#BadgeChatK12 Archive
#BadgeChatK12 was founded in December, 2014 by a group of educators who are passionate about credentialing learning and achieving. While there are thousands of us around the globe issuing badges to learners, there was not yet a regular twitter chat for those of us in the K-12 space to gather for learning and sharing about badging. After reaching out to leaders in the field (like the good folks at Mozilla and The Badge Alliance) for their thoughts, #BadgeChatK12 was born.
Monday March 14, 2016 6:30 PM EDT
Getting ready to talk and open badges with and all the other wonderful chatters of
We want to hear your thoughts on diff Badges that have same names. Plz include in your tweets
Letβs get to know each other. What do you teach? Where are you? Do you use badges or just curious?
Ben from Santa Cruz. Rocking the as always.
Remi in Denver, asst prof of information & learning tech at , teacher ed too, dabbling in badging & ever curious
Tom from So Cal; wirking on oilit badge program.
. I am a mngr for ( think tank on /practice) Interested in learning how the field is using badges
I'm Noah in Colorado. Believer in credentials PreK thru Life. Currently organizing 6/24 Badge Summit https://t.co/t0vJeZgGPx
Maybe consolidate names but add different levels of achievement
Don from Canada, where the snow is melting..interested in as a subset of , for lifelong learning
Great to see some new and returning folks and look forward to others joining. Lurkers also always encouraged:)
I'm Rich from CA, I work with digitally badging teacher PD
Question 1 on the way. We use the format Q1 (Question1) - A1 (Answer1). Please use accordingly.
Angela from Ann Arbor this week, teacher educator
Q1: What are examples of PD Badges w same names, different criteria/meanings depending on issuer?
Shout oyt with birthday wishes to our awesome moderator
indeed, happy birthday Noah!
A1: I've seen a bunch of badges for badges and other software like that for this description
Aw, thanks! Been a great bday:) Going to see one of the singers from Gomez tonight
Lori PD specialist OH, jumping in while I ride my exercise bike on this rainy day!
Yeah, Badges were first that came to my mind. Lots of diff Badges out there called Drive Badge
A1 Attendance badges, perhaps? context gives meaning. Attend for one session, conference, week..?
A1 - Each badge is just calked PD1, OD2, etc Be specific to tyoe of PD
That's a use case I hadn't thought of. So users get a "__ Conference" Badge tho diff levels of engagement?
A1: I understand some systems require completion, some evidence of knowledge, other's of implementation. Depends on issuer.
parse difference bw badging participation (like PD event) and competency (demonstrate learning), esp of a practice?
Shana from metro Atlanta, MS Tech Coordinator. Yes started using badges with teacher this year. ππ
thanks rich, how are you?
A1 I'm not really up on this; badge "weight" is one issue, what about others? Confusing overlaps? Mistaken identities?
A1: Scratch Badge is another I've seen lots of. Same name from diff issuers and diff criteria from each.
usually conference badges specify the relevant year in my experience.
year of participation in conference? what does that tell you about teachers' learning? curious...
Great examples so far. Adds context to the convo. Question 2 coming up...
Q2: What challenges might arise as a result of same name Badges operating w different meanings?
A1: Badges for attendance, improve tech integration, effort to try new tech are ones I award.
Unable to tell which is which or determine true purpise or function of each.
A2 if systems - technical, social, etc - aren't interoperable, then meaning lost in translation, credential distrusted
A1: I've seen content overlap. Common topics like Digital Citizenship & 21st Century Learning
I agree. That confusion could hurt value of one Badge while conferring undeserved value to another
do you do that onsite as an embedded trainer or blended or virtual?
not much! :) community building or community leader, perhaps?
and trust is so important! Can you say more about that?
Good point. Summary of skills learned in PD or proof of implementation of skills
A2 Hopefully this would be different badge issuers/systems, so transferability, portability, recognition across boundaries
Is that overlap potentially problematic?
onsite and old school printed laminated and hang outside Ts doors
Good conference badges require teachers to share learning goals and successes from the event
or tracking by year for performance review, perhaps? https://t.co/a8J8oxhsDI
year of participation in conference? what does that tell you about teachers' learning? curious...
A2 Affects value of badge as "legal skills tender"
all & more - developing norms, sense of reliability w/in given system, translate across contexts
Love that you hang the physical versions outside their doors. Hope they love too!
definitely disagree here. Conference badges can be made to rewrite robust evidence.
