#INeLearn Archive
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Thursday February 11, 2016 9:00 PM EST
Welcome to tonight’s chat on combating cheating in virtual instruction. I will be your moderator this evening.
Q0: To get us started, please introduce yourself to the group. Share one thing you’ve learned this week.
A0) Chris from Bloomington. Teach world history for IU High School (online). Learned that Ss have lots of ideas about sources.
R0: Tiffany from Scottsburg here! Teach 6th SS/Dig. Lit. This week I learned that germs spread rapidly through a family of six!
R0: Hi . Kate, K-12 tech trainer from Carmel. I learned that there are awesome peeps all over the state. Thanks cohort 7!
R0: Stacy O'Brien-Instructional Coach from Decatur Middle School. Learned new protocols for analyzing student work
Hello I'm Seth from I teach engineering
Hi oh no, that doesn't sound like a fun lesson!
Welcome! Glad you could join us!
Deb here in Angola...last yr watched Ss taking vocab quiz "chat" during quiz. Had to go ack to paper.
A0 Curt Schleibaum Seymour 6-8
Kevin Self. ICP Teacher Indianapolis
Hi -- I teach English for .
Tonight’s chat should be very helpful then! :)
Well, let’s jump right in… Q1 coming up…
RO Michelle w/the INeLearn team. In the last week, I learned how amazing Google Expeditions can be https://t.co/Yc89QJ7iR7
Q1: What is your level of concern about cheating in online environments? Why?
Loved your tweets about that. Very cool!
Hello, ! Chantell, Tech Director from Angola. This week I've been (slowly) learning my way around our Google Admin panel.
Tiffany from Sullivan. eLearnig Coach and teacher. Spent the last 3 days talking edtech at edcamp and .
A0: Alison from Kendallville. Teach 9/10 English & ENL. We learned that a little bit of kindness can go a long way!
R1) It's a concern but don't have my course set up in such a way that Ss can cheat easily.
R0: One of my concerns: exactly what is online cheating, and what isn't?
Teri Oliver New Palestine, IN Oh, in Kindergarten you learn something new every day-- especially Valentines week.
A1: I use Canvas for my assessments online. Using the randomized function eliminates a lot of the "cheating"
R1 I'm level of concern with cheating online is the same as offline Some people try to find the easy way out.
R0: Steve, Hammond Gavit. I learned that if there is an answer key or student portfolio online for any WS, students will find it.
R1: Why do we care? As adults if we don't know something, we are expected to figure it out
R1 Ss will cheat in any environment. Ts are just less familiar with how tech cheating happens, so harder to catch
Cheating vs Collaboration? :) I sometimes wonder how “bad” it is that students can look up answers… https://t.co/2NNAwUtDay
R0: One of my concerns: exactly what is online cheating, and what isn't?
R1: Going 1:1 in our school next year. Tips appreciated. Use
R1: In the "real-world" we call it collaboration, but in schools, we call it cheating
R1) Cheating didn't start with tech, nor with anything other than Ts classroom management prevent it
R1: I'll get the terminology right now. If we are assessing for learning and the kids know that, we eliminate the need to cheat
R1: My concern has gotten higher since moving from 1st to 6th obviously. I use Canvas & Socrative for online assess. which help!
Yep, even for the best assignments we find online! https://t.co/4RvD32lLP1
R0: Steve, Hammond Gavit. I learned that if there is an answer key or student portfolio online for any WS, students will find it.
R1 I would say my level is mid range-primarily because it can be a "fear" that keeps Ts from integrating tech/going digital
A1: Engage with Filewave is a tool that locks Ss into an app on the iPad. Teachers who fear online cheating enjoy this feature.
I 100% believe this! Even with good management, the sneakiest of them can still find a way! https://t.co/kfvZnNyj7A
R1: I'll get the terminology right now. If we are assessing for learning and the kids know that, we eliminate the need to cheat
As a world language teacher, using a translator IS cheating, not a resource!
