Your moderator tonight will be @cristama Be looking for questions coming from her to join the conversation. #MTedchat (If you notice Qs missing, come find them on my profile ;) and RT)
A1: We listen to the needs of teachers and administrators. We are building a catalog of options for Certified & Classified Staff, including online PD and Edcamp. #MTedchat
A1: First I set my own goals. Then I figure out how I can meet them and what I need help with. Talk to admin and find out what support is available. #MTedchat
A1 depends on the needs of my students, what grade I’m teaching, etc. this year I moved from 1st to 4th so math and science have been big in my pd list since I didn’t teach math and science when I taught 3rd. And 1st grade math and science are quite a bit easier. #MTedchat
A1: I look for any PD that will help me grow professionally, which is just about everything! Right now I am focusing on technology and math, because of my grade change this year. #MTedchat
A1 if I’m being honest a lot of times my passion drives my pd as well. I’m going to #ILA18 this year when I probably should go to a math conference, but I love reading so much that I know going to that will keep me excited about my professional learning. #MTedchat
A2: The OPI Teacher Learning Hub is my favorite, but then, I'm pretty biased! Love working on this to support ALL educators Check out our new look and all of the new courses.
A2: Love the Google Learning Center and programs like the Apple Teacher. I like the challenge while I learn with stakes. Love Micro-credentials (@NEAToday has a great new collection) to get feedback #MTedchat
I just watched "Plan Smarter, Not Harder with Edu-Protocols" via @NVradenburg recommendation. It was so great I was able to apply it to a coaching call 20 minutes later. #MTedchat
So you follow the #mtedchat thread. It’s probably easier if you do it from a computer using a site like tweetchat. On your phone you can just go to the latest under mtedchat. Questions are posted by @cristama so you can see those and respond to them
Me, too! Matt lines up amazing speakers. Talk about powerful PD... Watched the #gamification one today with @mrmatera. Amazing! All videos are available ONLY THROUGH THIS THURSDAY! (Was that loud enough for ya?!) #MTedchat
Love it. Our personal passions should definitely drive a lot of our PD. I like to also think about my deficits. What PD should I seek out to strengthen those areas? (Happy to nerd out and talk math anytime!) #MTedchat
A3: Meets my goals, convenient, renewal units, and most importantly--is ENGAGING! #MTedchat These are our guiding principles for the OPI Teacher Learning Hub
Hi Sarah!! Are you figuring it out? If you are on a phone, go here Then, when you respond, it should auto-add the #mtedchat hashtag. Glad you are here!
A3) I look for something that I can relate to my grade level and/or experiences. That's how I learn and become interested. I also like when someone else is excited about the topic, too! #MTedchat
Thank you for the recs! We're in the beginning stages of exploring platforms. End goal: how to build asynchronous PD that is a) sustainable, b) comprehensive and c) offers Ts choice. No small feat! #MTedchat
In reply to
@curriculumblog, @chccs, @CHCCSProfLearn, @PhilHolmesK12Ed
A3: Although I love my synchronous sessions with my teachers, for my personal growth I like asynchronous, stop-start-stop types of online PDs. I want to be able to pick-up where I left off when I have time. #MTedchat
A3: Online PD should provide educators with a chance to contribute (interactive). It should be personalized. PD should follow traditional PD guidelines. However, online PD can involve a regional, national, or international audience. #MTedchat
A3: Online PD personally is easy....does it enhance my learning. But, for step-up renewal online learning has a few parameters...PDAAC, teacher leadership is sometimes really hard. . Sigh. #MTedchat
A3: I like online PD that still offers some@kind of platform to collaborate & discuss with others. That communication & interaction is so important! #MTedchat
Yes! YOU are the one who inspired me to find that video today! I was thinking of a T that needed to use it. Thanks to @jmattmiller for sharing it again since I missed it the 1st time! #MTedchat
In reply to
@AmandaRapstad, @TriSciCurious, @St006C, @jmattmiller, @jmattmiller
A3 I am drawn to online PD that is self-paced but also has deadlines for accountability. LOVED doing the Google Classroom class w/ @AnnBruckerTIS last month! #MTedchat
Excellent! Will subscribe! Funny you mention PD and conferences. It's #MTedchat right now and PD is the topic. Trying to get myself to some national conferences in the next year! Would love to connect.
