#MasteryChat is a weekly chat with a growing family of educators from around the word focused on teaching better and reaching more students. Topics cover an array of challenges and solutions for teachers of all grade levels and subject areas, admins, and support staff.
#MasteryChat occurs every Thursday at 8:00pm eastern.
The chat was created by team at @thegridmethod, but is hosted by guest moderators each week. Our primary moderators are @techieteachott, @raehugart, and @jeffgargas.
Hello #MasteryChat@burgessdave are so excited to join you tonight. I'm Shelley Burgess, educational leader in San Diego and co-author of Lead Like a PIRATE.
Good evening #masterychat#mschat and #teachmindful
Melissa, 7th Grade Science from Upstate NY excited to be with all of you. Going to try and keep up with 3 chats tonight. Better do my finger stretches so I don't cramp up.
Hello. My name is Susan, and I am currently student teaching in IL. I am currently actively looking for a teaching position for next year. #masterychat
Good evening #masterychat#mschat and #teachmindful
Melissa, 7th Grade Science from Upstate NY excited to be with all of you. Going to try and keep up with 3 chats tonight. Better do my finger stretches so I don't cramp up.
Hey all, Phil from Northern Virginia signing in. I teach 7th grade US History II and am the founder of #waledchat which starts right after #masterychat! Thrilled to be here!!
Tiffany Ott here hailing from northeast Ohio were we hit SEVENTY degrees today! Woot Woot!
It is supposed to be 32 on Monday, though. :(
Excited to be here for #masterychat tonight!
A1. Like with all good things, if you don’t have a mission or a goal, then what are you shooting for? How will you ever surpass that and achieve the next thing? How are you showing growth? How are you building rapport? Model goal setting and watch what happens! #MasteryChat
A1 If you don't have a clear vision, how can you have a clear idea of what success looks like. Good teaching doesn't happen by accident, it takes hard work and intention to do your best. #masterychat
I was heartbroken yesterday when I received word that I did not get a teaching position, but this chat is reminding me of why I love what I do. Thank you for all of your encouragement and support in this process. #masterychat
A1: When you are taking a road trip, if you don’t have a destination in mind you’ll waste money on gas and your final stop could be the gas station down the road. Having a vision or destination helps you do huge things with your students. #masterychat@ERobbPrincipal@_on11
A1 If you don't have a clear vision, how can you have a clear idea of what success looks like. Good teaching doesn't happen by accident, it takes hard work and intention to do your best. #masterychat
A1: There is so many ideas and possibilities that compete for your attention. Vision keeps your eyes on the prize and helps you decide what's most important! #Masterychat
A1: Having a vision or a destination in mind sets your course. It lets you know where you want to go so you can plan the journey to help you get there. #MasteryChat
A1: if you just hope you survived he year then your class has no path and no direction. You have to believe in a path and have a vision in what you want your Ss to achieve. #MasteryChat
A1: By charting the destination, you can choose your path to get there! Same destination may have different courses to travel - embrace them! #masterychat
Just like your life, you need to know where you are and where you're going, so you can figure out how to get from here to there and make it happen! #masterychat
A1 - A vision can provide insight and reason to “do the work” for both staff and Ss. It’s always easier to focus on the “now” or current pressing issues. By providing a clear vision, it enables a focus on both the reasoning & goals of the day to day work being done #masterychat
Hey there buddy. :) I finally got a new computer and now I can actually put my #122edchat sticker on my computer because it isn't a piece of junk. Yippee! #MasteryChat
In reply to
@_on11, @SmartLab_tweets, @Simmonsknights1
q1: Visions help all smaller visions align to a bigger one. In other words, if I know what #masterychat wants to accomplish, I can align my vision to move that forward...and still focus on the vision for myself.
