#TEDEdChat Archive
Sparked by the enthusiasm of teachers in the TED-Ed community, TED-Ed hosts #TEDEdChat on Twitter every Tuesday from 6-7pm ET.
Tuesday August 2, 2016
6:00 PM EDT
de esta tarde es sobre pensamiento crΓtico
A1: Try to address the embarrassment and emotions they may feeling about the mess up. Explain that risks are necessary.
A1: I know that growth mindset is huge, but how can we instill a growth mindset in our students?
A1 teach that there isn't always a perfect solution, but there is always a good methodology to follow
Take as aside and discuss the poor decisions and give them an alternative.
A1: oh wow, I guess giving Ss the confidence to ask questions and I still the idea that failure can lead to good things.π
A1. Show examples of how you yourself as the teacher has had similar experiences.
Welcome! A great point! Risk are an important park of growth.
Provide Ss to have another go with some extra guidance to help them reach the correct answer, use yellw box marking
hey Rachel Harlan, Elementary Education Major
celebrate creativity,diversity and all the fresh ideas that Ss have,instead of insisting on getting a specific answer
Wellcome, Perfection is impossible, but continually striving for excellence isn't. Great!
Yes, as hard as it is at times Ts can/should always lead by example.π https://t.co/U65HnyhfBO
A1. Show examples of how you yourself as the teacher has had similar experiences.
Welcome, What is yellow box marking?
encourage students to try again! Remind them they are not defined by the mistakes they make
A1: Make sure they understand why they chose the wrong decision or answer. Help them talk through their process.
I still should have been instil.π
It all comes down to a positive classroom culture
Were you ask the student to correct their work with extra help in a yellow box
So true, If anything they are defined by how they move past those mistakes!π https://t.co/8trTVhyHFN
encourage students to try again! Remind them they are not defined by the mistakes they make
A1: It is important to teach students that it is okay to be wrong and accept failure in order to become stronger.
Exactly - one where students can be authentic about their feelings and thought processes. https://t.co/ldmuAIEWMb
It all comes down to a positive classroom culture
I teach in med school. Mistakes later can harm patients. But we teach that medical errors are systemic in nature
Hi, Rachelle frm Pittsburgh, Span T A1 talk with Ss, work thru solution, offer support, open conversations, share exper
A1: Teach that mistakes are part of the learning process. It's about "Failing Forward"
No one got better by succeeding the first time
If you search yellow box marking I'm sure there's lots of better explanations and examples out there
Ask Ss 4 their favorite quote, you can quickly gauge their lvl of growth mindset, focus on the kids who don't mention hard work
Thanks, learned something new today :)
Overcome FEAR of errors- teach stds they are a valuable part of the learning process, for teachers too! https://t.co/DqFCe4sj6i
That is an interesting way to gauge their mindset. Is this something you do at the beginning of the year?
A1: Learning from mistakes is the best lesson we can learn! We must teach our students this!
Q2 coming up in a moment!
Q2 coming up in a moment!
"We MUST teach our students this" - It is a necessity
A1: Be an advocate for them, listen, help Ss realize mistakes/errors teach us valuable lessons.
A1: By helping them appreciate that failing is an integral part of learning.
A2. Critical thinking is complex deep thinking. To question first before accepting something as true. Examining all sides.
A2: always looking for a second possibly contrary answer to a question that's been asked.π
Critical thinking involves many skills that it can be difficult to define
Decisions may not have perfect outcomes, but offer lessons learned for future decision making.
analysing what you read and hear,based on criteria and not just accepting everything as a fact!
A2 Critical thinking is the process of thinking deeper than the base answer or challenge.
A3 - the ability to evaluate different angles of a situation & determine a solution based on the evidence https://t.co/DiOrwp54RE
CT Help us improve our decisions, and even more when we realize maybe we are not sure of what we want.Q2 https://t.co/oWxQFK9MgT
Questioning is an important life skill.
A2: critical thinking is thinking below the surface. Thinking from multiple perspectives. Challenging what you already know
A2: I think of the concept of the tenth person in the room when I think of defining critical thinking.π
critical thinking is to challenge yourself with views that are different from your own. Evolve your mind.
but how much do we model acceptability of failure! https://t.co/IjWC15KPFY
. A1: It's ok for students to fail; it's not ok to create failures. Encourage as learning from mistakes.
A2: Questioning the reasoning behind your decisions and how you develop that reasoning.
