#TLchat Archive
#TLChat TL Chat will take place the 1st Monday of each month at 8 pm ET (unless there is a holiday or natural disaster). #TLChat LIVE! Twitter chat session will follow a Q1/A1 format. Leading questions will be asked using Q1, Q2, etc. Please provide input/answers/links/etc to each question using the corresponding A1, A2, etc. so that the conversation can be followed easier.
Monday April 11, 2016 8:00 PM EDT
Welcome to tonight’s LIVE! Pls introduce yourself, where u r from & what grades u teach
Good evening. My tweets for the net hour will be devoted to moderating Pardon heavy stream, feel free to join us!
Our topic tonight is Rethinking library spaces & learning space design.
Jenny PreK-4 LMS joining from Durham, CT
Linda Lindsay, Maui, Hawaii, Grades 6-12.
Hi thanks for moderating tonight!
Wendy, pre-k to 5, joining from San Antonio, TX
Andy PreK-5th grade Athens, GA
Hi everyone! Heather, MS librarian from Hershey, PA!
Hi - MArifran, hs librarian from New York
Lisa from Newtown, PA K-6 teacher librarian
Kelly, HS librarian from Amarillo, TX
Our chat follows the Q1/A1 Format to make following the convo easier. Be sure to include hashtag in all your responses
follows the Q1/A1 Format to make following the convo easier. Be sure to include hashtag in all your responses
follows the Q1/A1 Format to make following the convo easier. Be sure to include hashtag in all your responses
Nikki here from Alabama! I work w/9-12 graders
Hi Karen!! is happening tonight too.
Good evening. My tweets for the next hour will be devoted to moderating Pardon heavy stream, feel free to join us!
librarians: Tonight's is about rethinking library and learning spaces. Fodder for our role-alike sessions this week?
Kate, HS librarian from St. Augustine, FL
Good evening from Sunny Seattle.
Mesa Heise advocate and here to learn more!
Hi everyone! Diana, middle school teacher librarian in Tampa, FL. Happy to be here tonight :)
An example of a "Starbucks" style layout in the classroom https://t.co/83Jmhy8QST wonder if it could work in a library setting
Chad, library media specialist from Milwaukee area.
Excited about topic tonight. Planning some repaint/remodel this summer & moving computer lab into a space within the LMC
So good to have you here, Craig
Q1: What changes have you made in your library space to accommodate learners? (Don't forget to start your reply w/A1)
Wendy Cope from Woodstock Middle School in GA
Hopping into b/c my favorite is moderating!
Great having you join us, Mesa!
Hi - high school research technology specialist from WA checking in
Mary Ann Lacey; McAllen, TX PK-5 librarian
A1: Created a collaboration station so kids and teachers could work together.
Thanks for joining us, Kate!
Hey friends! Tiff from Central Middle in Baton Rouge, LA joining in tonight!
A1 Adding write-on walls (glass panels), flexible furniture that kids can move. Making the space more interactive.
A1 - Materials accessible and available (on tables, bins etc). Starting to reorganize some stuff - graphic novel section now.
A1: Our key word in changing our space was flexibility. Everything is now on wheels or mobile to change the space for learner needs
flexible and personal. Maybe worth working into tonight's conversation of space and .
A1: I've made a lot of changes in recent years. We added whiteboard walls & tables, flexible furniture, created our etc
A1: let Ss pick the last three rounds of seating we purchased - they handled everything and got what they wanted
A1: Now renovating our library to have more open spaces / cubbies for student group work.
So good to have you here, Marifran!
A1 wish I could do more, but everything bolted down. Changed desktops to laps, makerspace area, tables for eating
Did you just add wheels to existing tables/shelving or did you buy new stuff?
Library media specialist Pittsburg, Pa
Genre-fied, made series accessible, made materials accessible to all. Working on a makerspace area.
A1: removed lots of shelves and created eliminated desktop computers for laptops
Joy from a 5-8 Bldg near Indy. Excited to get some ideas!
A1 Whiteboard on one wall; makerspace library, more audio and ebooks.
Hey everyone. Coming in from Fort Smith, Ark. Elementary librarian
A1: I talk a lot about how we changed up our space in this post: Rethinking our Library Space https://t.co/UW6fHHQX8U
A1 Creating a survey to query our students about how they use our current spaces & what they'd like to see changed.
A1: Our library is student centered - genrefied with self checkout to give students ownership.
A1: Made everything open & available to Ss w/o requiring them to ask. Also put wheels on our heavy tables so they could move
A1: Genre-fied, made series accessible, made materials accessible to all. Working on a makerspace area.
Jess, Teacher Librarian, Alliston, Ontario, Canada
. We were doing a complete rebuild so new furniture was bought with flexibility in mind.
A1. Opened up my space with less non-fic shelving
I think that is great, giving students ownership allows them to take control of their learning!