A1: If you know what your vision is, you know where your headed, but most importantly you know WHY you're headed there & when my Ss know WHY they have a reason to learn! #masterychat
It took me 5 years to get my first teaching position. I used the time to sub, get my masters and learn about what teaching really is. Have faith, the right job will come along. The journey will also have meaning for you. #masterychat
A1 It is important to have a vision or destination so that you can reverse engineer your class from that goal to make sure scaffolding and care are given to every step throughout the process. I like to know where I am going to figure out the best way to get to it. #masterychat
A1. Having a vision is key to helping you get to where you want to go. Sometimes where we are and where we want to be is two different places. That vision helps guide your path so you know how to align your goals to accomplish your dream. #MasteryChat
A1: Just like your life, you need to know where you are and where you're going, so you can figure out how to get from here to there and make it happen! #masterychat
A1- Just as I have students set daily and yearly goals,it is important for me to set a goal or a destination for our "voyage" together. It keeps us focused on our https://t.co/ersxbyA57Q us a vision to stay the course. #Masterychat
A1: we all need goals. If we don't have a destination in mind, we'll never know which direction we're headed, how far away we are from our goal, or what tools we need to get there. #masterychat
A1: It is important to get a vision because, if you do not have a plan, you plan to fail. I have a vision of a positive classroom environment where Ss encourage each other and support each other 110 % of the way. I aim to do that next year. #masterychat
A1 ~ A vision / destination helps stakeholders keep their eye on the prize! Everyone knows what they are working towards & how decisions are made! #masterychat
A1: Like @burgessdave video said, it creates a road map for your teaching. It’s a way to check your teaching/school culture thru the yr to make sure you’re on the path you want to be on, and not on the freeway headed the wrong direction! #masterychat
A1: It's essential. Without it, there is no direction and the people perish. There is no hope to reach your true destination. Vision is the driving force to keep people moving forward. #masterychat
Amanda from Florida here! A1 A destination is a goal we have to know where we want to go to achieve our end goal! This idiom provides purpose to our classroom. #MasteryChat
A1: Creating a vision is vital for achieving any goals. It forces you to create benchmarks along the way and helps streamline getting to the destination! #masterychat
A1: Vision is important because it gives a picture to the end in mind. Decisions that are made should all support the school’s vision. A vision keeps you focused. #masterychat
A1: A vision helps focus all conversations, decisions, and personnel. With a clear vision everyone is headed in the same direction & is focused on the same priorities/goals. Clarity creates cohesion. #masterychat
A1: It is important to have a vision because, if you do not have a plan, you plan to fail. I have a vision of a positive classroom environment where Ss encourage each other and support each other 110 % of the way. I aim to do that next year. #masterychat#masterychat
A1: Having a vision or "destination" reminds us what's important, especially during those times when it's easy to get side tracked with challenges. #MasteryChat
A1: Without a vision, we toss ourselves around aimlessly, driven and tossed in any direction by the winds. With a mission, we can focus on what we need to, and toss the superfluous aside. #MasteryChat
A1 A vision / destination is important so that Ss can really understand the WHY. If you & your Ss create a shared destination & goals for a class, the Ss won't need to wonder WHY & will feel empowered. #masterychat
A1 Simple answer: if you don't know where you are going, how will you get there?
More complex: Vision is what drives us. What sparks passion, mystery, and adventure. Why WOULDN"T you want that in your school? #masterychat
A1: we all need goals. If we don't have a destination in mind, we'll never know which direction we're headed, how far away we are from our goal, or what tools we need to get there. #masterychat
A1: Unless there is a roadmap, we wander aimlessly! Shared vision leads to shared navigation, ultimately setting us in the correct direction of our goal. #masterychat
A1: and not just create, but periodically revisit as a community. It's important to explore a faculty's values as educators and to align those values toward a singular goal. This makes a school's why that much more transparent, most of app to the school itself #masterychat
A1 this geography teacher ❤️💙❤️this Question! You have to have a plan, map, goal, destination in mind to arrive at the right place at the right time !! Don’t want to get lost, or sidetracked, on the journey !! #masterychat
A1: It’s important to have something to aim for and to want to achieve. To know where you want to be and to experience success and learning through failure. To have expectations and purpose. #masterychat
Wow amazing the diversity of subject areas, grades and regions represented here tonight! gonna break out my Google Maps to locate everybody #masterychat
A1: I would assume the vision for the course is related to the learning objectives, the areas of mastery for which the Ss and the instructor strive each day. Important for the WHY to be clear and understood. #MasteryChat
A1: Our schools are a mandate. They would operate with or without vision. Challenges can feel like certain doom without vision. Keeps Ss enlisted. #masterychat
A1: A vision sets the course for the journey that you chart for your classroom or school. It serves as a guideline for doing what is best for your students. Success is a journey, not a destination. Keep your vision clear! #MasteryChat
A1. It's a way of getting everyone on the same track with culture, and vision and where we want to take the school. Keeping everyone in alignment with everything going on, and no surprises. Makes T feel comfortable to take risks! #masterychat
A1) Just like a Run, if you don’t know the distance it have a route planned it will be tough to determine how to run. It allows for clarity to focus more deeply on content for ss as well as the teacher. #MasteryChat
A1: Working together toward that vision or goal is awesome and leads to accountability for everyone involved. Everyone feels valued and has a voice! You can also be reflective and grow throughout the process. #masterychat
A1: Having a "destination" in mind for my classroom gives me direction. I even teach the 7 Happy Habits to my 3rd graders ... "Begin with the End in Mind" - It's the idea of having goals and creating a plan to meet those goals. They can be short term or long. #MasteryChat
Wow amazing the diversity of subject areas, grades and regions represented here tonight! gonna break out my Google Maps to locate everybody #masterychat
Perhaps "vision" connotes the ideas of innovation and creative pedagogy. A departure from the norm or accepted modes of teaching & learning. #MasteryChat
A1: Without a vision for your students, it's like you're going from task to task "playing school" but not working towards the best possibility. #masterychat
A1: Learning is an experience + journey. Without a destination or a story for why you’re all in it together + where you’re going, it’s a lot harder to get through the tough spots. Vision builds community + makes it fun. #MasteryChat
A1: Ss need to know the purpose of what they are doing. They do well with consistent boundaries and expectations clearly spelled out them, as well as the purpose of all learning. #masterychat
Wow amazing the diversity of subject areas, grades and regions represented here tonight! gonna break out my Google Maps to locate everybody #masterychat
Oh, I like that analogy! you plan your run very differently depending on the conditions, terrain, distance, etc. (Of course, I am a terrible runner, so I only know that in theory...)
