#LangChat is dedicated to the discussion of topics associated with issues and trends in world language instruction and learning. Educators, administrators, learners, and aficionados of world languages are encouraged to participate and share their experiences and input on various topics such as new ways to teach vocabulary, using music in the language classroom, and making standards-based grading valid. This chat is also unique in that it brings together language educators worldwide and from different contexts (elementary, secondary, higher education, etc.) and languages.
Hiiiii, everybody! Welcome to this week's #langchat! Meredith here, excited to moderate tonight -- I teach awesome Spanish 1 and 2 students in metro ATL. What about you??
Tonight's #langchat topic is SO exciting! We've got five great questions and they are ready for open sharing: ideas, resources, systems, links, ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that you do awesomely! So grateful for our #langchat PLN that openly shares and dialogues!
Question 1 (Q1) coming in two minutes! Don't forget to respond with A1 and #langchat in your response so that we can link and follow what you're saying, sharing, etc.!
Here comes Question 1! Remember, to respond to Q1, you must have A1 and #langchat in the tweet itself so we know what you're referring to!
Let's talk high-leverage habits, highlight reel stuff: How do you generate student interest in a topic? (Warmups, starting units, etc.)
#langchat Don't forget to join us next week for #langbook even if you haven't read, the conversation is amazing! Current Read: While We're On the Topic by BVP @teawithbvp
Here comes Question 1! Remember, to respond to Q1, you must have A1 and #langchat in the tweet itself so we know what you're referring to!
Let's talk high-leverage habits, highlight reel stuff: How do you generate student interest in a topic? (Warmups, starting units, etc.)
A1: With lower levels I personalize based on my students (discuss what they like). With upper levels, they vote on our next topic many times! #langchat
A1: I love starting a unit with QFT (Question Focus Technique). It gets students asking lots of good questions and getting excited for finding answers right out. #langchat
Here comes Question 1! Remember, to respond to Q1, you must have A1 and #langchat in the tweet itself so we know what you're referring to!
Let's talk high-leverage habits, highlight reel stuff: How do you generate student interest in a topic? (Warmups, starting units, etc.)
A1 It is all about the “hook” to a lesson, reader, unit- fostering connections to the students and ensuring that they find their learning meaningful & valuable #langchat
A1 my current middle grades unit came out of a request last year: "Can we do something on Bolivia?" And who doesn't like a good witch market and a magic talisman, I mean come on. #langchat
A1 with my older girls we're doing #fairtrade with a focus on #coffee but I have 2 out of 6 that hate the stuff. So... #chocolate and #tea, also big for fair trade! #langchat
I try to strike a good balance- words that are essential for EVERYONE to understand then they can remember the words that are most useful for them #langchat
A1: I have begun using vision boards before introducing the topic we are about to begin. I also do a story that involves a lot of the vocabulary for what we are going to be talking about and have the Ss make a list of topics they think we are doing #langchat
A1: ask them what they want to do! I usually have units within a semester for them to choose from. Interact with information as opposed to just teaching info! Make it a learning process together #langchat
Explanation: QFT is a method for students generating a HUGE number of questions about a topic, peaking curiosity. here is the website with explanation and tools https://t.co/giGkOjnADs#langchat
A1: I try to pick topics that the Ss are interested or I try to use hooks to get them interested. @burgessdave has great ideas on hooks for teaching and generating SS interest. #langchat
#langchat A1 Keeping the topic relevant, age appropriate and engaging. Gen Z wants the here and now, so let's deliver it! Also making the essential Qs social justice focused with language chunks that allow them to discuss it.
Yes... I use surveys (often answered in English) to get the details for the story and then I write the Latin text. It's their story right from the beginning, I just make it happen! #langchat
A1 the great thing is as @spsmith45 points out language is generalizable across themes, so it's fairly straightforward to build a unit on their interest but lang tailored to level #langchat
A1 I start off the year by focusing on the students and their lives as material for the class. I’ve been playing @assassinscreed with the students to generate interest in the ancient world. #langchat
A1: reading a novel? Find someway to make a personal connection to the characters. @FluencyMatters TG do a great job of showing effective hooks! #langchat
When I teach levels 1 & 2, I let them do it in English. The end of Level 2 they might switch over, but they haven't had unit vocab yet, so it can get a little fishy. Levels 3 & 4 do it in Spanish. #langchat
I also love playing, "Unpopular Opinion" when introducing new vocabulary. I state a bunch of unpopular opinions that I have or that I've gathered from the students, and I can use it as input. Example: "Chocolate is disgusting" when starting a food unit. #langchat A1
A1: listen to students. Sit and eat lunch with them when asked. I have been known to lean into Shopkins. To the point of finding fabulous French language cartoons abt the Shopkins. Or even inventing Lutzkins™ #langchat
A1 With our unit, Stories of our Past, discussed summer vacations, Mexican Legends and Narcoviolencia- keeping a focus on students, fictious and true stories about México and repeating of key vocabulary for comprehension of “La Llorona”lots of backward design and hooks #langchat
A1: I definitely have a different format almost every day to switch up what we are doing. It keeps them on their toes and they don’t get stuck to a specific routine. #langchat
A1: I teach my classes as (primarily) content classes -- Greco-Roman mythology and then into early Roman history. The language acquisition just facilitates accessing the content, but "learning the language" is projected as being secondary.
