#CatholicEdchat Archive
CatholicEdChat is a twitter chat. Topics focus on discussions around educational issues for Catholic Educators and topics beneficial to Catholic Schools. We look forward to continuing to connect Catholic Educators online to discuss education and teaching with faith in our schools. The chat takes place on Saturday mornings. Time 9am EST.
Saturday March 12, 2016 9:00 AM EST
is partnering with and to talk about Holocaust Education with today
My tweets for the next hour will be devoted to
Good morning . Happy to share the impact Bearing Witness has on my classroom :-)
Please introduce yourself with name, grade you teach, and location
Katie, when did you attend Bearing Witness?
I am the Associate Superintendent for secondary schools for
Good morning! Mary Gaeta, K-8 Librarian from Peabody, MA
Good Morning! having some Internet and challenges here!
Good morning, Echoes and Reflections here from ! Bearing Witness is a big part of what we do!
is happy to cohost with about and the Echoes and Reflections Program
Good morning! weets for the next hour with T
RT is partnering with to talk Holocaust Education with today
I attended last simmer. My name is Katie Dukes and I teach 5-8th Social Studies near Cincy, Ohio.
Andrea Kopp Manager of Educational Resources for NCEA
I am an alumn of 2015, also. It was such a great experience, wasn't it? So glad you could join us!
Good morning from Pennsylvania
Q1:How do u teach Ss about Holocaust? Do u include anti-Semitism (past & present) 2 create a context 4 Holocaust education?
Lynn Woods, grade 8, ELA in Va Beach, VA.
Good morning, excited to learn about programs...from sunny Green Bay, WI
A1 historical context is so important when teaching about the Holocaust!
Kind of nervous about hosting this chat, little rusty since medical leave, hope you are all patient with my hosting skills!
Good morning! I'm tweeting from Plaza Tire, waiting for four new tires.
Welcome to all first time attendees - you will love it here!
How broad a context do you provide?
You are awesome as always, Lynn
Not 2 the Holocaust yet w/8th, but my 6th does world studies so we just finished our unit on Judaism.
RT A1 historical context is so important when teaching about the Holocaust!
Good morning! Pleasant surprise to see is hosting!
A1: Didn't realize how important historical context of Anti-Semitism was until at Bearing Witness, eye-opening
I attended in its early years when I was a history teacher and still draw on that experience.
A1: teachers must include present & past lessons so students know whole history & why these lessons are impt
A1 I don't teach about Holocaust, but looking forward to learning for student research project.
Lesson 2 devoted to teaching antisemitism w resources & testimony, Bearing Witness program offers add'l context
A1: Use literature such as Anne Frank, survivor memoirs, speakers, visit to local Holocaust Museum, Echoes and Reflections
I'm sure you'll be great! Lots of support from all of us
A1 S's need the historical perspective of antisemitism to understand circumstances contributing to the Holocaust.
Bearing Witness allows me to establish context beginning in 6th grade, and I pull it through 7-8th leading up to WW2.
I do begin w/ a series of lessons on the history of antisemitism. Students need to understand that it was not new in 20th C
I don't teach Soc. St. but in reading we read several Holocaust novels. Vital content to ensure we don't repeat history.
A1 Began w/hist fic to build empathy to coincide w/history facts Included discussion of anti-Semitism & other ethnicities
The Holocaust is great topic 4 research but feel Ss need guidance since so much misinformation is out there
Do you focus on broad context in global history or just what pertains to the lead up to WW2?
So important to not repeat https://t.co/1ORAyyKVJC
I don't teach Soc. St. but in reading we read several Holocaust novels. Vital content to ensure we don't repeat history.
PBL workshop this week. did a fabulous PBL unit on Holocaust incredible learning. Class created a museum.
A1 being in the library it comes up & we talk about causes also in books they read may prompt questions.
Anyone use novels to teach this? If so, which ones?
Nice that you have Ss for several years to follow through
A1: One of the most powerful parts of the program was the talk by a Holocaust survivor. No sub for that kind of witness.
