Welcome to the #wearewayne Twitter chat. Today's topic is "Giving Thanks" Please take a moment to introduce yourself, where/what you teach and most importantly what your favorite Thanksgiving food is!
Welcome to the #wearewayne Twitter chat. Today's topic is "Giving Thanks" Please take a moment to introduce yourself, where/what you teach and most importantly what your favorite Thanksgiving food is!
Q1: Tonight we are focused on “Giving Thanks” Lets start off with an easy one, Who is the educator in your in your life that you are most thankful for and why? #wearewayne
A1: My 2 parents (who are both educators) and my 7th gr science tchr, Mr Weaver. All built my love of the career and my fav content of science #wearewayne
Q1: Tonight we are focused on “Giving Thanks” Lets start off with an easy one, Who is the educator in your in your life that you are most thankful for and why? #wearewayne
A1: Mine is my Dad and Coach Bill Wilke, Coach taught me so much more than how to run a cross country race, I use something both of them taught me everyday! #wearewayne
A1: I’m most thankful for a few educators: Kevin Vanderbush and Krista Hensley are why I wanted to be a teacher. And for Erin Walker, who helped me get through my first year- which was difficult professionally and personally- and every year since. #WeAreWayne
A1: Mrs. Brown in 5th grade taught me I could accomplish whatever I set my mind to and recently @jilljay_EPPSP as our fearless #EPPSP leader setting high expectations and supporting us to reach our goals #WeAreWayne
A1: I'm thankful for all my second language teachers when I was in middle school. Because they loved me 1st and then met my academic needs. #wearewayne
A1: My 1st grade teacher, Ms. Elliott, ignited my love for school. She also is a part of why I now teach. Thank you for making learning fun and making me feel cared for, Ms. Elliott! #wearewayne
Q1: Tonight we are focused on “Giving Thanks” Lets start off with an easy one, Who is the educator in your in your life that you are most thankful for and why? #wearewayne
A2: Supportive, hardworking staff, students who push me to be better, fellow administrators who help me grow every minute. NGC has been/is a truly great place to be. #wearewayne
This is a tough one. First all of the educators @McClelland_ES for embracing me and being patient with the transition. Also @kbymom for her help and support with our thrive kids. And the enthusiastic students!!!! #wearewayne
A2: the relationships we build with our students and families; I often watch in awe of the love and support our teachers demonstrate to our students #wearewayne
A2: I love being in a district and building where my values align with theirs and I am challenged to get better everyday by the wonderful staff and students around me! #wearewayne
@WTChildNutr@chapelglen served their famously, delicious Thanksgiving Lunch! On the menu: turkey noodles, mashed potatoes, green beans, & pumpkin tarts. I also had some great company. #wearewayne
This is a tough one. First all of the educators @McClelland_ES for embracing me and being patient with the transition. Also @kbymom for her help and support with our thrive kids. And the enthusiastic students!!!! #wearewayne
A2: The awesome people I have met in the district. Not only as a student, but also as an educator. The support and encouragement is unreal. #WeAreWayne
A1: my mother for sure. Set a great example as a teacher who really cares about her students and still does! She brings a passion and spirit to the classroom that makes learning fun! #wearewayne
Q1: Tonight we are focused on “Giving Thanks” Lets start off with an easy one, Who is the educator in your in your life that you are most thankful for and why? #wearewayne
A3: to the small, daily conversations we have with students...to the way we treat each other (staff and students)...to the welcoming way we treat our families. Every interaction should be a thankful one! #wearewayne
A2 I am thankful for the students that keep me learning and caring everyday. Also the support of school & district staff to bless children! #wearewayne
A3: Doing the little things like thanking students and colleagues for their contributions, showing them we recognize the sacrifices and growth they are making. #wearewayne
A3: Through the ImagineProject (@diannemaroney) I’ve challenged some 6th graders to write their own Imagine stories and keep a 30-day gratitude journal #WeAreWayne
A3- jaime wright here- sorry for being late! We model it by living in humility and gratitude that we are working with and learning with students and staff. It is a mindset. #wearewayne
A3: we can give thanks to students by complimenting students on good performance, improvement and noticing kind deeds. Also, it's good to occasionally reward good choices & behavior with rewards to show you're paying attention. #WeAreWayne
A3: I think we have to show what we are thankful for. And show appreciation when students do things that, maybe they didn’t have to do or that was unexpected of them. #WeAreWayne
A3: Be intentional and make gratitude part of your daily routine. Such as write "thank you" in your emails. Sometimes it's the simplest thing we do that make a difference #wearewayne
A2: I am thankful to work in an environment that promotes finding the best path to success for all students while offering the supports needed to help teachers be at their best. Teaching isn’t easy, but Wayne is the place to be! #WeAreWayne
Q4: Isn't really a question, it is a challenge - tell the educator you are most thankful for that they are that person for you and challenge yourself to purposefully show gratitude to others each and everyday at your school #wearewayne
Q3: We have to model it EVERYDAY! It can’t be a lesson we do once a year. Be an example for your students and make it a habit. It’s an attitude of gratitude....and it can be contagious! #wearewayne