The #INeLearn hashtag is used for both asynchronous sharing and synchronous conversations. Include #INeLearn in your tweets if you want to share resources or questions with Indiana educators and school leaders. Asynchronously, the #INeLearn hashtag provides educators across the state of Indiana a central space for sharing. On Thursday evenings beginning at 8 CST/9 EST when you use the #INeLearn hashtag, you are joining a live conversation--the #INeLearn Twitter Chat. For one hour, we interact in real time having a virtual discussion.
It’s time for #INeLearn! Tag a friend who needs to be here tonight and intro yourself! @kindergartenVF and I will be your moderators. Tonight’s topic is helping Ss find their voice in the world with the assistance of tech!
Steve from Valpo. Kind of in & out tonight, blogging and helping Mrs. Dull get set up for a middle school retreat this weekend.
But let's be honest, you all know how that always turns out.... #inelearn
2 things about tonight's #INeLearn Chat that already make me happy: 1. Our topic ties directly into the book club's #SocialLeadia AND 2) the awesome image @MrsCoppleSES created is a free for reuse image! #DigCit Model extraordinaire!
R1 Ss have SO much access to current events through MANY outlets. Using current events in class instead of skirting around them is a great way to start. #INeLearn
R1--These days we truly do live in a global village! Instant access to current events and the responses. We have to teach them to weed out the credible from the "fake" news. #INeLearn
R1: @Newsela is a good source for current events articles that are written at students' reading level. If you're teaching younger grade, it helps to have a source that they can understand for them to dig deeper into social issues. #INeLearn
R1: it connects our students to the real world and gives them an authentic audience for presentations. It also allow them to connect directly with experts in any field. #INeLearn
#INeLearn A1 My colleague, @1988project, was able to bring Congressman John Lewis to our Ss via @Skype. Spoke about his role at Selma, March on Washington and working with Dr. King. Gave our Ss a first hand look at the Civil Rights Movement.
R2 This is why I still love PBL because it's all about creating passion for community and solving real-world problems. When Ss play a key role in that, they naturally develop passion. #INeLearn
R2--This is powerful. Enabling and encouraging our students to find their voice, use it responsibly, and be the change they wish to see. Too often they think what they say or do doesn't matter. #INeLearn
R2 Encouraging Ss to become invested in these issues... I think the recent movements led by young people show just that they have a voice, no matter how you feel about it! #INeLearn
R2 It all begins with questions, what problems do you see, what would you like to work on solving? From there, ensure they have the skills and tools #INeLearn
The recent Southwest Airlines inflight emergency was a great opportunity to get our Ss to realize the captain is FEMALE!
#INeLearn A1 We have also created “cultural conversations” this year. @1988project sociology class spoke with a class in Argentina 🇦🇷 about gender inequality & CE class discussed current issues with a class from Monterrey Mexico 🇲🇽. Students were able to learn from others.
R2: Our school recently became a GenerationOn school. They have many resources and lesson plans connected to social issues. #INeLearn
R2 Even on a small scale: For each learning "unit" what might be a shareable post that could connect someone to your ah-ha/takeaway? Who might be someone you'd want to ask for more info? #INeLearn
R2: Share examples, and connect them to other classes and Ss who are showing leadership. How could they not be inspired by @thelivbits for example? #INeLearn
R3--One of our biggest factors is that all social media is blocked for our students. I would like to help change that so we can begin to teacher responsible social media activism but...
R2 Introduce them to issues beyond the community to greater diversity as well. Using tech to connect with classrooms across the country/globe is so much easier now. #INeLearn
Great point! They have so many resources that are even connected to the standards and free! With possibilities of grants to support projects. #INeLearn
R2: Our school recently became a GenerationOn school. They have many resources and lesson plans connected to social issues. #INeLearn
A1: Have Ss think about relevant problems to them and have them do research to find ways to answer the questions they are asking. Guide them to find an acceptable answer that will help both sides of their problem instead of focusing on one right answer.