A1b: Also this. Starting with as many visuals as possible to immerse students in the culture so they want and need the language instead of using culture as a reward for the have-tos of school. #langchat
A1: I show a short video in the TL about the topic like a movie trailer. I've also pulled out a lucha libre mask in class when they aren't expecting it. #langchat
#langchat A1 and if I can find a current song with a good video tied to the topic, I have everyone's interest. Not to mention it is fun and rich with authentic language more interesting than a textbook.
A1: I try to guide them to the question How does this relate to you and your life? Also setting the scene, playing music that goes with a theme, setting out some weird random items #tlap style #langchat
My students were really engaged with our narcoviolencia unit- I recently shared another article with my students about their families from BBC mundo! #langchat
A1 My students appreciate having choice in the deliverables. For example recording a presentation vs doing it live in the classroom or using digital mediums vs paper. Giving them option in how they demonstrate learning really gets them invested #langchat
You could show people who are..like in between. So someone who's NOT super tall, nor super short, then call them tall or short and see who agrees? There's a shade of hair that's not quite blonde/brown that could work well! #langchat
In reply to
@ADiazMora, @Marishawkins, @PRHSspanish
A1 bit of a digression, but so much of student "disinterest" in language comes from generational perception of "language learning is hard" (I think we're falling into the same danger zone as math)
Content, content, content. Language just happens to access that content. #langchat
OK, #langchat, we're rocking and rolling! Now, Q2: once student interest and investment has been generated, what are your high-leverage habits for establishing order, procedures, and expectations? (Logistics, go-to phrases, anything and everything!)
A1: We read a lot of stories and instead of gallery walk to activate backgroudn knowledge I use google slides to connect the story to students #langchat
Oh also always a big discussion: do you brush your teeth before or after eating breakfast, do you wash the dishes before putting them in the dishwasher and deodorant before or after putting your shirt on! #langchat
I had my students critique my style and give me advice. They were brutal but had a blast and pushed their language beyond their proficiency level. I take that as a win #langchat
I agree; if we do it again inside of the unit later, it's always TL. However, I want the depth of questions that novice Spanish may not be able to get. I do encourage Ss to put the Qs in Spanish if they can, and as the year goes on it becomes more and more TL. #langchat
1 of 2: Now, before anyone says, "Isn't there a way to phrase this more positively?" or "Can this be in 'do-this' form," let me say... of course there is. But, I don't plan on doing it. I'm direct w/ my HS ss and reciprocate these same three rules to them. #langchat A2
A1: Establish and PRACTICE procedures on day 1! And day 2! And day 17! My wife is a preschool teacher and I learned almost everything I know from her! #langchat
A2 I do a Question on the Day on culture in Latin 1 every day to start; in Latin 2 I do a "Culture Fact" which is done entirely in Latin, similar to above; in Latin 3 we do Picture Talks or Culture Facts - lately I've been showing them Magister Craft's Aeneid #langchat
OK, #langchat, we're rocking and rolling! Now, Q2: once student interest and investment has been generated, what are your high-leverage habits for establishing order, procedures, and expectations? (Logistics, go-to phrases, anything and everything!)
A1: I think the biggest switch I made was using thematic units as opposed to specific vocab units. It’s so much more interesting to ss to have a reason to come to class other than just learning the vocab #langchat
A2: "Grand Bargain" for starters: I see my students 45 min 3x week -- I tell them that if they give me 100% of those minutes, I won't take a single one of theirs outside of class (i.e., no homework, no tests/quizzes)
Sometimes needs reminding, generally works well
A2 don't hesitate to use L1 to make sure everyone understands your classroom management habits ("Class when I do this gesture, it means I want you to answer chorally", "Class, what does it mean when I do this gesture?" Praise and repeat) #Milkyour10% #langchat
A2: As a class, we create 5 positive rules about respect, responsibility, ready, and building positive relationships. We all sign the rules and post them on wall. We refer back to them all the time! Procedures before content! #langchat
A2: Consistency is key. Establishing expectations. Reinforcing them when needed. Routines that save my sanity in all levels (weekend chat mon, free reading t/th, music wed, dance Friday) #langchat
#langchat A2 Procedures, order, and routines are establiahed Day 1 and revisited as often as necessary. Must have a safe, respectful environment in order to be silly and free to have fun without judgment.
2 of 2: We can have the greatest lesson plans in the world, but if there isn't trust and focus on the relationships and the learning, we're sunk. Kids must know what you expect when expect it, and these three cover all of 'em! #langchat A2
Hi, #langchat! Jumping in a little late! I’m Erin in S.C.; taught Intro to Span thru Span III in HS but am at Uni level now.
