A1: give big smiles, bigger hugs, and loads of comforting words to parents and kiddos alike! All while looking for students’ strengths! And teaching procedures. : ) #WeareWayne
A3: Build Relationships with students. Create a positive classroom environment with clear routines and structures. Students enjoy knowing your expectations and they need to feel welcomed. #wearewayne
A1: Welcome students and let them share, share, share! The last thing kids want to do when they first come back to school is sit down and be quiet! #wearewayne
A3: Set classroom expectations from day one. Start building relationships from day one. Cherish the days that you get with your students. You may not get to teach a student for very long. Every student is positively impacted by you somehow! 🗣 #waynechat#wearewayne@wle_elem1955