R2: I think a mixture of #PBL and #DigCit would be great here. Ss need to identify what is fake info and develop solutions to those items that need attention. Do it in a respectful way. Research properly. #INeLearn
R3: Confidence is a major factor in student voice. It's hard for students to see themselves as contributors if we don't give them the chance to think for themselves. #inelearn
I'm so glad you responded with a solution to that barrier. I totally agree. Learning in context is far more powerful. The trick is to weave in all the necessary skills/standards. #INeLearn
We've really got to work on the respect thing for some (adults included!). Too many think their first amendment rights let them say anything they want. They don't understand slander, libel, etc. Or even tone of voice many times. #INeLearn
I think we found this to be true after the recent school tragedies. Instead of criticizing Ss, we need to come alongside them and help them develop their voice. #INeLearn
R4 We have two rules when using any online discussion feature in class. 1) Speak with purpose. 2) Speak with respect. I model this at the beginning. I moderate responses until Ss grasp it. #INeLearn
R4 I've been known to show examples of poor #digcit (with respect to privacy) and we discuss what went wrong and how it could have been worded better...or perhaps not at all. #INeLearn
R4--This is tricky. Our time with them is so limited, the negative influences can so easily outweigh the positive. Consistently modeling the positive, showing examples of how the positive is more powerful in the long run. #INeLearn
What is this summer's can't miss #EdTech conference? Why, it is #LMTC18! The Lake Michigan Tech Conference is back for more! Over 60 sessions from #michED and #INeLearn educators sharing what they know! Check us out and get registered at! #BRESA
R4 Not only are there very high profile negative profiles, but when Ss express themselves in proactive, public ways, they are questioned-their work turned into satires. It's a sad reflection of our culture. #INeLearn
R4 Not only are there very high profile negative rolemodels, but when Ss express themselves in proactive, public ways, they are questioned-their work turned into satires. It's a sad reflection of our culture. #INeLearn
A4: In our PBLs, we make them divide the work. Ss learn to use their strengths. One student might be good at design while another is good at writing. #INeLearn
R5 Since many of my Ss are underage for social media, we use tools like @Flipgrid to voice opinions in class. It's good practice, engaging, and still gets viewpoints to a broader audience than one class period. #INeLearn
I saw that in a couple of locations I’ve worked. I see it in the city as well. It is part of the way society is seeing things. Individual silos of info that do not hear other opinions. #INeLearn
There are a plethora of tools, but it boils down to anything that allows publication of text, image, or sound. Back in the day, VoiceThread was one my favs. Now FlipGrid is hot #INeLearn
R5--There are a lot of ways for Ss to express themselves, but our district currently has most all blocked. It's disheartening; but I am cautiously optimistic that we'll open the door to more opportunities for them. Meanwhile I am taking note of uses in other districts. #INeLearn
I hate to say it, but we still haven't given our 17yo permission to use it as we have not found a real use; nor has she or her Ts been driven to discover one #INeLearn
R5--There are a lot of ways for Ss to express themselves, but our district currently has most all blocked. It's disheartening; but I am cautiously optimistic that we'll open the door to more opportunities for them. Meanwhile I am taking note of uses in other districts. #INeLearn
I still can't wrap my mind around using it with Ss just because of liability, but I'm always curious to see if anyone has found something magical. HA. :) I only use it with my college age small group at church. #INeLearn
In my TLC cohort at CIESC one of the teachers in adult ed used a professional account on her iPad to send reminders to students about upcoming events in the school and her class. May not work for traditional schools, but was effective for her. #INeLearn
My seventh graders used to do this. They could work together or independently to adopt a local organization. They had to design a solution to one of the org's problems and then pitch them to a committee. The winners got their project funded. High stakes learning :) #INeLearn
#INeLearn A6 Fortunate to have both of our Indiana US Senators, Todd Young & Joe Donnelly, speak with our Ss. Students need to know their leaders and be able to ask questions of them. We believe strongly in teaching civic engagement.