A1: I use memes every class as part of the review slide. I try to find something that will make them giggle, which is hard to do w/ college kids #toocool
This takes the form of reference pages for common class questions (Can I use the bathroom, Can I get a drink, How do you say...in Spanish). Helps ALL of us stay in the TL as much as possible. #langchat
A2: Lots of practice from Day 1. I have no desks, so on the first day we get into the routine of cell phones in backpacks and backpacks on tables. We practice checking the board for what is needed. Takes about the 3rd week to be automatic for the majority. #langchat
A2 I learned so much from being an Elementary French teacher last year! Sometimes we assume that because kids are older (MS/HS), they know what to do in our classroom #don'tassumeanything #langchat
A1: Establish and PRACTICE procedures on day 1! And day 2! And day 17! My wife is a preschool teacher and I learned almost everything I know from her! #langchat
I also introduce my incentive to students early on - earn a llama for staying in Spanish the majority of the time. Earn 10 llamas = class celebration. #langchat
A2: I start with routines and procedures on Day 1 after getting to know the Ss. I also allow them to suggest or add to our class rules and expectations. I want to create community w/in the room and feel the Ss opinions matter too. #langchat
@wearrrichmond is reading #shattering the perfect teacher myth the first chapter had a bit about “why didn’t my 5yo Ss uphold expectations I taught them at the beginning of the year!” #langchat
Q2: clear expectations that you believe they will rise to. Celebrate them and love them. Be tough when needed out but not in front of a crowd but also be their biggest cheerleader. #langchat
A2 For organization it really helps me to have a Google Presentation for each unit with a slide for each lesson to which all resources are hyperlinked. It really helps with absent kids as well as for me who usually has 4/5 preps.#langchat
A1 And! Yes, I like to chat curriculum to kick off the year, but it’s also critical to establish the classroom culture and build relationships with your Ss. Activities that build trust and collaboration are important in those first few days. #langchat
A2: second part is clear and simple rules to follow for optimal language acquisition, reminded of these constantly as they are up on the wall (and I have a laser pointer)
A2 I’ve been using the rules from “A Natural Approach to the Year” and doing a lot of breathing and Queen Victoria stares. Started the year off with weather/card talk and now transitioning to FVR and Discipulus Illustris as starting routines. #langchat
A2: model model model but let students model proper and improper ways and letting them set the bar for the classroom. Support and discuss those expectations and give praise in any form for when they’re met. #langchat
A2 Caleb Howard @HolaSrHoward talks about this in our podcast episode this week https://t.co/cKYc6xdkZT He talks about how to simplifying, using silence and silent activities and a non-averse voice. #langchat
A2 So... I don't have grades to use as leverage. This year I started emailing parents about which assignments were and weren't completed. That has helped some, I think. #langchat
A2 #langchat | Target language and OVERplanning are HUGE when it comes to systems and procedures and keeping things efficient. Idle hands make for a teacher's nightmare! Realized it today as I looked out at 30 glazed-over eyeballs and realized I was. still. talking.
A2: I love procedures!!! I have a procedure for everything and make them clear from the get-go. I also rarely vary from them, as it’s not *really* a procedure if it’s actually different every other time they come to class. #langchat
A2: having a call and response establishes when you need attention or reaction. If used consistently, ss will be able to still have the structure even if the topic has changed. #langchat
Also trying to figure out what assignments don't need a grade! Digital storytelling- when I tell kids they can use Snapchat to recreate scenes from the books- never needs a grade! #langchat
A2-We had PD on Columbus Day and our presenter brought up natural resets: after a weekend, holiday, new semester etc. It reminded me it's never too late to get back on course w/ procedures if you feel like you got off course. #langchat
A2: I usually start with a song or a game or something that we learned the previous day. I try to have an intro, a middle and a conclusion. Structure and routine are key. #langchat
A2a: Keeping the focus on the goal at all times: posted objectives referenced repeatedly, consistent references to proficiency, S created or worded rubrics as often as possible. Knowing the why = better focus on the how. Also, objectives have an "I can..." and "how?" #langchat
OK, #langchat, we're rocking and rolling! Now, Q2: once student interest and investment has been generated, what are your high-leverage habits for establishing order, procedures, and expectations? (Logistics, go-to phrases, anything and everything!)
A2: establishing those routines and procedures from day 1 can really create the classroom environment. But the key is to not let even the smallest things slide those first few weeks! They’ll catch on to what you expect as long as you are clear in those expectations #langchat
A2 I make sure my classroom is a place where controlled chaos is allowed. I use the “avocado of doom” to keep us in the target language/on task. If you get caught in the L1 or off task he comes to your desk, you can pass him if you catch someone else. #langchat#gentlereminder
A2: I address problems head-on, but not aggressively. I simply call the student by name and calmly tell them to... (put away phone, stop talking, put HW in HW tray) whatever I need them to do at the moment. Super blandly and matter of fact. #langchat
A2 ....and here I was still on A1 :D I share the three Rs for Rodriguez: Respect, Responsible and Ready to Learn. I also like highlighting positive behavior moments. Again, classroom culture & relationships are critical! I want Ss to look forward to coming to my class. #langchat
With proficiency, district assessments, quizzes vs. tests, the three modes, and more -- taking alllllllll of it into consideration, how do you assess fairly, consistently, all while encouraging quality and quantity? #langchat Q3
I've said this a million times but I cannot figure out IPAs - does it count if there is say a reading, a speaking, and a writing part to a lesson? #langchat
I stopped giving grades for homework this year, too, and my conversations with students have been so much more productive! We talk about LEARNING now, and not just whether or not they can still get credit. Amazing shift. #langchat
A2b: Also, having key phrases and expectations posted around the room. Being able to point at what needs to happen when something is off instead of taking my time and language to sort it out (as much as possible) keeps things flowing smoothly. #langchat
#langchat A2 By being consistent from the get go! Clear concise instructions using comprehensible language. Praising expected behavior, posting learning targets & work habits, drilling growth mindset, providing students w/ the tools & lang 2 be successful rather than penalizing
A2 #langchat | Designing lessons like an everyday IPA means I don't forget any modes or modalities. Rotate listening & reading for interpretive, speaking for interpersonal, & then rotate writing and speaking for presentational. Bada bing, bada boom! Lots of #authres and variety!