Reflection on past mistakes can help inform future decisions
When Ss need to work something out, a Ss ability to make a conclusion by analysing data or text
Hi all! Rylan in CA, stumbling in late. :)
Yes. ππ»ππ» https://t.co/mw5oXdC4l0
A2 Critical thinking is the process of thinking deeper than the base answer or challenge.
A2 being able to apply rigour to thought using all levels of Bloom's Taxonomy
A2: Analyzing, evaluating, perhaps even researching or digging deeper into what they've read, heard, learned, etc.
Indeed a challenge for the teacher :) requires being vulnerable and open
It is integral to question. Accepting everything as fact can have consequences
Yes! It's an examination that makes decision-making into a full-fledged process. https://t.co/inJS0Z5q9g
A2. Critical thinking is complex deep thinking. To question first before accepting something as true. Examining all sides.
A2 creating the rest of the puzzle even when you don't have all the pieces
A2- Critical Thinking is life. It's learning. It's sounding out ways of doing things & how & why. https://t.co/w4NEV1Cuv8
Or by giving them a task where there is more than one possible solution
To me, critical thinking requires Ss to integrate content and their experiences to create a product/devise a conclusion.
A2: Critical thinking puts acceptance on the back burner and questioning on the front.
I am talking wider school too. We celebrate success. Reward punctuality. Praise achievement. https://t.co/lkV3ahRsv2
Indeed a challenge for the teacher :) requires being vulnerable and open
A2: Critical thinking is exploring the hidden aspects of a subject and discovering light where it wasn't readily seen.
A2 Crit thinking is taking closer look, analyze and focus on diff areas of topic, evaluate, research, ask more questions
A2: How do our backgrounds, perspectives, cultures, etc. play a role in our interpretation. Can one opinion be MORE right?
among other things, it's self directed, analytical, and it's an evidence based process.
absolutely, see their process more clearly!π
Exactly! Accepting failure is important, but if you never learn from those mistakes, then you haven't grown
Agree. But behind every achievement, there is often a string of failures. Are we willing to tell the story?
A2: sorry still getting the hang of this. https://t.co/fyAsCnaRTy
critical thinking is to challenge yourself with views that are different from your own. Evolve your mind.
Critical thinking is to think with open mind and have lots of questions
at an individual level maybe. But we do not allow failure enough. We as educators didn't. We find it hard https://t.co/w8PzAwb263
Agree. But behind every achievement, there is often a string of failures. Are we willing to tell the story?
A2: It's important to point out that critical thinking is the driver that continues to broaden current body of knowledge
Often the process is more valuable than the outcome
A2: critical thinking is looking at different solutions to a problem and being able to apply knowledge to find solutions
exactly! We need to question any new info or knowledge that we receive every day!
I like the visual that creates! You may never have all the pieces you need to make a sound decision
A1 Teach resilience as part of what we do, teach students how to move on and past a poor decision/incorrect answer
A1: Overheard & liked this a lot: the subtle power of the word "yet". As in "you don't have the right answer yet".
I teach in med school. Failure may mean harming patients. Discussing medical errors is difficult.
I wouldn't call it failure, I would call it, steps to success. Failure feels so final.
A2: Carefully analyzing every possible scenario and outcome of a situation - discern & decide. https://t.co/UbjzGhRJhC
if you have 10 people In rm the job of the 10th person is to come up w alternatives even if all other 9 agree.π
A2 Application of scientific method - why, what, how, when, effect? Learn to question based on criteria & analyse results
like what you said about resilience. Some would call this grit. How to set it up so students develop this
Thats the push. To change the idea from failure being final to failure being those steps to success
Learning rarely happens as a straight line. It's what went wrong that points us in the right direction https://t.co/3E5YPdw1CG
Agree. But behind every achievement, there is often a string of failures. Are we willing to tell the story?
A2: I agree! I think at the heart of critical thinking is the ability to question. https://t.co/w0cUnVkCWC
Critical thinking is to think with open mind and have lots of questions
Ah, yes! I've heard it called the "Red team" before. It is a great strategy.
A2 critical thinking is collecting, analyzing, evaluating data to create your own thought or idea
The same can be said for teaching? :)
I would place emphasis on the 'analyzing' part. Collection +evaluation-analysis=status quo! https://t.co/33brbIqnOC
A2 critical thinking is collecting, analyzing, evaluating data to create your own thought or idea
TED_ED: Q2 coming up in a moment!