Good evening ! Stony- TL in Arkansas
A1: Changed seating arrangements, set up a & working to eliminate antiquated computer lab set up
A1b student workers are also responsible to create displays according to what they'd like to see. Gives them a sense of ownership
Kate, can you explain more about that? Intriguing!
A1 reducing our circ desk; continue self-checkout; talk with student advisory about what they want to see
Karyn Lewis, elementary librarian checking in from Houston!
A1: Most changes have been for flexibility/wheels under shelving, small reading and instructional spaces. poet-tree highlights 811s
A1: Design instructional space(s) first, then make it as flexible as possible. (Holly Frilot, Library Media Supervisor) Cobb, GA
A1- our spaces are constantly changing.. One campus, went from round tables to rectangular tables for room for makerspace and Legos
I can already drag tables, wondering more about bookshelves.
A1 judicious weeding helps with open shelving. Open shelving = face out books = circs!
YES! genrefication makes a huge shift in S's sense of ownership
Yes, definitely is important. RT A1 Flexible furniture
A1: I have a Makerspace, tables on wheels & two couches. Take advantage of large windows & use as "paper"
Removing shelves, opening space up, new furniture, & eliminate desktops.
A1: This post shows several pics of our furniture and how things shift around during book fair. https://t.co/Vgn7gVDC63
A1: I haven't been able to redo library, but did eliminate reference section, & constantly move furniture 4 activities
A1. Genre-fied fiction & couch reading area. Put out puzzles/chess. Hoping to work on some collab areas and in future.
A1 I'm trying to get mobile tables/work spaces to form different variations of collaborative groups. Small group lounge seating too
A1: Moved the YA Fiction to the front of the room. The collection used to be in the corner. Got grants too! https://t.co/oesbOw3BaL
Q1: What changes have you made in your library space to accommodate learners? (Don't forget to start your reply w/A1)
Has anyone tried having student based designs as a concept in redesigning the space where students submit options?
Ginny, Library Media Specialist in elementary school, Suwanee, GA
A1: I"ve also painted walls and roller book-cubes with for library https://t.co/t1pxqVo2vG
A1: I've made a lot of changes in recent years. We added whiteboard walls & tables, flexible furniture, created our etc
A1: Also, replaced desktop computers with laptops. Ss are free to use laptops and other technology at tables or on the floor
Yes! I'm moving to a new job next year and I'm gearing myself up for the weeding to make space...eek!
This is what I am advocating for right now! https://t.co/FalqmNxz5Q
A1: Also, replaced desktop computers with laptops. Ss are free to use laptops and other technology at tables or on the floor
aside from movable furniture, add color to make it inviting...and lots of electrical outlets!!
so great to see you in the chat! I hope you are doing well :)
A1. Started self checkout, digital book requests, kdg get to pick from 'regular' shelves not a cart (except during testing 😉)
ugh - weeding! Love/hate relationship. New lib this year but now feel ready to start…
A1 Unfortunately have extremely small library with shelves bolted to walls. Not much can be done yet
A1: We're also reducing the number of desktops & having more Chromebooks available for borrowing
A1: created silent study, quiet study & group work zones.
But - remember, it's not as much the space as what you do in it
A1: changes also involved inviting others into regular use of library space: reading tutors, ELL & math small groups
Weeding our collections is key. I like to think of weeding books as "shrinking" so that other areas can "expand".
A1: I have given purpose to all the spaces. There was a room (w/no ceiling) in the center of the Lib that we made into an Author Rm.
Hi Friends, Marlene here to learn what matters to you! Advocate for TYSL.
yes! Power up those devices!
Check out the post about MacGyver Librarianship, Mary Ann - you may be able to do more than you think!
do you have locks on the casters?
that is awesome! My supervisor has said no to gentrifying,so I have gentrified displays, but wish I could go all in fic
Creating separate spaces for different activities simultaneously is key! Making plans for this for next year.
definitely want to figure out how to get shelves that are attached somehow to ground to be movable shelves??
that's great! I've been more liberal with my weeding since starting 6 yrs ago ;)
in this day of devices, plug in space really needs to be considered...
Thanks!! I love that out library runs like a well oiled machine where the students are in control!
at first weeding made me nervous, but now I love it. Makes everything else look shiny and new!
Oh how I wish we had windows! That's one of my long-term goals in my space.
A1: Let all Ss have the freedom to choose from any section of the library, especially kindies
A1: Big time non-fiction weeding happening at our library
Working toward this w/my HS students. Partnering w/tech Ed, using SketchUp Pro, creating a student advisory to brainstorm.
A1: Modular/movable soft seating, iPads and MacBooks for checkout to classes, mediascape, and ActivPanel
So many wonderful ideas flying by here tonight . Good thing we'll have an archive!