A2: practicing transitions is also a great way to make the class run smoothly. In any given class we can do 5 different things in a span of 45 minutes but that’s dependent on my ability to teach them how to transition proficiently. #langchat
A3- not necessarily an answer- but last year I switched to just assessing with IPAs and I felt like I had so many BIG assessments... working on smaller "quiz" IPAs this year #langchat
A2 I use visuals to indicate what type of task we're on (partner work, brainstorming, writing, timed exercise, etc.) And I reuse the same visuals so they immediately know what they're supposed to be doing #langchat
A2 #langchat | Designing lessons like an everyday IPA means I don't forget any modes or modalities. Rotate listening & reading for interpretive, speaking for interpersonal, & then rotate writing and speaking for presentational. Bada bing, bada boom! Lots of #authres and variety!
Interpretive ⬅️, interpersonal ➡️⬅️, presentational. Each should lead to the next, meaning ss can't do the next activity w/o doing the previous, so they can't opt out and decide to join in. The presentational part I usually use for the feedback opp/grade/etc. #langchat A2
A3: Maybe not for me, but for the kids there is less stress when I tell them, “Progress, not perfection.” They’re able to produce more when you take that pressure off them. #langchat
I've been super inspired by your examples this week. Our next unit is a PBLL, but after that I'm totally switching my layout. I usually use all modalities within a 2-day arc, so it won't be a crazy transition, but more intentional. #langchat
A3 Language is developmental and takes time, recognizing the power of growth and reflection, how can students progress in their proficiency? Retraining a bit to think of assessments as check ins and not gotchas...and utilizing assessments with the three modes in mind #langchat
A3 Proficiency growth is NOT FAST, and there isn't a need to over-assess... so I say less... most teachers can be assessing less and it would be ok. #langchat I use a portfolio and collect evidence of growth on open ended multi-topic prompts
A3: moving towards SBG has helped me to grade smarter not harder. Only summative assessments in Gradebook. Everything else is practice with feedback https://t.co/pQELkeAmsy#langchat
I mean, I do a lot of this on a regular basis. I was commended by my curriculum director for including so many modalities in activities in my lesson plans. We read, write, speak everyday.I just cannot for the life of me design what I've seen as IPAs - they seem so hard! #langchat
A2: Visibility helps ME keep them accountable. I est. norms first 2 weeks and then spend the rest of the year in a #groundhogsday loop re-teaching, reminding, modeling, enforcing b/c #TheyAreMiddlesAfteraAll#langchat
A3 #langchat | I teach them formative and summative right away in the first days of school so that I can say, "Today's ___ is formative," or whatever, and I'm not hearing, "Is this for a graaaaadddde?" Literally haven't been asked that in probably three years!
A1: I love starting with a story and/or gestures! We started the year with card talk and they LOVE seeing their name in write and discuss on the board. No matter what, it’s about them. #langchat
A3: I feel like this is a major weakness right now due to some major shifts. 100% stressed about it. we were rewriting curriculum..now, not? we ARE shifting to SBG..but not updating assessments? feeling lost here. #langchat
A3: I teel the Ss from the beginning "I am looking for comprehension not perfection, nothing will be above where you are going." This has helped a lot Ss to feel at ease and me. We practice a lot. I do use our district rubric to show where quantity has a place. #langchat
That’s how I was. But then I said to myself, you don’t need to pass the white boards out, you don’t need to rearrange all the furniture every hour, or organize the books. Ss are fully capable! #langchat
I also set timers for every exercise, helps keep me on schedule, they also seem to prefer the timer to tell them to stop rather than me telling them. #langchat
A3a: Making sure to hit all modalities every week at least once for formatives. Take time for metacognition within that as a followup. District has units, but leaves sum. assess. to the T; luck to have awesome proficiency rubrics from the district. #langchat
With proficiency, district assessments, quizzes vs. tests, the three modes, and more -- taking alllllllll of it into consideration, how do you assess fairly, consistently, all while encouraging quality and quantity? #langchat Q3
#langchat A2 What has saved me this year is instituting the you've crossed the threshold into French land. Now you only have TWO options: Silence or French (Said smiling à la @profeashley) Amazing how it is transforming my classes.