A2: Analyze situation. Determine what is the best solution/outcome for the current circumstance. https://t.co/UbjzGhRJhC
give Ss the chance to explore,to search about sth new they learned in class and come up with counter arguments
A3: I had a history Ts once that always asked us to come up with a second answer to question, leave our first answer behind.
Concentrate on your lesson planning and ensure that you provide the opportunity for critical thinking to happen
A3 I've used project-based learning. Allow students to solve a problem. Show a learning artifact.
Yes. It can. What failed in our class often helps us get it right the next time.
A3 providing challenge based problems that force them out of comfort zones
A3: Open ended, deep questioning, not providing ready answers->why do you think? what can you see? what did you find out?
Q3: Project-based learning encourages critical thinking. Encourages inquiry, analysis, evaluation, research, etc.
A3: I like collaborative strategies. Have Ss work through questions together to create better work than by themselves
yep, I like project-based learning too :)
A3 Ask some Q, give some scenarios, have Ss work togethr at 1st to discuss, eval, collab can help, build confidence too
A3 Using problem based learning & artistic expression.
Coming up w/ counter arguments is a great way to get Ss to question something they think is fact
A3: critical thinking can be encouraged by making Ss work with diff Ss, don't let get used to "group think".π
A3 asking 5 times "why" in order to explore deep into the problem
A3: giving Ss meaningful, relevant assignments! Asking Ss tough questions and being willing to engage in conversation
A3: Getting students to ask good questions and become problem finders helps to develop critical thinking.
. Failing and making mistakes is how we all learn. Transparency that it's part of the learning process is vital
One of the most important jobs we have as teachers is to teach our students how to problem solve with critical thinking!
Setting high standards are easy once mental/ internal opposition is eliminated. https://t.co/kW7AJkcRIM
is this feasible to always do this? This sets a high bar.
FAIL is First Attempt In Learning. Wow! https://t.co/VjAkTJ8ToW
Teach students from a young age how to move on, what strategies to use. On my wall:FAIL - First Attempt In Learning
That is a great way to get Ss to really research a topic or create a better answer to the question
A1 to help Ss overcome poor decision making,Ts can stretch Ss learning by leading Ss to question things & find creative solutions
What does critical thinking look like in your classroom?
A3: when looking at concepts don't just ask why, also ask really why...
A2 Critical thinking begins with mindset of one's right to define problem, then agency in expl & hypoth then actions yo solve.
A3 Instead of asking Ss "why" as "what are..."
It is important to teach our students different ways to approach a problem, there is NO one solution to anything!
A3: Ask Ss to identify areas a current solution or theory may have overlooked. Ask them to find a potential fault with an answer
A3: Ss can have older peers & professional mentors review their work, allow multiple iterations of projects
"Problem finders" - a great way to get them to own their learning when they come up with the questions themselves
A3 Allow students to solve real world problems and truly discuss why and how it helps.
. Q3: SS identify real world personally relevant problems, develop plans, make mistakes, analyze results, make decisions
A3: Project Based Learning (Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos)can help our students learn how to approach complex issues critically
he also would let us stick w first answer after we came up with a few more answers, and make our case.π
Exactly! https://t.co/T0oZYBofey
Coming up w/ counter arguments is a great way to get Ss to question something they think is fact
Get them used to differing opinions and work habits -> ready for future college and careers
A3-question matrix is a very good way to develop deeper thinking skills through use of questions https://t.co/7t5aYFJeaK
A3: Strategies: Identify & list: pros, cons, benefits, solutions, impact of decision and goals. https://t.co/zAD84j4jOA
Ive used alot of project work were there's no set answer and had Ss work through big concepts https://t.co/ZOPblXHJdp
. what roles do we allow SS to play in setting their own levels of standards? Important too
A3: Engage Ss in multiple perspectives, including those that challenge their own. Builds both intellectual rigor & .
Let's not forget the humble essay - being able to think critically on a topic & articulate it well https://t.co/7P1QRXcnWT
precisely, always try to widen their circles!π
This is so beautiful. I'm going to adopt it. Thanks! https://t.co/bPCXtThcfO
Teach students from a young age how to move on, what strategies to use. On my wall:FAIL - First Attempt In Learning
An in science there's plenty of opportunity for critical thinking when doing practical work
A3 make learning relevant to Ss & real world problems;if Ss see learning as applicable they are more willing to learn & apply it
Advocate for your ideas is another great skill for college and career readiness
Definitely, meaningful and authentic, prepares for future, collab and see diff sides
A3: PBL is effective for creativity & real life problems. After groups present & discuss...the redesign is most important lesson
. We must provide contexts for ss to explore curiosities to enable genuine questions for for critical thinking
and a little Art/Engineering involved I see! Having no set answer allows Ss to explore
That approach always works because it it offers a reward to learning via a solution to a problem. https://t.co/BSZhwqP8ux
A3 Allow students to solve real world problems and truly discuss why and how it helps.