A2 Question of the week trivia board, mobile maker cart, fact posters, & coloring stations
So sad admin said no to genres. Kids love it & it increases circulation : (
A1: We also got rid of a circulation desk and have more of a circulation island with carts that store inside.
A2: I have a makerspace. Summer I am making a coding zone, reading zone, Lego zone, and game zone
A2 Tech is redefining my role as the expert. I'm no longer the know-it-all. I collaborative WITH my students to discover and curate.
A2: Our makerspace lives in a room but flows out into all the spaces of the library.
A2. This is my focus for next year. I've started with broad areas for comps, group work, individual work, but I need better spaces
A2: I have tried to the model of Cave (for alone work), Watering Hole (for group work) and Campfire (for classroom work)
that is awesome I would love to hear about how it turns out. What a great use of tech and time for students
A2: We have a counter space where exploratory centers are put out for tinkering.
I think you have my dream library
Maybe you could "make" windows with some clever lighting and yard sale window frames?
A2: centers with mo.activities, puzzles/word play, interactive bulletin board, comfy chair for reading, tables for collab
absolutely right!The more I weed, the more space I have for better uses than hold resources that don't get checked out
Trivia Question of the Week seems to be the most popular!
A2: I've created zones for small groups, large groups, individuals, technology &of course our https://t.co/h8Dku408zP
Andy, do you have a pic of that? We are combining schools & need to create space. That’s one thing they are exploring.
A2: Gaming/ coding space and lots of places for Ss to collab or read throughout the library. https://t.co/cRzctut8Dm
Q2 quiet, group, instructional, eating, makerspace, conference room. Wish I had more comfy chairs
A2: Our curved shelving creates lots of nooks where soft seating, stools, or even tables can be placed to create learning areas.
I purchased couches & comfy chairs at Rooms2Go, kids fight for them!
Our construction Tech & engineering students are working on it :)
A2: Several group project spaces, reservable Hawaiian Room, maker space, all furniture easy to rearrange, reading area, non-fiction
A2 Plan on adding an idea box. Ss can feel privacy and freedom, but I can still watch them.
yes, this is why I want to go for it. I had research and everything! We'll try again next year!
Where do you get your questions from?
yes! They love it- always full before school and during lunch!
we have the whiteboard wall, too. Kids flock to it.
A2: Don't have designated areas really. Just let Ss work where they feel most comfortable.
Weeded my entire ref collection. Those encyclopedias were pretty but now they're stuffed with maker sup
Great idea! I did the same thing and gave kids Dry Erase markers for them to "chat" with each other on the wall - loved it
A2- Learning zones - reading area, puzzle area, chess/checkers area, shelves, work area. That's it for now. Want to add more!
coming in late from Colorado Springs Colorado
totally did! We'll try again next year.
Google lol sometimes kids bring them to me.
I really want white board wall…
I need to do that as well.
I'd love to see a picture of your Hawaiian Room!
A2: Space 4 indiv "hunkering down", shelves for genres/collections, eg, manga, LGBT, Amer Lit, Ren Art, etc. curriculum-related.
A2: We have an Outlook calendar for sign-up of any part or multiple parts of the library for small or whole group use.
very cool article I like the idea of zones. Makes everything streamlined yet open ended
I love this idea. Learning zones.
A2: MC classrm, digital tech area for green screen, collab station, Makerspace morning "centers". The rest is flexible use.
Dealing with the reference section is also on my to-do list. A bit daunting as to what to weed/keep.
I have a basket with a variety of pages. Ss get 1 when finished w the day's task. Must complete one b4 getting another.
WOW! I'm so in love with this set up!
A2: Silent Study, Quiet Study (for small groups) & pretty loud everywhere else. Silent is heavily used & kids police themselves
It looks the same on the other side. What you can't see is that there is a 3rd cart that stores in the center.
May want to add a "genius bar" concept and add room for student helpers...our circ desk serves as check out and support desk
A2- we have a reading area for lessons,centers for groups doing makerspace,Legos,ebook reading, bean bags for reading,teacher area
Hi, Ginny! Thanks for joining us tonight!
that's something I'm considering--we already do kid checkout...not sure what a desk is for except my " hub"
Do all grades do self checkout?
Meh...It's a start but the kids really like going to just one place 4 the genre they want
hey great to see you in the chat and I hope you are well!
A2 Big6 Research Zone | whole class, small groups & individual work. Mobile tables can be configured to meet needs of patrons.
Is TLchat Live going on ??? what's the link?
I want fluid genre shelving with sts input. Stickers seem a little final. Plus I love a clean spine
One thing we learned is you don't have to have computers to be makers. Hands on creativity matters! https://t.co/uXi9lMQNzC
A2 I feel everything in the library should be movable to create learning spaces as needed. My Library page https://t.co/rWrSH2hIaG
My rule of thumb is: "Ask the kids what THEY want" then DO IT! It's not about YOU!
