#2ndaryELA is a group of middle and high school English Language Arts teachers looking to share ideas and best practices. We chat every Tuesday night at 8 pm EST using #2ndaryELA. We'd love for you to join us!
I'm Lisa, 7th grade ELA teacher in FL who blogs here: https://t.co/T0SGs1rrCs and will be the new #2ndaryELA co-host starting next school year!
Tonight I'm breaking the proverbial ice! So...Welcome! What and where do you teach? Include a link to your blog if you have one.
Hi #2ndaryELA - Jori here from Northern CA - I teach AP Lit, AP Lang, and Eng 10 -So happy you're chatting tonight - I needed to chat with some positive people!
A1: This school year I completed my first year as an Instructional Lead Teacher. One of the greatest successes I’ve experienced this year is the opportunity to collaborate with many Ts on my campus in order to work together to meet the needs and support our Ss! #2ndaryela
A1: I jumped in with both feet for our first year of Chromebooks. I took a lot of chances - some paid off, some didn't... but I learned a lot! #2ndaryELA
A2: There's sooo much I want to do next year! I want to do more writing, NF, using tech in a way that helps the kids connect more with the content and their learning goals, independent reading responses....#2ndaryELA
A1: my 10th grade students have read more this year than ever before – I’ve had at least six kids tell me that this is the first time they’ve read a whole book by themselves and enjoyed it #2ndaryela
A3: This summer, I'll be reading AP Lit essays for the College Board and then visiting colleges with my husband and daughter who will be a senior in HS next year #2ndaryELA
A2: I want to improve the feedback that students get from me-mainly in terms of the timeliness. This year, lesson planning trumped grading. 🙈 #2ndaryELA
A3: Personal Goals= Travel this summer! Professional Goals= Find free or low cost professional development workshops this summer near me to attend in order to #fillmyteachertoolbox#2ndaryela
A3: Lots of personal changes happening this summer. Professionally, I am going to be reading all of the great pd books that have been recommended to me. I am also going to be looking for ways to add all the new ideas my network has given me to my units. #2ndaryELA
A3: I have a stack of books that need to be read and digested!! I want to earn the level 2 Google Certified educator. I want to get to the beach and spend time with my son & mom. #2ndaryELA
A4: I recently attended a poetry conference and have 7 poetry books to read. I have Culturize down as the first pd book of many to read as well. #2ndaryELA
A4: Personally, I want to read the books found below. Professionally, I want to read Culturize by Jimmy Casa and Limitless School by Abe Hege and Adam Dovico. #2ndaryELA
A5: I like to let my brain do nothing - you know let it go out to pasture for a while. Once I've had a good rest, then I find I am much more creative. :) #2ndaryELA
A5: Take time to exercise and spend time with your family and friends. Slow down and enjoy each day. Set a time limit each day for working on the upcoming year. #2ndaryELA
Thank you to everyone for joining these Twitter chats. This is my last official Twitter chat. Have a great rest of the year and I look forward to connecting with you in our Facebook Group. #2ndaryELA
A5: The best way to have a relaxing summer is to be outside! You have 10 months to be inside. Find a patio and a guitar player and you’re set! ☀️ #2ndaryELA
A4: I personally love reading mystery thrillers and YA novels that can be used the classroom! Thanks to @Mrs_Mogensen I’ll be reading the Westing Game first this summer! As for professional, I’m researching innovative and inspiring educational reads! Any suggestions? #2ndaryELA
A5: I allow myself a week to just veg out before I do anything. I need to just read, watch TV, and hang out with friends and family before I do anything productive. #2ndaryELA
A4: Mmmmm, what a lovely thing to think about! My personal pile depends on what I find at the FOL booksales and indep bookstores. Love dystopian fic, mysteries, and so much more. I also can wait to read the new book by @RebekahODell1 and @AllisonMarchett#2ndaryELA
A5: Hey everyone - just rolled in after a pretty great day in the classroom. Sorry I'm late! Best advice for a relaxing summer = time with family (thankfully going to Maui for a week in July!), reading 'beach novels', BBQing, & creating plans to improve on the year. #2ndaryELA
A4: Mmmmm, what a lovely thing to think about! My personal pile depends on what I find at the FOL booksales and indep bookstores. Love dystopian fic, mysteries, and so much more. I also can't wait to read the new book by @RebekahODell1 and @AllisonMarchett#2ndaryELA
Thanks so much for joining us tonight! This is the last chat for the 2017-2018 school year but stay tuned! We'll be back for the new school year in late July 2018! See you then #2ndaryELA nation!
A4: Learn / Teach like a Pirate, Shake Up Learning, EduProtocols, A Novel Approach.... and many more. For personal books.. anything on audio that doesn't require a lot of thinking :) #2ndaryELA