A1 If you have no idea where you are headed, then you will have a very hard time getting where you want to go! It's fine to take different paths, but you should always have some sort of end in mind #masterychat
I work with a lot diverse learners. They don't fit the traditional school mold. I'm asking a lot from them. For the most part they trust our process. #masterychat
A1a: the word “vision” is also vital. It just reeks of innovation and creativity. Share your “vision” with students - they’ll react positively #masterychat
Educating without vision is like navigating without a destination of even a compass. Its a lost cause. There is no need to try. #masterychat#directionless
A1 If you have no idea where you are headed, then you will have a very hard time getting where you want to go! It's fine to take different paths, but you should always have some sort of end in mind #masterychat
A1: A vision drives the instruction and as the teacher you get the opportunity to decide what that destination (final outcome) looks like. Stay focused on the vision and you will arrive. #MasteryChat
A1: the inner vision is what drives the outer actions. Plus an inner vision is a contagious disease that infects everybody with passion
Whats inside? A pirate? Then that is the vision. Share it, let it drive T & L
A1: When Ss know the end goal of a lesson or project, there’s more buy in and engagement! Kids will create a magical path to the destination! #MasteryChat
A1: Not only do you not know where, you’re going, you have no way to assess progress and change when needed. It becomes a waste of time, money and resources #masterychat
I love that example! Most people don't just get in their cars and drive. You have a place to go and use your maps or knowledge to get there! #MasteryChat
For those that missed it before the chat...here is a 4 min video for later that started all of this 5 Word #tlap GPS stuff: https://t.co/JsKA82qZjs Shout out to #XPLAP author, @mrmatera for his class assignment #MasteryChat
Educating without vision is like navigating without a destination of even a compass. Its a lost cause. There is no need to try. #masterychat#directionless
A1- Our school and home lives can often become overwhelming, when we have a common understanding about what we do and why we do it, setting priorities becomes much easier and we in turn become more efficient and effective. #masterychat
A1. A vision helps set the course for learning. I think it is incredibly important to involve students in creating a "vision statement" and periodically revisit where we are in achieving those goals in order for everyone to be invested in the process. #masterychat#tlap
A1: Stephen Covey says to “begin with the end in mind”. You have to know where you’re going in order to take the right steps to get there. #masterychat
Roman! So glad to have you here. You always bring a ray of sunshine to our conversations and help us all stay focused on doing all the hard work of teaching with kindness. Thanks for being here, bud. #masterychat
Vision is the destination for the trip. Mission is the road map that will get you there. Turns may twist but the vision guides the path & remains the steady. #Masterychat
A2: There are so many words I can think of, but these are five I would love for students to use describe my class/school: culturally-rich, empowering, stimulating, captivating, and worthy. #MasteryChat
I believe this has been the greatest shift in education over the last twenty years. Thinking of the end goal and planning individualized and differentiated plans to get there. I LOVE teaching in modern education! #Masterychat
A1. Hello, I’m Anna from Northern VA! You need to get people on board for the ride. If they don’t know what the point is, why would they want to join you?@MrPStrunk@ERobbPrincipal#masterychat
Q2 is up! Let's create a five word "GPS"... If your students had to describe their experience in your class/school in five words, what would you want them to be? #MasterChat
Q2 is up! Let's create a five word "GPS"... If your students had to describe their experience in your class/school in five words, what would you want them to be? #MasterChat
A1: vision allows you to see big picture. With that you can set little goals. Allows others to see where you want to go and give you advice how to get there. #MasteryChat
Playing school was fun when we were all little kids. I don't think our "lessons" in the front yard were the best pedagogy, though, were they? :) #masterychat#EducationEvolves
It’s backwards planning for school culture! Plus, it brings a third point into the room. It’s not about judging the worth of ideas, but about asking if the ideas align to our vision #masterychat#A1
Q2 is up! Let's create a five word "GPS"... If your students had to describe their experience in your class/school in five words, what would you want them to be? #MasterChat
A1: A vision sets the course for the journey that you chart for your classroom or school. It serves as a guideline for doing what is best for your students. Success is a journey, not a destination. Keep your vision clear! #MasteryChat
Q2 is up! Let's create a five word "GPS"... If your students had to describe their experience in your class/school in five words, what would you want them to be? #MasterChat
A1 Yes to all these As! A destination helps give Ss an end goal for them to strive twd, and it helps Ts with figuring out what to teach & focus on #masterychat
“It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.”
A2 I asked my Ss what 3 words they would use to describe me as a teacher just the other day.
