#21stedchat Archive
Our mission for our 21st century chat is to create a positive 21st century learning environment for our students by sharing resources and ideas that has worked in our classrooms. Join us every Sunday from 8:00-9:00 PM (EST) on Twitter using the hashtag #21stedchat. All are welcome!
Sunday May 1, 2016 8:00 PM EDT
Welcome to tonight we discuss Teaching Quality with and I. We will do Q & A style. PLS introduce yourself.
Welcome. Dave Science Teacher from MI. Co-founder of with
I'm Leah Lucas, a preT from Grove City College. Excited to be a part of this chat!
Hi my name is Madelyn, I'm a PreT from Pittsburgh!
Hi, Rachelle from Pittsburgh, Spanish T, happy to join in tonight!
Education student at the University of South Dakota
I’m Jill from NC a Personalized Learning Director and co-host of
Jim from New Jersey.... Good Evening!
Q1. How can we define quality in teaching and how can we measure it appropriately?
Hello - Mike from NJ, hoping everyone has had a good weekend!
Hi! I'm Emily Dustin, Educational Strategist from Motivis Learning. Excited to be here
Hi all, 4th grade teacher from CA
Hi everyone, Bill from Charlotte,NC HS
A1) Quality in teaching is not easy to define. There's so much that is involved that would be difficult to measure.
Hello all, Katrina from NC
Quality teaching comes from passion and the willingness to persevere through tough days
Carolyn Messer from Grove City College
A1. I believe teaching quality should be measured multiple ways, just like we want for our students
Quality teaching can be defined by the successes needed by your students i.e.I work inrural, where college is not usually a goal
Quality teaching encompasses student engagement, empathy, and excellence; we can't measure these qualities thru hi-stakes tests
A1: Preparation, planning, execution, engagement, attainment of desired outcomes....... Interest?...... Fun?????
A1 willingness to seek opps, provide for Ss, meet their needs, continue to learn more, reflect, plan, set goals..
There is no one way to measure quality teaching but patience, perseverance, and passion are all involved!
Cathy Koos from Melbourne, FL
A1 Quality can be found in T and S relationships
Hey Needed a break from my grad class stuff and thought immediately about joining in this chat. Shai, HS Math T from central PA.
Paige Cejer from Grove City College!
A1 Can TQ truly be measured? Great Trs are successful because they have so many strengths that ultimately benefit Ss.
A1 - Instruction that fits the needs of the students and the goals/standards that need to be taught. And that works.
I agree with Teacher quality is hard to define and even harder to measure.
Grove City College seems to be well represented tonight!
A1:Quality in teaching is about meeting each of the needs of the students when teaching
How about: do Ss want to be in that teacher’s class, and WHY do they? Answers to those Qs would be useful.
A1 by how many tacos a student can eat in 30 minutes tells us alot about their learning styles https://t.co/g69Y9jJ7Lg
..... You know it when you see it, though......
A1: Quality teaching is when all decisions are made around what is best for the Ss! Measuring that is always tricky.
Good point. Speaking with the students would be a good start https://t.co/qWk5LTU3Cp
How about: do Ss want to be in that teacher’s class, and WHY do they? Answers to those Qs would be useful.
so true -- but you know it when you see it!
Now I'm hungry for Mexican food.
A1: Measuring quality teaching has many facets. Do Ss want to be there? Do Ss engage? Do Ss find purpose?
A1 Quality teaching is evidenced in the amount of curiosity in wonder that you see in Ss.
I just had mexican food for dinner! YUM!
A1 - How is it measured? Ask the students . . . what can they make/do?
Hey everyone! Can I please ask you to answer this brief survey about teacher PD? https://t.co/ZzjFM2h6Uf Please RT.
Q2. Does micro-credentialing fit into teaching quality?
I definitely agree. Get them where they want to go, be a facilitator
A1: quality teaching can definitely be measured on the students interest levels and engagement
A1: Measuring has NOTHING to do with test scores, or whether the Ss consider the T a friend. Lots has to do with Ss engagement.
A2 not really. It means that someone attended something and may have learned something
A2 - Googling this right now . . .
A2 Gd questn, have a PD tommrw abt this. Sitting on this one :)
A2: If understanding the question, Yes! Continued teacher learning will always help with quality teaching.
