#caedchat is for California educators, by California educators. All are welcome as moderators and participants discuss issues that emerge in California education, which are generally applicable to other regions of the United States.
Kevin, Inst Tech Coord for Saddleback Valley USD in Orange Co, and VP of @SanDiego_CUE. I've done conferences as an attendee, presenter, and organizer!
A1 Getting out of the silo. Stepping back from the day-to-day work, and thinking long-term, big-picture strategy. Seeing what's new, and learning what I missed about what's old. Meeting new people.
A1. I attend conferences to hear first hand from the state level, hear from practitioners about what's working, awesome networking, seeking best practices from across the state. #CaEdchathttps://t.co/XLs7dCXjhi
Hi #caedchat - I’m David, HS English teacher, writer, Palo Alto, CA
A1: I love education conferences because it’s energizing to learn, to be among other motivated educators, to break routine, meet new people, etc. etc.
A1 being from a rural district, I attend to network with others science educators, get ideas for new lessons & tech integration & to share what works in my class. I often present to get free registration. #caedchat
I see conferences as almost like church retreats. Get away from our daily live with a bunch of likeminded individuals in an effort to refresh and refuel. #caedchat
A1) To learn, grow as an educator, and network with other amazing folks! I truly believe we are #bettertogether and none of us are smarter than all of us! #caedchat
A1: I attend conferences because I consider myself a lifelong learner. Some of the best new ideas for lessons I get at conferences I attend. I love networking and meeting my Twitter PLN IRL. #caedchat
A1 LEARNING. Its a great way to connect with other educators, meet tweeps IRL, they invigorate my practice. I teach in a small district, cons put me in contact with innovations, new ideas, etc.
I love this perspective! We talk so much about #PersonalizedLearning in the classroom, but educators also need to get the PD that meets their needs! #caedchat
A1 being from a rural district, I attend to network with others science educators, get ideas for new lessons & tech integration & to share what works in my class. I often present to get free registration. #caedchat
A1 I *present* at conferences as a way to give back to the community and profession, in a small way. And I always learn something new when I present, too.
A1b: Reflection! Going to a conference can be a great time to step back and meta cognate on why you tried something or why it was successful! #CaEdchat
A2 I always try to follow the presenters on Twitter so that I can keep l arming from them. It keeps their ideas popping back into my consciousness. #CAedchat
District PD is great for some things, but getting beyond is essential to grow and find new ideas. Ideally, the district PD will give you a chance to share your conference learning with everyone, but unfortunately this isn't the norm. #caedchat
A2: online/Twitter PLN, #caedchat and various networks, #edcamp and other local opportunities to share - but it really only sticks if it gets into the classroom, and then, to be honest, I tend to hunker down and power thru a lot on my own
A1 - I only succeed at this maybe 50% of the time! I save presentation resources and try to try out new stuff, but what sticks is what I can use pretty immediately. It helps to share Qs and As with colleagues. #caedchat
A2: being picky. Choosing to pick one or two ideas at a time to run with-often I pick a theme/topic of sessions to attend at a conference so they're all sort of related or could be easily tied together. #caedchat
A2. Sometimes I add a calendar reminder to come back to something and include a link. Conferences are often full of dense learning, so coming back to it is essential to ensure you apply it. #CAedchathttps://t.co/33s6JQqHff
A2: I try to take copious notes, follow them on Twitter and share, share, share what I learned with others. Telling others reminds me of what I collected and wanted to bring back. #caedchat
A2: When I encounter a new practice or fresh application, I usually go home and do more research, take a deep dive into the literature and reflect. #caedchat
A2 Also, allow yourself "think time" AT the conference itself. Don't go to every session. Take an hour to sit and process what you've already learned.