I felt like it was easier to think of interpretive as more a vocab assessment then presentational and interpersonal as a test where they applied more of vocab/grammar as I was making the shift #langchat
A3: I give lots of formative assessments so that when it comes to the summarize assessments the Ss are prepared. Using tech integrated tools that give both me and the Ss immediate feedback and allows for mastery learning really help. #langchat
A3: I prune practices that are no longer useful—got rid of a stand-alone composition bc we write in all of our IPAs, for example. I quit giving superfluous quizzes bc I thought I needed them. Etc. #langchat
A3: I teel the Ss from the beginning "I am looking for comprehension not perfection, nothing will be above where you are going." This has helped a lot Ss to feel at ease and me. We practice a lot. I do use our district rubric to show where quantity has a place. #langchat
1 of 2: A3 #langchat | I like to give a variety of types of assessments. Writings use a proficiency-based rubric. Quizzes and tests in my dept are common and must follow a point value. Then reading, they can be assessed ... resource links in tweet 2 of 2 in one second...
A3: Practice makes permanent. Teach students to trust the process of the path to proficiency. Frequent formative assessments and providing students with rubrics. Timely feedback is key with grows 🌱 and glows! 💡#langchat
A2- has anyone found that a deskless classroom has cut back a little on classroom management issues? - like I feel like getting closer in regards to space could be helpful #langchat
A3: I don’t tell students that they are taking a quiz or test. I tell them that they are showing me all of the things they have learned and what they can do with it. I’ve had ss even say that they like reading assessments! Give them confidence! #langchat
A3 I am consistent with assessments - and I do a LOT of activities to reinforce texts and other concepts. We have hour blocks so I can fit different things in depending on what my goal is every day #langchat
A3b: I change the T language rubrics to S lang single point rubrics a la @SraSpanglish. Ss can redo any proficiency based assignment or assessment as many times as they want before final grade posts, as long as they can demonstrate how they are working to improve #langchat
With proficiency, district assessments, quizzes vs. tests, the three modes, and more -- taking alllllllll of it into consideration, how do you assess fairly, consistently, all while encouraging quality and quantity? #langchat Q3
A3 Assessments, not grades are constant. Are you looking confused when I’m speaking? Are you answering questions that increase in complexity? #langchat
A2: Clear and simple expectations. I started stopping everything & walking to my expectations to reinforce (thanks, @CIliftoff) and now they start saying, “She’s walking to rule 5!” I love that they hold each other accountable. #langchat
A3 I never figured out how to avoid the stress part, but giving an IPA as a summative assessment every 4-6 weeks and 2-3 formative grades a week worked for an assessment strategy. #langchat
that makes sense to me. one of my struggles is that our department rubrics don't use interpretive/presentational mode language within the strands of the rubric (they exist just hidden). things are set up in reading/writing/listening/speaking, then various skills within #langchat
A3: which is to say I don't actually "grade" a thing any longer.
Assess and provide copious feedback at all stages.
Lots of self-evaluation and reflection.
Occasional formal assessments to gauge approximate proficiency #langchat
When I gave grades, I had predictable graded assignments that allowed learners to plan their time and allowed me to get required grades: blog post Friday, choice HW report Tuesday, etc. #langchat
One of these days, I really want to try this... I have such a wonderful, motivated group of students that we could do this. And my classes are small enough that I can monitor progress well. #langchat
A3 No or little homework (great source of inequality), fairly frequent formative assessments, barely any summative assessment unless I have to, monthly free writes to assess fluency and plot my ss' growth #langchat
With tonight's #langchat, I feel like I'm going to be up til midnight just reading and responding to others! So much to read, so little time between tweets!
1 of 2: A3 #langchat | I like to give a variety of types of assessments. Writings use a proficiency-based rubric. Quizzes and tests in my dept are common and must follow a point value. Then reading, they can be assessed ... resource links in tweet 2 of 2 in one second...
A3.2: Teaching them circumlocution has been so great. It has shown a lot of them they can be understood even when they don't know the word at the moment. I have to make a poster that has "Comment dit-on?" on a tombstone because the expression dies today in class. #langchat
It is definitely a big shift to use new rubrics- but I look back on my fledgling IPAs and now and the growth is amazing! So you too will get there! #langchat
A3: assessments should mirror instruction and shouldn’t be a “gotcha” type of thing — I want students to feel confident! When I pull listening and reading segments, they are directly from characters we’ve created, stories we’ve told, discussions we’ve had, etc #langchat
Can you share thee single point rubrics? How much time do you give Ss for redos? I feel setting a solid window of opportunity is better but curious about your thoughts. #langchat
A3: in level 1, we’ve made a huge shift in speaking and writing assessments. They should be getting far more input before output so we focus more on listening and reading assessments. Speaking is hard for them so we need to give them support before we require it! #langchat
A3: Math: we have a district assessment. My school making an emphasis on writing this year just designed a writing prompt based on the book "Alma" will do interpretive reading, interpersonal speaking and presentational writing #langchat
With my kids in formal school for the first time this year, can I just say bless you, bless you all who give limited HW with lots of flexibility. #theyneedalife#langchat
I'm telling you I could cry happy tears at how well this is working! They are dying to talk, so they do it in French! Doesn't always make perfect sense, but they are doing it. Lots of funny rejoinders being tossed around. They even mimic my "Français ou silence" #langchat
Q4 #langchat | ACTFL recommends being 90% in the TL - how do you keep yourself accountable and stay in the TL? Input, unexpected moments, for management, class commands, all of it is on the table, no strategy too big or too small!
