Welcome to tonight's #WeAreMCPS Twitter Chat! The topic for this evening is: "Attacking Assessment in Instruction". Here is our agenda for this evening.
A1: Assessment leads my instructional pathway. It's important to understand where remediation or enrichment is needed. It also helps me to determine what has been effective and what might need to be tweaked. #WeAreMCPS
A1: Assessment of learning is important in guiding our planning and instruction and helping students become more aware of their own strengths, weaknesses, and progress. #WeAreMCPS
A1: Assessments are critical to the educational process. Without them, teachers would never know when to move on to the next subject, or how to help students understand concepts better.
A1: Assessments help me determine deficits, which drive my instruction. I also keep assessments in mind while creating instructional groups. #WeAreMCPS
A1: Formative assessment drives future instruction. It allows you to be responsive to student needs DURING the learning. Summative assessment measures learning at the END, with no opportunity to reteach – like FSA/EOC. #WeAreMCPS
A1- Assessment is important, because it’s your road map to instruction. It tells you what the Ss know and where they still need to go. #WeAreMCPS#twitterchat
A1: Assessment of learning is important because it is how we determine if a student has mastered a skill or successfully learned the content being taught. It is how we determine the students’ progress toward their learning goal and what our next step(s) should be. #wearemcps
A1. Assessment’s allow us to see which standards students are understanding vs. what they are still grappling with. Effective assessment can lead to better teaching to your students needs. #WeAreMCPS
A1: assessment of learning is important at every level. Ts must know what Ss know, what they are learning as the lesson progresses, & when they've mastered the standard. Without assessment, you can't meet Ss at their level. You can’t challenge them or fill gaps. #WeAreMCPS
A1: assessment is a crucial tool to guide instruction. I will meet with teachers to review assessment data to choose which science standards their students need additional support mastering #WeAreMCPS
A1- Assessment is important, because it’s your road map to instruction. It tells you what the Ss know and where they still need to go. #WeAreMCPS#twitterchat
A1: I also need to know if my students got what I taught. Sometimes I am so excited about my lesson, do a formative assessment and realize I have to change what I’m doing ASAP! #WeAreMCPS
A1: I also need to know if my students got what I taught. Sometimes I am so excited about my lesson, do a formative assessment and realize I have to change what I’m doing ASAP! #WeAreMCPS
I think the way we present the self-assessment piece and how well students buy in has a huge impact on its effectiveness, though. And that is a tough challenge to meet. #WeAreMCPS
I've been there! I'll fell like I just rocked a super lesson, give the assessment, and realize it wasn't as off the charts as I thought and have to revisit to figure out where I missed the students! #WeAreMCPS
A1-Christine- Assessment of learning allows teachers and students to know where they are currently and make instructional decisions to facilitateprogress. #WeAreMCPS
I think the way we present the self-assessment piece and how well students buy in has a huge impact on its effectiveness, though. And that is a tough challenge to meet. #WeAreMCPS
A2: For me I look at validity, reliability, and rigor. I ask is it really assessing the standard adequately? I also ensure that I am giving multiple opportunities/choices to show mastery. One size does not fit all; for kids as well as standards. #WeAreMCPS
A1: Assessment drives instruction. Continuous FA is necessary to determine if your students are "getting it". It allows for in the moment instructional adjustments. #WeAreMCPS
2. Some important aspects of assessment design includes enabling students to have multiple opportunities to demonstrate mastery in a variety of ways. #WeAreMCPS
A2: planning assessment with the end goal in mind is essential to assessment design. You have to know where you want learning to go and then figure out how you'll know students are getting there. #WeAreMCPS
A2: Determine purpose (formative or summative). Definitely MUST be aligned to standards, performance indicators planned in advance, include multiple opportunities/methods for students to show what they know. #WeAreMCPS
A2: Student accessibility is critical! They should be able to see the data, interpret the results, and express where things are working and what needs to change. #WeAreMCPS
You are so right! One size most definitely does not fit all! Giving students opportunities to display their learning in a variety of ways is essential for a true indication of where they are at! #WeAreMCPS
A2: For me I look at validity, reliability, and rigor. I ask is it really assessing the standard adequately? I also ensure that I am giving multiple opportunities/choices to show mastery. One size does not fit all; for kids as well as standards. #WeAreMCPS
A2. It is important to create assessments that will aligned to the standards and give Ss the variety that they need to show their knowledge in the best way for them! #WeAreMCPS
A2: I usually design assessments before planning my lesson, starting with the end in mind. I am specific with what I want them to learn and make sure the terminology goes with the standard and then I use the same terminologyin the lesson. #WeAreMCPS
A2: Assessments must be worded clearly and should be tiered from easy to difficult throughout the assessment so students can build a confidence in themselves and what they know to attack the harder questions #wearemcps
A2- One of the most important parts of assessment design is knowing what type of assessment will give you the data you need to move your kids forward. #WeAreMCPS