A2 I try to follow the presenter and if possible interact with them on Twitter. So many people are so generous with their time and ideas. Also, I share as much as possible with colleagues. By recapping and sharing, I continue to grow as well. #caedchat
A2: Recognize 2 things: 1. The world is changing faster than EDU, 2. There is no One-best-way to teach which is mastered in the first 5 years of our careers! #CaEdchat. #EverForward#LifeLongLearner
Q1: Conferences are highlight of my teaching career. Life long learning is an essential component in education.We must model what we teach! I am especially interested in our EL community & infusing technology in the classroom.
Q2 I am so fortunate to have amazing peeps. We share our learning and help each other to work through implementing little things right away! #caedchat@KrisciaCabral
A2 Also, allow yourself "think time" AT the conference itself. Don't go to every session. Take an hour to sit and process what you've already learned.
A2 Gotta follow all the presenters! I also create a drive folder with all the presentation resources so I can go back and see all the good stuff I missed. #caedchat
A2) I have an amazing teaching team that shares & works together across curriculum for our shared Ss, these days I’m reading @burgessdave press books, #ditchsummit & @NSTA Learning Den Webinars. I lucky to be able to try new things immediately. #caedchat
Karyn from So Cal joining late. A1 Why go to conferences? For collaboration, inspiration, knowledge, meeting up with Twitter buddies in person, and fun! #caedchat
A2: When I attend a conference with a group we debrief and make a plan about how we will use something we have learned and how we will share it with others in our district. #CAedchat
A2: I like to follow the presenters. I may DM them with questions after if I really enjoyed the presentation. And I definitely try to implement anything new I learned right away. #caedchat
When we go as a district cohort we have a shared document with all the presentation materials from sessions I couldn’t get to. It’s such a goof tool to go back to. #caedchat
A3. Tweet like crazy while I’m there. Add to meeting agendas to share out when I get back. Starting to share out with regional stakeholders through email updates. #CAedchathttps://t.co/2vfTYKvALb
How might we spread that LOVE for all to have teaching teams like this?
How might we remove barriers and isolation between our peers and all the around us.
We have one of the greatest WHYs in the world. #LOVE. #CaEdchat
A2 Taking and keeping notes in #OneNote. I have a conference one with section groups for various conferences. Easy to search for ideas I learned and shareable. Sharing with others really helps. Getting ideas off each other, adapting, altering, building on. #caedchat
Q2: I am always the first to jump in to new ideas! I find myself obsessing over every detail. I love to lead in all aspects and when things do not go as planned I am the first to reflect and share my mistakes so others will not repeat them. #caedchat
a2) I'm horrible at keeping resources organized, and in a place where I will remember... I learn the most after the conference sessions by following the presenters, talking to others about concepts learned & following up with the ideas presented through own research! #caedchat
A3: I share directly with my team... I create a learning experience and I share via @googledrive or I print a copy... I share in shared team drives, I present, I post on @TpTdotcom ...
In reply to
@KrisciaCabral, @googledrive, @TpTdotcom
A2: Sustained learning on one thing - not sure. Sustaining a level of inspiration to keep learning? I really think twitter chats have helped me with this. #caedchat
A3: Get hyped and share the LOVE. People should know the ideas because you are sooooo pumped to get to work for Ss! Talk to people, Carpool to and from events. Grab a meal togheter!
#Communicate! #CaEdchat
A3 #OneNote, blogging, posting to YouTube, training teachers, posting to our district Facebook group, #edcamp, sometimes posting to my personal Facebook page when REALLY excited, etc. #caedchat
A3 Shared docs with your school or district group is a great strategy. Also tweeting out big ideas. Afterwards, sharing in person with colleagues who weren't there. #caedchat
A3 I share w/ digital PLN, I’m hoping to host a local free science lab share in my county so we can share & demo MS labs & I try to share with others in my district when we have time together. I often invite site peers to visit my class K-8 & admin. #caedchat
A3: Get hyped and share the LOVE. People should know the ideas because you are sooooo pumped to get to work for Ss! Talk to people, Carpool to and from events. Grab a meal togheter!