A3 No or little homework (great source of inequality), fairly frequent formative assessments, barely any summative assessment unless I have to, monthly free writes to assess fluency and plot my ss' growth #langchat
do you use rubrics to describe what 4,3,2,1 looks like? and do you have multiple "parts" to each of your skills? or do they receive ONE 4,3,2, or 1 for each of the four? #langchat
I get into a predictable rhythm, partner work at least every 5-10 min, always a cycle of brainstorm/establish context with images, interpretive exercise, comp assess, new vocab/structures in context, partner work, presentational follow-up, leads into next brainstorming #langchat
A3: Give monthly feedback on observable behaviors that lead to language acquisition. This is an example of 1st semester https://t.co/ro2WSLotAl Highlight what you are observing regularly. Let students respond to feedback. Focus on process over achievement. #langchat
A3, Part 2: I focus on writing, and we do a 10 minute writing every Friday — I rotate free write and prompts. Ss are assessed summatively every 6 weeks and formatively at least 1x a week and I only focus on 1 modality at a time for formative assessments #langchat
Especially interested in answers for Q4 for teachers who focus on #TBLT and #PBLL - my HS class last week fell apart where TL use is concerned. #highlightreal#langchat
Here are my Level 2A and 2B presentational. Based on JCPS-KY proficiency rubric (trying to see if there is a public link) #langchathttps://t.co/0eQ9PgD44O
A3: Ss work in class. We are either speaking or Ss are reading, listening or writing. By the time an “assessment” comes up, there’s no stress. #langchat
A4: I have a student who is in charge of marcadores and I write the words in two colors; I also use @MartinaBex “beisbol” choral response when it’s an easy cognate #langchat
A4: I video my classes for reflection. To make myself comprehensible, I model pausing and thinking before speaking so I know it's at their level. I model everything, act out things and show what a terrible artist I am so the light bulbs pop up. #langchat
A3: Here are the process behaviors I mentioned for NL-IL. This is what I give more regular feedback on while collecting evidence of proficiency growth... they have more control over these https://t.co/vzUIuJp0zZ#langchat
Laurie Clarcq's go-to line is another of my favorites if there is a behavior question or pushback: "I care about you. I'm glad you're here. I decide what we do." (calmly) BAM! It's the best. #langchat A2
1 of 2: Now, before anyone says, "Isn't there a way to phrase this more positively?" or "Can this be in 'do-this' form," let me say... of course there is. But, I don't plan on doing it. I'm direct w/ my HS ss and reciprocate these same three rules to them. #langchat A2
Back to school idea for next year! A white board stop watch to count time with are 100% in Target language. I pause for 2 minutes every time I hear or talk English. We set a goal and reward system for the class. Example: 1000 mins in TL means crêpe party! #langchat
A4 I have stopped trying to hold myself to this number, but try to be as comprehensible as possible and reuse words and structures. Could start doing more classroom management in Latin. #langchat
A3: while I try to space out assignments for students, I still haven’t fully mastered spacing them out for me. Somehow I always end up with 2 different levels turning in assignments. 🤦🏼♀️ #langchat
Laurie Clarcq's go-to line is another of my favorites if there is a behavior question or pushback: "I care about you. I'm glad you're here. I decide what we do." (calmly) BAM! It's the best. #langchat A2
1 of 2: Now, before anyone says, "Isn't there a way to phrase this more positively?" or "Can this be in 'do-this' form," let me say... of course there is. But, I don't plan on doing it. I'm direct w/ my HS ss and reciprocate these same three rules to them. #langchat A2
Need some self-discipline to stay in the TL? This customized (@etsy) mat helps ss to monitor me when I’m not comprehensible. Brows furrowed, silence? “Ummm...” {Ss point to mat, “Se permite inglés, Señora...”} #langchat
Back to school idea for next year! A white board stop watch to count time with are 100% in Target language. I pause for 2 minutes every time I hear or talk English. We set a goal and reward system for the class. Example: 1000 mins in TL means crêpe party! #langchat
A4: @matthewmangino has a timer job for his classes. For every eight minutes a class spends in the TL, the class gets a point. I’m going to do this in my classes, too. #langchat
A4 Personally, I spend very little time talking--most input comes from #authres and lots of time is spent on interpersonal with partners. Basically, there's not just not much need for English. #langchat
A4 I use Latin as much as I can... but (confession) I am nowhere near 90%. The students are always engaging in something Latin. I'll say something in Latin and often translate if it's not known to them. We establish meaning a lot - but here's the real facts... (1/2) #langchat
A4 #langchat | Another one is letting students "let you" nerd out a little bit -- "Can I nerd out?" and we set a timer where I stay in the TL for X # of min telling them a story or something, while they follow along. W/o an activity it better be compelling!
A3: I keep an evaluation grid on a clip board. I teach French subjects. I use E for excellent B for good, TB for very good, S for satisfying. Last year I used Fresh Grade. #langchat
A4: I do 100% Spanish most days and then we have English days 3 times a year and at other points for portfolios. Those days make the 10%. It's a slippery slope for me otherwise. Not having English as an option makes me HAVE to be comprehensible to communicate. #langchat
A4: My Pig of Shame is great. I used to let the kids hold it when they use L1. That became a reward somehow so now they can throw it at me gently #nottheface#langchat
A4: I attended a workshop a couple years ago where a T said we have to PLAN in the TL. So, I do, I plan how I'm going to use TL in the class. It's made a difference for me! #langchat
A4: I still script...frequently. Do I stick to the original script always? Nah. But I have something intentional to return to. Also, posted management and commands.