A2: assessment should be varied and rigorous. We tend to think of assessment as paper and pencil. Who says that it has to be that way? Let students show what they know in various ways #WeAreMCPS
A2: I usually design assessments before planning my lesson, starting with the end in mind. I am specific with what I want them to learn and make sure the terminology goes with the standard and then I use the same terminologyin the lesson. #WeAreMCPS
A2: Also, I want to make as many of my assessments as possible model either real-world tasks or at least tasks S’s will encounter at the next level. It’s important for them to be purposeful. #WeAreMCPS
It's not popular among the students, but I like to give open ended, short response assessments so that my students can show me the complete depth of their knowledge and so that I can reward them with some credit for knowing part of an answer #WeAreMCPS
Agreed! And it’s the perpetual thorn in English teachers’ sides. Giving meaningful feedback on writing is so difficult to do in a timely manner. If I’m honest, it’s my most constant struggle. #WeAreMCPS
A2: No matter what I’m doing I make sure to plan with students in mind. I have a variety of students as far as grade level, reading level and English fluency. I am assessing what I taught and need to ask in a way they can demonstrate it. #WeAreMCPS
Formative are the guiding force in my classroom. I need a daily check of how they're doing. Not just a cumulative perspective! It's so important! #WeAreMCPS
A2: Also, I want to make as many of my assessments as possible model either real-world tasks or at least tasks S’s will encounter at the next level. It’s important for them to be purposeful. #WeAreMCPS
A2: Assessment is as much for the T as it is for the Ss....
assessment should be viewed as a POSITIVE thing.... if Ss are stressed over assessment, then we should reflect on the adult perspectives of assessment
I've done "open book quizzes" as classwork to see if students can apply what they've read to comprehension questions. They love right there answers, but struggle with inference. #WeAreMCPS
Formative assessments for me often are just discussions and chats with the students. I can check for their understanding and mastery orally then see another picture of where they're at through other formats. @CRenfroe4EDU's Clipboard Cruisers™️ are awesome for this! #WeAreMCPS
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@Tessa_Noell, @CRenfroe4EDU, @CRenfroe4EDU
A2: Assessment is as much for the T as it is for the Ss....
assessment should be viewed as a POSITIVE thing.... if Ss are stressed over assessment, then we should reflect on the adult perspectives of assessment
I couldn't agree more! Students will only perform as confident as the feel, even if they know all the material. It is very important to put a growth mindset in place instead of a test mindset which tends to be very negative. #WeAreMCPS
A3. I often use @crenfroe4edu’s clipboard cruisers to determine immediately if students are grasping concepts. It allows me to take a step back during instruction to reteach any misconceptions that students may struggle with. #WeAreMCPS
A3: Data from daily formative classroom assessments as well as summative assessments, district assessments and program assessments are what I use to drive instruction. #wearemcps
Formative assessments for me often are just discussions and chats with the students. I can check for their understanding and mastery orally then see another picture of where they're at through other formats. @CRenfroe4EDU's Clipboard Cruisers™️ are awesome for this! #WeAreMCPS
In reply to
@Tessa_Noell, @CRenfroe4EDU, @CRenfroe4EDU
A3: formative assessment should be a driving force when designing instruction & should be ongoing throughout a lesson. That, coupled with data from resources like iReady, can help teachers focus on strong standards based formative & summarize assessment & instruction. #WeAreMCPS
A3. My data comes from both my observations of Ss self-corrections and games like Kahoot! and summative assessments together to best help my Ss succeed. #WeAreMCPS
I like discussion but I also LOVE exit tickets. 1 question requiring writing or summarizing. Gives me a hard and fast they know it or they don’t. I try to utilize a ticket at lest 4 our of 5 days. Not to mention built in bell ringer to review their previous answers. #WeAreMCPS
A3- I use a variety of assessment data, but I find the most meaningful data is what I see when the student is sitting right in front of me for conferencing. It really helps me see their thought process. #WeAreMCPS
A3: Observations, discussion, and student led explanations are used daily. Students learn the most and demonstrate mastery through teaching others. This in combination with my summative assessments give me a big picture of student mastery. #WeAreMCPS
A3: The most important question to ask ourselves, “How will we KNOW when students have ‘got’ it?”- Students should be given multiple ways to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding #WeAreMCPS
A3- I use a variety of assessment data, but I find the most meaningful data is what I see when the student is sitting right in front of me for conferencing. It really helps me see their thought process. #WeAreMCPS
A3: I used observation of student work during the learning (anecdotal records) and weekly 5 question quizzes to make sure I observed accurately. I never gave tests. I didn’t need to. We had district quarterlies (like QSMA) that I could use in a summative manner. #WeAreMCPS
A3- Assessment data should used daily as well as cumulative. Daily assessment allowed you to change direction with your instruction as needed, especially using tools such as @plickers#WeAreMCPS
I love that you are always looking for different and engaging ways to assess your students. You were just talking to me about your new idea! #WeAreMCPS
A3: When I was in the elementary classroom, I used data from the DRA, Running Records, Rubrics, Student Conferences, Unit Assessment... just to name a few.