#Communicate! #CaEdchat
A3 Luckily I get to present to my staff regularly. So I pick and choose the highlights for each content and present an overview to the staff and then ask to attend the various Dept meetings to show the specific tools in detail. #caedchat
A3 I do my best to share my learning with my team first, and then spread it to others as much as I can. Some will take it and run. Others will just run. @KrisciaCabral#caedchat
a3) Through Twitter and other social media... or I just share it there and then with my networks! Last yr I made a Google site with @cueinc resources! #caedchat
A3: Tweeting along the way, sending emails to my peeps, shared folder w/information, presenting at staff/grade level mtgs. Informal lunch chats. #caedchat
A3: Hoping in late to one of my favorite chats! Share with anyone willing to lend an 👂🏼but believe that if you have value to share then the mediums are there. Print, video, blog, podcast, F2F. #caedchat
A3 I do my best to share my learning with my team first, and then spread it to others as much as I can. Some will take it and run. Others will just run. @KrisciaCabral#caedchat
Q3: As EL Liason I created a newsletter to share both site & district resources. I provide visuals, screencast, gamification & most important focus on our EL's. #caedchat
As many people on Twitter have stated, “Social Media.” I wonder how we can reach out to get new voices so we don’t create a divide between Woke and Not-Woke Ts.
Twitter can sometime be an Echo Chamber of thoughts. How do we model inclusivity?
I met some people I follow at a recent conference - including @HansTullmann. It's always great when you see people you follow and admire on Twitter IRL - even more so if they show up to a session you're presenting at! #validation#caedchat
A4: Following up is vital. New ideas aren't implemented in one day. It takes time and patience. Coaching can be the difference between giving up and going the distance #caedchat#bendingED
A3: I have a "TechBytes" newsletter that I share with my staff. A lot of my personal learning and "tips and tricks" I pick up at these conferences go into them...I then share that out to the teachers who I work with. #caedchat
A4: Sometimes what it takes is you taking the time to go to that colleagues room and do the activity with them. They feel supported and will take more of a risk with you there. Coaching is helpful. #caedchat
A4: Coaching could help support learning because its through teaching others that we solidify our own learning and knowledge. There isn't anything more powerful than teaching someone something that you've learned yourself. #caedchat
It is all about having that conversations and support. "How can we make this work for our students?" "What could this look like in my classroom? And then DO IT. #caedchat@KrisciaCabral
A4: Coaching is the necessary component to continue to lead teachers to greatness... coaches, supportive educators take in a role to seek best practices to best support student achievement and engagement! Plus they motivate and inspire! #CAedchat
A4: With a strong coaching model in place, teachers would be empowered to try new strategies without fear, knowing they’ll have guidance, support, and time and space for reflection. #caedchat
A4) we don’t have coaches or TOSA but coaches could team teach a new idea in classes then go team teach in other classes the same lesson. I think coaches are best resource to lead a lesson study. At conf, I meet lots of TOSA’s & wish more non TOSA’s attended. #caedchat
It is all about having that conversations and support. "How can we make this work for our students?" "What could this look like in my classroom? And then DO IT. #caedchat@KrisciaCabral
Hi I am a preservice teacher from Pennsylvania just chiming in! I love that you use blogging as a way of reflecting on your teaching! In our education classes we learn how important it is to reflect on your lessons but I never thought of using it as a blogging platform! #caedchat
Districts-don’t bog down your coaches with jr. admin duties. Let them be free to be in classrooms every day to model lessons and support teachers. #CAedchat
I agree with you so much on this point! Too many districts pull TOSAs in hundreds of directions and expect them to garner information from the Conference and bring it back to overworked teachers. Get the teachers to go and fill their own cups! #CaEdchat
A4: Coaching is learning! We had some fabulous coaches in our district @TrPatel20@gregmoon. They inspire, but also lead by example. I think it's safe to say that its a partnership and we all learn together. Collaboration & inspiring those around you to grow. #caedchat #
#CAEDchat A1a A couple reasons. They’re #EduTherapy, esp the unconferences ones. A voluntary (#EdCamps usually Saturdays) gathering of educators has to be refreshing. 2nd: exposure to diverse ways of knowing & feedback.