The top 5 were creative, funny, helpful, caring and smart. I think they nailed who I am and what I strive for every day! #MasteryChat
I love the focus on growth mindset, positive motivation and student belief! Those are foundations students can utilize to find success throughout their academic and "real" lives! #masterychat
Q2 is up! Let's create a five word "GPS"... If your students had to describe their experience in your class/school in five words, what would you want them to be? #MasterChat
Q2 is up! Let's create a five word "GPS"... If your students had to describe their experience in your class/school in five words, what would you want them to be? #MasterChat
Q2 is up! Let's create a five word "GPS"... If your students had to describe their experience in your class/school in five words, what would you want them to be? #MasterChat
Q2 is up! Let's create a five word "GPS"... If your students had to describe their experience in your class/school in five words, what would you want them to be? #MasterChat
A2 - That's daunting... but I would hope Freeing, Exploring, Literature, Writing, Challenging. However, I could see Difficult and Hard being in there. Always hard to think about how they would describe your class, but essential to be empathetic with them. #masterychat
A2: These are five I would love for students to use describe my class/school: culturally-rich, empowering, stimulating, captivating, and worthy. #MasteryChat
Great point @TechieTeachOtt ! Getting away from "day to day" planning, and "calendar based" lesson design and really creating a learning journey for students is HUGE! #masterychat
Q2 is up! Let's create a five word "GPS"... If your students had to describe their experience in your class/school in five words, what would you want them to be? #MasterChat
Q2 is up! Let's create a five word "GPS"... If your students had to describe their experience in your class/school in five words, what would you want them to be? #MasterChat
A1. I think a vision is really helpful for collaborative work amongst staff. We all want to move forward, but how do we move forward together? #masterychat
Thanks! My goal is to be more than a teacher you have one year and then forget later. I want to make sure I leave a lasting legacy on the lives of my students. #masterychat#waledchat
#masterychat a1 Ever since I left my school, ss have complained that rooms don't look as good. They actually were archives designed to make a ss immerse in #language learning AND they were pretty welcoming too, it's the ss workplace!
A5 🍄inspiring 🍄empowering 🍄validating 🍄safe🍄enriching .... i think, are the terms I’d like kids to use !!! (❤️Welcoming & encouraging if I can cheat!) 😉📚🍄‼️#masterychat
A2 Safe, Controlled Chaos, Student Lead, Learning to Learn, Innovative - I cheated a little, there are more then 5 words. I would be curious to see what my Ss would actually say. #masterychat
At the beginning of the year I always let them know my class will be much "different" than classes they've had before - hopefully in a good way! #masterychat
#masterychat Q1 the very first word of the question posed is "why" ....i believe the answer to the question is also "why" . People- no matter the age - need to know the why. Why is this important ? Why do we need to do this? Why are you passionate about this ? Why ?
A1 We need to set our eyes on a common goal. The goal is not the final destination. We decide our journey and destination together, but we choose our goals and strategies together. We need to have this conversation to support, uplift and celebrate each other. #masterychat
I'm sorry to hear that, but your map is headed to a different course. There's quite the prize waiting for you, I'm sure of it. Your students have a treasure in YOU! Keep your eyes ahead!
A3: I believe learning has to be dynamic, relevant, and applicable to stick. I hope my students never say my class is stagnant, irrelevant, frustrating, intimidating, or easy. #MasteryChat
My room is vey S centered. Even though I teach 3rd I think it's important to encourage independent problem solvers. I love this time of yr when I can watch them run the classroom (take attendance, do all-calls to get their peers' attention, giving me a to-do list). #MasteryChat
A3: Five words I would NEVER want students to use to describe our school: Disrespectful, culturally-insensitive, "waste of time", irrelevant, harmful #MasteryChat
You might win. That is an awesome 5 words! I am so glad I am in a position where I am not allowed to report grades. Provide feedback? YES! Assign a letter grade? NO! #masterychat
Here is question 3, everyone! I love these 5 word questions. It is actually an activity I do with my students often- most recently for them to describe their spring break! #masterychat
A5 I never want them to say I am mean, unfair, uncaring, boring, sarcastic. I don't care what people tell you, MS kids are not ready for the "real world". Don't make school harder for them #MasteryChat
A3: That's a good one! I would hope no one leaves thinking "I have nothing to offer". Everyone has a place and a purpose and my job is to help them find it. #MasteryChat
It’s pretty cool. And you know what, there is something satisfying about a student that didn’t like you or your class coming back later and showing appreciation. It happens. #masterychat
A3 “Finding the easy way out.” I hope they’ll challenge themselves in the service of their values, and I don’t want them to see their work as a way out. It’s a way in.
Oh man - the five words that I would not like to be used to describe my class would be: Boring, Fixed, non-inclusive, in-welcoming, unsafe #MasteryChat
Okay...we decided where we want to go...now we are looking at where we don't want to go. Coming up...how do we GET THERE??? #MasteryChat Q4,5,6,7 will come from my account. #tlap
Thank you for saying this, Melissa. I hear too many people say "they need to get ready for the real world." Guess what... as @ERobbPrincipal tells our staff, "For our kids, this is their 'Real World.'" #masterychat#waledchat
A5 I never want them to say I am mean, unfair, uncaring, boring, sarcastic. I don't care what people tell you, MS kids are not ready for the "real world". Don't make school harder for them #MasteryChat
Have the Ss plan and teach...My Ss were so intimidated at first now they are like I can teach so and so how to do it...my answer always YOU GO! #masterychat
Been busy! But I've also been busy pursuing my dreams, building dreams with my students, and taking on the world of outdated educational practices. So... life is fabulous! How is the trip planning going?#masterychat
A3: We actually have banned words in my classroom. I cringe and let out a visceral scream when I hear "I can't". So: 1. "I can't" (I know it's 2) The other 4 are attitudes -2. pride 3. unkindness 4. no effort 5. deceit #MasteryChat Those are hard to put into single words!