R1: Asking Google-able ?s is more concerning than Ss using Google to find answers.
R1 If a someone doesn't know something because of cheating, that is going to bite them in the rear sooner than later.
A1: My concern is with teaching students and teachers the difference between Collaboration and Cheating.
I 100% believe this! https://t.co/Ulo3BXDANl
R1) Cheating didn't start with tech, nor with anything other than Ts classroom management prevent it
Great point! Imp for Ss/Ts to have clear expectations. What are parameters of an assessment? What are we measuring?
A very healthy approach, Does access play a factor into the liklihood?
I understand that. My concern is w/ validity & reliability of an online course. Is it measuring what we want it to measure?
Q2: What are the differences between cheating online and in face to face classrooms?
There's a difference between collaboration and plagiarizing - in 1 everyone is working and learning together-the other is stealing
A1: And if we are truly grading standards, assessments should be differentiated and numerous to the point cheating isn't a thing.
This right here may actually be the ROOT of our discussion. Our assessments need to be stronger! https://t.co/aqhNEL043Q
R1: Asking Google-able ?s is more concerning than Ss using Google to find answers.
I do my best to encourage Ss not to cheat ie walk around the room, randomize questions & answers...
A1: Technology doesn't increase Ss ability to cheat.. Good classroom management and knowledge of Ss helps eliminates chances
yes, questions with rigor will make cheating very difficult...research papers, on the other hand...
If I retweet you...does that count as cheating? Or is it recheating?
R2: I guess we should identify cheating vs collaboration. It is an extremely gray area.
R2 It isn't only Ss trying to cheat
Well let’s do that that then. Q2 Part 2! https://t.co/0d9zw1k0nd
R2: I guess we should identify cheating vs collaboration. It is an extremely gray area.
A2) Online St are presented with the fact that they have more time to come up with creative ways "cheat" than a F2F St would
I am with you to a point. When there is one you and 25+ kids, it is not easy.
my language Ts encourage Ss to use a translator when developing their language, pushing them to learn more
This is the very reason I would use a tool like Diigo students show sources/highlight notes eliminates copy
R2: I'd be curious to know how online instructors try to verify that enrolled Ss actually do the work
Q2- it boils down 2 how well u know your students. I can pick out cheating/plagiarizing faster after ive had several interactions
R2: Silent "collaboration" is so easy online.
R3 They think it isn't really cheating if it is online or they won't get caught. If anything Ss more likely to get caught online
Can you elaborate on that? What do you mean?
Great question. In last gig, we had to talk to Ss on phone & ask them something they should know from course. 1/2
I agree if you know your students really well and have a relationship with them, you can usually tell when they are cheating.
R2: Ss are so digitally wired it's almost automatic for them to search out for answers. Cheating online feels more natural.
But, if haven't met them, how can you be totally sure who you're speaking w/ on phone is the S? 2/2
A2 As long as expectations are clear--should b same in either environment
John Wells - dropping in for a bit
we call them digital days St must use chat in Google classroom to ask questions
R2 Access to tech can amplify existing behavior problems. Is there a difference in weight of the prob? Not in my opinion
One of the reasons I did research papers 3rd Q when f2f. I knew their writing styles by then.
In any job, people take someone else's idea without permission or credit.
Exactly! I always encourage short, frequent, low-stakes reflective writing to get to know a student’s work.
R2: Collaboration is taking and assimilating ideas with those of our own.
Joining a little late. Hey there, it’s Kyle from West Lafayette.
R2: Many Ss think using Google is natural, not cheating. They are just using their resources wisely.
Q2: Ts must set up clear procedures and routines to allow Ss to collaborate and set them up for success on assignments
R2: It doesn't feel like "cheating" when you are working online. It is more like being creative and using your sources.
my virtual school has discussion based assessments on the phone @ the end of every module. Gives us a chance 2 check
If you are working on a purely virtual basis this can be a bit trickier, but agreed , relationship is key
Me too! Pm from Southern Indiana
This will lessen Ss from feeling the need to cheat
Gotcha. You are absolutely correct! F2F and virtual too ;-)
Exactly! Concept is same in virtual world https://t.co/YLgvQMqjTV
One of the reasons I did research papers 3rd Q when f2f. I knew their writing styles by then.
we had a couple of these days to practice for elearning. Interesting how hard it is not to talk w/students!