2nd-5th definitely. Our Prek-1 mostly come as a class but also come with volunteers or mentors.
❤ the idea of furniture sliders! RT Small furniture sliders are my inexpensive solution.
A2: dedicated 2+ yrs getting Ss into formerly "off limits" areas (office, classroom) to see how they wanted to use spaces
Love this! https://t.co/URLawYh5Yc
My rule of thumb is: "Ask the kids what THEY want" then DO IT! It's not about YOU!
custom built and it took forever to get them to understand that it wasn't a desk to sit behind.
Agreed! RT A2 I feel everything in the library should be movable to create learning spaces as needed.
I had one of these in my lib too - kids loved it!
Looking at ways to that, too. Often the MC has so much going on all mixed together.
A2: I have computer tables, pillows and beanbags for reading, a brain break station, and maker space areas around the edges.
Great "rule of thumb" I love the concept!
always love the answers I get
Interesting. what was the reason admin said no?
tonight is just in twitter live feed.
This is 💪 https://t.co/Vj5MF7PBMy
My rule of thumb is: "Ask the kids what THEY want" then DO IT! It's not about YOU!
Just have to say how STOKED I am to see Arkansas Teacher-Librarians in & tonight! Growing our
my first year in the library. Weeding makes me nervous!
crafting is still important
my circ desk is mammoth, would love for it to go. Has great shelf space tho, so examining alternatives
A2 Fully 1:1 next year will make our computer lab obsolete. My thinking is that this is a ripe opportunity to reinvent that space.
I have saved this pic for over a year... still dreaming!
A2: I like using screens for mediascapes/collab areas when not in use to advertise media activities, student read posters, coding
Go for it! I’m doing NF right now & it is great! All those books from the 70’s - gone!
I loved doing centers when I was an Elem Librarian! Love the pictures!
Try - it is where I got my big beanbags!
A2b not really a 'station' but we do yoga as a transition from carpet time to activity time in my library.
That is what happened where I am this year. We went 1:1 and our library was redone and looks awesome!
Weeding is the best way to know your collection! Tend your garden!
I second that: Go For It! Ask teachers to eyeball the weeds if it makes you feel better. ;)
How does the self service work?
A3 makerspaces didn't really take off in my library. I do have a mobile maker cart I drag out on occasion.
So genre displays everywhere. bahaha
Mine too! Like the Tardis console.
A3 It is about flexible/creative solutions. Have a small library, and I want my Ss to have it all. Lots of shelving/ weed
A3: As far as makerspace, I like have a designated space where the many pieces can be stored, but the making happens all over.
A3 - Not much free space to play with so makerspaces have to fit into existing free space or be mobile
Yess! Reference material = good makerspace resources.. Ss couldn't believe we let them tear pages out
yes, haha! Pretty much! THIS shelf is a display of scifi!
Hmmm. Beanbags mentionedb several Ss (◕‿◕✿) RT Try - it's where I got my big beanbags!
A3: I have created a mobile carts with a colleague. Use has been centred in the library so far https://t.co/lEA9vAMs9e
A3: indeed we all owe credit to David Loertscher and all who've run with to redesign and revitalize
Thanks 4 the shoutout! We'd be MORE than happy to talk w/ anyone about a cause idea & how we can help w/o stress :)
A3b Ts have been more open to using the LMC as a learning commons. Classes have used it for presentations for entire grade levels.
For our start-up maker space, I want to focus on coding and video production. Love your set-up.
Yes it is, and there are lots of way to craft and build skills at problem solving at the same time.
Saw library with sound dampening panels w/ wheels like a rolling white board last yr. Genius!
A3: Consider the many kinds of learning that might be happening all over your space simultaneously and where that will happen.
It's all about serving your school community, right? We try things and if they don't work we try something else!
no control over location in your catalog? That's all I changed.
A3: Makerspaces and learning commons now driving our design completely :)
That's exciting. Computer labs are bulwarks of the past. I'm thrilled to envision a more robust & flexible space!
A3 Learning commons and maker space means WHEELS wheels everywhere. Need to reconfigure quickly
Crazy ?! Kids are so stuck in sitting in their assigned seats. How do we get them use to move and in a timely manner?
A3: Hoping that makerspace will bring more folks into the library & cont to make it more flexible.
Yes! It isn't necessarily about the space but about the DOING.
prof books, blocked off table 4 conferences, one day maybe a coffee maker? breakfast for teachers at beg of year there
Good way to get around those who just don't get it : )
Ss *love* the beanbags - I think they were a little shocked when I actually bought them
A2 - Thinking of ideas to implement. Want a lounge area, quiet study, social work area and maker space. Now for the how! .