A5. Strong level of expertise. Practitioner focused. NO INSPIRATION ONLY KEYNOTES - I want a practical message, not just an entertaining story. #caedchathttps://t.co/rA8JoDY448
How might we build a system in education like lawyers where the jr. Ass. becomes an associate then to partner and still does the same Lawyer work? #CaEdchat
A5: I love when I have a plethora of sessions to choose from. As a former SPED teacher, I love seeing SPED represented - I don't think conferences do that enough. Keynotes who can relate. Variety of presenters. A good lunch. Maybe some swag? That's what I remember. #caedchat
A5: 5 ingredients to a good conference: hands on sessions, time to reflect and plan, opportunities to connect and build your #pln, kickass keynotes, EdCamp sessions. #CAedchat
A5: 5 ingredients to a good conference: hands on sessions, time to reflect and plan, opportunities to connect and build your #pln, kickass keynotes, EdCamp sessions. #CAedchat
A5) lots of classroom educators presenting across lots of grade levels, sessions focus beyond content & building culture, short & long sessions, strong WiFi, love when all session materials shared on app or online. #caedchat
I believe there are some Ts that would benefit from an inspirational conference story to reignite their passion for Ss.
It can all be fluff though. #Balance.
A5 I appreciate the mini-sessions offered at the booths. I just shared again a tip I learned years ago at @cueinc. Sessions w/plenty of room OR when a conference records sessions so I can watch the ones I missed later like @ISTE. Our #techortreat came from one of those. #caedchat
a5) When I can go to a session that is meaningful to me, I get so much more out of it. I love that most conferences I attend now offer choices! #caedchat
A5: I most enjoy conferences that offer both practice- and research-based sessions. It’s important for educators and researchers to share the space to question and inform each other. #caedchat
A5 I appreciate the mini-sessions offered at the booths. I just shared again a tip I learned years ago at @cueinc. Sessions w/plenty of room OR when a conference records sessions so I can watch the ones I missed later like @ISTE. Our #techortreat came from one of those. #caedchat
A5 I like a good mix of sessions from different people. It is great to hear from teachers who have used what they are teaching in their classroom. #caedchat
A5: Finding the right session can sometimes be tricky! Planning, checking sched & attending with a large group is a great way to get the most out of a conference.#caedchat
A5: good variety of session topics along with multiple sessions in related topics, different kinds of sessions too-and links/materials. Places to chill with your PLN plus ☕️ #caedchat
A5 Affordability and access (geography etc) ar high on my list. Great presenters, including those we all know, but also classroom teachers we don’t know yet. Good food, learning makes me hungry. I like a nice vendor hall, but it’s not crucial. #caedchat
#CAedChat A5a Right up towards the top is parking (plentiful & validated). A safe well-lit space.
For paid conferences sometimes a big-name keynote draw.
Presenters who share cool stuff (as demo’d by social media - twitter, blogs, etc)
I see a system where no teacher is alone in a classroom. Teachers in training partner with veteran teachers to learn and experience teaching hands on. Once they meet criteria they can advance to a full teaching position. #CAEDchat
A5: Getting here late, but to add, appreciate conferences where info is shared out on Twitter in G format or another format for future reference #caedchat
A5: that question is too hard to answer! I like huge conferences with celebrity keynotes and #edcamp, I like subject specific and more general ed., local, state, inter/national…. It’s all good. Key ingredient? Just make it work for your needs and interests
Sometimes you need a little breather from all the practical and the inspirational sessions help you breath and reflect. #Diamondtime is one I will ALWAYS remember. @annkozma723#caedchat
A5: while attending a session I love to learn something new like a program... or app... having the presenter model their new strategy is awesome, and when they share... samples of their materials I ❤️ it! #CAedchat
A6: My colleague & I just started speaking at conferences this year. It's really helped me get out of my boxed & pushed me to be a better educator. We applied, got denied, applied some more. Don't get discouraged when your proposal isn't selected the first time. #caedchat
A6 - this one is easy...I learn WAY more presenting than I do attending a session. I have to research something, test it, try it out with Ts and/or Ss and I learn while presenting on the day. So much fun! #caedchat
#CAedChat A5b My very first #EdCamp in Abilene, TX in ’13. I knew zip about it. I’m not a K-12 teacher I didn’t know if I’d be welcome or turned away. 50+ later I know how welcoming they are.