Thank you for saying this, Melissa. I hear too many people say "they need to get ready for the real world." Guess what... as @ERobbPrincipal tells our staff, "For our kids, this is their 'Real World.'" #masterychat#waledchat
A5 I never want them to say I am mean, unfair, uncaring, boring, sarcastic. I don't care what people tell you, MS kids are not ready for the "real world". Don't make school harder for them #MasteryChat
Q4: A destination isn't good enough!! A GPS must also know where you are RIGHT NOW in relationship to where you want to go. Why is this critical & how do you do it? #MasteryChat#tlap#LeadLAP
Make sure that the students produce for a real audience (@Flipgrid@SkypeClassroom) and ensure that the kids have voice and choice in the classes #MasteryChat
In reply to
@RaeHughart, @Flipgrid, @SkypeClassroom
A3 Cold, boring, gross, I had a kid tell me of an issue with other girls and she had gone through 4 teachers without anyone listening to her #MasteryChat
Q4: A destination isn't good enough!! A GPS must also know where you are RIGHT NOW in relationship to where you want to go. Why is this critical & how do you do it? #MasteryChat#tlap#LeadLAP
A4 It can allow you to assess on your current opportunities for growth, resources you can leverage & identify goals. Knowing where you are starting is important! 1 way you can do this is creating an action plan for where you want your class to be vs. where it is now. #masterychat
I had a funny conversation with my daughter (13 & wants to be a teacher) who said she loves everything about #masterylearning except the fact that she doesn't get to stand up in front and "teach." Then she looked at me and said, "I know, I know. That isn't teaching." #masterychat
Q4: A destination isn't good enough!! A GPS must also know where you are RIGHT NOW in relationship to where you want to go. Why is this critical & how do you do it? #MasteryChat#tlap#LeadLAP
A4 Aside from something called formative assessment, authentic feedback and real life connections with students to find our place on the map. #masterychat
Q4: A destination isn't good enough!! A GPS must also know where you are RIGHT NOW in relationship to where you want to go. Why is this critical & how do you do it? #MasteryChat#tlap#LeadLAP
A4: You need to know where you currently are, if you aren't you may think that after downing a whole large pizza you can go climb a mountain. You need to know where you students are so that you can engage them where they are at. KNOWING YOUR KIDS is vital to this! #masterychat
A4. So that you can adjust as needed to make your space the best it can be for kids. It’s all about those kiddos! @ERobbPrincipal@MrPStrunk#masterychat
#masterychat a3 Had to go look at the 5 word GPS video. My anti GPS would have to be... can't, won't, lost, confused and dislike They are such blockers to brain learning.
A5: where are you at? Where do you need to go and what path or paths are you going to take. Need to see where they are and where you need to go #MasteryChat
A4: #masterychat If you don’t know where you are, you can’t know how to get where you want to be. My school is in the process of implementing PBIS, but first we had to figure out where our school culture was so we knew what steps to take moving forward
Q4: A destination isn't good enough!! A GPS must also know where you are RIGHT NOW in relationship to where you want to go. Why is this critical & how do you do it? #MasteryChat#tlap#LeadLAP
Q4: A destination isn't good enough!! A GPS must also know where you are RIGHT NOW in relationship to where you want to go. Why is this critical & how do you do it? #MasteryChat#tlap#LeadLAP
A4 - Personsal and professional reflection every day. Students also do a daily positive reflection on their day, class and overall outlook. Hard to adjust without getting the pulse from kids. #masterychat
Come up with your 5 words and then COMMIT!!!! Look at your lessons...would kids use those words??? If not...recalculate your lesson!! #ReRoute!!! Use your GPS!!! #MasteryChat#tlap
A4: In order to grow, you have to set goals. In order to set goals, you have to be real about your current settings. Know what you have to work with-run with that. Every situation isn’t always easy, but every situation is WORTH it. Embrace reality and set the goals. #MasteryChat
Q4: A destination isn't good enough!! A GPS must also know where you are RIGHT NOW in relationship to where you want to go. Why is this critical & how do you do it? #MasteryChat#tlap#LeadLAP
A4 We need to not just hear our Ss but actually listen to them. They are more in tune w/ what goes in the building than we are; we need to respect their input & value their opinions & ensure we are providing what they need to be successful #masterychat
A4: You need to know where you currently are, if you aren't you may think that after downing a whole large pizza you can go climb a mountain. You need to know where you students are so that you can engage them where they are at. KNOWING YOUR KIDS is vital to this! #masterychat
A4: You have to know where you’re at, and also how you got to where you’re already at, before you can plan for how to get to where yo want to be. Reflect, reset, and attack! #masterychat
A4: You have to have a starting point! At my campus, we do Person Centered Planning to find out where the students and families are, then we come up with a goal and plan to get there.
