#MASSPchat Archive
Chats will be moderated by MASSP staff, members of the MASSP Board of Directors and MASSP Members – we will also have special guest moderators on occasion.
Monday October 3, 2016 8:00 PM EDT
Topic: Cultivating Culture of Learning
“Successful principals are able to find resources where others see problems’”-David Dwyer
Good Evening! Jenni Thunberg, AP, Bay City Central
We will be using the Q1: and then you respond with A1: format to keep the chat organized and don't forget to include
Cheryl - Instructional coach GRand Rapids & Direcort of
Let's get the chat started...
Q1: What are some instructional focus areas for staff and yourself?
Hi everyone, popping in, Laura Hilger , coach with
For the next hour ... Dr. Nancy Sulla here at ; creator of the Learner-Active, Technology-Infused Classro… https://t.co/TDn3SEUTVj
A1- deeper learning -6cs. SEL SEL high povertyServing ELL students. Hopping on & out of tonight's chat.
Hey everybody, Andy Kowalczyk from Bay City Central.
A1: unpacking learning targets, frequent\high DOK formative assessment, &demonstrating daily evidence of learning
great learning targets and success criteria are the key to focused learning https://t.co/56SQw0kAJw
Let's get the chat started...
Q1: What are some instructional focus areas for staff and yourself?
Scott Pfeiffer, MS/HS Principal, Countryside Academy in Benton Harbor.
Two critical understandings! Both demonstrate the complexity of teaching and learning
A1: Engagement, reinforcing the positives, and learning targets.
love DOK- great way to reflect on where and how to get students to dig deeper with College and Career.
A1: engagement with rigor, higher order questions/answers
A1) As a consultant, I'm seeing a focus on engagement, executive function, and tech infusion
Checking in a little late! Denise Kott, Davisburg Elem. Principal
Darci Griebel from Escanaba High School checking in.
Looking for best practices by digital admins to add to iTunes U collection. Please DM me with yours! https://t.co/4fyuwlvdHK
Thanks to all who are joining . Jump on into question #1. Question #2 coming in a moment.
A1: As a new principal, I'm focusing on building a shared understanding of the new 5D+ Rubrics.
DOK is HUGE when thinking about the learning targets. DO you have a resources document to post/share? https://t.co/IwPBIctLgD
love DOK- great way to reflect on where and how to get students to dig deeper with College and Career.
A1: culture of transformation, practicing best practices, continuous improvement cycles, progress on effective conversations
Mike Alley, principal St Clair Middle School checking in late then checking out then back in...lurking tonight .
A1: Staff is digging into what quality of questioning looks like, as well as effective student talk.
Hi all ... Double dipping but glad to hop in when I can. Tracy Wilson, Grand Haven HS Principal
Q2: What are some ways to create shared ownership & understanding for these foci?
A1: Purpose dimension of 5D+ focusing on Learning Targets & Student Learning Objectives
A2. Celebrating and reflecting for improvements at staff & coaching meeting. Creating focus & sharing learnings 2gether
A2- find experts with data to show importance. Engagement expert from MSU did a great job presenting engagement.
A2 love when admin tweet/email colleague examples to staff
Lance Sumpter joining. Finally had a free moment this school year. :-) Principal at Tucker Middle School.
That is MAJOR! peer observations and feedback are critical--shows a culture of trust! https://t.co/g6TOi4ZgNF
A2: prompt staff to engage in collaborative talk & create opportunities for peer feedback. Our staff wants to do pe… https://t.co/LAM1tYVLco
A2: design operational definitions and shared goals, determine metrics of success together, listen, analyze together, celebrate
A2: Collaborative department time to create discussion based prompts, thereby encouraging quality student talk.
so true! When we build it together - collective buy in!
A2: I created presentations w/resources & video clips for indicators. Sharing/discussing some. If T are interested, they explore
A2: I have begun to witness such techniques as Socrative Seminar, which encourage high level student talk.
What a masterful resource! I bet the teachers LOVE it! Think I might be hitting you up for it as well! https://t.co/a6T5Dcww2M
A2: I created presentations w/resources & video clips for indicators. Sharing/discussing some. If T are interested, they explore
have T's PLC about effective LTs. Also After a lesson have Ss state what they thought the LT was.… https://t.co/1r5UfL5zup
Q2: What are some ways to create shared ownership & understanding for these foci?
love the use of video! Great way to utilize tech $ learning on the go!
A2: create opportunities for staff to have/share in the lead on certain projects, presentations, PD, etc. Increase big picture.
Yes! I'm excited staff showed a passion to do this. My next step is to create some structure of this.
A2: I think it is also about consistency around that shared ownership. "We said we were going to.....where are we at?"
A2: we are doing instructional rounds/teacher shadows again
Q3: What are some ways to communicate, support, & monitor instructional strategy expectations?
our staff do 4 a trimester during prep time. I can share the template. 20 min each email me
so true! Have to consistently visit to make it a point of focus
Thank you! The teachers are very grateful! Plus it opens up great dialogue!
I recall you saying your staff engages in this. We want to start w/ a focus on LTs but then build out from there
so true! And teachers sharing work creates great learning culture
A1: Focusing on the instructional learning cycle; Pre & post test, analyzing data, differentiated instr, researched strategies.
A3: I've been in classrooms everyday. Best way to support & monitor! Helps communication stay grounded in classroom practice.
Our high school was going to start this process. Is it working well?