A2. I think it should be apart of it. Each credential should be meta tagged. Wouldn't it be awesome if Twitter was counted as PD
A2 I wanted to say yes, but you need to make sure it is I likened in the classroom
A2 I don’t know. There are a lot of things Ts are interested in learning more about that won’t earn “micro-credentials”.
....... Whaaaaaaaaaaattttttt??????
A2 - Seems like it might fit some skils, but I'm not sure that it works for all teaching-related skills in all subjects.
My pleasure. Be sure to mark your calendar and attend one of the sessions July 11!
A2) Microcredentialing could show teachers acquiring certain skills, but it still is how they apply such skills with students
Absolutely, micro-credentialing can give enormous insight into T quality, competency & highlights expertise and achievements!
A2 Not sure there is any correlation between credentials & quality. Many characteristics can't be taught https://t.co/BzDYwzB6oR
A2 - It's still about the expertise of professional teachers, applying skills to fit the needs of individual kids.
Yes it would! Honestly, my greatest learning as a teacher happens in like this!
A2 micro credentials are a great way for teachers to pursue skills that interest them and allow them to accel as Ts
A2: Not necessarily but it does let the admins know that you are expanding your horizons by learning new skills.
A2: micro-credentialing seems like it could be very beneficial as long as its applied in the right way
Nice point - shows that T's are stretching themselves, working to get better and grow. Important point.
A2 Depends I know some who have a lot but it doesn't show. Others don't but you can tell they are still life long learners.
I ran out of characters. Sacrifices had to made.
Bloom board micro credential platformhttps://bloomboard.com/welcome
Agree! Don't you think T would use something from it? micro-credentials = . Learn what I want.
A2: If a T is fine with the status quo? And the admin is good with it?
A2 - Maybe a lot depends on what the micro-credentials are. If I were an admin, and I could design my own, that might be cool.
A2: Doesn't any teacher learning fit into teaching quality?
Agree.... But to what end?
Maybe? I think a teacher who says, "I'm not done learning . . . " tends to be more humble, a better listener?
A2: great opportunity to give Ts chance to develop skills & show they are versatile in how they integrate skills in the class.
I am planning a PD for admins this summer that uses Google Classroom for T creation.
Totally agree, these chats are phenomenal for learning
Interesting . . . admins creating assignments, asking teachers to complete and submit? Cool idea. . .
A2: I'm really enjoying learning Python and imagining so many ways to bring it into classrooms at my school.
A2 Is a micro-credential any more than just a line on a resume?
Letting the teacher decide what they want to learn. A lot of work for the admin to start but better in long run.
20 yr teacher veteran here, and I am always learning. IMO if a T chooses to stop learning, needs to leave profession.
Hopefully? I suppose we all hope that learning translates into utility. . . but does it really?
Q3. How can we help teachers develop effective practices and apply these practices in the classroom to improve their craft?
giving Ss an idea of how to start portfolio then letting them create it in a way that best fits them
Got the idea from you Jason!
A3 - Share experiments we've tried as teachers/admins, both good and bad. Trying to get better, failing sometimes. Mindset.
I don’t know. I don’t hope all learning is done for utilitarian purposes, but that’s probably just me.
A3 develop effective practices by doing things like this! ed chats! so helpful to share ideas
teacher voice is key in making learning authentic and engaging to both the teacher and the student
A3. I think we need to provide more coaching sessions for Ts. This meets Ts where they are in their craft & pushes them forward
growth mindset! so important https://t.co/62KHDAV2MB
A3 - Share experiments we've tried as teachers/admins, both good and bad. Trying to get better, failing sometimes. Mindset.
A3: 1:1 coaching helps. Give Ts a small piece to implement at time. Once it is mastered, then move to something else.
A3 Having time to share and collaborate on a consistent basis. Trs can't learn it by osmosis :}
A3 lots of feedback. Formal and informal observations by admin and other Ts. As Ts we scaffold our Ss why would Ts be different
A3: Wouldn't it be great if teachers got 20% time or time? I assume most of us go all day and night.
A3: Significant and continuous proactive PD...... With follow up and differentiation as needed......