Hey , Matt here ... popping in as possible to discuss this interesting topic!
Q3: How (and why) do students cheat online? What are we up against? Best sneaky “strategies?”
R2: Is it cheating if the question can be answered simply by Googling it?
R2: Ss are often way more tech-savvy than their Ts and feel like they can "get away with it" easier.
Interesting. I have friends who've taught online, but don't know if they've done that. Thanks. https://t.co/31BoUSLGBF
my virtual school has discussion based assessments on the phone @ the end of every module. Gives us a chance 2 check
R3: Ts making googleable assignments make it too easy for students.
Relationships and thoughtful assessments? Sounds like teaching to me!
My Ss wonder where I get my crazy ideas & assignments. I tell them from my PLNs and
We all naturally turn to Google when we don't know something. Perhaps the problem is more w/Qs than cheating!
R3: When the goal is a grade and not learning, cheating is how to get the grade w/o doing the learning.
A3) Likely for same reasons in f2f enviro: panic, stress, fear, laziness, b/c they can or think they can.
R3: The best I have seen is assessments online and using a secondary device to have the answers from a previous assessment
R3: I think online cheating has to do w/motivation and connection. Do they see relevance? Do they feel connected to a real person?
no problem! DBAs serve 2 purposes to build relationships and check for understanding ;)
R3: obviously texting. But it’s more than words. Ss take pics and share with their friends.
R3 Ss photo test, send to someone who has text, notes...or is home "sick"
R3: But isn't it, again, being resourceful?
R3 Ss cheat because it seems less threatening than failing, it's easier, everyone else is, OR they don't value the need to know
R3: When the Ss are focused on "points" or the "grade," they'll do anything to accomplish. Must make learning the priority!
Couldn't have said it any better! https://t.co/NU6ViZXVxA
R3: When the goal is a grade and not learning, cheating is how to get the grade w/o doing the learning.
Ahh yes, especially in those assessments where the test Qs come from quiz Qs
THIS! https://t.co/hGJfRlHHdV
R3: When the goal is a grade and not learning, cheating is how to get the grade w/o doing the learning.
Agree. So I guess we have to think about how we can make the actual learning more appealing than cheating?
R3: Ss plagiarize like crazy. It's our responsibility to catch and discuss. Ts should model the correct behavior!
R3: Ss frequently try to flip between screens. That's the most common I've seen. Screenshots to share w/ friends are another.
Technology does create more risks, but we must trust Ss and deal with situation as they occur
very true! Yet it is a true skill St need, Just like a Twitter chat one participates in a lot of digital convos
That's a good point. If it comes down to an F or an undeserved grade, which way will the student go?
Yes! Make is real and relevant. Something based on Ss interests and passions.
R3 Ss cheat when grades trump learning. Unfortunately, this mentality gradually takes over and is hard to overcome.
So true ! The discussion doesn't need to be cheating vs collab. Let's look at why kids need to know what's being assessed
R3: Ss should feel empowered to CREATE their best work and not feel as if they need to Produce a product the teacher wants.
Q4: View this image (by ) on the key reasons students plagiarize. What are your thoughts on this? https://t.co/XWPUoZqxzB
R3: Online cheating can also occur when there is no repercussion for cheating or when it can’t be proven. Ask a higher DOK of Qs.
R3: I don't know if they're always trying to avoid learning as much as trying to avoid work/effort.
R3: Ss cheat when they feel pressure to perform from Ps, sports, etc.
R3: Creating authentic tasks aligned to standards can limit some cheating
What would WE do in that situation? Have we ever had an online class where it was easier to not learn? https://t.co/70Xoni7Q2B
That's a good point. If it comes down to an F or an undeserved grade, which way will the student go?