A2: Grow leadership within the staff. AP's, Dept Chairs, etc. Developing the Adaptive Schools principles among staff.
A3: frequent walk thrust with feedback - trying to do more of this
A3: ask the Ts what works for them, model alignment between goals and tools, peer-to-peer, effective feedback practices
A2: Classroom Learning Labs to grow teachers by learning from peers.
Sounds like those participating on understand how to build a learning culture. We need a virtual PLC surrounding this!
A3: Leave teachers with only two growth areas after each visit. Don't overwhlem them! Then, follow up on those two.
A3: trying to be in the classrooms every day to give timely feedback as much as possible
A3: If the staff is learning a common strategy, have T share how the strategy worked for their S; what went well, growth areas...
A3: Learning walks, observations, learning labs, PLCs ...
A theme of timely feedback focused on the learner; multiple options for support, and a focus on inquiry vs. judgement. leads!
so powerful when Ts can discuss evidences they are seeing at the S level from something they implemented as a team
Question #4 coming your way in less than a minute...
Q4: What have been some resources that have supported you or others?
A4: Leverage Leadership has been great so far!
A4: Opportunities to present to staff, being a department chairperson, and completing a program evaluation. Huge growth pieces!
walk thrust?:-) is that a new buzz word https://t.co/vqno8A9KA3
A3: frequent walk thrust with feedback - trying to do more of this
at 8 pm followed by at 9 = great back to back PD on a Monday night!
A4: "Learning Targets: Helping Students Aim for Understanding in Today's Lesson" by Connie M. Moss & Susan M. Brookhart
A4: MASSP Tweetchats are the BEST, Adaptive Schools AWESOME, time spent collaborating with admin team
A4: con'd Coming from a title I school/district, tons of professional development opportunities.
I keep going back to this book as well! Great resource. https://t.co/GeF1kHCFaF
A4: "Learning Targets: Helping Students Aim for Understanding in Today's Lesson" by Connie M. Moss & Susan M. Brookhart
A4: Other Admins and Consultants. and
A4: David Langford's Tool Time, Elena Aguilar, Lencioni, having a looping mentor, collaborative practices
Ts sign up to share tech & Teach Like A Champion strategies. 2 per staff meeting promotes ownership and… https://t.co/ieoll9N1qU
Q3: What are some ways to communicate, support, & monitor instructional strategy expectations?
A4: There is a lot published, but a lot of weeks in the pile. I struggle sometimes w/ narrowing to the good stuff
A4: oops, I meant weeds in the pile :-)
A4: Videotaping=reflective power for coaches, Ts, and administrators
A4: how about resources to help aspiring admins prepare & adjust to new leadership role?
Final question approaching (always hard to believe how fast an hour goes when collaboration is at the center of the work)
A4: Also, let's not forget the students-they are an amazing resource for what works!
Q5: What are some ways to maintain your focus (and sanity) throughout the school year?
Encourage them to join MASSP. Lots of support and resources for new admin. https://t.co/8azITZEUQj
A4: how about resources to help aspiring admins prepare & adjust to new leadership role?
A5: LOL, I'll let you know when I discover one!
Google google google docs, forms, calendars... https://t.co/XScPnKVWMG
Q5: What are some ways to maintain your focus (and sanity) throughout the school year?
A5- do fun things with great students. Robotic or sci Olympiad, leadership trip to Pistons, dress up days at school.
Great question! Working on this as a new principal. :-) https://t.co/xMD2X33bFZ
Q5: What are some ways to maintain your focus (and sanity) throughout the school year?
A5: Great question ... It's early and our plan is to schedule in classroom time daily.
A5: For team, not just work, play together-build a holistic collegial culture. For self, no matter what, practice daily balance
A5: delegating when you can, prioritizing correctly, remembering it is ALWAYS about the kids.
A5: Keep modeling, re-teaching and providing feedback to staff throughout the year.
Yes, I SO agree-strategies for organization and structure provide you more time for self!
LOVE this! Brings us back to why we are in the profession...STUDENTS! https://t.co/mKpXg7tnki
A5: delegating when you can, prioritizing correctly, remembering it is ALWAYS about the kids.
A5: "Start with Why" by Sinek - helps keep me prioritized at school. Disconnect from school more when home to keep better balance
Love Sinek and the disconnecting.
Great read! One of my teachers bought this book for me over the summer. https://t.co/G4UckU90NY
A5: "Start with Why" by Sinek - helps keep me prioritized at school. Disconnect from school more when home to keep better balance
A5: I'm a new Principal, eager to hear ideas!
A5: The thing that keeps me sane is the relationships I build with staff and students.
I'm on to Leaders Eat Last now.
learning how to delegate is a priority!
A5: Let's not forget HUMOR. Sometimes, showing or sharing a 5 minute video goes a long way!
A5: ENJOY being in a high school w/ amazing kids & staff, participate in fun activities & remember our WHY along w/ our IMPACT!
Awesome, I could read and listen to him over and over.
Thank You for leading tonight!
WHAT A PLEASURE! Thanks to the collaborative thinking . Looking forward to next week :00. Until then...lead on!
Great chat! Time to get bedtime started!
Thanks, ! Great chat! https://t.co/UMNJ7EFZmh
WHAT A PLEASURE! Thanks to the collaborative thinking . Looking forward to next week :00. Until then...lead on!
Thank you everyone for giving your time, and thoughts.