The National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) is starting a new #prinleaderchat every Sunday at 9:00 pm EST. We will be starting this Sunday October 2. Our schedule is listed on this google spreadsheet
Hi Everyone! My name is Mariah...I’m a proud middle school principal from Pennsylvania! I’m excited to be here to learn with all of you tonight with the awesome @Dwight_Carter! #PrinLeaderChat
#PrinLeaderChat Q1: School disruptions have increased exponentially over the last 4 decades. How have you adapted your leadership style as a result of these changes?
To lead schools in disruptive times you have to prepare your staff for all contingencies. Paramount is the safety of your entire school community. Our Emergency Management page Our Counseling page
#PrinLeaderChat Q1: School disruptions have increased exponentially over the last 4 decades. How have you adapted your leadership style as a result of these changes?
A1. Disruptions are a natural part of life. Ask me ==> I have three children.
Why would we think school would be disruption-less?
It's not so much the unplanned, but what we do wIth it.
A1. We have to preach and model flexibility and adaptability. If as leaders we look bothered by interruptions our staff and students will. Our example sets the tone! #PrinLeaderChat
A1: I think it is a matter of flexibility. Disruptions are just part of what we do now. Some of us don’t know any different. I think that we just have adapted to make time for those disruptions. #PrinLeaderChat
#PrinLeaderChat Q1: School disruptions have increased exponentially over the last 4 decades. How have you adapted your leadership style as a result of these changes?
A1. I know that every day is different and that there is no "calm day" - I have learned to be comfortable with the uncomfortable. Key is to have a great team that has "firm principles but flexible practices" to meet needs of any situation. #PrinLeaderChat
Agree @MRickermann.
Think of disruptions as opportunties to model problem-solving, grit, and active listening.
Glass half-filled.......
A1: As much as we have been disrupted it is also important for us to "disrupt" education. We need to raise the bar and begin to challenge the status quo to make schools better for kids. EIther way it requires flexibility, understanding and being adaptable! #prinleaderchat
A1: I am a huge fan of @CBSBigBrother The tag line is “Expect the Unexpected.” I live by that as an admin. No time is specifically “my” time because I understand I have to be ready for Ss and Ts needs.
With that being said, I try to protect observation time #PrinLeaderChat
#PrinLeaderChat Q1: School disruptions have increased exponentially over the last 4 decades. How have you adapted your leadership style as a result of these changes?
A1: We have to accept that there’s no such thing as a “normal” week and be open to flexibility. Preparing students for their future means teaching them to adapt when their routines are interrupted. Remember Learning flourishes during disruption out of necessity. #PrinLeaderChat
A2. We accept people for who they are and recognize that we each have unique talents and gifts to offer and that as a school we must be inclusive. #PrinLeaderChat
A1: I do my best to predict where I will have open blocks of time and intentionally plan them. However, flexibility and adaptability are key. #PrinLeaderChat
#PrinLeaderChat Q1: School disruptions have increased exponentially over the last 4 decades. How have you adapted your leadership style as a result of these changes?
I run an Alternative school. Diversity is my day. We make it clear that every day is a new day. Past choices are mistakes are opportunities for growth and learning. #PrinLeaderChat
A2 The culture of our team is that we are purposeful with connecting with all of our students; investing in understanding who they are/what they care about; and engaging in strategic, intentional connections to support their learning each day #PrinLeaderChat
I intentionally schedule time in my day for things like walkthroughs & “kid time.” It also requires not getting too high or too low...Disruptions happen—you have to be flexible and roll with it. But if it’s scheduled, it helps to not get behind when they happen. #PrinLeaderChat
I agree ... school time is not my time but taking care of self is a priority bc I have let myself go to the point of getting sick and not eating. Balance is important. #Prinleaderchat
A1: No significant change can happen without significant relationships; we must first know students by name, strength, and need. Leverage connections w/students and parents/guardians w/o lowering expectations.
#PrinLeaderChat Q1: School disruptions have increased exponentially over the last 4 decades. How have you adapted your leadership style as a result of these changes?
A1: No significant change can happen without significant relationships; we must first know students by name, strength, and need. Leverage connections w/students and parents/guardians w/o lowering expectations.
#PrinLeaderChat Q1: School disruptions have increased exponentially over the last 4 decades. How have you adapted your leadership style as a result of these changes?
