Apprenticeship model of training is so valuable. Empowers the trainee as training relationship develops - trust grows. Valuable experience whatever specialty intent - teaches more than disease management: clinical maturity, responsibility, autonomy & leadership #meded@me4_so
5th year students @ImperialMed spend 1 day a week in primary care with their own caseload - an apprenticeship to develop doctors "who are ready for anything". Read more:
Have you had a similar apprenticeship? Was it valuable? Why / why not?
T1 Learning analytics result data aggregation from multiple sources about individual learners that then in aggregrate can be powerful in identifying where a learner is and next steps to inform/guiding future learning. Key is predicative analytics for #learning#mededchat
Topic 2: Reflect on your own context for medical education (e.g. residency program, medical school, etc.): What are 2 barriers and 2 facilitators to implementing a large data collection system for Learning Analytics? #mededchat#meded
T2 barriers: do we want to know (fear that our methods are not as good as we think) and time in terms of data and also faculty time to actually pause and evaluate using LA (collection needs to be for very long term in some cases such as medicine/training) #MedEd#mededchat
Barrier: lack of faculty experience
Barrier: ease of iterating EMR
Facilitator: faculty interest in learning
Facilitator: move to data driven #meded decision making
Good analogy @jprunuske - LA outcomes should be given QI level impunity to be truthful and widely accepted by both educators and learners as a important part of #MedEd . #mededchat
#meded Course evaluations/feedback from students pay a big role in learning analytics. Students compliance in filling the evaluations can be an issue. Poor quality assessments with low validity and reliability is also a barrier. Topic 2 #mededchat
T3: learning analytics = feedback can speed up discovery of new teaching methodology and growth mindset in #meded educators - so much of what we discover about what does not work in teaching is by accident after a long while of doing things one way ! #mededchat@MancusoMD
"Readily" is relative. My experience with web-based systems is that they increase the burden on assessor and assessee. Information management systems may be increasingly important. #MedEd T1
In reply to
@GLBDallaghan, @kristinadzara, @debsimpson3
T3 - with the right data and analytics, we may be able to add value to all - better learning and learning environments, better #meded teacher satisfaction, stronger curricula, and better patient outcomes, all with less work. #mededchat
#meded Learning analytics can help the learners to know their performance and can help them to modify their learning behaviors in the future. Analytics can obviously help the teachers to know the gaps or deficiencies in their teaching methods. Topic 3 #mededchat
I think students will succeed because of, or despite, our educational efforts. Is the time/effort/energy in measurement, evaluation, analytics justified by improved outcomes, or just showing us what we would get anyway? 150+ #meded schools/curricula, similar outcomes. #mededchat
In reply to
@stanhamstra, @GLBDallaghan, @myheroistrane
Administrative burden is the #1 concern primary care docs state is contributing to burnout. Lawmakers can help put a stop to this unsustainable system, but they need to hear it directly from the source - that’s YOU!
Over 65 percent of #primarycare physicians devote at least 10 hours to paperwork and admin tasks per week. If NJ wants to #keepnjdocs, the state must invest in primary care and insist medical schools are valuing and training primary care physicians.
T3: with a systems based approach, the data can help improve #meded programs & patient interactions, resulting in the development & refinement of the actual skills we are trying to foster in our students. And improvements to our overall health system. Positives for patients
That's a wrap...I will post the #mededchat transcript tomorrow morning on on the Resources page. Thanks everyone for participating! #meded