R3: When students plagiarize there should be clear and consistent consequences. We need to teach expectations.
I think it is resourceful when they r able 2 digest info-put in their own words & then learn from it.If that makes sense
R3) Lack of engagement or ownership of lesson .... Laziness brought on by a loss of concern of personal education
Schools must create a culture of learning and technology responsibility to lessen cheating and increase S engagement
yes, Ss love to see Ts cite sources too! Must model it's a life skill, not a hoop to jump through!
It is a learned trait. Kindergarteners don’t go to school because they want a grade. They love learning.
I was referring to research
Just throwing a somewhat related thought in there...do you suppose it is considered cheating when a T breaks copyright? :)
I've definitely had those classes. Compliance and hoop jumping can be a means to an end. Back to motivation ...
YES, and it happens way too often!
. Wondering about 's perspective on this from his book
R3: Ss simply do not feel safe to fail. Bottom line.
OR a teacher for that matter copyright isn't just for students https://t.co/6q62moJDO4
Just throwing a somewhat related thought in there...do you suppose it is considered cheating when a T breaks copyright? :)
Good thought. Maybe we should point it out as plagiarism instead… https://t.co/VY8j8iH6A2
Just throwing a somewhat related thought in there...do you suppose it is considered cheating when a T breaks copyright? :)
All more reason to model good digital citizenship for our students!
As teachers, most of us understand and can empathize with that pressure. https://t.co/SVmZW8UayM
R3: Ss simply do not feel safe to fail. Bottom line.
Yes! But when exactly does this change? How can we prevent it? $1,000,000 question!
YES!!! In a way, but it would be plagairism, really.
R4: There are a lot (but not all) of variables here that Ts can have some control over
Hey everyone! Sorry I'm late!! My boys now settled in after wrestling practice!
To add to Mr Yoder's comments. I believe that digital citizenship should be modeled by ALL. If I break it, I want called out
R4: Plagiarism is such a gray line too. Copy/paste is, but is reworded copy/paste? What's using sources and what's cheating?
Schools with 1:1 Technology go wrong by not implementing a Digital Citizenship curriculum for Ss.What is a Digital Foot Print?
Alright, alright, let’s get to the good stuff…. Q5 coming up in just a second. Finish up your thoughts on the infographic…
R4: we need to teach our kids how to PROPERLY use their digital resources and that their is VALUE in their OWN work.
R4: Ts have control over many, as says. Important for them to realize plagiarism is a complicated issue.
I remember when "rewrite it in your own words" meant copying the encyclopedia and changing some synonyms. :)
A teacher is paid 2 know that breaking copyright is stealing. Also our job 2 teach students that cheating is wrong
Even schools w/o 1:1 go wrong if they don't teach !
BTW - I just had a student comment on my post to our chat - That is a win!
R4 I see time management as a huge factor in cheating. Could have learned it/done it, had good intentions, and ran out of time.
If you didn't come up with it, it's . At minimum site your source. At maximum ask for permssion https://t.co/hof3jWDW7g
R4: Plagiarism is such a gray line too. Copy/paste is, but is reworded copy/paste? What's using sources and what's cheating?
Before implementing a curriculum , the teachers really need to master what it means
I don't disagree. I'm just saying that cheating and stealing are pretty much the same in reality.
Q5: What are your favorite strategies that encourage academic honesty in an online setting?
R4: Today's culture values remixing (and it's a valuable skill). Should research change in light of that?
R4-The younger we start, the more impact we can have. These can all be addressed, embedded into daily convo
I think a lot of Ts made it thru by "playing school." We were good at it and became Ts. Better motiv now
So many Ts don't know the "rules" themselves. How can they follow them? PD is essential in this area! https://t.co/N8Pw7efWOD
A teacher is paid 2 know that breaking copyright is stealing. Also our job 2 teach students that cheating is wrong
R5 Ss love selfies. Encourage Ss to take selfies while they do work for their portfolio and work journal.
i see that too....solution is try to make things so fun Ss love to do it,
Stealing can truly be prosecuted. Cheating is something a kid does when they are underage and doesn't know any better.