A2: I created a green screen on one wall to entice Ss to visit. You just need the right color and bright lights.
A3: Flexibility has worked well for us. Areas where Ss can build / disassemble stuff- then clean up and have research next hour.
Carts are also power-tools when crowds me out of the library... can go ala cart and deliver https://t.co/lBv3txhGKJ
A3 makerspaces didn't really take off in my library. I do have a mobile maker cart I drag out on occasion.
A.P. gave me hard time when I took over library & weeded. He didn't like empty spaces. Took time to build collection
We're getting ready for our 1st Library Makerspace Exhibition. Can't wait.
A3: I find most folks like a "home base" design that is easy to change. This usually include a small makerspace area that can grow.
A3: For me, redesigning our library and creating our were one in the same - it was about enhancing learning experiences
A3: Makerspace stations are out in tables and in corner cubby area. Lots of commons space: cafe tables and booths from CFA remodel
I have the shelf space, but I'm thinking mobile might be easier to manage with students.
LOL! I don't ask for permission! I just do! That's what 24 yrs exp does to you! LOL!
A3: Partnered with gr3 class. Ss were buddies & worked with other classes to establish a maker culture
go for it. Let Ts then Ss collect anything they want before you toss
anyone have a good resource for getting casters to put on tables?
It seems hard for Ts and Ps to understand. I'm taking it in small steps. Ts were upset when I gutted the ref section.
Our lab became 1) laptop cart 2) lib classrm. Ts sign out cart, classroom, or both. Cart can go to them.
. so busy I need traffic lights and just installed my 3rd Greenscreen! the library the coolest place in town!
love this! You have a great model!
Share the pictures when you get some!
I've been doing a lot of makerspace activities this yr, but all are "move around the library,"not taking over physical areas
That's where I started; changing location for fic titles to genre locations
board games, craft paper, beads, old magazines, leather strips, yarn, lots of stuff.
A3: computer lab is thing of past, trying to advocate for my lab that is connected to my library as an essential part of the space.
A3 Makerspaces allow all students the opportunity to innovate, iterate, brainstorm, and make mistakes in a low-stakes environment.
A3. REALLY want to start a . Any good resources for getting started or grants to share?
Yes - that happens. We have to remember we are educators not book collectors - hard for Ts.
can always ask for forgiveness later 😆
Change the seating arrangements frequently. It confuses Ss at first, but gets them out of their rut. Ts do the same.
I put my easy and fiction books into bins. making it more like a bookstore splattered with genres throughout and paperbacks
Are most maker space projects a one class period type thing?
Yes! In this age of mobility why stay connected by a cord and/or a desktop! Great point!
w/ 1:1 iPad, Ts like having a "lab" sometimes. I like it!
A3-designate one area to makerspace, be consistent with it in same place, have trash can near by, put makerspace books around area
lunch mostly for our 8-12 school
Deep Weeding is to do in last 2 months of year w all weeds available for teacher/classroom collections https://t.co/LnJ72ZBM6P
A.P. gave me hard time when I took over library & weeded. He didn't like empty spaces. Took time to build collection
Our makerspace projects have been both for classes, individuals, & as part of maker fairs
Keep an eye out for the articles being shared -you might find what you need in one of them!
I just got Legos and K'Nex, but their arrival coincided with the arrival of testing, so no intereset yet. :(
ours are sometimes, but more often they span work sessions which means finding space to store work in progress.
Also considering making it a top instructional space in our school: flexible seating, A+ wifi, surround sound.
i do! just to get them moving around and doing things with other classmates.
Woo hoo! I am taking a day to come visit.
I love that model :) It's so much more student friendly.
Also like that classes come & use my library for "non-librarian" classes!
what I love is that Makerspace can be fixed@or@free-range. Up to you, your materials, and your timeframe!
I'm favoriting most of them to peruse later! So many good ideas tonight! I can't keep up!
Was going 2do a LEGO wall, , but is helping me w/ LEGO area in former non-fiction book shelves
it is easy and they like it better. I noticed that they are discovering fiction books that they didn't notice be4
Sometimes. I block 100 minutes every five day cycle for now. Next year, hope to open up more time if there is interest
TRASH CAN in the Makerspace IS A MUST!!!!
A3: my Ss love our MakerSpace! Each grade level sends Ss one day a week during recess. Legos, writing, crafts, blocks, robots!!!
Just started this year in my library...
this is my philosophy as well. My small space has to be flexible so I like being able to bring out stuff & put it up
A3: the library office is now our but really it's not confined to that area. It's everywhere. And I love it.
Yes! It just takes over doesn't it? Love it.
A4 a little of both. Big furniture is impossible to reconfigure. I work w the space I have since they won't let me knock down walls.