A6: I get the opportunity to speak at conferences regularly. For me, I get to see if my ideas / research are applicable on a bigger scale. Do they resonate with educators across the city, state, and country? #caedchat#bendingED
A6: look for call to present or submit proposal on the conference website or in their publication(s). If you’re new to the process, ask someone who’s done it before, and/or consider co-presenting #caedchat
A5: Sorry (popping in late) but I have to say an excellent conference teaches you many new, practical techniques, while enticing you with collaboration, tasty food choices, some fun swag, books on sale, & a final contest or tech inspired Demo Slam! Love those most! #caedchat
I think we could learn from Lawyers, but school would look different for the adults.
Who get the hardest and most nuanced cases in a firm the top lawyer w/ her experience and track record.
Who gets the toughest to motivate and teach students…New teachers! #CaEdchat
A6 This ONE is usually blindfolded, handcuffed and forced in the backseat of a "patrol" car. But she will do it and get better at it, eventually. Being inspired by those around me, is helpful! @KrisciaCabral#caedchat
A6 I just presented a session for the first time #CETPA2018@CETPA. Was nervous, but really appreciated seeing people want to learn about #accessibility and #MicrosoftEDU, especially since many were IT, not educators. #caedchat
I’ve not been to many conferences. I learned AI2 App Inventor at a last minute session. It was so useful. I had been trying to learn on my own for a year. #CaEdchat
A6: I have learned the most when I present at a conference. Fine tune an idea and submit to present. Nothing will raise your teacher game like presenting! #CAedchat
I agree with you @ArcherEdTech. I learn a ton from sharing what I love to do! It’s a process but so rewarding in the end.
For those considering speaking, I’d start at an EdCamp, then work your way into a local @cueinc event! #CAedchat
A6 - this one is easy...I learn WAY more presenting than I do attending a session. I have to research something, test it, try it out with Ts and/or Ss and I learn while presenting on the day. So much fun! #caedchat
A6. If you know something is working you should want everyone to know about it! Put yourself out there and answer the call for presenters. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t get in the first time, try a smaller conference. #CAedchathttps://t.co/x3e6vddkBL
A6) free registration to speak and some even pay hotel & travel. Sharing what my Ss love about my classroom & offering lifetime collaboration. Encouraging & meeting new educators is always a goal. #caedchat
A6: speaking at a conference allows for you to share the great things you are doing in the classroom...
Supporting through sharing is the best recipe for teachers to encourage greatness! #CAedchat
A6 I presented a lot in 2018. It’s a lot of fun. It helps me meet people with similar interests. I love when people come to talk or ask a question after a session or tell me on Twitter that I helped them. It’s validating, I know it impacts their students. #caedchat
A6: I enjoy speaking at conferences because I experience a feeling of solidarity with fellow educators, that we’re all in this together and trying our best to help each other grow. #caedchat
The first time I take teachers to a conference they get to consume. If they want to go again they have to present! Poster sessions or full sessions, it helps them grow when they are expected to share their learning. #CAedchat
A6 this is huge area of growth for me. I’ve learned a lot from presenting and it is still WAY out of my comfort zone. I feel like each time I present I learn more about my practice and it’s helped me reflect in a whole new way. #caedchat
A6: as a speaker you can refine your "coaching" skills. It helps to refine your own practices when you present. Sign up for notifications or watch for calls for presenters. Usually posted when it will happen on websites. #caedchat
A6 - this one is easy...I learn WAY more presenting than I do attending a session. I have to research something, test it, try it out with Ts and/or Ss and I learn while presenting on the day. So much fun! #caedchat
A6 to present at a conference you need to plan ahead, many take session proposals months in advance. Find a partner to present with. Choose a topic you’re excited to talk about. Plan an outline, but work out the fine details later. #caedchat
#CAedChat A6a I think it’s the feedback I get. I must say my last two #EdTech presentations (#Realities360 & #CUENV) could have gone better. I shared what I knew about #ARVRinEDU & learned, esp from latter, how to stage resources for smooth delivery.