And it’s easier for me to sometimes share my thoughts through an online platform where I can write what I think rather than talk f2f. Maybe let’s me organize my thoughts better before sharing? #MTedchat
And it’s easier for me to sometimes share my thoughts through an online platform where I can write what I think rather than talk f2f. Maybe let’s me organize my thoughts better before sharing? #MTedchat
I was able to go to IRA a few times... Same.. The adrenaline rush from being with so many friends and mentors with similar passions is intoxicating and inspiring #mtedchat
In reply to
@AmandaRapstad, @donalynbooks, @ProfessorNana, @WritingThief
Yes! @PintoBeanz11 is starting to do the #gafe4littles chats this way & I think it’s such a cool idea! A little more accessible than a twitter chat maybe for Ts who aren’t super comfortable on Twitter? #MTedchat
Yes, I think you are right. Just a little wait time is all I need and sometimes in F2F not everyone gets a "turn" to talk. On Twitter we all get a turn if we want one! #MTedchat
A2 My daily doses come from Twitter, Voxer (amAzing!), blogs. Facebook groups (#tcrwp is really active!) at times, too. And then the books that I have in rotation. #MTedchat
A4: IMO Good=thoughtful learning design that makes me think and engage. Bad=pay for a certificate that doesn't make me responsible for learning anything #MTedchat
A3 I need to be able to use something I learned fairly quickly. I always like pd if I have an immediate takeaway and one I can let marinade and think on for awhile before I implement. #MTedchat
A4: Good PD...The workload has to not include just hoops to jump through but meaningful reflections (high DOK) that relate to the daily job. can't just be MC or TF. Good=learn but not not overwhelmed with hoops, Bad=hoops for hoops sake. #MTedchat
Yes, she used a Classroom that was not associated w/ the Billings domain so that some of us from out of town could participate. She also used @Flipgrid for reflections. Great class! #MTedchat
In reply to
@rachelmarker, @AnnBruckerTIS, @Flipgrid
A4: I think a good course provides opportunity for metacognition and the opportunity to synthesize learning. Active, but not 'busy work'. Discussion and creation embedded is optimal. Bad = low level, watch, regurgitate. #mtedchat
A4) Pros-wider network, pd in your pjs, choose your own pd, CONS-tech not accessable to all, platform may not b familiar, f2f connections have value #MTedchat
A4: Pros and Cons Of Online PD
Pros: Multiple Perspectives, Learn From Anywhere, No Meeting Room reservations, Archived Material, & Shared Leadership
Cons: Webinars, Poor Planning, Too Many People Trying To Talk at Once, & A Facilitator Who Does Not Underst Online PD #MTedchat
A4 I think "bite sized" is a great term for good online PD--has to fit with my busy work/home schedule otherwise I will disengage. Bad PD NO FEEDBACK! #MTedchat
A4 took the words out of my mouth. I’ve gotten more from things like #ditchsummit and @TeachingChannel than I did my online masters program. I spent a ton of money and felt like I did a ton of busy work. #MTedchat
A4: IMO Good=thoughtful learning design that makes me think and engage. Bad=pay for a certificate that doesn't make me responsible for learning anything #MTedchat
Amen! 🙌🏻 As a PD provider I sometimes feel worried about making online stuff “too easy” but there is no sense in adding a bunch of extra stuff just to make it look like more work & try to prove online PD is good stuff! More tasks doesn’t = better. #MTedchat
A4: Good PD...The workload has to not include just hoops to jump through but meaningful reflections (high DOK) that relate to the daily job. can't just be MC or TF. Good=learn but not not overwhelmed with hoops, Bad=hoops for hoops sake. #MTedchat
I've been working through the Microsoft Online modules and I just love them. Videos, quizzes and application all at my own pace. It's really well organized. #MTedchat
A4 Good = engaged/engaging, skilled instructor who creates meaningful learning tasks. Bad = low group participation, participants who do "just enough" to complete course, poor instructor feedback #MTedchat
A4: IMO Good=thoughtful learning design that makes me think and engage. Bad=pay for a certificate that doesn't make me responsible for learning anything #MTedchat
Oh goodness, YES! Download the app and connect with me: rmarker. There are all kinds of edu groups you can join. You can try it out with just me, if you want. :) #MTedchat
A4: Good online PD also has a personal layer. I like when participants have an opportunity to add personality. Esp w/grad classes. Can be SO dry...technical #mtedchat
A5: I love video chats and webinars that allow participants to see and hear and share learning in a live conversation. #MTedchat Check the OPI PL Portal to find out about upcoming events
I like to ask Ts after PD I give: What's one thing you learned that you can use MONDAY? And one you can use SOMEDAY? Some ideas just take time to learn more about, plan for and put into action #MTedchat
Online PD is like traditional PD. The facilitator needs to have Learning goals, provide time for contribution, and adjust the pacing as needed. Too many online PD sessions focus on seat time & compliance. That is a problem. #MTedchat
There are some great PD offerings on the @MontanaOPI Learning Hub Colet and Jess have done a great job getting this going for MT Ts! Bravo @cbarow ! #MTedchat
A5: I love video chats and webinars that allow participants to see and hear and share learning in a live conversation. #MTedchat Check the OPI PL Portal to find out about upcoming events
A5: I love video chats and webinars that allow participants to see and hear and share learning in a live conversation. #MTedchat Check the OPI PL Portal to find out about upcoming events
#gafe4littles chat is moving to the #innovatingplay hashtag....the last chat can be found here AND IS STILL OPEN. There is SO MUCH flexibility in the style of won't have to worry about missing it!!