One of my favorite PBLs ever was when I connected my 3rd gr with a local nursing home. We learned all about the benefits of plants along with life cycles. Master Gardening Club came in, and we ended by presenting our seedlings to residents. So sweet. #INeLearn
R6 I had two Ss who wanted to develop stronger legislation about cyberbullying in IN. Connected them w/ our local rep and he spent time w/ them talking. It was wonderful. #INeLearn
R7: Provide a platform where students can talk about their projects/ideas. It doesn't have to be formal speaking. Just have some guests in the room so students can discuss knowledge and skills. Great way to form community partnerships. #INeLearn
Right now, some of my juniors are creating a pulse oximeter with local medical facilities. They (completely on their own) are meeting with three different experts in the field. (BTW: I teach English.) #INeLearn
You are so right, and I know I've been guilty a time or two. We do have to stop and listen to them. They have great ideas and think with a pure heart. #INeLearn
I think Snapchat has gotten a negative connotation because of it's roots. And it can be incredibly negative and damaging...but I see a positive side too.
R7--I tried to often involve my Ss in evaluation of new things I wanted to try with classroom activities. I wanted and encouraged their feedback on how I could make it better, more meaningful. Sometimes they couldn't believe I wanted their input. #INeLearn
R5 I went back to Q5 for a second. I love showing @TEDTalks given by Ss of the same age. It shows them that kids do have a voice. Our FACS teacher has them create their own. #INeLearn
R7 When I began teaching I had a book 101 Ways Kids Can Change the World-I've often thought of creating a current version-tech and nontech means #INeLearn
R8: If students learn to positively promote good thinking/ideas, the world gets better. If students learn to help others reach their ideas, the world becomes even greater. #INeLearn
R8: I am a believer that the traditional classroom will be a thing of the past. Working on skill n drill/sit n git activities will be as well. As Ss develop their 4C skills, there will be more opportunity for community/stakeholder involvement where voice is important #INeLearn
R8 I hope that it develops Ss passion for people and a desire to serve others. I hope to see them step up in our community and rise above our county's drug culture. #INeLearn
R8--Goodness! If we teach our Ss that what they say and do matters--REALLY matters, our school/community/world should be a dynamic, thriving place. I want to see more GRIT come from our Ss so they can persist in the world. #INeLearn
R8 Quite simply the world will be a better place. We need our youth to be leaders of today. The impact schools could see vary, but I think of inclusivity, engagement, and positive PR for starters #INeLearn
R8: If students learn to positively promote good thinking/ideas, the world gets better. If students learn to help others reach their ideas, the world becomes even greater. #INeLearn
When I was in the classroom, I was always dreaming about starting my own school for this very reason. We have a lot of pockets of innovation, now it's time to evaluate, iterate, and expand #INeLearn
R8: I am a believer that the traditional classroom will be a thing of the past. Working on skill n drill/sit n git activities will be as well. As Ss develop their 4C skills, there will be more opportunity for community/stakeholder involvement where voice is important #INeLearn
R8: what’s lacking in our classrooms is talking. Hate to say this, but I had a moment TODAY where I looked at my class and said “you need to talk”. A S replied “I have never had a teacher say ‘talk;”. They always said to be quiet.” #INeLearn
WU--In my role I'm already looking to next year and our (hopefully) more open Internet and all the WONDERFUL ways we can empower our students to find their voice. #INeLearn
I have wanted to create an innovation team in a school to model this through #PBL activities created with community partners. I’ll get this done before I retire. #INeLearn
WU: I'm going to send out a quick feedback request to #HSDLead advisors to see how we can support each other better and what needs exist. That program is all about giving students a platform! #INeLearn
WU: I have my Ss evaluate me on what I’ve done. What did they like and dislike? What can I do differently? I also have them show me what they have lessened and what they still need help with before finals. #INeLearn
I agree...we're definitely losing the art of interpersonal communication. It's almost oxymoronic as we talk student voice. I know their digital voice is a powerful one, but too few are using their physical voice. #INeLearn
R8: what’s lacking in our classrooms is talking. Hate to say this, but I had a moment TODAY where I looked at my class and said “you need to talk”. A S replied “I have never had a teacher say ‘talk;”. They always said to be quiet.” #INeLearn