#tnedchat Archive
TNedchat is a way for educators in Tennessee to share thoughts, resources, and information. The weekly chat is moderated by Jessica Warner (@jessawarner) and Samantha Bates (@sjsbates).
Thursday January 14, 2016
8:00 PM EST
Welcome to ! Tonight we're discussing homework.
So, how do you feel about homework?
homework ... ideally it ought to be 'personal practice when no one is judging'
HOMEWORK! Yes! I have lots of feelings about this. But none of them popular.
Working on HW right now with 1st grader. Always the most frustrating part of OUR night. But....prob needed. :/
I've learned that if you give homework, parents don't like it. If you don't give homework, parents don't like it.
I gave homework at the start of my career, but haven't given in the past couple of years.
i don't work with parents as parents (my students often are parents), i've had success with 'ungraded, optional' hmwk
it makes homework less about point getting (there are no points to get!) and more about their own agency
And you deal with adults, so decision-making is a capability of theirs.
can't decision-making be a capability of kids just the same?
I do encourage reading what interests them at home. Any format...magazines, comics, books, etc.
what better way to learn to make decisions than to start making decisions at a young age? i know that's rough on parents
That was my philosophy as reading T... Just read. Something.
If homework is given, what considerations should be made?
I always felt like reading shouldn't feel like work. I think that book selection needs to be less like college humanities.
Resources, student interest, reinforcement vs discovery, TIME
So no problem on 5,000 AR points?
How 'bout 3 hours of math?
If a s understands the 1st 10 math problems, do they need 20 more RT How 'bout 3 hours of math?
Instead of giving them 10 practice problems, make them use an iPad to record the process to do 1. More effective.
Great idea! RT Instead of giving them 10 practice problems, make them use an iPad to record the process to do 1.
I think we need to have a concept of how "home" differs from S to S before we assign homework. Can all Ss work at "home"?
There are homes our Ss can't sleep in, let alone work in.
Home for many of our students is not supportive for students.
How do we address the need for extra practice when home is not an option?
I offeer help during specials, before and after school. Our buses do not run until 3:30, so we take full advantage of that time.
Little research I've seen supports more than a marginal positive impact of homework. What is the purpose and equity of access?
phrase is tossed around and overused, but "differentiated instruction" really does help. Cut time on concepts already mastered.
I offer help during specials, before and after school. Our buses do not run until 3:30, so we take full advantage of that time.
I agree. Extend your impact on Ss by extending your availability and facilitation of learning.
What are some ways to differentiate homework so that supported and unsupported Ss can participate in outside activities?
I think tech plays into this. You need to give students an LMS like Google Classroom to help the differentiation process.
Offer variety of choices so Ss can pick the one that matters and excites them. Some like to read, some like to draw & label, etc
I have to ask: what about kids with no internet at home?
Or the technology? RT I have to ask: what about kids with no internet at home?
I assumed it was school tech, but good point!!
Offer homework hotline support and mentors/tutors who can support under-supported Ss beyond school day. Educate parents.
Good night all, thanks for the twitter chat.
Any closing thoughts as winds down?
What if we re-named homework as "world application tasks" or "development activities" or even consider more PBL & GBL to replace?
Thanks to all you wonderful participants! Don't forget to RSVP for , , & !
Hmm RT What if we re-named HW as "world application tasks" or "development activities" or consider PBL & GBL to replace?
Of course, we need to change the purpose and nature of HW if we are to change its name and re-define it.
What is the date and location for ?