Q3: As a writing teacher, I used data from performance tasks, whether it was formative or summative, to inform my instruction. It is more important for the students to generate and use that data. #WeAreMCPS
A3: In my classroom we mostly use formative assessments so students can easily and quickly check their comprehension as we go. These typically consist of large and small group discussions as well as partners being responsible for explaining concepts to each other #wearemcps
A3: Variety is essential in assessment. No one tool is enough. I like Quizziz, I-Ready, Read program data, classroom data like exit tickets, Clipboard Cruising, writing samples, anecdotal. I feel a pattern... I like multiple data points. #wearemcps
A3: QSMA’s have honestly been pretty eye opening. I like to use things like Kahoot, but don’t use it nearly enough. I also love setting things up as a “survey”. I think it makes S’s more open to it. #WeAreMCPS
A3: I use any data I can get my hands on. I will say that formative assessments allow me immediate knowledge as to if I need to elaborate or even skip some of my lesson plan. #WeAreMCPS
All data should drive instruction... what other purpose is there?
Different assessments have different purposes; therefore the data is used at different “stages” of the lesson
A3 I also use data from IXL to form small groups. It has great reports showing where students are in a skill, and within the skill whether they are in lvl 1-lvl5. Helps form my fluid small groups. #WeAreMCPS
You create daily performance indicators of mastery based on the know/do of the standard, modifying for pacing. A standard/benchmark that tasks a few days to teach would have segmented performance indicators by day. #WeAreMCPS
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@drheidi2007, @MsFleenorELA, @Tessa_Noell
A3- I use whatever the students working on as assessment. Whether verbal, written, modeled, etc , I can gain info about my students’ level of understanding and then give them feedback (usually in the form of a question) to help them grow. #WeAreMCPS
When I am going around and speaking to Ss I have a rubric with me. They help me to break down each standard into steps toward mastery. If Ss are getting close to mastery then I know I need to challenge them more with enrichment opportunities. If not I can reteach. #WeAreMCPS
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@drheidi2007, @Tessa_Noell, @CRenfroe4EDU
A3: I also like to use real-world projects that relate to topics we are learning in class that we build on throughout each unit culminating in a presentation at the end to share their learning with both myself as well as other classmates. #wearemcps
Right. Almost anything can be used as informal assessment. If the info we get from an assignment is not valuable to us, we shouldn’t be assigning it. #WeAreMCPS
A3b- everything we do is assessment. It doesn't have to be formal or even tied to grades. All of our daily observations are assessments and our decisions should be made based off of them #WeAreMCPS
Right. Almost anything can be used as informal assessment. If the info we get from an assignment is not valuable to us, we shouldn’t be assigning it. #WeAreMCPS
Although there are many sophisticated assessment tools, it’s important to not overcomplicate assessment- you can gain a wealth of information by interacting and questioning students! #WeAreMCPS
My QSMA results have been eye opening. Ss under the topic when I teach it, but when they get it again 5-9 weeks later...it's written in secret code to some. Even with daily review/math kickstarts. #WeAreMCPS
A4. Depending on the assessment, feedback can be that day. Most of my feedback comes on a daily basis for my formative assessments. However, summative assessments generally take a bit longer to provide valid feedback. #WeAreMCPS
Definitely! The students must understand completely how they can demonstrate mastery. If they can create the rubric then they understand all of the components necessary for mastery. #WeAreMCPS
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@drheidi2007, @Tessa_Noell, @CRenfroe4EDU
A4: Feedback was immediate. I worked in the “power zone” all the time. I never sat down. A teacher on their feet is worth two in their seat. Students also received structured feedback from their classmates through @seesaw. #WeAreMCPS
I love doing centers, I feel like I am able to give immediate feedback with what they are working on in front of me. It also gives me chances to conference with them about other data and what books they are reading! #WeAreMCPS
A4: Ts can provide immediate feedback while circulating the room & reviewing Ss progress. Some feedback, such as iReady data chats or essay chats may take a little longer. The bottom line, the goal should be to provide feedback while it's still relevant! #WeAreMCPS
Q4: when I think of timely I have to balance out the purpose of the assessment. If formative than timely is within a class period. If summative timely can a little more lax. #WeAreMCPS