I have reached out to the local Jewish community and have had a great response. I work with which adds so much!
Q2: What are the most powerful tools you have used in teaching the Holocaust?
Yes, and if we elect Trump we may be repeating.
primarily Jewish experience before, during and after the Holocaust
Good morning from NJ. Listening in today.
I don't teach Soc St either but partner with my grade level Soc St T and we do it together
I use a short story "Suzy and Leah" by Jane Yolen. It is a great intro- focuses on a 12yo Jewish refugee in US
A2: The most impt tool would be hearing from survivors telling their own stories. These stories must be shared and retold
I haven't heard of that one. Thanks!
I just think of the genocide that has happened since then. My Ss from Africa are too familiar with it
A2 Sharing examples of propaganda, especially targeted for young children, helps S's see the scope of antisemitism
A2 Books such as The Devil's Arithmetic, Number the Stars, One Candle, I Never Saw Another Butterfly, Milkweed
It would be a good lead in to her other works like Devil's Arithmetic or Brier Rose
I use group of novels and memoirs Ss select from: T4, Night, Maus, Forging Freedom, Surviving the Angel of Death
This is a great idea. We must avoid presuming that we understand the Jewish perspective of the H.
A2 Books (poetry, picture, fic, & nonfic) & video. Visit to Natl museum in DC prob tops list if possible.
Thanks for listening in, Anne.
Will need to begin recording those stories. The survivors are getting up in age.
RT Will need to begin recording those stories. The survivors are getting up in age.
Has anyone seen the documentary "Paper Clips?" Very powerful & gives great perspective on the #'s of people affected
A2, While not Jewish, my great grandparents escaped Poland just b4 the invasion. The stories they told have stuck with me.
A2 I have attended PD days at & using for yrs. This has def improved my teaching in this area
nj has a number of universities host survivor talks- movong experiences
is actually working w/schools to have students document survivor stories
Good Morning from Boston! has tremendous teaching resources on the Holocaust
hands on interaction is great and it doesn't have to be as far as DC. Local synagogues often have resources.
A2 primary sources and video testimony so important when teaching this difficult topic!
Good morning all. Lynn, great to see you hosting again!
A2: Lucky in Tidewater, have a large survivor community and great support from Holocaust Commission
Discovery Education video Voices from the Holocaust think they still have. Our school does not have DE anymore I miss using.
is creating recordings and suitcase lessons that we can bring to students. Had one this year.
I think a CS tchr needs to read recent Church documents about the rel with our Jewish friends before trying to teach the H.
that is so true. Our local Jewish school has a perm display & offers tours & speakers. Very powerful indeed!
The Holocaust's Legacy Lesson Plan on Discovery Education
Our 7th grade uses the book and documentary of Paper Clips.
Q3: Have you attended PD related to Holocaust education? Have you heard of or attended Bearing Witness?
The big take-away from Bearing Witness 4 me was 2 not do it alone, make contact w/local Jewish communities.
Bearing Witness provides this context and additional resources specific to CS teachers https://t.co/UMthZcTUl6
I think a CS tchr needs to read recent Church documents about the rel with our Jewish friends before trying to teach the H.
is now trending in USA, ranking 39
Thanks, Nancy! Good to see you, too!
A2: Use the Elie Wiesel Essay Contest sponsored by to teach writing and Holocaust Great Contest!
A3 used resources from online PD, but never in person. Heard of but don't know a lot, want to learn more
I'll 3rd that recommendation!
Q3 Anyone in Chicago area should look into offerings at . Phenomenal PD, speakers, events,teaching trunks,field trips
What is the title of the book?
Here is video about It has transformed many CT's experience of teaching the Holocaust
Absltly! I started my 6 w/Nostra Aetate. We also watched Sis Rose's Passion. Was great context for wrld studies
Read Elie Wiesel's "Night" in college...such a powerful story & one teachers should have students reading
A3: was turning point in my teaching Holocaust, built firm foundation for me to build confidence in myself
my brother read that in college too & brought it home for me to read. I was an h.s. soph or jr at the time
If you are in Boston, visit the New England Holocaust Memorial. Aptly part of the Freedom Trail.See https://t.co/rQUPkRQMZq
A3: After , did a follow up at the Dallas Holocaust Museum.