Daily reflection and collaboration allows for talk of strengths and failures. This is your map to where you were, are, and will be heading-even if it’s a repeat road! #masterychat
A4: In order to improve, we have to be honest about our current functioning. Instructionally, this is why we use formative assessments. Culturally, this means honest reflection and acknowledging unconscious biases that impact our practice. And sometimes that’s HARD! #masterychat
😊 At the beginning of the year I introduce the "Ask 3 Before Me" - All Ss learn each classroom job (they are assistants or coaches) - Ss who pass out supplies/papers make an all-call "Who didn't get...?" - They have use to staplers, paper clips, post-its #MasteryChat
A4: I like to see where my students are at the moment because I want to be responsive to their needs. We all are on a different journey, and our students have a roadmap before them as well. We have to give them tools to reach their destination. #masterychat
A4: A current reality will give you a starting point toward the vision. As a leader, first and foremost being present, visible, and immersed will help you gauge the current reality. #masterychat
Q4: A destination isn't good enough!! A GPS must also know where you are RIGHT NOW in relationship to where you want to go. Why is this critical & how do you do it? #MasteryChat#tlap#LeadLAP
#masterychat A4 talk to them, pull out what they already know about the topic (this is very difficult to do the first few times w/ Ss - they dont understand why you arent telling them what to memorize)
A4: you have to gauge where you are so you can move forward from there to get to the goal. You gauge where you’re at through conversations, visiting classrooms, asking for feedback on specific, goal-oriented actions taking place in the school #masterychat
A4- I don't want "gauging the reality of your class or school" to embolden deficit thinking. It's not about what students can't do, it's about what they can't do YET. And, to an equally important degree, what they WANT to do (learn). #masterychat
A4: If you are only focused on the destination you miss a lot of the adventure. In order to grow and reach your destination you have to check in and ensure you are still on the best path. #MasteryChat
A4 Being reflective is an essential component for growth. We have to “be real” with knowing and understanding where we are starting, and why we are in the place; so that we can make a plan to reach our destination. #MasteryChat
A4: If I don't know where I'm at & where my Ss are at - then they mostly likely aren't getting what they need. Listen to them - they'll tell you what they need & where they're at! #masterychat
A4 - Listen to students, teachers, community members, yourself. Take time to listen to how students feel about their school and experience. Ask them the difficult questions and share that with other teachers. Listening is key to gauging where you are at. #masterychat
A4: If reality = repertoire then knowing what your Ss can do is key to what you can do with them. Otherwise, you're teaching into a void. It might go ok, or you might get crickets. #masterychat
Ooh! I can't wait for you- so exciting! You are bringing me, right? #masterychat
shh... don't tell @jeffgargas, @RaeHughart, and @chadostrowski- I think they are counting on me for some workshops or changing the world or something like that this summer...
In reply to
@dene_gainey, @jeffgargas, @jeffgargas, @RaeHughart, @chadostrowski
A4 Lots of student reflection and sharing helps me see who’s making their work matter—and who is avoiding the task, the challenges, or the decision-making and risk-taking of meaningful learning. #MasteryChat
A4: have to know where to start so u can set realistic expectations. The worst thing u can do is set expectations bound to fail because it kills moral. Keep in mind ur not lowering ur expectations but know Rome wasn't built in a day.
A4: As individuals, needs are different and different times, knowing what we have let us know what we can and/or need to do. #Masterychat I am a fan of checkpoints (in a variety of ways) #Masterychat
A4: There is certainly a customer service aspect to school! We need to make sure that kids are happy with the product. In my @voxer book group we were just discussing giving students surveys to get their thoughts and opinions on school @ErinMarieMarone@AmandaKavs#MasteryChat
A4 Reality is important because it creates urgency and shared understanding. Some of my students were three grade levels behind in reading and math - I knew I had to provide these Ss with personal tutorials and extra supports beyond the length of my class #masterychat
Reflection is an enormous element of best practice. Reflect on who you are, be self aware on your growth, and ....... THEN, you can create a PLAN! #masterychat
Q4: A destination isn't good enough!! A GPS must also know where you are RIGHT NOW in relationship to where you want to go. Why is this critical & how do you do it? #MasteryChat#tlap#LeadLAP
A4) Knowing where your Ss r is the only way to help them move forward. This is NOT just summative tests, but formative assessments and observations. ANYTHING can give a T information. We must then use that info. to plan next steps in our teaching, & S learning. #masterychat
A4: Always make sure you have your thumb in the wind or ear to the ground (choose your metaphor) with solid formative assessments. Assess what you teach. Teach what you assess. #masterychat
A4: You have to know who you are teaching and what they are capable of. When teaching ELED, I always set the bar high, but the young Ss had trouble meeting the standard. Led to frustration. Needed to make adjustments to find their level + help them to be successful. #masterychat
Q4: A destination isn't good enough!! A GPS must also know where you are RIGHT NOW in relationship to where you want to go. Why is this critical & how do you do it? #MasteryChat#tlap#LeadLAP