A2: We use opportunities like #FalconsCARE—our community outreach projects—as a time to connect with all students. We also had a #CommUNITY Day last year which was an awesome way to embrace diversity and find things that brought us together! We are #BetterTogether#PrinLeaderChat
A1: I have quickly learned to schedule times on my calendar for classroom observations, etc... If these times are not scheduled, it is easy to not complete them. It is also important as the leader of a building to remain calm and composed through disruptions. #PrinLeaderChat
All of our students arrive to school asking 2 questions: “Will I be accepted?” And “Can I do the work?” It’s our job to make sure that the answer is a resounding YES! #PrinLeaderChat
There needs to be regular opportunities for students to be together and co-exist. Educators have to be good role models of diversity acceptance. #PrinLeaderChat
YES! This is key, Brian! There are few people I know who live this out better than you, my friend! Love the culture you have in your school! 💜#PositiveSignThursday#PrinLeaderChat
Love your focus on kid time, Mariah. Helps us to keep the main thing, the main thing with establishing protected time to engage with our students, support their learning, and strengthen the team-connectedness with our people @MrsRackleyCCMS#prinleaderchat
A2:Our school is built on the belief that all students can and will succeed. We accept their differences and look at those differences as strengths. We have to see the greatness in all of our students in order for them to see it in themselves. #PrinLeaderChat
A3. I would find time to have the meaningful conversations with staff or students that sometimes I must put on hold to deal with urgent issues. Finding time to build connections is a must and I have learned to use personal notes or early visits to rooms for this. #PrinLeaderChat
A3 Create built in reflective and quiet time to recenter. That way, I can put some things to rest before moving on with the day and be more present for my school community. #PrinLeaderChat
A3. Stress is part of our job. I work hard to model putting that stress in my pocket. If our students see us stressed they react to it. I count on my peers to talk me through difficult situations. Having a strong PLN can go a long way in managing stress. #PrinLeaderChat
A3: 🤔 Add more minutes to my day! 🤣 Honestly, I think the work-life balance is so key! It’s an area I need to continue to improve & be conscious of on a daily basis. Prioritizing what needs to be done and when is essential to finding a balance! #ILovePostItNotes#PrinLeaderChat
A3. Getting into the classroom. I find that when I can simple visit the class to engage with the students and teacher, the stress level quickly fades. #PrinLeaderChat
A2: High expectations for all students! Expect greatness from all learners and support them through their struggles. We often learn more from our mistakes than our triumphs. #PrinLeaderChat
A3: I would build more time into my schedule to be in classrooms - to build relationships with staff and students and to be a better instructional leader! #PrinLeaderChat
A3: We must build others to build effective systems. Trusting others through reciprocal accountability, and then “letting go”, increases leadership effectiveness and lowers stress.
>>> If we’re doing everything, then we’re doing nothing well.
A3 I would provide more opp's & funding for Ss and Ts to do more of the following: play, collaborate, go on trips, explore the arts, and counseling services. #prinleaderchat
A4 as leaders we must empower our teachers to take chances and step out of the box with no fear of failure. Failures are opportunities. Let teachers explore and they will do great things. #PrinLeaderChat
A4. The relationship and trust we have with teachers is important so we can support them, give feedback, celebrate small wins and have their backs as they try new things and respond to change. #PrinLeaderChat
A4 . Leaders must model expectations in order to make change organic in our organization.
Leaders must be risk-takers before they can truly expect teachers (and students) to be!!
A4. Help take things off of their plates whenever possible. Providing as much collaboration time for them during the school day as possible. #PrinLeaderChat
A4: The most important thing to do during hyper-change is to listen and respond to your teachers. Do everything in your power to help your teachers succeed and they will follow your lead and do their best to help the students succeed! #PrinLeaderChat
A4 We can make a concerted effort to screen the change our team members are exposed to. This includes erasing making changes just for change sake. When we do facilitate purposeful change, we have a responsibility to affirm our team and celebrate them during change #PrinLeaderChat
A4 -Never forget the power of publicly acknowledging the little things teachers do to support students. We have the "Triple A" in our staff meetings where staff can give Acknowledgments, Ah-Ha's and Appreciations - I try to do as many as I can as well. #PrinLeaderChat
A4: The biggest thing is just to provide supports and give your time. Change is difficult because it tears down an individual’s level of comfortability. We have to build it back by putting people and resources in place. #PrinLeaderChat
A4 -Never forget the power of publicly acknowledging the little things teachers do to support students. We have the "Triple A" in our staff meetings where staff can give Acknowledgments, Ah-Ha's and Appreciations - I try to do as many as I can as well. #PrinLeaderChat
A4: We have to be sensitive & empathetic to their experiences. Our students are our priority, but we also have to take care of our staff! Modeling our expectations, sharing our vision, & remembering we are all human ensures everyone is valued in leading change. #PrinLeaderChat
A4 -Never forget the power of publicly acknowledging the little things teachers do to support students. We have the "Triple A" in our staff meetings where staff can give Acknowledgments, Ah-Ha's and Appreciations - I try to do as many as I can as well. #PrinLeaderChat
A4. #PrinLeaderChat I make it a point to touch base, even briefly, with every teacher in my building. They need to know that change is happening to all of us and I’m right there in the foxhole with them.
Presentation is a big piece of change. Be positive and strategic with how change is presented to others if you can. Continue to recognize the positive throughout the change. #PrinLeaderChat
Thanks for a great chat, @Dwight_Carter! Such a great topic. Lots to think about...Reflect on...Grow! Thanks for being you and inspiring me! #PrinLeaderChat
It’s a matter of taking the 30 minutes before school and about the same after school…it can be nothing more than a hello or quick question about a family member. It helps to be a bit of an extrovert :) (Although not necessary!) #PrinLeaderChat
#PrinLeaderChat Have to decide what the constant will be in schools: are we making time the constant (& learning the variable)? Or make learning the constant (& disrupting time the variable)? @top20training@TjdsbTom
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@StandTallSteve, @top20training, @TjdsbTom