I'm Adam. I teach US History in South Carolina. I write and Vlog at https://t.co/4GYFrLQPOX.
I am the one in my family that wants to stop and ask for directions almost immediately!
Dave Kolb, 7th Grade Math, Genoa, IL. The phone is my handicap for sure. @Miss_Harter would definitely be more willing to ask someone else than me. #XPLAP
I'm Adam. I teach US History in South Carolina. I write and Vlog at https://t.co/4GYFrLQPOX.
I am the one in my family that wants to stop and ask for directions almost immediately!
Stefanie, instructional tech coach from Illinois. I’m always willing to stop for directions (or look in my atlas, yes paper atlas)...my husband, not so much. #XPLAP
I once stopped at a police officers car after a wedding reception in a full tux in the middle of the worst area in a city after getting lost trying to take the bride and groom to their hotel. The cop just laughed at me. #XPLAP
Hi! Holly from Northern Indiana I don't ask for directions because I am the figure it out myself kind of person (stubborn). My hubby is the one who stops to ask.#xplap
#xplap I should also mention that it depends on WHERE and WHEN we are off the map. Some places asking for directions isn't a great idea, but good old SIRI doesn't judge
Tyler Pray. 8th Grade Social Studies teacher in Seymour, IN. I will stop and ask for directions only after I failed trying to figure it out myself. #XPLAP#stubborn
A1 I will ask for students to repeat directions back to me before starting. I will also have the directions posted somewhere in the classroom and/or on their chromebooks. #XPLAP
A1: multiple modes of delivery and samples, always asking what questions there are or what needs clarified; sometimes Ss questions made for great updates I hadn’t considered #XPLAP
A1 I try to give clear scaffolding on the prep work but then leave the final product fairly open ended. I want the Ss to have some creative opportunity. #xplap
A1: Hooboy! One thing I'm finding out is how much students *don't* understand even when I think I've been clear. Need a little help in this area #XPLAP
A1 #xplap And one advantage to teaching the entire school year after year is that they kind of know the rules already. Summer is just one long weekend with my class #tosalife#techlabrules
A1: It depends on what it is. I teach littles so many times I need to model an activity if it is something that can benefit from modeling. However, if it's an activity where I need open-ended responses- I make it as simple as I can so there's room to create. #XPLAP
A1 I give them written directions, verbal directions, and provide visuals—examples if available. I have become better about discussing with Ss what the final product might look like. #xplap
A1 I have a vision for the projects that I assign but I always take cues from my students and things change (let's face it they have great ideas). #xplap
a1) usually try to give them the directions on google classroom so they can look back it. We go over them in class. They can ask me if they are confused, but I try to some wiggle room for them to create. #xplap
Hi #XPLAP crew!
I'm Susan Basalik, elementary music teacher from near Philly. Would I ask for directions? Yes, when I get tired of driving around aimlessly!
A1: If it's a assignment, I make the students repeat the directions back to me one-on-one. However, for most projects, there is no one specific vision. Why limit their creativity? #XPLAP
I ask a couple of Ss to repeat the directions in their own words, so students hear it multiple ways. This also allows me to clarify any misconceptions. I then put those students in charge of helping me continue to clarify if needed for that assignment.#XPLAP
Teaching HS students, you have be careful about over-explaining. It could come across as condescending which is DOOM for the T. Give the directions, ask if there are questions...and then let stuff happen. Maybe have early checkpoints to make sure everyone is on track. #xplap
A1 One other thing is that I spend a lot of time conferencing and talking with students. This helps to make sure we are on the same page. #xplaphttps://t.co/EGNUVO1Ler
A1 I usually write down or post directions depending on the assignment. I also use modeling, and whole group practice. Once in a while it can be good to give just a few directions and build figuring things out into the group challenge. #xplap
#XPLAP I'm a big fan of visuals. I find that my students pay more attention to visual things than audio things. I like using Screencastify to make videos for specific directions.
Sometimes students need anchors and examples, but sometimes they need freedom to make THEIR vision come to life! Love how #XPLAP side quests can allow for a lot of unique creation with little specific directions.
a2) we go over the basics at the beginning of the year (you are going to get items, here's some ways you can get them, here is a holder for them). individual item rules are on the item card #xplap
A2: The rules for my items are listed on the items themselves. While it's worked okay, I am making notes to tweak and clarify for next go- round. An understanding of how the class works helps also #XPLAP
A2: I have a “manual” called The Grand Tour. It explains all my rules for them. I also give frequent reminders about sidequest limits. Only rule on items is that you must have it with you to use it. #xplap
A1 I’m all for directions when it’s necessary, but if it’s a creative project, only the standards (sometimes a product). It takes getting used to, but the products are amazing, personal, & prove learning. I don’t like limits and after a few weeks, my students don’t either. #XPLAP
A2 I post the items/powerups and guides on the websites and in posters on my wall. Still had a St. tell me today that its confusing so some student exploring is needed (he also said he likes it and its fun!) #XPLAP
A2: I like using standard graphics in the corner of my items so that all kids know quick info. This one shows students don't need full health to use it and the bolt shows it is a one time use. #XPLAP
A2 I like to explain how a few of the simpler ones work, ones students can earn right off the bat. Most of the rest are self-discovery by the students. I love seeing student reactions to items they didn't know were even possible when their classmates use them. #XPLAP
A2 I try to explain on the card how things will work, but try not to over explain. Also, I haven't always considered every angle, so being a little vague gives me necessary wiggle room. :) #xplap
Merissa from TX here lurking.