A3 I have attended a week long Holocaust Institute for Educators at FSU and am so excited for this summer!
A3: I have not attended one but feel as Catholic school leader I need to. Must set the right example for teachers
It definitely transformed mine, both professionally and spiritually.
thank you for clarification
Time to head out. Thanks for all the resources! Have a fabulous weekend!
Perfect. This looks like a great project to give a visual scope of the devastation caused
Good morning Melva gr 3 teacher from northern Saskatchewan here, slept in this morning so I'm lurking
Every student involved should be required to meet with a Holocaust survivor, visit a synagogue and then read "Nostra Aetate."
A3 Partnering with local museums! My students created a Holocaust art collection that became a temp exhibit for the public
welcome to community this morning!
thank you, I definitely will
It is an intense experience, not only Holocaust, but also Cath/Jew relations important 4 all CTs.
Attending challenged my assumptions in a number of ways.
& I have begun discussing partnership w/ to bring lessons to students
very intense but so enriching. ADL stands for All Day Long and that was right!
Q4: Do you involve your local Jewish community when teaching about Judaism or the Holocaust? If so how?
provided great resources like Sister Rose's passion Must see for CT!
A4: Looks like my last tweet was just a bit early. Partnering w/ &
Loved that and all partner to create focused program to support Catholic Educators
One of greatest rewards of is connections made with other CTs, knowing you are not alone in the struggle
proud of my niece who for a school project wrote about Anne Frank being someone she admires
A4 - My 6 visits a synagogue + 8 attends Leadership Institute . Also working with day school for Rem Day event.
A4: This can be a profound PD opportunity for the entire faculty.
It sounds like she had a rich learning experience - what grade level is she?
Follow up ? In what subject content areas do you tend to focus your Holocaust lessons/units?
she is a 4th grader but wrote it in 3rd grade. We say she has an "old soul"
Plan to schedule an PD session for Tidewater CTs in next school year; so helpful in guiding instruction
We're excited to work together to offer ! https://t.co/rFoJuO1CXK
Plan to schedule an PD session for Tidewater CTs in next school year; so helpful in guiding instruction
Q5: What lessons from the Holocaust can be related to Catholic Social Justice Issues?
and for a very fast pace Twitter today. Have a great weekend and Happy St. Patrick's Day.
sounds like a wonderful girl and an empathetic learner too!
A5 Stories of the resistance in the face of danger are so powerful in discussing Catholic Social Teaching
It really was a wealth of resources. I had to have conductor help to board the train!
Q6:What challenges have you faced when teaching Holocaust units in the past?
A5: All that occurred is a lesson in social justice. We must follow the Gospel message and show care for those in need
A5: It can serve as an opp to learn solidarity, esp in contrast to the "globalization of indifference" (Pope Francis).
A5 My S"s loved The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom. I collaborated with their Religion T and CampusMin for support
I'm teaching the Holocaust right now. Struggling with some students and compassion.
This chat is moving fast. Feel free to respond to questions thru week. Bearing Witness was BEST PD I have ever had! Apply!
A6 It can be very emotional for S's. Requires openness and sensitivity
It can be hard- the scope of devastation is so large that some Ss have a hard time believing it
We are showing that movie soon to our 8th graders. Really good connection to faith.
You are right, teaching the Holocaust is teaching social justice.
Thank you for leading a great chat! Have a wonderful week everyone.
Thank you and for hosting a great chat!
A6 keeping lessons learned active in Ss actions moving forward, treatment of each other. They tend to compartmentalize
And so many of the lessons are relevant to today's world, too, unfortunately.
Thank you all for attending. Please apply for Bearing Witness or spread the word about the program https://t.co/Hp3ok6LivO