A5 No, I think the structure of a course works for some, but I think I learn the most when I do my own search and watch videos, read blogs and scan Twitter #MTedchat
A5: Absolutely not! Articles and blogs that have a discussion component. Reading is learning. Videos, Video chats through Hangouts/Skype, online tutorials, Voxer, Twitter chats, youtube, #mtedchat
A5 No, I think the structure of a course works for some, but I think I learn the most when I do my own search and watch videos, read blogs and scan Twitter #MTedchat
A4 took the words out of my mouth. I’ve gotten more from things like #ditchsummit and @TeachingChannel than I did my online masters program. I spent a ton of money and felt like I did a ton of busy work. #MTedchat
A4: IMO Good=thoughtful learning design that makes me think and engage. Bad=pay for a certificate that doesn't make me responsible for learning anything #MTedchat
A5 One reason we are offering renewal units for participating in this chat is that we know Ts are learning as they chat, so why not get credit for it?! #MTedchat@MontanaPBS
A4 took the words out of my mouth. I’ve gotten more from things like #ditchsummit and @TeachingChannel than I did my online masters program. I spent a ton of money and felt like I did a ton of busy work. #MTedchat
A4: IMO Good=thoughtful learning design that makes me think and engage. Bad=pay for a certificate that doesn't make me responsible for learning anything #MTedchat
A5: Blended Learning, Blogs, Voxer Book Groups, Twitter SlowChats, Google Hangout, MOOC, LiveBinders - Embed the PD, & Digital Badging for personalized, Self-paced Learning #MTedchat
Q6: On a scale of 1-4 how familiar are you with local, state, and regional digital professional development options? Tell us about a favorite. #MTedchat
I love this chat! I look forward to it every week, and am so glad that I joined a few months ago! I rush home from activities so I don't miss it. #MTedchat
Ohhh... I LOVE @livebinders That has always been my go-to platform for staff development. Great for presentation and follow-up access. Links for collaboration and conversation embedded. Greatly underused. #mtedchat
A5: Blended Learning, Blogs, Voxer Book Groups, Twitter SlowChats, Google Hangout, MOOC, LiveBinders - Embed the PD, & Digital Badging for personalized, Self-paced Learning #MTedchat
Pooja! I'm cognitive scientist starstruck! :) Loved your video for #ditchsummit with @jmattmiller. The science behind how we learn is fascinating--and more Ts need this level of understanding! TY for sharing with us. #MTedchat
In reply to
@PoojaAgarwal, @St006C, @jmattmiller, @mrmatera, @jmattmiller
A6: 5 -- The OPI Teacher Learning Hub is definitely my favorite! Self-paced courses are very convenient, free, and engaging!
A6 I strive to be a 4 but I'm probably more of a 3, it's hard to "know it all" #MTedchat is my go-to for digital PD every week I also think there are some great things offered on the @MontanaOPI Learning Hub #MTedchat
This #ditchsummit video was the ONE video that I could immediately try something from in my classroom. Trying not to overuse "tell me what your partner said." #MTedchat
In reply to
@rachelmarker, @PoojaAgarwal, @jmattmiller, @mrmatera