A3: T's communicating with each other about the techniques and resources they've used that have been successful in the classroom
Yes authentic feedback that improves practice
Ha! Really? Well it's still a good one. :)
Ts need time and support to focus their learning so that they can enable student success. Admin should encourage ongoing PLCs
A3 This relates to this morning’s (mentoring and new Ts). Folks might want to look there for more ideas.
A3 by developing culturally relevant lessons andpractices for your students and proving they can succeed in the greater culture
I would love it if Trs would be paid an extra month to just learn, plan, and collaborate w/ one another.
A3: Tough when I don't have opportunities to see Ts teach. Offer as much opportunities to learn and grow. Feedback is huge too.
It was a good chat this morning https://t.co/uaQS2xARWq
A3 This relates to this morning’s (mentoring and new Ts). Folks might want to look there for more ideas.
How would you hold them accountable for this?
This would be amazing! https://t.co/8mLVkRpNYB
I would love it if Trs would be paid an extra month to just learn, plan, and collaborate w/ one another.
It would be nice if there was more time for teachers just to talk https://t.co/oeAI2tOI40
A3: Wouldn't it be great if teachers got 20% time or time? I assume most of us go all day and night.
A3 Ts learn best from each other. Great resources here. Self-directed PD&collaboration in the classroom https://t.co/DdeBE2bqvi
A3: Encourage/offer ability for Ts to get out of classroom and observe master teachers. Admin cover duties so T can do this.
A month? I'd take a week. Love to take paid PD classes from my district, but I'd do them for free . . .
A3) Work with teachers to set goals and give them time and resources to achieve them
And the whole thing . . .
A3: Encourage Ts to attend conferences, especially . I have learned so much from attending edcamps.
How about starting the school day later so Ts could meet every morning from (say) 8 to 9?
I am working on Google certification, like the google CR options, so many apps are avail. PD would be great
interesting idea https://t.co/GSEbAQpkVP
How about starting the school day later so Ts could meet every morning from (say) 8 to 9?
Cool idea. Kids would love that. Parents would, too, if the day ended later (IMO).
I just visited a school that does that!! Early College in Hickory, NC
Highly recommend Google Ventures answer for good design for Ts curriculum work this summer! https://t.co/PBIXsGCUeA
Don't forget to incorporate SEL..... Social & Emotional learning is imperative for character development
When does happen? I looked for it this morning, but didn't see it happening. I am EST.
We have a school in Charlotte that builds in 2 hours in the day for PD. TS love it
Same here! Learned a ton at the last . . .
That is a good question, but we are professionals. Our planning outline and other goals could be evidence
Such a great way to learn from other teachers! https://t.co/iFq274pvRo
A3: Encourage/offer ability for Ts to get out of classroom and observe master teachers. Admin cover duties so T can do this.
Does it extend school year or day. MI is so focused on days and hours.
I was just at last weekend and will be attending in a couple of weeks. in July.
Q4. What does teacher preparation at your institution/district look like? What do you like/dislike?
Hello. Jesse Kiel, Bay Area educator, excited to join the !
A4 prep for teaching in some classes looks like memorizing the contents! So important. T has to know what they are talking about
A3. Our district also built in 4 half days so TS can do PD during the day!
is back this Tues, 9pm ET/8pm CT, to talk questioning! Join us!
Sad I missed that. I love being a mentor to new Ts and to preservice Ts. Mentoring has made me a better T as well.
I love this! Teachers can learn a lot from just taking a step back and observing
A5: Next year, I am going to implement more instructional rounds w/new T to focus on best practices https://t.co/Dwl1WEBPDV
Q4. What does teacher preparation at your institution/district look like? What do you like/dislike?
I enjoy these, our last one was really good. Run by our English Tr on our Northstar Literacy emphasis in CMS.
My school does something similar. We built in 3 90-minute delayed opening delays for teacher PD.
My district often offers several days to Ts to do this. We also offer PD sessions of all kinds during summer.
A4: Looks like a full and engaged lesson!
Excellent teacher prep demands an authentic, hands-on experience with a lot of guidance and feedback.
This is a very good point https://t.co/0wrqIGuLeS
- Focus & mindset will be like a doctor in preparation. Monitor, discuss & practice.
A4) Incoming teachers have two years of BTSA - beginning teacher support where they have a coach
Enjoyed reading the EdCamp Model book.