Long week! I'm struggling to keep my eyes open tonight! I will check the story tomorrow
A5: Modeling and teaching lessons about what it means to have online integrity.. Ss only do what they know
IS anything original anymore. Can we have an honest original thought that was owned by another/ https://t.co/i34sVZNX5i
The key to is intent - did you pass it off as your own?
Primary Ss. especially simply do not grasp the diff. between sharing and cheating. https://t.co/O4rjn3h2Sb
R4-The younger we start, the more impact we can have. These can all be addressed, embedded into daily convo
R5: I loved creating authentic assessments when I was in the classroom. Have the Ss create, not consume, due to their learning.
R5: I love having presentations and created digital assessments (movies, blogs, etc). If a kid canEXPLAIN, then no cheating.
I think that's a fundamental question we have to consider in light of cheating/plagiarism.
R5 ITook idea from Have Ss do short 60 videos explaining their project, assignment, week then email to Ts & parents
If isn't embedded in daily life, but taught exclusively, it will never take hold in the culture. https://t.co/lVc3VgDXE4
R4-The younger we start, the more impact we can have. These can all be addressed, embedded into daily convo
R5: If you want a behavior, teach the behavior
I can imagine this is tough for primary Ss ... it's tough for adults too! :) https://t.co/dRVRADDE7m
Primary Ss. especially simply do not grasp the diff. between sharing and cheating. https://t.co/O4rjn3h2Sb
R4-The younger we start, the more impact we can have. These can all be addressed, embedded into daily convo
Great point!! It is essential we discuss topic openly, not in accusing manner, to clear up misconceptions
R5: CREATE! For example: Today's Ss created 30s bios of William the Conqueror w. ChatterPix. Same content...diff. method!
I really want to come back to question. Strategies to encourage academic honesty--VALUE the learning
R5: Frequent check ins and feedback on tasks requiring thought and creation make cheating a non-issue.
Some tchers don't know better but r paid 2 know(Kinda like how some drivers ignore road laws. Not knowing doesn't =ok)
Sometimes it's the simply answers that people need to hear!!!
Well said! Helping students understand, learn, & grow personal Integrity https://t.co/Kr7OjK4wTO
A5: Modeling and teaching lessons about what it means to have online integrity.. Ss only do what they know
R5: Having a project that students are personally invested in; not a task to perform for the teacher.
Q5: ensure that students understand that their personal knowledge is valued over second hand plagiarized work
R5) Emphasize learning over grades. Focus on demonstration of learning. Most "grading" for course based on S reflections on lrng.
Right: value the learning. Help students find motivation and encourage it. That will encourage acad honest https://t.co/xkDIu4akuC
I really want to come back to question. Strategies to encourage academic honesty--VALUE the learning
R5: I love digital, authentic assessments. Mastery of standards, how each S shows that is always different
Must be a part of what we do, just like other basic expectations we teach
Here is an interactive tutorial I found called “Ways to Deter Cheating in Your Online Classes.” https://t.co/yuT9qJydRn
I like this answer! If Ss are creating on their own, it's their own work. Personalized too. https://t.co/y3mgpLB7dK
R5: CREATE! For example: Today's Ss created 30s bios of William the Conqueror w. ChatterPix. Same content...diff. method!
exactly! Learner-centered not Learning-centered like says
Completely agree. PD very important but not knowing something doesn't make it ok.
R5: I love that people are seeing that using formative assessments can reduce cheating. It's a culture change with education
It's not OK to be ignorant. I always tell my Ss (and Ts) "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should." https://t.co/9E03Jsqq53
Completely agree. PD very important but not knowing something doesn't make it ok.
Lots of projects, creation, authentic assessment… Can everything be done that way? Are there other strategies?