And So. Much. Acting.
And personal forgiveness for all the times where I use too much English. #langchat
My students have read a TON of Latin. Here's my numbers so far this year:
Latin 1 - about 1,000 words between class and book stories
Latin 2 - about 8,000 words between this year & last
Latin 3 - about 11,000 words so far in their studies #langchat (2/2)
A4: Lots of visuals and motions help. I also draw on the board if needed to make sure I am comprehensible. The Ss realize they can understand a lot more than they think they can. #langchat
A4: If I ever feel I have to use English to explain something, it's probably not level-appropriate... re-evaluate topic/question/objective/activity. Know the levels. #langchat
Q3 I check and track that homework is done but don’t grade it-I make sure it’s something they can get automatic, real-time feedback on. Also, open-ended interpretive tasks. No bean counting how many right or wrong answers they got. Main idea and some details?👌#langchat
A4 scaffolding, low cognitive load tasks, and using google image search as a picture dictionary. But the least L1 days are the ones most scaffolded. If the tasks are easy & interesting enough, and there's enough support, they don't need L1. #langchat
YES! #langchat I have bulletin board with school's Habits of Work and Learning, growth mindset and expectations posted. Every student signs name around it. Point to it to remind they signed!
Q5 #langchat | Now that you've stayed in the TL, generated interest, assessed, where does feedback stand? We know effective feedback is fast and forward-thinking - so, how? (Especially with big classes, mandated assessments, etc.) Last question, put it allllll out there!
Drawing on the board to keep it comprehensible has been super helpful for me for the past 2 years- although if I REALLY need to clarify- resorting to English will get the job done fast #langchat
A4: Well, TL at 90% is definitely a growth goal for me — I’d say I’m at about 75% right now. I’m working on going s.l.o.w. and making eye contact w Ss so I know when to check for comprehension #langchat
This is a nice reminder that 90% is a goal and if I'm not achieving it every day with every class, that's okay. If I tried and keep trying, I will get closer and closer as the year goes on! #langchat
THIS! I've become a lot more comfortable this year with stopping myself. Taking a breath, thinking about it, and either re-stating, or changing completely what I was about to say! #langchat
A4: If I ever feel I have to use English to explain something, it's probably not level-appropriate... re-evaluate topic/question/objective/activity. Know the levels. #langchat
A4: we’ve already mentioned it, but you can never use enough visuals and motions for ss to understand you. The more you act it out the more they remember it! Make them do the motions too! #langchat
A4: DLI :100%TL it's a exhausting especially at the beginning of the year with new students but doable: TPR, visuals, , repetition. songs, consistency in routines and procedures, realia, #langchat
A5 This year I've been much better at grading things quicker - I have a very small number of total students which makes it easier (some of y'all have more students in one class than I do total!) So they get feedback a lot quicker. #langchat
A4 with 90% in TL comes the risk to become INcomprehensible, so I think it is more important to keep ourselves accountable on how comprehensible we are at all times. Check in with ss, teach to the eyes, institute a signal fr them to show you if you confuse them, etc. #langchat
Another twist to this that a colleague got from a conference: pass the animal (mine is a frog) to whoever spoke L1 last and whoever has it at the end of class has to speak in the TL in front of the class for 2 mins. #langchat
Q5: ss at the lower levels don’t want to hear all the grammar they did wrong. They want to know that they were understood! Highlight the best part so they can see immediately what they did so well! #langchat
I give bonus minutes for extraordinary language production that is pushing above their proficiency level. My student responses have grown tremendously in speaking and writing #langchat
A5: I use @Seesaw with my classes and it allows me to respond to their work from anywhere as long as I have a device. I can like/comment their assignments. #langchat
A5: I have switched my rubrics to Google Forms that have the Ss school email accounts. There is a critique section at the end. When I am done with all the students, I use Flubaroo to put in the numeric grade and e-mail to Ss. #langchat
HAVE THE STUDENTS DRAW THINGS! We did a Story Mural the other day in Latin 2 - my class of five, it was incredible! I'm using it for a Picture Talk story retell tomorrow! #langchat
Drawing on the board to keep it comprehensible has been super helpful for me for the past 2 years- although if I REALLY need to clarify- resorting to English will get the job done fast #langchat
A5: with my upper levels I only mark on the rubric - nothing on writings or speakings and they are actually improving by not focusing on the itty bitty details #langchat
A5: I missed question 4. I phone home for sunshine calls and calls if students are misbehaving. I also use remind. I give feedback to the student and to the class. #langchat
A4: Checks for understanding (yes/no questions, thumbs up/down), intentionality in planning, predicting the language, vocabulary, chunks students are going to need #langchat
A5 I circulate to provide feedback during interpersonal tasks and use lots of Edpuzzles for interpretive listening, but am always behind on providing feedback for interpretive reading and presentational writing tasks! #langchat
A5a: I love using @nearpod and @Flipgrid. As Wr. and Sp. take the most time for feedback, digital platform helps make it quick for me to see while Ss are working. #langchat
Q5 #langchat | Now that you've stayed in the TL, generated interest, assessed, where does feedback stand? We know effective feedback is fast and forward-thinking - so, how? (Especially with big classes, mandated assessments, etc.) Last question, put it allllll out there!