A4 With Ss, it is about the furniture. Need seats I can move together/apart quickly. Get arrangements from the specific furniture.
until you unearth a non-fiction "culture" text published in 1956 - that gave me carte blanche to weed
A4: Design=both. We have HUGE tables - too big to rearrange other than push together. Would love to replace.
there will be a Knection soon! 😂
The flipper tables are great but expensive. I use hospital tray tables with adjustable height and wheels. https://t.co/9Z7fI9XNal
A3: I am looking into ordering new furniture for our media center. Looking at furniture on wheels and that can be folded up.
A4: I thinking design is about utilization.
A4: I think you need furniture that allows you to make an insane number of arrangements. :-)
A4: Both. Having flexible furniture allows for variety in arrangements. Arranging static furniture can create new spaces.
I say the arrangement...mostly because I have bigger priorities than the furniture for the next year. :)
A4 Thinking of eliminating my office in my MS/HS library. Pros: private and quiet. Con: a barrier for Ss. Am I crazy? Thoughts?
What a great idea! How many of us ever really use our offices anyway, right?
A4 - It's more about the mood and atmosphere than it is about the furniture and arrangement. It has to be a place Ts & SS want to BE
A4: best on interpersonal, intellectual and physical levels at same time: Library mission is to transform society
Yes! Have a teacher open house to let them see what it is all about! Gets buy-in.
yessss or the cleaning people will not like you
A4: Shelves don't move as much as seating and work surfaces, so that helps with thinking about arrangement and furniture.
A4: The furniture must be inviting. The arrangement must be flexible.
I have an office and I want to re-design so I can make it usable for the kids
A4b I am getting triangle desks and putting them on wheels
A4: Both furniture & arrangement can do wonders, but what always matters most is what you're doing in the space
functionality more important than pretty. IMHO. But pretty would be NICE! LOL!
Very true - so many don't have the luxury of new furniture but one can still be creative with use & space!
A4: Arrangement, but furniture is a close second! There's only so much you can do with chair/desk combos.
I need to do more teacher sessions because it gets their wheels turning. Also want to include families.
A4: It's about the function! (I know it wasn't an option, but I figured I'd take a chance 😅) https://t.co/fRKb9AHTvT
Agreed! RT A4: Both furniture & arrangement cando wonders, but what always mattersmostiswhat U're doing in the space
A4: I keep thinking about flexibility...1 day a classroom research space, another day a staging area for a Great Gatsby collab
that must have taken some time!
looks great
A4: There is some cool furniture out there,but the old stuff is good too. How space is divided and used is fundamental.
I ditched my "office". It is now space that has been repurposed. https://t.co/vtCsl42PQ8
I have an office and I want to re-design so I can make it usable for the kids
Learning space design is about the best way to support learning whatever the arrangement or furniture.
Q4 Arrangement a bit more. My furniture big/heavy...so trickier to move. Going to try out some small changes next year&work way up!
Maybe I can change my circ desk to the Maker Hub! It's like a party--everyone ends up in the kitchen
teacher sessions? tell us more???
so maybe it's not art that they need. What have your students told you they want?
A4: Furniture is important. Ss love sitting on the couch working. Arrangement they notice but they don't fixate on it like furniture
Pretty is as pretty does (Forrest Gump) ;-)
LOL! You could definitely do that with your circa desk!
A4 I think both...our space can't be rearranged at all but I added pillows and stools this year and it's like a new space
I held a teacher makerspace exploration so they could tinker with tools and think about standards.
A4: flexible furniture increases options for ongoing changes in space
Was going to approach the tech teacher about this as a co-project next year!
A4 What do you want Ss to experience, create, learn, do? Form follows function
arrangement! Would you rather have lounge chairs in rows or cheap/old furniture that can be moved?
arrangement! Would you rather have lounge chairs in rows or cheap/old furniture that can be moved?
Thanks for great articles shared tonight . Physical spaces give concrete steps transformation. https://t.co/kLFSXu0hO4
They needed more time to tinker before thinking about standards though.
A4- both! Sometimes you have to work with furniture you have, make arrangement different.If you get new furniture then make it comfy
A4: Maybe it's more about mindset for me... Anything is possible!
A4: Arrangement: what you do w/ what you have.My classes (all-day, fixed schedule) never sit at table/chair. Clipboards, sofa, floor
You're welcome! Hope you find some useful things in those pages.
Have to cut out a bit early tonight. It's been awesome chatting with you all :)
do you have any pics by chance for ideas?
Kids LOVE button makers. A must for any makerspace. So many uses! Great bang for your buck. https://t.co/TCEFboYOil
For me it is about people not wanting any change. I have to do things slowly and be creative
you need to catch up on the archive! Great ideas! Some we've been talking about! :)
That is SO true - it's about seeing things differently, right?
I have the classic heavy furniture. It's in too good cond. to toss, and I have 2 upcoming purchases that will be big.