This was so relevant with me today when one of my students was not getting her work done. I knew she just needed a different environment and moved her to a quieter location and she was my work horse all block. I was so proud of her work! #masterychat
A4: Change can't start with a shot in the dark. You have to know what needs change and why. Start by asking students and teachers what they think and need. #masterychat
Q4: A destination isn't good enough!! A GPS must also know where you are RIGHT NOW in relationship to where you want to go. Why is this critical & how do you do it? #MasteryChat#tlap#LeadLAP
Q1:The way Harley Davidson puts it-It's not about the destination, it's about the journey! Our class journey is filled with ups & downs but I love we experience it all together to the end! The vision is mine at first, then we create group & personal goals to achieve! #MasteryChat
A4: You can't run an effective class or school if you don't know where you are; your students and staff need a voice to feel empowered, to stay engaged. Buy-in on any initiative or vision is easier when those buying in have some ownership. Give ownership, give voice! #masterychat
Q4: A destination isn't good enough!! A GPS must also know where you are RIGHT NOW in relationship to where you want to go. Why is this critical & how do you do it? #MasteryChat#tlap#LeadLAP
Q4: A destination isn't good enough!! A GPS must also know where you are RIGHT NOW in relationship to where you want to go. Why is this critical & how do you do it? #MasteryChat#tlap#LeadLAP
#MasteryChat A4 Right now I am where I need to be, a place where I know good work is being done, but at the same time areas of learning and growth are visible
A4b - The GPS of the class determines not only what you teach, but also why students should embrace the content. If we can fully explain how the learning is meaningful, it’s time to change it up. #masterychat
A4: It's easy to lose yourself if you don't know where you're going, and it's easy to not stay grounded if you don't know where you're at. This is important for ELA skills. How can you teach a S to write a complex sentence when they can't write a complete thought? #masterychat
A4: You use the data and trust you’ve built w/ students to push them further. Know them by name, strength and need. Then keep building on it. #masterychat
A4: Some Ss are masters at compensating. They act like their cheating even when they know. It bothers me when a S feels/thinks they have to hide a weakness. #masterychat
A4) gauging this reality helps me as a teacher to meet ALL students needs. Not just a one size fits all approach to the classroom. But be able to fit learning for all of my students #masterychat
A4 I engage in a Workshop model where I confer with my students daily. My roadmaps have kids all over...I need their feedback plus formal formatives. #masterychat
Q4: A destination isn't good enough!! A GPS must also know where you are RIGHT NOW in relationship to where you want to go. Why is this critical & how do you do it? #MasteryChat#tlap#LeadLAP
It doesn't hurt to think of your students as customers and your teaching as the service. Would they be happy with your service, or would they want to speak to the manager?! #MasteryChat
In reply to
@chadw675, @voxer, @ErinMarieMarone, @AmandaKavs
You are right Chad! Utilizing an authentic audience or your community is incredibly valuable? If you are a teacher, and not using your community to enhance your instruction, YOU ARE MISSING OUT! #masterychat
A4 So critical b/c where you are at this moment is not where you should end up. If you don't know where you are, then you'll wind up in the same spot after having traveled a very long way. You MUST talk to all stakeholders so your perspective isn't the only one #masterychat
A4: Sometimes our students' results meet my preferences, sometimes they don't. But I keep looking at them so I can respond to their "is"ness. #masterychat
A4 I self reflect often and connect with my students and my team to see where we are and if we're heading in the right direction. Is so, keep chugging forward, if not, stop, regroup, and plan a new avenue. Definitely not afraid to ask for help. #MasteryChat
A4 S generated feedback is so important to reaching your destination! Sometimes storms or situations arising causing you to adjust your sails and change your heading!! Monitor the winds and voices of your kids and see what adjustments need to be made to reach harbor. #masterychat
A4: That’s a tough one. On my 3rd principal in 2 years, so I’m hoping to loop with my 6th graders for the next 2 years to make connections with them and their community to find out what they need and how to help them gain mastery. #masterychat
A4: You really need to know your Ss and where they are at currently. You also have to be honest with yourself and know where you are at and areas of growth to benefit your Ss. Communicate with and lean on staff for support through the process. #masterychat
It gives you idea of whether the direction of the class is working. You might have to change something about the journey on the way to the destination. Observations are key as some Ss shy away from honesty that hurts. Anonymous surveys work well. #MasteryChat
Q4: A destination isn't good enough!! A GPS must also know where you are RIGHT NOW in relationship to where you want to go. Why is this critical & how do you do it? #MasteryChat#tlap#LeadLAP
A4) If you know where you are on the course to your destination, you will have a better idea what turns to make along the way. Conversations with Ss and staff go a long way with this! #MasteryChat
Q4: A destination isn't good enough!! A GPS must also know where you are RIGHT NOW in relationship to where you want to go. Why is this critical & how do you do it? #MasteryChat#tlap#LeadLAP
A4 For culture it’s important to check in with Ss. Ask them how they think things are going. Also Ts need to be reflective. For academics, formative assessment is crucial. You need to make course corrections along the way. #MasteryChat