A4: We have a mandatory monthly mentor/mentee meeting after school. Some are good! Daily interactions are better.
A4: We have a mandatory monthly mentor/mentee meeting after school. Some are good! Daily interactions are better.
A4 New Ts have day before start of yr, ongoing mentor, PD during year, always enjoy choices & providing PD
reflections on each day https://t.co/ujmRRxWJYT
A4: We have a mandatory monthly mentor/mentee meeting after school. Some are good! Daily interactions are better.
A4: I actually co-taught with my mentee last year, and that was actually pretty awesome. New Ts can really get a lot from that.
A3 It would be great if coaches could help teachers bring their extra-curricular assets into the classroom.
A4 - Four years of mentoring with a tenured mentor, some orientation. Some help, not a ton. It helped me to have a mentor.
Wow, 2 years? That is awesome. Our's only have 1 year.
I hope they don't require sleep!
love the practice of reflection and journaling for new teachers -- so effective!
A4 - A lot depends on the mentor. Mine was awesome. But what if the mentor is not helpful? I can see that causing issues.
what would you do if a mentor was not as helpful as expected?
Completely agree. Some mentor just for the extra pay w/ very little into it. Needs to be a way to give that feedback.
Q5. What can we do to advocate for better teaching quality preparation programs?
Definitely and info in great too, part of book study, great information
Yes, I would need guidance from other T's as to what does and doesnt work well as well as other T's criticism
As a vet Tr I seek out mentoring opps. Sorry no credentials :} just want to help next ten of Trs like the 1s before me helped
I'd hope for some way that mentees can communicate that and get re-assigned, or have someone address that.
A5 make it known here in the social media atmosphere! word gets around easily!
There needs to be a way to give that feedback and request a new mentor w/out hard feelings.
A5: My wish would be to directly be able to recruit teachers. Attend job fairs & personally hire. https://t.co/m5nzNhNZ31
Q5. What can we do to advocate for better teaching quality preparation programs?
A5 - I'd love to participate in a mentoring program now as a mentor, though I feel there are tons who are better qualified.
A5 - We're teachers - don't we all want to help people? Isn't that why we do this?
A5 Talk about it, use our to spread word, keep advocating
A5: has a virtual mentoring program for her college edu majors. My mentee was a freshman this year.
A5 Establishingprograms that link pre-service programs with successful schools would be a great start.
A5: Ts need to stay involved with new teachers and give them advice and motivation!
A5 I have conversations w/ local prof. and get to be a guest speaker for a class or 2 to speak to pre-service Trs
Hi there! Victor from UC Berkeley, excited to join in
or Still wondering if you are a robot or not. :-)
this was one of the most beneficial opportunities! So many great projects
Strong partnerships btwn higher ed teacher prep programs and K-12 will inform programming to deliver amazing prepared teachers
A5: I encourage all Ts (new and old) to participate in twitter chats. I know some college prof of edu classes are requiring it.
I've seen that too. Very cool.
A5 Involve parents. They need to speak up about what they’d like their kids’ Ts to know and do. Use their voices.
You would think so, but not the case for all.
parents are a key component to every successful classroom https://t.co/r6aJljC0Ji
A5 Involve parents. They need to speak up about what they’d like their kids’ Ts to know and do. Use their voices.
twitter chats have definitely been helpful in learning more about the education world and different resources to use
A6. What is your take-away from tonights ?
A6) Much of teacher quality goes back towards what goes on in and outside the class
A6: My take away is to remaing a connected teacher. A connected teacher can't help but to be a better teacher. Build the .
A6 collaborating with others improves so much and develops well rounded Ts for the benefit of every S
A6 TQ is a result of the hard work Trs do outside the classroom as well as inside.
Thanks for another great chat! Next weeks will be Join us at Sun 8 PM ET US.
A6: My take away has been the importance of communicating with other teachers in order to grow as a better educator
I have found that when parents are happy with your teaching, your classroom culture is so much better.
We have to work together, collab, be advocates, share our exper, provide support, communication is key
thank you fro a great chat! I always walk away feeling more and more confident about joining the edu community
Thanks, for a great chat. It was worth taking a break from reading research papers on engaging student in 1:1 env.