I'd love for people to share pics of their cool library spaces.
Exactly! I have 2 donated bar stools. Students and teachers like to stop and chat. https://t.co/f14CyMjJBR
Maybe I can change my circ desk to the Maker Hub! It's like a party--everyone ends up in the kitchen
Thanks for joining us and sharing your great ideas!
awesome... Who has time to be in an office anyway? Lol seriously... Always on the move 👍
No, we are figuring out how to have storage of projects that need more time to finish.
A1 We have a small space. We have removed all shelving sticking out into the room making space for leisure seating.
I agree! Kids eat up button making! Look at my banner! These were sts designed buttons for fundraising
Great idea.. https://t.co/TpwAzfmcbO
Exactly! I have 2 donated bar stools. Students and teachers like to stop and chat. https://t.co/f14CyMjJBR
Maybe I can change my circ desk to the Maker Hub! It's like a party--everyone ends up in the kitchen
Our makerspace triggered tons of recycling. Our students constantly deliver stuff to the library to make things. Love it.
A4 I don't think it's all about the furniture but it's really hard to rearrange old, broken, clunky round tables.
I'll be able to share pics of our newly renovated library when it's all done (summer). So many changes!
It is always a balancing act between serving your community and challenging them to move forward.
we have all those bartender moments, don't we?!?
I did the exact same thing. It opened up the lib a lot.
Thanks for sharing all these great resources, We can all check the links in the archive
You bet! This is my wheelhouse!
yes! I ask Ts and Ss for advice. I need to do this more... I love how said It's their space! It is!
There's a few kids in every school that feel more comfortable with adults. Why not make them feel welcome, I guess!
Can't tell you how independent it has made my kinder and 1st graders! Wow! I can share more if you need it!
It's so true! Sidle up to the bar & tell me your woes! LOL! True 4 teachers & students!
you should see my teeny tiny library! it is very small.
I like the wheeled shelving!
love with a purpose and student philanthropy!
I hate being seen in the office. Always felt it's bad PR. I prefer working out at circ desk.
A4 I'm an open space (no walls) & all my shelving is in the middle. I'm excited about getting walls of 7' shelves this summer
I want to do this too! Putting it on my calendar for next year! 😊
We are like bartenders! We listen, offer advice, and are always wiping down our counters.
Would love to hear more about this!
Yes, they need to explore and play & then we can look at how it works w/ curriculum, standards, etc.
Maybe you could get some ideas by Googling "tiny house movement." I'm amazed at some of these space designs!
I've already been harassing via Twitter about it! Lol Can't wait!!!
LOL! Clorox Wipes are my friends!
We rescued ours from a forgotten PTA closet.
Fantastic idea, Susan! RT Maybe you could get some ideas by Googling "tiny house movement."
Ts just don't GET what a MakerSpace is and how it connects to Ss learning process until they DO it!
SO true! Tea, sympathy, and STORIES!
Where did you get your button maker?
shaving cream cleans well and lets students be artistic on the tables. Try it.
Has anyone made their tables dry-erase tables? If so, how'd you do it?
Think big in little spaces. I had one for years, loved intimacy, Haiku-style. Library cyber-spaces are nearly infinite.
Do you have a sledge hammer?! LOL!
What? No walls? My kids are in a school with no walls only really large bulletin boards. Their library has walls!
I have all my easy section pretty much in bins in alphabetically order. the kids just flip through
Think about how it could support your school's STEM subjects - making for a purpose.
A5 - Pictures via e-mail to admin/faculty, BLOG, Twitter
Shower backer board from Lowes and duct tape for the edges = instant whiteboards for tables plus you can remove them
deconstruction can be part of a makerspace ya know... 😈
we don't own one, but I borrow one from the public library. I just buy the supplies.
Make sure it's not a load bearing wall before the "unfortunate" accident happens!
I did. You can buy the paint at Lowe's - do it on a Friday to let it "cure" over the weekend and voila! EZ.
A5: Jump into the design and decision making at the beginning. You are the one who knows everything that happens in the space.
Introed Makerspace w Ts at a fac mtg w/a 10-min challenge. They got it. Need to revisit.
My tech specialist brought littleBits, snap circuits, makey makey to Ts to amp up elect study
A5: Asked by admin what I wanted in addition to a (badly needed) carpet. So I didn't hold back proposing.
YES! It's a project! W00t! I like they way you think!
yes..."making" a difference!
Used 3M tape to stick it to my shelf! Only app is Destiny Quest!
I stole it from someone else. I have no original ideas...ever. But I'm great at sharing the ones others have
dude! Bring the hard hats! Lol
I made mini white boards that way for my classroom. Worked great. Never made the jump to a table, though. Thanks!
nothing to knock down. building was remodeled. there is a large hallway no one uses that should have been part of library
A5 - EOY report (infographic) to admin/faculty that tells what was tried, what was successful and what the goals are for next year
A5: I think taking video of current use or any anecdotal notes is helpful to share with stakeholders.