A4: Be open to what assessment is...formative is a check on Ss, Summative is a check on Ts...As Hattie tells us, we always try to measure learning, but do we focus on measuring our impact? #masterychat
A4 No two people are at exact same place. Find out what place that it is by building relationships. Then you will move forward at the speed of trust. #MasteryChat
A4 We have started filling out a form with 1 Q asking what stuck at the end of each class credit to @blueskyschoolca , this way I can see where Ss are. As well we reflect weekly via google form to check in & see what we need to continue or do better. #masterychat
When a teacher tells me they haven't failed in their class recently, I think two things. They are either delusional...or they are playing it too safe. Safe lessons are a recipe for mediocrity. #MasteryChat#tlap
A4: As an admin or a teacher, you need to be present & engaged as well. Talk to your students or staff. Ask them questions, let them speak, and do the most important thing: listen. #masterychat
Q4: A destination isn't good enough!! A GPS must also know where you are RIGHT NOW in relationship to where you want to go. Why is this critical & how do you do it? #MasteryChat#tlap#LeadLAP
A4 You have to know where you are to know what's needed next. Formative assessments and observations give you current data to chart your course. #masterychat
A4: not all Ss are at the same place. It’s important to figure out what you can do to make it better and fit each new day. Talking to Ss that day. Ss body language. Making sure what you’re teaching is relevant to Ss and they can build off of it years later. #masterychat
Q4: A destination isn't good enough!! A GPS must also know where you are RIGHT NOW in relationship to where you want to go. Why is this critical & how do you do it? #MasteryChat#tlap#LeadLAP
A4: Important for communication within a culture of learning. Instructor and Ss articulating their perceptions of where the learning is currently positioned. #MasteryChat
Struggling with tiered supports? Our intervention library is loaded with the best options from @khanacademy and other fabulous resources. We make sure you know the right move to help kiddos who need a little extra! #masterychat
Hit get started!
A4: Before you set out, you need to know where you are starting from. Gathering feedback from students, parents, colleagues, leaders, and community members helps guide you forward. #MasteryChat
Q4: A destination isn't good enough!! A GPS must also know where you are RIGHT NOW in relationship to where you want to go. Why is this critical & how do you do it? #MasteryChat#tlap#LeadLAP
A4. Use formative assessments and other types of feedback as well when working with Ss on learning material. If more time is needed to work in small groups or 1:1. You need to know where you are, your Ss are standing, and where you intend to go! #masterychat
A4 If you don't know where you are, how do you successfully plan the best route to where you need to end? A plan needs to be based in reality. #MasteryChat
Question: What's the best way to get specific feedback from students on my teaching/the year? I've made a lot of mistakes in my first year...but want to see their perspective as we near the end. A little afraid of middle schoolers being rude...:P #MasteryChat
A4: Temperature checks are critical to the success of the individuals and the class. Checking in helps me realize if i need to slow down and reteach or speed up and create challenge! My students chart the course.. not me! #MasteryChat
Q4: A destination isn't good enough!! A GPS must also know where you are RIGHT NOW in relationship to where you want to go. Why is this critical & how do you do it? #MasteryChat#tlap#LeadLAP
Yes, Rae! Reflection is absolutely essential to our craft. We don't need to go back to the drawing board. We need to constantly be at the drawing board. #masterychat#waledchat
A4- It is important to evaluate how you are progressing so you can adjust and improve your plan.Informal conversations, surveys, honest reflections .... It is essential that you have established trust so stakeholders feel safe providing honest feedback. #masterychat
A4: Learning isn’t a “one-sized-fits-all” game, thus diagnosing leaners stepping off point is essential to ensure their journey is most personal / purposeful. #SameProcessWorksForDoctors#masterychat
Q4: A destination isn't good enough!! A GPS must also know where you are RIGHT NOW in relationship to where you want to go. Why is this critical & how do you do it? #MasteryChat#tlap#LeadLAP
A4: Sometimes I feel that Educators/Admin do not accept the reality of our day to day - This causes for false expectations and unreliable support. #MasteryChat
A4: THEIR reality is much more valuable than what we perceive it to be. We are there for THEM. I create Google Form surveys every qtr where they anonymously share their opinions. Some Qs are based on a scale & others are not. It drives my instruction the next qtr #MasteryChat
Q4: A destination isn't good enough!! A GPS must also know where you are RIGHT NOW in relationship to where you want to go. Why is this critical & how do you do it? #MasteryChat#tlap#LeadLAP
A4: Reflection is critical to learning. Self + peer assessments help students to pause. Regular feedback to the teacher models assessment + learning for all. It’s a journey, sometimes a look back does wonders. #masterychat
A4 How can you reach Ss where they are if you don't know where they are? You must use data WISELY, not just to collect data. You must preassess & then USE those results to plan instruction. You must formative assess & then USE those results to plan next steps #masterychat
A4: The RIGHT NOW is so important as it is your school's context, and it I this context that must be considered in determining what is needed in order to get where you want to go. #MasteryChat