Interested in student-driven classrooms? Join Dr. Nancy Sulla @nsulla (author of Students Taking Charge, Its Not What You Teach But How, Building Executive Function: The Missing Link to Student Achievement, and more) and educators from all over in #LATICchat on Thursday nights at 8pm ET. We hope to bring together a community of educators to share insights, stories, examples, pictures from their classrooms, and more. We welcome all educators to join; no need to be running a #LATIC classroom.
A1. The 2nd set is given in equal chunks unlike the first. This relates to learning because we can better remember things when we can associate them with other things. This is why we want to activate schema when we teach so Ss can find something to link new to old #LATICchat
I hadn't thought about the 3-letter aspect being cognitively easier ... good one ... I was focusing on the fact that I know what those acronyms stand for. #LATICchat
Hi Christina! Definitely. Wondering about WOU though... that took a bit of load for me to associate as the other chunks were comparably so familiar. #LATICchat
Sometimes we need to move slow to go further faster. Small easier steps that breed success will snowball into greater accomplishments for students. #laticchat
A1 Both sets are chunked but the way the second set is chunked as meaning/relevance which allows the brain to make a meaningful connection which helps us recall #LATICchat
A3) When I taught computer science, variables were easy but arrays are a harder concept because they are two-dimensional ... greater intrinsic load #LATICchat
A2 I’m grappling with being a latic teacher. Every time I think I’m in a good place I add another layer of complexity. Right now I’m trying to write multi disciplinary tasks so that there is one problem that encompasses all our learning #LATICchat
#LATIC does have its cognitive load! Shoot for 2 ALUs ... it's hard address everything in 1 ... plus students would be working all day long on 1 problem ... 2 for elementary school is nice. #LATICchat
A3) Learning to decode words that follow the consonant - short vowel - consonant format have lower intrinsic load than learning to decode words in which two consonants make one sound, or that have a final e, etc. #LATICchat
A1 Letters are grouped or chunked into easy to say and remember terms like ESL, USA, etc... We as T's need to chunk information into manageable bits for S's to synthisize and use to complete Activities for learning with links or relevance to their lives. #LATICchat
A4) There is a LOT of extraneous cognitive load in classrooms today. Ts tend to teach according to their learning styles ... not always thinking about the natural format of the content. #LATICchat
A4 arrays. Ss worked today using geoboards to create arrays and some needed that physical touch to understand rows vs columns and how the numbers are different and make the “shape” different while others could simply draw and understand #LATICchat
A4 #LATICCHAT for social studies teachers this comes with knowing and understanding the power of primary sources and balancing that decision making with when to supplement equally powerful secondary sources to piece together the bigger picture for S's
Agreed! And knowing one other language creates "noise" as you try to learn another; the brain thinks in the 2nd language before the 3rd, right?! That is #cognitiveload#LATICchat
A5) If you think about what students need to learn ... say, the 5 themes of geography: location has less ICL than movement ... so teach them, chunk them, to build from easier to tougher, and think about how to present the tougher concepts to reduce CL #LATICchat
A6) Think about cognitive load and plan your benchmark lessons and learning activities accordingly. How-To Sheets are really good for reducing cognitive load IF each numbered item addresses one action! #LATICchat
A6 Not standing in the front of the room talking forever, creating “felt-need” for learning, differentiation so that they get just what they need when they need it and possibly getting out of the way at times #LATICchat
A6 The more relevant and engaging we can make ALUs, the more Ss are willing to work/grapple with the material because of the felt need. Currently my students are motivated to write strong opinion letters to help their book move up in our bracket #LATICchat
True ... and the whole framework of #LATIC lends itself to personalized cognitive load management as students make a lot of decisions about learning #LATICchat
Yes! Part of my current ALU #laticchat Decisions to develop and use an atomic weapon are still current and pertinent. Who should be able to develop atomic weapons? What role should we play in preventing atomic weapons from falling into the wrong hands?
A6: In #LATIC students can minimize their own cognitive load and address their own learning needs through the choices they have of where, how and with whom to learn. With scaffolding, they can do it. #LATICchat
A6 provide Ss with lots of choice in their learning and try to tie as much of their skills to real world applications. Ss need to understand why they need to learn certain skills to help develop the felt need to learn it. #LATICchat
A7 Providing auditory support if needs, speech to text, coding text, using colors, digital sketching on the margins and access to a dictionary at any moment on a device #LATICchat
A7) Use plenty of whitespace ... bullets ... make sure any labeling and explanations are on the same page so students don't have to flip from front to back. #LATICchat
#LATICchat I would say that it’s not a 1st, 2nd, 3rd issue; rather, it’s the strength of the association you have with a concept’s word/phonetic/tactile combination and your real life combination. Learning a new way of speaking for the same association doesn’t ‘feel’ right.
A5 Utilize S's preexisting knowledge and anchor activities in real world applications to guide S's to reach beyond to the unknown and master content while managing intrinsic load. #LATICchat
A8 Including visuals and keeping verbal short, sweet and to the point! Bonus if it has something “catchy” like a song or chant to help recall #LATICchat
I wonder if sometimes we don’t make things more complicated than they need to be by forcing students into having to think about how we view the world so that they can figure out what they think we want to see versus just waking on solutions that make sense to them. #LATICchat
A6 Chunk material and learning in manageable and real world examples that lead to S's to abstract or higher understanding and use of the smaller ideas. Eliminate confusion and external stressors in the classroom so it is conducive to problem solving and learning. #LATICchat
A8) Making sure that the pace is just right, letting them take notes and hear the info again as they need it. Record yourself. At least provide opportunities to check for understanding along the way. #LATICchat
Honoring where kids are starting from and the way they have experienced the world is a key to reducing anxiety and cl, because when they can show up authentically they don’t have to keep track of trying to play a role and engage with content. #LATICchat
I think providing multiple access points with different styles and from different people in the room also helps. Student choice in how to learn and who to learn from also helps. #LATICchat
CA I think just try to be mindful of the cognitive load—while it might not seem like a “load” to us we have to put ourselves in our students’ shoes #LATICchat
So many new and familiar faces tonight! I love seeing all the great things happening in student-driven classrooms. Keep changing the world #LATIC friends #LATICchat