Did you see @GrowingFrench 's timer tweet? I'm about to start this to help. So far they are policing themselves. Do a quick reset when broken. Today I slipped and was reprimanded kindly. I left the room and re-entered show I was back in the game. #langchat
In reply to
@GMancuso13, @profeashley, @GrowingFrench
A5.2: In class, during discussions or group questions, I use TALK and give feedback on the pot especially if it interferes with comprehension. I also make a point to meet one-on-one during class to discuss their progress and what I notice in their work. #langchat
A5 This and Q3 cross for me. I know feedback doesn’t equal grades but it still takes me the same amount of time.
Need to get better at TALK, too.
A5 Also I am constantly walking around the room helping kids. Every student has a voice, every student is heard in my room, every student gets the help she needs (I teach in a girls' school) #langchat
A4: lots of scaffolding and environmental print. Gestures, pictures, intonation, adjusted rates of speech. All of it to make Language comprehensible. #langchat
A5b: On formative assessment, I usually don't give EVERY S feedback EVERY time, but I show positives to all (aligned with rubric), give several points of class-wide feedback, and make sure every S has received multiple bits of personal feedback before sum assess. #langchat
My principal has been in my room and he was impressed that the Ss understood so much and how much TL was used. He got to witness me acting out things so the Ss would understand. My acting is much better than my drawings. #langchat
A5: Students need to be ready for the feedback given. If they are not receptive to growing and learning from their mistakes, feedback is not useful. Help cultivate growth mindsets within students. #langchat
A5: in years past when i had large classes, I would rotate to every student to provide real time feedback. The feedback was more important than the grade...they knew where the growth was and what they needed to work on to keep growing #langchat
A5: Highlight observations NLhttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1kIVdYVBz1S14W0GZZv2lKN35_OROISCKxQfWhwsTelA/edit?usp=sharing NH/IL https://t.co/H6ukUadyD6#langchat Feedback on process more often than achievement
WOW, great chat everyone! LOVING the awesome resources being shared! So, which will YOU use? What are you reflecting on? Takeaways include any and all of the above - what are yours? #langchat TA
A5 To be perfectly honest, I'm not sure it's always effective. Certainly I'm encouraging & I use my observations & data to inform how to move forward BUT I'm not sure it changes my Ss efforts, approach or understanding #langchat
A5c: Much of my English language use is teaching metacognition strategies, to help Ss focus more on the process and be able to self-assess most effectively. #langchat
A3 I check and track that homework is done but don’t grade it-I make sure it’s something they can get automatic, real-time feedback on. Also, open-ended interpretive tasks. No bean counting how many right or wrong answers they got. Main idea and some details?👌#langchat
A4 from https://t.co/meoia602Zm: Drawings, Written Words in L1 and L2, Gestures, Mimic, Syno/Antonyms, Suffix/Prefix, Parts of Speech, Word Families, L1, Ss's Knowledge of World, Slow , Clear Speech, Shorter, Easier Sentences #langchat
Did you see @GrowingFrench 's timer tweet? I'm about to start this to help. So far they are policing themselves. Do a quick reset when broken. Today I slipped and was reprimanded kindly. I left the room and re-entered show I was back in the game. #langchat
In reply to
@GMancuso13, @profeashley, @GrowingFrench
#langchat A4 What has saved me this year is instituting the you've crossed the threshold into French land. Now you only have TWO options: Silence or French (Said smiling à la @profeashley) Amazing how it is transforming my classes.
A5: Using technology integrated assignments and assessments really helps and provides the Ss and myself immediate feedback. I can adjust my lessons as needed. #langchat
TA I think we all are doing what is best for our particular students. Only we know the dynamic of the students we are teaching. And it looks like we are all doing fantastic work. #langchat
TA: Just be intentional. The best classes and flows come when teachers have specific plans for what they're doing, and can also give the WHY for it at the drop of a dime. Regardless of management styles and teaching methods, strong intentions = strong results. #langchat
WOW, great chat everyone! LOVING the awesome resources being shared! So, which will YOU use? What are you reflecting on? Takeaways include any and all of the above - what are yours? #langchat TA
A5: sometimes whole-group feedback, with writing my plan is to do less guided reading and more feedback in small groups so that students can come up with personalized learning goals #langchat
#langchat A4 Making sure tasks are age and level appropriate and equipping students with the tools (vocabulary, ways to OTHER than speaking) to show comprehension
TA I think we all are doing what is best for our particular students. Only we know the dynamic of the students we are teaching. And it looks like we are all doing fantastic work. #langchat
TA: Now I have to go back and read everything I missed. Thanks for a a great chat everybody--it was great to be back after a busy Sept./Oct.! #langchat
I keep a running total of the words I write for our class stories. I counted in textbook stories as needed but these numbers are quite accurate. Latin 3's might be slightly higher - and Latin 2's by year's end, I kid you not, at the rate we're going - might be doubled! #langchat
TA: As culturally responsive teachers, we recognize that language learning growth happens when we have high expectations for all students, provide a safe environment to help Ss take risks, and scaffold instruction. Let’s be warm demanders! #langchat