My principal is totally on board with changes. She's already come to me with ideas. It's awesome.
A5 surveys to get ideas, signage and modelling with classes to share vision
A5 present it on behalf of the students. I did a survey to find out what they wanted then made a list (a very long list).
Its okay. I unlock them when I need to! But hoping for newer devices and no locks soon!
With a great poster printer to make it HUGE!
YES! RT A5 present it on behalf of the students. I did a survey ...
A5: I formed a library committee for staff and I created Library Tech Assistants for Ss.
A5 Send out a s'more with before/after pics; present to leadership teams on campus; use the library for PTA events for stakeholders
A5: Make noise on social media... Tell your library stories... Blog. Video.. Invite admin to programs- share value... Then...
I thought I would share from document "Leading Learning" & role of libraries in Canada. Powerful! https://t.co/4hYgzic0bU
Gets interesting when I have 1st grade, 3/4 are leaving lunch, and 5/6 are coming in from recess
Exactly why I did it! "Where are the ___ books?!" A million times!!! 😜
I agree! Love making and sharing my EOY report!
Cheers for awesome, supportive Admins! Mine's GREAT, too! https://t.co/AaCwI09J2g
My principal is totally on board with changes. She's already come to me with ideas. It's awesome.
Yes! We want to advocate for our students and the equity we bring as professionals in the building.
I have a P that has given me grant money... For green rm and a new Tricaster for news this year!
A5: Use a lot of ! Let Ss create the space! What do they want to see?
Love this picture! Let's share it with our other admins in Forsyth - great stuff.
For $20, it's worth a shot.
did chai and chat in her library for a Malala big read. students and teachers loved it! https://t.co/2h724L4Lhy
SO true! Tea, sympathy, and STORIES!
A5: Yes, admin support is KEY! RT Cheers for awesome, supportive Admins! Mine's GREAT, too!
A5: part2... Then show admin what it can be! Show pics, other libraries, share your vision- have Ss share their voice. It can happen
A4: Signs is probably not what you're looking for. I usually do my thing, and make sure I can justify it.
That is the best & most important IMO https://t.co/bR0e7xvJiA
A5: Use a lot of ! Let Ss create the space! What do they want to see?
Thank you for an engaging tonight. Much appreciated it.
A5 My Ss have totally been in on decisions for our mini-renovations. It's their space. I simply maintain it.
for F, I have paperbacks, chapter books, and special authors in their own bins, historical fic, and mysteries
FQ: If money was no object, what are 3 things you would do immediately to change your library space design? https://t.co/AAhaRAzP0W
Quill. It's a Tecre. Heavy duty. Buy the supplies from Tecre directly. Very reasonable.
This is exactly why we need to create a depository of cool library pics.
A5 Thinking about Makerspace PD-long form 20 hours based on SAMR. Anyone done this, thought about it, want to share ideas?
thinking about painting tables this summer with chalkboard paint.
What do your Library Tech Assistants do? We have shelf helpers, but I want to expand the program.
A5: Yet another reason that it's important for us all to show our work through blogs, social media, etc.
A5: My principal actually approached me about ordering new furniture. I was super excited, if not surprised.
FA knock down that dang wall in the middle of the room, reconfigure shelving, create a cafe for upper grades
FQ. More mobile furniture, mobile whiteboards for S use, fully stocked makerspace with tech and old fashioned crafting supplies
A6 Create a door to the outside reading garden. Bring in more comfort furniture. Add a more defined space for making - empty class?
Annual report is such a great pop to reflect and plan!! And share and promote!
FA: A second floor...innovation/idea lab...
FA 1. Walls and probably a door 2. Access to outside so I can see sunlight 3. Mobile work spaces - No more circ desk
Buying one for the librarians in your district to share is a great alternative. https://t.co/zGfyMJHl6l
we don't own one, but I borrow one from the public library. I just buy the supplies.
A5 maybe start with a small project (collaborative area, seating,etc) with a request to PTA and then market the changes!
You are a wonderful model for this, Andy!
A6 oh boy! I need more time to decide. I'm just going to see what others say and take notes.
FQ: 1-visual space (paint, carpet, etc). 2-stock up on tech. 3-add space.
A5- tell admin the pros, what it can bring to library, how it will help learning, & have everything planned out
FQ: smaller tables &chairs, flexible shelving, more cozy seating & white board wall!!!
FQ: Moveable shelving and tables, add makerspace items, knock down some walls, get rid of some junk that is just collecting dust.
My Library Tech Assistants don't actually shelf books. They do book displays, assist others with checkout, printing
WOW! This is a loaded questions that I can't narrow down to 140 characters! LOL!