R5 I have better results when Ss produce work for peer audience, not just teacher
forming those trusting relationships where it's okay to "not know" and ask for help over cheating is vital
yes! Offer choices, appeal to their interests, create experiences they'll remember
As a building leader it's important to build capacity and offer PD for Ts to learn how to model good online technology use for Ss
But do we know how to have these conversations? Starting to realize I need to learn more in this area.
The higher the stakes = more likelihood to cheat… short and frequent assessments over HUGE tests online
R5-Mini lesson. Shorter chunks based on anecdotal notes. Watch Ss create, embed instruction in mini lessons, conferences
Also reflections on their work.. it’s easy to cheat, but is it easy to talk about your thought process if it wasn’t yours?
. has an awesome Quiz Log that shows when Ss leave page, for how long, & when they answer each ?
Great point! We need to make learning from failure a natural part of the process.
R5: When a Learner is truly interested and invested in a topic they will be more willing to offer new ideas rather than .
Adding reflective aspect to those assessments-not necessarily every one but a key pts in learning https://t.co/0RBAgiJNr8
The higher the stakes = more likelihood to cheat… short and frequent assessments over HUGE tests online
And those short and frequent assessments allow for more efficient and effective differentiation the next day.
R5) Having frequent check ins about progress toward end result. Ss have capstone proj for wrld hist but have weekly ? about prog
Totally agree with this! https://t.co/zbnDzq89Ea
The higher the stakes = more likelihood to cheat… short and frequent assessments over HUGE tests online
Making mistakes and asking ?s must be part of a classroom culture to decrease opportunity for cheating
Tough Q. On demand convo. Bring it to forefront when working on writing units of study. Natural progression elsewhere
I loved my HS photographer teacher. He had us bring an index sized cheat sheet to final. Best studying ever to make that thing
R5: End regurgitation and foster/reward new ideas.
I remember those! Had to have a super fine tip pen to pull it off!
The only summative assessments should be ECAs. By then, Ts should know the Ss ability https://t.co/SNQt0aHkAD
Totally agree with this! https://t.co/zbnDzq89Ea
The higher the stakes = more likelihood to cheat… short and frequent assessments over HUGE tests online
Ultimately the test of what I learned in photography was could I develop a roll of film and print a good shot?
I can remember HS chem. She gave us 1"x1" piece of paper to use as cheat sheets on exams. I learned to write small.
Peer to peer conversation. Honesty comes through. Where did u find that? Did u cite it?
Q6: What should the consequences be for cheating or plagiarism in K12 virtual/blended classrooms? Does it vary?
Couldn't agree more! I've found that the daily informal assessments give much more accurate information than long formal assessments
I'll float this out there--has high stakes testing fostered this culture of cheating/plagiarism?
YES! They learn lots simply by diving into the material, whether they use the or not. https://t.co/v2jVUG3opw
I loved my HS photographer teacher. He had us bring an index sized cheat sheet to final. Best studying ever to make that thing
To lesson the cheating problem, I ask questions that have Ss react with the material, not repeat it
I still don’t particularly like end of year tests. Multiple assessments at grading periods make more sense.
Maybe contributed but I know people cheated when I was in school well before high stakes testing.
did you learn how to organize your info-condense material down to essentials? thinking skills galore in cheat sheets
R6: I call the consequences
R6: it should be a learning process. We have to teach expectations for our children.
I think Ss pick up on the pressure Ts feel about it. Stress is high & so is the need to get the grade https://t.co/Q6FwxoRGXe
I'll float this out there--has high stakes testing fostered this culture of cheating/plagiarism?
R6: I think part of the consequence depends on what Ts have modeled, taught & expect
In thinking about this-why not let Ss Google answers. Assess them on where they found the answer & why that source
R6-Would it depend on age? What about redos? Better learning when given opportunity to redo than just slapping a 0 on it
R6: For real though, consequences should be used more as "teachable" moments
A6: Consequences should vary and be case by case... ultimately you want Ss to LEARN and not repeat behavior
Same reason I used to give open book tests in science & ss. Ss need the skill required to seek text-based answers.
