#K12talent Archive
#K12Talent chat is for K-12 HR professionals or any school leader interested in learning more about human capital leadership. Topics include: rewards/recognition, recruiting, hiring, interviewing, difficult employees.
Tuesday August 9, 2016 9:00 PM EDT
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TODAY’S TOPIC: On-Boarding in
Don’t forget to respond to our Q's by using A: and !
Q1. Let’s start off with introductions! Share your name, position, and location!
A1: Leslie- I am the Membership Coordinator with AASPA in Overland Park, KS.
A1: Kelly here with joining you from lovely Shawnee, KS this evening
A1: Jon Bartelt, Supt, Bloomingdale SD13, IL and currently in Bed Bath and Beyond, not the Cubs game for sure!
Q2: What is your definition of On-Boarding? How does it differ from Orientation?
A2: from my friend https://t.co/WOLPhhcldz
For real: embrace new staff, surrounding & support them w mentor, be in classroom to coach and encourage
A2: Had a great discussion earlier this week with regarding transactional vs. personal Never quite answered fully
Q3. Is your On-Boarding Program done in conjunction with Orientation? Which one is district level? Which is building?
A3: As I chat with myself - I think Onboarding is District and Orientation is Building but others have said I have it backwards
Q4: How does your On-Boarding Program prepare your teachers for the culture of your district/school?
A4: A good Onboarding program should give you a great start to the year with regards to the culture of your district and building
On-boarding is building level; orientation is district level.
Got to love culture https://t.co/vauIA9PDmH
A2 When there is great culture U can see it in the way people treat each other, hear it in the words spoken & feel it in the heart
Q5. Do you utilize veteran teachers for On-Boarding or just administrative staff?
A4. As a BD teacher, my on-boarding was always a little different...
A5: I think we can agree that using veteran teachers is an awesome practice in
Q6: What ideas could you share to make an On-Boarding Program more personal and culture/climate focused?
Q7. Do you use your On-Boarding program for recruitment purposes?
A6: Joel says - we should all dress in same shirts at Orientation and make them buys one too
A6: Just kidding It is always important to use humor to break the ice and start networking
catching this in between pitches but all admin is wearing same shirt this year.
Q8. Any final words of wisdom you’d like to provide on today’s topic?
A3: Orientation = introduction, On-boarding = investment
A4: on boarding brings every employee vested in each other's success - complete buy in
A5: Everybody, that includes support staff as well. Organizations are about everyone
I like this We need to always invest in our good folks. https://t.co/M6tC6szIHc
A3: Orientation = introduction, On-boarding = investment
I don't think that there is a standard to on-board new talent - it has to be genuine and heartfelt so that staff feel safe
Thank you chat participants – see you on the next 8pm CDT on Tuesday. August 23, 2016!
A8.2: Safe to take the risks in the effort to do right by students. Creating a culture that can reflect and grow together
sorry I was late for the real time chat - you think you could find the right pillow at BB&B