Connecting active Participate teachers with the Teacher Resources team to share PD, classroom tips and global lessons. Chat with us live on 2nd Thursdays from 7-7:30 p.m. EST.
Thanks for joining! The purpose of this chat is to collaborate and share strategies to help make the upcoming testing season more manageable &
meaningful. Please introduce yourself, share/tag your school and what grade you teach. #participatetrchat
@AdhaMart7 shared last night during our webinar: "For reading and identifying the story elements in long texts they fold the paper in 4 so they can organize ideas and locate information easier while reading it."
A1: This blog has good strategies. I'd point out that we must expose our students to EOG-like tests and practice those strategies!
Hi friends at #participatetrchat! Jennifer from FL, USA! Excited to pop in to say hi to all the AMAZING @participate teachers! I am on the Online Learning Team & also moderate the #CollaborativePD chat! Happy Thursday!
A1: In @Charl_Gaffney’s class they practice a lot of PQE questions (point, quote, explain) these are very structured responses but they ensure children answer fully by restating the question, finding evidence from the text and then explaining what it means🤔 #participatetrchat
A2: We recommend a fulfilling breakfast the day of the test! Some good rest the night before. Do not try to practice anything the morning of the test to decrease stress! Teach students to pause and breathe and stretch during moments of the test! #participatetrchat
Testing day is just another day ... if we stress about it, the kids will stress about it. Unfortunately, too many teachers push their stress onto the kids ALL YEAR ... reminding kids how important the test is #participatetrchat
A1: Help Ss get organized. Print out a class set of blank calendars for the month of EOG’s and collaboratively develop a study schedule. #participatetrchat
A1: Going back to Q1... One of our teachers (Maria I. Infante) - shared "I tell my students to read the questions before, highlight key words and read the options to know where to pay attention while reading the test" #participatetrchat
I teach MS ... I remind kids to not eat something that does not agree with them so their stomach won't be bubbling while they test. Just say no to Taco Bell ...LOL #participatetrchat
A2: I've seen many schools have students do testing in rooms other than their own classrooms. Important to have them in familiar environments...stay in class, at own desk! Learning spaces matter! #participatetrchat
Q2: Part of being relaxed and focused is reminding ss how much they've prepared for this day and remind them to apply all the strategies they've learned. #participatetrchat
A2: Man, @tacobell was my go-to test fuel (well, actually was my go-to fuel for pretty much anything I did in my 20's.....) #participatetrchat#globalfed
Keep parents informed about test-taking preparations and the test schedule so that they can support their child from home. Get a FREE parent testing letter here:
A3: Remind them that even when this is an important test, this will not define who they are! I used to tell my ss to show what they had learned this year! #participatetrchat