So true high stakes testing was facing your parents across the dinner table after a Chem test
Gets down to whether more concerned w/ Ss memorizing content or knowing enough content & skills to use info meaningfully.
R6: My principal taught me the greatest consequence my first year teaching: let them re-do the assignment. Thanks, !
This. https://t.co/ACRdJUYcnW
A6: Consequences should vary and be case by case... ultimately you want Ss to LEARN and not repeat behavior
This article shares strategies for prevention & punishment, noting that most effective are preventative. https://t.co/jrSlnuOwlI
R5: Encourage uniqueness, individuality, and innovation in projects. Have peers vote for favorite presentation; it empowers Ss
Take a look at what happened in Georgia for "pressure to perform". Even adults https://t.co/ftcaGe1hw7
I think Ss pick up on the pressure Ts feel about it. Stress is high & so is the need to get the grade https://t.co/Q6FwxoRGXe
I'll float this out there--has high stakes testing fostered this culture of cheating/plagiarism?
Yep! If they can Google it, are we really pushing thinking? Authentic, creation. https://t.co/HcO6Z8dI9s
In thinking about this-why not let Ss Google answers. Assess them on where they found the answer & why that source
R6 I usually tell Ss that when I get work THEY did, I will be happy to grade it but until then they have a zero.
Q6: The consequence of not doing the work properly the 1st time is to do it properly the 2nd time. Learn!
There seems to be a lot of consensus about education vs. punishment… leads into the last question well…
R6: If an assignment is worth giving, it's worth students completing without cheating. Redo those assignments!
Q7: What advice could you share with students to encourage learning instead of cheating?
Also,T's cover material, so some feel they do not have time to let S's share through PBL, etc. Takes too much time
R6 Whatever the consequences are, they need to be clear and agreed to upfront & regularly. not just covered in day 1 orientation.
And this! https://t.co/k2I1zo2kU5
R6: If an assignment is worth giving, it's worth students completing without cheating. Redo those assignments!
This is me not packing because I'm too busy chatting.
What good does giving them a zero until you get it do? Especially if a student isn't motivated by grades?
That’s what I was asking earlier… Is it reasonable to expect ALL assessments be of that nature?
R7: Cheaters never win! (Winning = Learning)
R6 If too much "collaboration" tell Ss # points earned & ask how many pts go to each one (how to split it based on effort/merit)
Maybe it is… I’d love to have a deeper conversation on that with this group at some point.
Makes it hard to get Ss to feel that they need to really know/understand material if just being blasted through.
Can't wait for this year's edition of Google Edcamp!!
R7: I think Ts just need to provide timely feedback and be observant in the classroom. I think we model behavior also.
R7: I think a lot of it roots back to character education. Are we celebrating good character traits?
Or given after no education. Some plagiarism is unintentional or not considered… have to learn first
R7: Ss have to feel like they are in a safe environment to take risks and make mistakes. I will create that environment.
I've got to head out - I'll be going over these tweets again later!
We constantly hear we at English and math teachers. We are also teachers of responsibility.
R7-Ask: why are you here? What is your purpose for school? Build their motivation to learn, engage Ss, empower them to learn
tells them I am interested in seeing their work still, not closing the door with an F
Thanks John! Lively chat tonight. Lots of good stuff shared… hard to keep up. :)
Yes, that's what I was trying to say, so more likely to take shortcuts.
R7 The world shows us that cheaters do prosper. it's tough-make it abt value. Valuing self, valuing relationships, valuing growth
Your education is much more than a letter grade. It's better to value your integrity and submit your own hard work than cheat
R7: Make learning MEANINGFUL by using methods students are interested in & STRIVE to prove their INTEGRITY!
R7: We have to push the emphasis from grades to learning.
I figured so. No buy in from Ss since T not really buying into the material/learning, either in that situation.