A2: clearly articulating badge criteria is key to communicating meaning and differentiation of objectives within metadata
What do you mean by that "legal skills tender"?
Hopefully we can get PD orgs and not just schools to issue badges
credentialing systems are currencies. i trust my badge/investment will be honored by others & institutions, has value
yes!! They love them & compete with colleagues on who has the most. Never expected this excitement
yes, in best cases. do others who might honor those badges know that process reflected in badge?
A2: lack of clarity, confusion arises - can stifle innovation & the sharing practices. We all need to speak the same lexicon.
Totally! So u think Badges w same name (and maybe even logo) but diff criteria could neg impact trust?
what do you mean by robust evidence?
with evidence is a completely different story than "I sat in the session" -- agreed!
As long as the evidence required to earn the badge is robust and publicly available
I would say evidence of implementation of the ideas, that T has learned from the conference
Does this create an imperative toward standardization or might there be a middle ground to try out first?
absolutely. think knock off brands - food, chain store - w same visual messaging. meeting market need? diluting worth?
. Recognition value. If claiming PD credits w two badges w same name but different, consumer is confused/skeptical
I agree that conference Badges can be valuable when that evidence component is met
now that's really interesting...so we're layering some sense of transfer atop PD exp to badge?
A2: Badge might lose their value with some Ts or Ss....they can feel generic and not personal
BAM! That is so smart and true. Love it.
Nominating that for best analogy of 2016 so far.
more than just a picture of an attendance badge or whatever. Evidence of thinking and learning.
how do you make that information publicly available? open data systems? who owns badge, metadata?
Great conversations! Feel free to keep em up as we push out Question 3...
yes, the same way I ask T's to evidence learning in my research class with stellar proposal!
Q3: How might Badge issuers begin to address these challenges?
Example for Q3: Amy and Annie's districts offer docs Badge. How might they address diff meaning issue?
A3 - Attend Badge Summit to collaborate with others
Badges can be available online or through the Mozilla backpack. Click to see evidence/criteria
I love the depth of thinking around value that statement shows
A3. Through organizations, like Digital Promise and others, perhaps?
yes, one ex that stands out. big fan of M. that said, my impression is exception to norm... yes?
A3 Clear criteria, external alignment (eg ISTE), evidence, clear visual design
"no" to standardization. Leave room for innovation, continuous improvement, let orgs personalize their own badging
Encourage folks to both attend Badge Summit AND share your work there w poster session! Only $99 https://t.co/JtxiiZLw9Z
exactly the spirit we want to encourage with co-designed teacher PD... and yet tradeoffs too, big challenge
if badges are pushed out to M., -- open source -- does it matter that it is an exception? advantage? https://t.co/24D126GyQ8
yes, one ex that stands out. big fan of M. that said, my impression is exception to norm... yes?
A3: I wonder about pubic place where Badge creators/issuers share their criteria so others can at least be aware
if everyone is "innovative" we talk past one another, design w/out concern for solidarity & lose coherence
A3 (cont) ...might that sharing be way to lead others to opt-in to aligning w shared meaning/criteria?
Q4: What are your takeaways from this week's chat?
Huge problem - understood. Building knowledge & capacity should offset +'s of standardization.
does sense making occur within the BadgeList community?
and then are we creating escher-esque concentric circles of credentialing? how do i trust endorsements?
Have sone standardized bsdges but leave room for some school/district-soecific badges
A4: Some big challenges in the landscape and some serious geniuses opting into tackling those challenges
Endorsements and/or Validations could be one of the right answers to this challenge, Remi
A4 That badges should rely on endorsement, not standardization to handle identical badge title issues
diff to design conditions for creativity, ambiguity. structures & policy for co-design rare
Yes...AND work like 's consortium AND Endorsements/Validations that will carry trust
A4 - Some specificity/uniformity for bsdges needed to avoid devaluing them.
Thanks so much to all the chatters and lurkers who joined this week! You are an amazing community!
i like idea of endorsement/validation a lot - distributes voice, many can vouch for expertise not just few
A4 That we need to think beyond nice title and pretty picture in our own little space
I've got to run to Bday dinner...can some mensch out there help me out with a storify archive so I don't slack again?
Intense but so much fun and learning. 30 min. flies by fast.
i got you, have a nice bday dinner!
Yeah. Endorsement is important for building coalition value without restricting badge proliferation.
the badge is a boundary object - moving across contexts & purposes, bringing & changing meaning, connecting people
Nicely stated on both counts. Love the thinking and language going on here.