The #educoach hashtag is used by instructional coaches around the world. We chat each Wednesday at 8pm CST on Twitter and use the hashtag throughout the week to share resources, ask questions and collaborate with instructional coaches.
👋everyone! Ryan Shuping, coach for lateral entry Ts in NC. This chat helped me discover new resources in @jimknight99 and today I had a successful visit where the T came up with their own plan for improving their classroom opening through answering guiding Qs #educoach
A1 I've been blessed with many coaches and mentors in my personal and professional life. They have seen things in me I didn't see myself. They nurtured my growth and gave me wings. I'm forever grateful. #educoach
A1: The coaching from our weekly #educoach chats has helped me to be reflective, and to strive for transparency in my work as an IC. Lots of resources gleaned through #educoach.
A1: without the support and help of the campus reading specialist my first year of teaching I would NOT have survived. It helped me see how beneficial a coach can be. #educoach
A1. The best gifts in this job to this point has been the profession growth opportunities, the ability to collaborate with all teachers K-12, and to work with so many awesome students! #educoach
We provide hope and encouragement. So many Ts are overwhelmed, tired and even burned out. When we can notice the good and let them know - we give them life! #educoach
A1: I'll never forget the teachers at the school I student taught at years ago. The advice and tips that they gave me, I still think about today! They were all amazing! #educoach
Making the conscious choice to publicly receive coaching as a leader has helped me develop a coaching culture in my school and has made me a more mindful principal. #educoach
A2: that your really there to tattle to the admin. I’ve had to address that many times. Ive found that truth, transparency, and consistency are the best ways to combat that myth. #educoach
Yes - letting other know you are involved with coaching as well is powerful. Would love to talk more about your culture of coaching. #educoach@PrincipalJ@shiraleibowitz and I are working on the next #CoachApproach book!
In reply to
@JenniferHCox, @PrincipalJ, @shiraleibowitz
I think the biggest one that I have come across is that teachers are thinking we are looking for mistakes they are making. I have been spreading the message that we are here to help you help students grow academically. #educoach
Perhaps not so much a misunderstanding as a reluctance to become vulnerable. Coaching requires a brave vulnerability not supported in all learning cultures. Cultures of accountability and compliance don’t help. #educoach
A3: sometimes I encounter Ts that have the impression I’m there to “show” them something. If I sense that (or they tell me), I try to be a resource finder or an extra pair of hands at times. Serve first. #educoach
The biggest thing that I have done to put teachers at ease is to be present in the buildings, and in their classrooms. All of my coaching cycles have started by just stopping by and watching students learn. #educoach
Q3: I was told during a 1st meeting "I don't think you can do anything for me" the end of the year we were going through a coaching cycle. It look listening, questioning, and guiding in order for the teacher to buy in. #EduCoach
A4 Ts in our program are automatically paired with a coach. On my first visits this year I tried to be intentional to praise as much as possible to foster a positive beginning and not trying to “fix” anything right off the bat #educoach
Q2: So this is funny but during my second year of coaching I found out that some ts thought I was sent in from the state as a spy originally. We had to build the relationships for them to trust me and they finally disclosed their original thoughts #EduCoach
A5 A T I coached off & on throughout a year stated at the end of they year how she would never go back to teaching without using data.She also mentioned I never lost the "teacher" in me.I know when to push and when to stand back. #educoach She was quite hesitant in the beginning.
As a new IC in a district I went in to classes to figure out a bit about the style of teaching & the culture of the classrooms. I kept my view open at that point & offered thanks & engaged in covos ts started to build relationships. #EduCoach
A5: Often, it’s a misconception of the coaching process. Seeing is believing often times as well as seeing the impact it had on student learning. Being partners together through relationship building lead to trust in the process and thus, impact. #educoach
A6 One step is having a common understanding of coaching - especially between admin and coach. Build what coaching then looks like with staff together - rather than handing it down to them. #educoach
A6: Shared vision and mission goals of coaching. Being explicit and transparent about what it is...and isn’t. Communication of the coaching role is vital. #educoach
A6 @jimknight99 has a great video segment where he models for principals how to suggest a teacher meet with a coach instead of 'forcing' a teacher meet with a coach. #educoach
A7: A principal at one of my schools plans a day or 2 when each of the staff spends a period or 2 with an IC, based around a school topic or goal. From this, teachers who have been hesitant to meet w/ us, often get hooked into an idea and schedule another session #educoach
A7: A principal at one of my schools plans a day or 2 when each of the staff spends a period or 2 with an IC, based around a school topic or goal. From this, teachers who have been hesitant to meet w/ us, often get hooked into an idea and schedule another session #educoach
A7: I think that coaches and principals need a partnership. They have to be able to ask questions of one another and have honest discourse to move the program forward. #educoach