The students really love getting to take part in creating rubrics. They enjoy having a say in the criteria I use to grade them and measure their learning. I feel that when I allow them to help me create the rubric, I get more quality out of the work they are doing #WeAreMCPS
In reply to
@drheidi2007, @MsFleenorELA, @Tessa_Noell, @CRenfroe4EDU
A4: I love to have data chats in my classroom. Allowing Ss to set their own goals as well as analyzing their progress. Student ownership is so important. I also think it’s important to give Ss regular specific feedback even just orally or a quick note on their paper. #wearemcps
A4- I feel like that depends on the assessment. There are times when you can give immediate feedback, there are others where it might take a couple of days. The most important feedback is feedback that allows Ts and Ss to reflect and adapt while it's relevant #WeAreMCPS
A4: "Timely" depends on the depth of the assessment. I offer daily/immediate feedback with classwork/formative assessments. However, for more long form summative assessments I offer feedback within a week. It needs to be timely as well as valid and informative. #WeAreMCPS
A4. ASAP. I really like to try to give my Ss as immediate as possible. This is to ensure Ss have the assessment fresh in their minds when reviewing feedback. Google Classroom and other tech tools have definitely helped make this happen! #WeAreMCPS
A4: Timely feedback should be no more 3 school days after the summative assessment. I strive to get all assessments returned to students within 1 to 2 days For formative assessments, feedback should be almost immediate to the students #wearemcps
A4: Like I said before: my greatest struggle. As a young, childless teacher, I could pour hours over a set of essays in a weekend. Not anymore. Timely, for me, is as fast as I can. I have no pretty answer for this one, and am always searching for suggestions. #WeAreMCPS
A4: Timely is immediate! Conversations, probing questions that are preplanned, and encouragement. We focus on effort and know that learning involves mistakes. My kids feel safe and are not afraid of feedback. Approach matters. #wearemcps
A4 I score and give back assignments and assessments within 4 days (math/sci) I conference with students who didn't do well and give them the opportunity to correct their mistakes. #WeAreMCPS
Q4: Feedback needs to be timely enough to be relevant to the Ss learning, but the best way to make sure that it is timely is to involve Ss in the feedback process. Collaborative grouping, peer-editing, and student driven item analysis are great strategies for this! #WeAreMCPS
A4. ASAP. I really like to try to give my Ss as immediate as possible. This is to ensure Ss have the assessment fresh in their minds when reviewing feedback. Google Classroom and other tech tools have definitely helped make this happen! #WeAreMCPS
A4: Feedback is an important of a culture for learning. We learn when we engage in reflective thinking- celebrate success and challenge with next steps #WeAreMCPS
A4: Like I said before: my greatest struggle. As a young, childless teacher, I could pour hours over a set of essays in a weekend. Not anymore. Timely, for me, is as fast as I can. I have no pretty answer for this one, and am always searching for suggestions. #WeAreMCPS
A4- “Timely” means providing feedback at the most beneficial time for the student to process it and facilitate in their growth. Immediately after may not be timely if the student isn’t ready to process it in a beneficial way. #WeAreMCPS
So true! I have some who instantly want help. I tell them they need to grapple with it, try a strategy we've learned, review your math notebook. Don't just say, 'I don't get it'. #WeAreMCPS
A5. Students self assess by discussing with peers and explaining what they’re doing, why and how they are utilizing their skills. For example, students recognize when I pull out the clipboard cruisers their own level of mastery. #WeAreMCPS
So true! I have some who instantly want help. I tell them they need to grapple with it, try a strategy we've learned, review your math notebook. Don't just say, 'I don't get it'. #WeAreMCPS
A5: My students had data folders we updated weekly scored through @gradecam. After every quiz, they marked their proficiency in the standard that was assessed. I kept track of the class progress on the wall. I circulated and praised and offered support. #WeAreMCPS
A1-Assessment of learning is essential as it ensures learning has “stuck.” It ensures learning conversations haven’t gone in one ear and out the other. It shows where there is room for growth and a need to reteach or provide a new experience to make learning concrete. #WeAreMCPS
A5: Rubrics and checklists are some of my favorite tools. Students determine where they are at on their rubric/checklist and then determine how they can improve or what they can adjust. Students take ownership of all of their work. #WeAreMCPS
A5: Regular self-assessment strategies are important and motivating for students. Conferencing, rubrics, and scales are just a few that I find very effective. #wearemcps