To know about "what works" is good but awesome is to know how "what doesn't work" can "work"
A3: Questioning whenever there's a critical point of decision making and taking time with the process.
Empathy is definitely an important skill to impart on our Ss.
Yes. Challenging pupil ideas to push them to consider further. Or get them to challenge you. https://t.co/rTPUBcyzSL
Coming up w/ counter arguments is a great way to get Ss to question something they think is fact
Wrapping up Q3, on to Q4!
We consistently guide them at a high standard morally, socially and culturally (if able to relate). https://t.co/VPnTukX72D
. what roles do we allow SS to play in setting their own levels of standards? Important too
I love a bit of creativity
A3: 6 hats dynamic also Helps Ss to decide in a complex situations
A4 I think the Puzzle and paradox talks are a great way to facilitate critical thinking
Love how it teaches students critical thinking and also creates young people who care about the world outside of school
A4: showing innovative and diverse points of view
they give us food for thought,we can interpret sth in different ways and question the possible messages of the talk
A2: to strive the answer of "how but why?" as a single phrase is indication of critical thinking
Learning by our mistakes is a necessary part of developing our learning habits - don't give up!
A4: I started participating in this chat because of the opinions shared. Different opinions/experiences every week.π
A4: TED-Ed lessons help students to think critically about important problems and topics in our world today.
A4: it's a collaboration of best practices
we have the chance to agree/disagree with what is being said,discuss with other people and get to know their views on sth
Yes Mitch, I saw that firsthand as it's the theme of a project I'm currently running. https://t.co/HjJEG9MWTf
Love how it teaches students critical thinking and also creates young people who care about the world outside of school
A4: diverse points of view that sometimes challenge my views/way of thinking.π
A4-Shows a variety of viewpoints & challenges Ss to "think" about why, what, how, when, what if. etc deepening thinking
TED_ED: Wrapping up Q3, on to Q4
A4: TEDEd talks cover a wide range of topics. They create curiosity, which creates the desire question more and learn more.
A4 offer opps to see diff pts of view, ways of thinking, understand issues/problems faced, how to work thru, think, eval
A4: These talks often question what is and 'forces' listeners to view issues through new lenses and mind-bending logic.
A:4 Hearing people share their points of view and shake things up inspires us to do the same!
A4.TED talks pique students' interests & lead them to ask questions.
Curiosity lead to more questions and a better understanding of the world around us
A4-Fostering curiosity and "thirst" for knowledge a "want" to know why, how, what... developing a love of learning.
A4 Have Ss choose TED Talks they want to share and post to discussion forums!
A4 Love having Ss create their own TED-Ed lessons!
Agreed. Outside of classroom is where real learning begins & critical thinking is tested. https://t.co/yAaBptEOpw
Love how it teaches students critical thinking and also creates young people who care about the world outside of school
Especially the talks from Ss. Seeing Ss their age solve an important problem helps Ss to know they can do it too
There is often an AHA moment, or a shaking of the head, Really?! event - starts a learning journey.
Quite honestly, I often feel that TED talks help ME become a more critical thinker. :)
Lifelong learning is important - we can instill a love for learning young, Ss will lead successful lives
When Ss approach learning from the standpoint of finding a solution to a real-life problem, real magic happens!
So true! I have watched many for my own personal development - always learning! :)
Honestly TED talks ask of me to become more aware of the world around me.
Seeing the impact of their hard work and actions has a lasting effect
I used to eye roll at "life long learner" and now I identify as one!π https://t.co/HmCCasthJ7
Lifelong learning is important - we can instill a love for learning young, Ss will lead successful lives
A4-Allow me to develop my knowledge to be better placed to answer the "what, why, how, what if..."
A4 The multiple perspectives and experiences that are shared lead to thought provoking questions and ideas.
I agree. Curiosity & motivation are drivers of S critical thinking & inquiry. You got that, you're halfway there!