So the emphasis shouldn't be standardized test...Q4: What are the alternatives to standardized tests? https://t.co/7XSP0HqUDc
A3: Gauging mastery & reflecting on progress. Ss need to know where they stand & where to go next.
My last tweet I said "during your PLT" implying PLT is a meeting. It's more! PLTs are a living/ongoing collab, not just a time!
A4: Alternatives are performance based activities (labs for me) that incorporate key content to DEMONSTRATE proficiency
Absolutely!! https://t.co/9NQzXFlzfl
My last tweet I said "during your PLT" implying PLT is a meeting. It's more! PLTs are a living/ongoing collab, not just a time!
A2: vocabulary is the bar - all students must reach. Application, integration are what is differentiated.
A4: Project based learning w Ss choice of product. Who cares how show it as long as show they know it.
Love me some math labs! Collect, Research, Analyze, Interpret, and then Compose w/ the 4Cs ;) https://t.co/AaOdiYCu0w
A4: Alternatives are performance based activities (labs for me) that incorporate key content to DEMONSTRATE proficiency
A4: Alternatives to standardized tests are assessments that exclude standardized tests- examples to follow, it's a long list...
PBL done right is effective, how does the assessment piece tie in? Rubrics? https://t.co/hHkSavofhd
A4: Project based learning w Ss choice of product. Who cares how show it as long as show they know it.
A4: Student portfolios, Ts &Ss choose the artifacts that best show what they have learned.
A4. Game-based assessments, performance/portfolio based assessments, 'sampling' - same tests just less of them - 'quick quizzes'
A4: alternatives will not take hold until teachers are valued as professional aka again. Standardized tests are tabs on tchrs
A4: Problem-based learning. Use the standardized test material to develop solutions to an issue.
Side Note: Is anyone else having issues with fitting to the 140 char with 'assessment' as the key word...and I can't even abrev!
Yes rubrics & set standards that align that must be included! Some nonnegotiables.
A4: altern. to standardized tests: portfolios, capstone projects, data notebooks, blogs, journals, engineered solutions / models
I struggle with posing the problem without knowing a solution or end game. Guess I need to give up control.
Good point here. Many Ts seem nervous to get away from regular tests because of this restriction. https://t.co/8O4c0MhgiJ
A4: alternatives will not take hold until teachers are valued as professional aka again. Standardized tests are tabs on tchrs
Q5: What resources make assessing and grading easier (on students & teachers)? [Thinking apps, tech...] https://t.co/SUrJ0JJcMS
A5: GradeCam! I walk around, grade with my cell phone, instant feedback for students, and data for me and PLT. BAM!
This could not be more true. My judgement should be trusted, but the numeric value is more than I am.
I saw Ss with leadership portfolios at Combs Elementary. Elem students sharing goals and progress. It was AWESOME!
A5: Anything instant. Plickers , key for students to self assess. Clearly defined performance task.
A5: rubrics, self evaluations, peer evaluations, rubrics, rubrics
Rubrics are #1 and must be clear to Ss. Best is when they make their own and have to live up to it!
A5 - Google classroom, Twitter, EdPuzzle
A5: I'm sure there are more but & so many resources rubrics etc can gain from pop in my head first.
A5: Google Classroom...a great way to keep a digital portfolio.
I like for the inevitable MC questions. Wish they had a constructed response feature! ;)
A5: Have a self evaluation for students to complete before turning in assignments. They are honest and helps them grow.
Q5: has helped teachers collect digital portfolios of student work for the non-standardized assessments and gradecam!
Have a few interested in incorporating into some sort of game-based assessment would love ball rolling more
Giving students meta-learning opportunities to reflect. https://t.co/9LEs3iZrBD
A5: Have a self evaluation for students to complete before turning in assignments. They are honest and helps them grow.
A5: Plickers, ZipGrade, Google Forms
I need to come over and check that out. This is long overdue anyway... :)
Love GoogleForms...ZipGrade?! Tell me more.
Awesome! I would love more info to get to Ts. We are def ground level. :) https://t.co/Fwor8aaBPH
I'm putting together a game based EdTech for Ts. Can't wait to get it going!
A5: Of course other staff as well!
Can be paper pencil test as part of eval, but should not be THE assessment, or else why do it at all?
A5: Problem Attic has great question data base and can be used online, in paper, using QR cde/mobile device. (County has license)
You young people enjoy the rest of the chat. I have to get up early for an ITF meeting in the morning 😉
Great feedback with the scanner apps for devices or doc cams make it fun for Ss, too!
Have a good night. Thanks for joining in!
Yes- A I work with has each S manage goals on own page, shares QR code w parents https://t.co/zv5lNJ6KiE
A5: Google Classroom...a great way to keep a digital portfolio.
Awesome 1st chat of 2016 ! Great resources & take-aways for utilizing assessment as growth opportunities. Thx PLN! See you Jan. 27
Ok y'all - great chatting with you all. I'm off! Have a good night!
Great chat! See some of you tomorrow!
Off to bed. Early morning will be here soon, need my rest. Great chat tonight, colleagues and fellow educators from all around!
Which scanner apps do you recommend? I've been looking for one!
Thanks for a great discussion
Huge S/O of THX to for some great feedback, convo, & support 2nite!
Thank you for contributing.
Sounds interesting, how do we get login info for subscription? I have not heard about this before.
Problem-Attic info was given to department heads.
Math Dept, we use GradeCam. It is fun and kids enjoy it as they get instant feedback