#NEUROLOGYBUZZ T1 barriers in patients & #medicalmarijuana#medicalcannabis are overcoming the stigma that is long been associated with it. Unfortunately recreational use is popularly known before the medical value, it has been used medically 5000 yrs #neurology#meded#IoT
Trying something new on my last few days in the MICU with new interns. Going to go over a few of the mistakes I made myself this past week. Nothing catastrophic but plenty that is embarrassing.
All mistakes are opportunities to teach and learn. #MedEd
Why does nephrotic syndrome (NS) present with periorbital edema?
I generally feel comfortable explaining why patients with NS have edema. But, why does it accumulate around the eyes? And, why doesn’t heart failure present this way?
Time for more Starling! And George Burch...
Reading the article about immigrants losing their path to citizenship through the military has me wondering: in #meded, how far are we willing to go to protect our immigrant medical students and trainees?