Years ago, I ALWAYS went to @DrDebbieSilver's presentations @CUE. To me, she's the #ErmaBombeck of education! (and if you don't know who Erma Bombeck is, 1) I'm old and 2) search @bing) #caedchat 😄
In reply to
@cathl7, @annkozma723, @DrDebbieSilver, @cue, @bing
#CAedChat A6b So I think presenting at conferences is about improvement.. informing the practice of attendees and presenters. Bonus if it’s a butts-out-of-seats create something presentation.
I love the planning and researching. Having a partner makes presenting more fun! I love presenting with my teacher bests @cathl7 and @Glynn_ed#CAedchat
A6 to present at a conference you need to plan ahead, many take session proposals months in advance. Find a partner to present with. Choose a topic you’re excited to talk about. Plan an outline, but work out the fine details later. #caedchat
A7: I have two coming up in January - @cuela Palooza and @iacue. I will be working Palooza (it's going to be #epic!) and then presenting @iacue. I'm also presenting at Spring @cueinc. So excited to get to share my passion w/ others. I just want to soak it all in! Learn! #caedchat
A6) Speaking can be scary at first but it's so rewarding to share what you know with others. Most the time I walk away learning from folks in my sessions too...Giving them an opportunity to share and reflect is essential! #caedchat
A6: Professional development & PLN building. I have had the opportunity to present w/ @hilz2teach & independently. I prefer a collaborative presentation.#caedchat
A7: I can’t wait to see more of a connection to real world application to learning... connections to the social-emotional aspects and a connection to standards mastery... plus the continued emphasis of creativity! #CAedchat
A1 #caedchat: Attending conferences gives me an opportunity to meet amazing #teachers who inspire with their passion to #education. I'm so thrilled to get meaningful feedback on @Shapes3D and learn from #math teachers what is important to them and their ss when using #edtech.
A7 - at my next conference I hope to see some more #ngss stuff. I can't do #edtech all the time...there is more to my job now. And a mix of #cangss with edtech would be ideal! #caedchat
A7) I’m hoping to find something local this summer to teach me about 3D printers & give me hands-on experience. all my other confs will be virtual. I’ve done extensive summer institutes for almost 25 years. Now have caregiving responsibilities. #caedchat
#CAEDchat A7a Spring #CUE is my next conference. I hope to ask @iOgrapher more questions around audio and video capture during conferences.
I’d like to improve streaming presentations to my PLN, too. Like how to make it a story #NOTAT attendees can share the experience.
A7: I am always looking for more resources for our EL's, integration to technology and ELD standard mastery. @TheTechProfe is one of my favorites to watch on stage!#caedchat
If you are thinking about presenting then it's probably time to apply! Come up with an outline of a topic you are passionate and knowledgeable about and see if it might turn into a conference presentation others could learn from. #caedchat
Pro tip for submitting a conference season : connect your session to research in best practice. And always be specific in what participants will DO in the session. #CAedchat
A9 @ISTE#ISTE19 It is HUGE with a lot of options, many sessions are recorded for watching later, and this year, it is in Philadelphia with amazing history (and food!) #caedchat