I love that you asked for the rules.
Whenever I start a new project I also debate: Should there be posted rules? And if so, what should they be?
I am in elementary so generally speaking rules are a YES.🤣
A2: This is my 1st year implementing Gamification into my curriculum, so it's still a work in progress. I think we've all borrowed ideas from other games/media, so I explain and model these items using the other games/media. The rules are how you get these/use items. #XPLAP
A2: (2) my items show the description and effect and tell how many times it can be used. This is for our gamified district PD, but I did the same for classroom items. #XPLAP
Totally agree. I don't think of "Gamification" I think of "game inspired designs". The term feels less like an ideology and more like an inspiration. #XPLAP
A2 With the littles we had Game meetings where we would talk about games they play and how it related to our classroom game. Truthfully, they were better at understanding the game mechanics than I expected. #XPLAP
A2 In our instruction-less experiences, sometimes I’ll say “I’m answering only three questions!” Then “go!” It pushes students to collaborate and they have always succeeded. #XPLAP
Currently have items on a table with the description, directions, etc. listed next too it. Excited to learn from the pros on this one! Love @mrmatera's cards with all the info.! #XPLAP
A3 Well, I love the video pitch, but am light on details as I like students to discover on the way #xplap also, sometimes I haven't thought of everything . . . yet
A3: I do XP grading, so the quests are students' work. I'll need to do a serious debrief with myself at the end of the year to see if I want to continue this way. Not enough data yet. #XPLAP
A2: My Power ups are earned at levels of 1500 XP and the Ss complete a form to select the power based solely on the power name and/or word of mouth! #xplap
A3: Very few directions for sidequests, let the creativity flow. “Borrowed” @mrmatera’s form for sidequests. Ss must complete one to properly submit a quest. Ss are limited to 2 from our unit & 1 from their NPS region for each time period. #xplap
A3 The more detailed we are, the more carbon copies we get. Students need to practice trying, reflecting, applying, and if we tell them exactly what to do, how to act, etc., they miss the authentic experience of self-management. And we all benefit from that practice! #XPLAP
A3: I use Google Sites to house side quests and give directions. For the BINGO card we created as one of the side quests, we embedded a Padlet with four columns, one for each team, in the site and have Ts post evidence there #XPLAP
A3 Details for quests are online, usually Google Classroom. For quests, I try to give them just enough info to get started without laying it all out there for them. Digital quests are turned in electronically, but physical quests are to be turned in to our Quests basket. #XPLAP
A3 I try to keep these directions open-ended to allow for creative interpretation. Students have often surprised me in the past w where they take ideas! #xplap
A3: I have all of my Secret Missions (SideQuests) post on my Google Classroom. I don't always tell them they are there. I also just hid one in our next mystery. 2 kids found them today. :) #XPLAP
A3 I just posted about this earlier today. I do a ton of conferencing so I don't have to collect work. Here is my "Open World Class" design. #XPLAPhttps://t.co/EGNUVO1Ler
A3 #xplap also, throwing in a "wildcard" is fun, too. I told one class today that I was doubling some students points because of consistent, awesome behavior
I post them on https://t.co/FNyH4ye5SQ . Students have to look around and talk with people like this one. They then give them the quests. #XPLAP Studetns love it!
This is the place I want to get to. Someone was talking about creating a world map with quests through hyper links today. Its on my to do list... #XPLAP
Thanks... As I was writing this I had to think just how much of an evolution my class has made in about 5 years. From mostly lecture to... well... this. #XPLAP
#xplap I hide quests on my weebly class website (created back when our district BLOCKED) google classroom -- sometimes I point them out, and sometimes I hint that something might be there
Diving into side quests & now one of my faves of #gamification! I've learned to give minimal directions for max creations! I post a brief sentence in Google Classroom on Mon., Ss turn in work as a guild/"ship" on Fateful Friday!
Thanks #XPLAP.
I stayed up late just to chat with you all. I hope we get some more interested Guest Bloggers for our exchange program. We are writing about GRATITUDE in November. Check out my pinned tweet for more.
Night all and thanks @mrmatera
A3: I haven't done a side quest yet, but I came up with an idea to do an invisible ink direction/clue sheet a la National Treasure (my theme) to share. Can't wait! Collecting would depend on the medium that is used. #XPLAP