A5: At the end of each day we typically close with a brief discussion covering the concepts that were to be learned, or I leave them with a couple questions covering the content and have them bring questions about anything the following morning. #wearemcps
A5- In writing, my students worked to create a student friendly rubric that they could use to make sure their writing was at their best level. When I gave them feedback, I made sure to reference their rubric, so we were on the same page. #WeAreMCPS
A5: Just last week, I made a survey w/ a list of FSA Reading skills and asked S’s to rate their knowledge/ability on some “I can” statements. I’m using this to plan my review over the next week or so. #WeAreMCPS
A5: one way is making sure they are rereading the question/instructions/rubric and then releasing their work. I also have them redo most assignments and find out what they did wrong before going over it with them (I intervene where necessary). #WeAreMCPS
A5: I have fallen in love with gradecam my students can scan their sheets and see what their 1st attempt score is. Then they get to revise and correct for a 2nd chance. #WeAreMCPS
A5. Self assessment is so important in my class, I love using student ambassadors and partner/group work to help in that process. Ss ability to explain concepts shows a piece of their mastery of the standard to themselves and me. #WeAreMCPS
Yes! I always say, you get it, it's in your hand. What do you know understand. I then use guided questions to let them determine the answer, rather than just telling them what to do. #WeAreMCPS
Q5: Student created assessments build student ownership over their own progress. Rubrics and student generated rubrics are another great way to build in self-assessment. #WeAreMCPS
A5-Self-Assessment is everything! I love hearing how students feel they are doing through emojis, use of a red, yellow, and green stoplight, or using hand signs to quickly show me their sense of mastery. #WeAreMCPS
A5: self-assessment with a rubric works well for students. I have tried working with Ss to develop their own rubric for a project and was pleasantly surprised by their guidelines. #wearemcps
Yes! Ever since that first learning walk I've loved using student ambassadors. It gives them so much confidence in their abilities and I love hearing them explain concepts themselves! #WeAreMCPS
Q5 I use 'heart checks' where student rate their understanding with 1,2,3. Let's the student assess their own understanding and give me formative feedback. #WeAreMCPS
I love gradecam but I love the ability to reflect and correct even more. I think too often we just go with "one and done" which can be an unfair strategy. I know I appreciate when I have time to reflect and improve #WeAreMCPS
Wahoo! So glad we were able to participate in those together! #WeAreMCPS@MCPS_TeachLearn You are a rock star and have embraced your first year like a champ! So proud!
Yes! Ever since that first learning walk I've loved using student ambassadors. It gives them so much confidence in their abilities and I love hearing them explain concepts themselves! #WeAreMCPS
Yes! And I think they’re more likely to rise to high standards that they set for themselves, instead of viewing everything as us trying to make them do more than they want to. #WeAreMCPS
Clear expectations need to be communicated. Students should have a clear understanding of what is expected so they can authentically self-assess. #WeAreMCPS
Our PreK class had a special visit today from Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Heidi Maier! Miss Lambert, Mrs. Crawford, and all of our mini-mustangs enjoyed having the chance to show Dr. Maier the awesome things happening at RCE! #goteamrce#weareMCPS
I've had a pretty stellar backbone for my first year!!! I wouldn't even be able to fit all the tags in this tweet. MCPS has welcomed me with wide open arms! <3
I loved using self-assessment rubrics in the classroom, and having Ss create their own rubrics based on the standards. Assessments can be fun when Ts get Ss involved in the process. It helps take the pressure off and creates a motivating learning environment! #WeAreMCPS
S&S: I love integrating technology into my assessment design for quick and efficient feedback! These are some of my top tech tools related to assessment!
S&S Love kahoot or anything that turns a formative Assessment into a game. I want to try setting up an escape room activity to assess skills, esp math content. #WeAreMCPS
My favorite assessment is having students explain it to each other, especially as they gain confidence through the year. Hearing students explain and discuss what you taught them is my favorite teacher moment. #WeAreMCPS
A5- My students would often chart/graph/in some way document their level of mastery and then they would access activities to help them grow in the standard/skill of their choosing based on their personal data. #WeAreMCPS
S & S: I love @GetKahoot for formative, but I’m sure most people know it well. I’ve also had a lot of luck the few times I’ve experimented w/ essays/peer revision on Google Classroom. Peer revision becomes formative and additional drafts can be summative. #WeAreMCPS