Welcome to #TXed chat! Tonight we continue our Summer Book Study on the fabulous book of #ShakeUpLearning. Please take the next few minutes to introduce yourself and tell us where you are from.
It's 8:30 on a Wednesday. Time for some #txed inspiration. This is Paul, a Digital Learning Coach from Richmond, TX. Who else is joining us tonight to #shakeuplearning ?
A1: Sts Have personal reading journals, use @Flipgrid@nearpod , and participate in leadership notebooks with @TheLeaderinMe Where they record data and reflect academically and personally! #TXed
A1: Students can reflect and share learning by creating an image with adobe spark or google drawings just like we do as educators on twitter. Easy, fast, engaging exit ticket! #txed
#txed Jerry Toups HS Math Tr from the Houston TX suburbs. WHAT A SUMMER VACATION I HAD! #AlwaysBelieve#ToupsPose Can't wait to start my 29th year of teaching!
A1-Wonder if anyone had ever had their students reflect on an assignment or project using @Flipgrid to share how they could have done it differently or better? #TXed
Check your registration & make sure you are registered to vote. Update address if needed. TX deadline to register to vote this Nov is October 9th. #vote#txed
A new Brennan Center report “suggests there has been an alarming spike in the number of registered voters who are being purged from the election rolls,” writes @latimes. https://t.co/gWeKY8ZhyI
A1: Just learned about @ThingLink from @corderj...@oldwattshername is going use it with the rollercoaster maps for her summer ELL STEAM academy students to video/text their research on the “pins” #TXed
#txed Jerry Toups HS Math Tr from the Houston TX suburbs. WHAT A SUMMER VACATION I HAD! #AlwaysBelieve#ToupsPose Can't wait to start my 29th year of teaching!
A2: learning to self-reflect is a skill like any other - model and ask them those questions to make them think. If they see you asking “how can I do this even better?” They will pick up on that habit! #txed
A2-Model and talk to them about what they through they did well and what they could do better at next time. Encourage them about improving and owning their learning. #TXed
I did this last year after a math CBA. Ss reflected on 1 problem they struggled with but got correct, 1 they felt would be tricky for a 4th grader & why, & 1 explanations of another way to solve. Their responses were amazing. #TxEd
#txed A2 Although I teach math, I do have a writing sample EACH Friday for a warm up where the use of the vocabulary of math is required. Ss learn how to incorporate the words needed to master the content this way. #AlwaysBelieve
A2- I use the gradual release model. First I do a lot of modeling, then the kids share in a small group setting while I coach them through. I’ll have them record themselves on #Seesaw to show parents, then I let them go on their own in front of the class. #TxEd
A1-Wonder if anyone had ever had their students reflect on an assignment or project using @Flipgrid to share how they could have done it differently or better? #TXed
A2-Young students can start off by sharing their work with parents while at school. Kids feel great when they can show off to their parents or another adult. #TXed
Teachers must model and demonstrate the characteristics of being a lifelong learner to their students on a daily basis. Embracing mistakes, not accepting the status quo, growth mindset, metacognition and reflection are a few examples.
I totally agree. This is where you can find those peer audiences we are looking for or possibly an expert in the field to help guide/answer his/her questions. #txed
A3-Encourage them to seek out more learning. I always like to ask them questions that would require them to seek the answers outside of the school walls. #TXed
#txed A3 As an Alg I Tr I make sure my content is spiraled back all year long. I don't have to spend days reviewing my Ss for the Alg I @STAARtest because of this. #AlwaysBelieve
A3: if you are truly using student voice and choice, they will naturally want to extend that interest. As a T we have the power to connect them with other community resources they or their parents may not have thought of. #txed
A3: I see this process as a step which many lessons lack. Time constraints often say its time to move on. This is critical to getting that world application. #GoBeyond#TXed
A3: This is where @OneNoteEDU or some type of interactive notebook plays a big role. If Ss are motivated to go further all the information is still there for them even after the due date is past. #txed
#txed A3: I am just thinking that it would be a good idea to revisit projects that have been completed- maybe at the semester break. Then St could critique their work again
A3: I want my @PollyRyonMS kids to Leave their positive Mark...and leave the world better place than they found it! Helping them find projects that are a passion not just an assignment. #TXed
Welcome to #TXed chat! Tonight we continue our Summer Book Study on the fabulous book of #ShakeUpLearning. Please take the next few minutes to introduce yourself and tell us where you are from.
That is the key I think. We may not be able to assist further in supplying the knowledge. We have to be the facilitator and guide them to others who can help with those questions as they move ahead. #txed
A2- Model what it looks like, provide sentence stems/example questions, use “I Do, We do, You Do” model. Audience might depend on what is being reflected. #TxEd
A3- Since we do majorityof our learning in Centers, if the kids want to continue their learning they always have the opportunity to take the project to another center to research, or add to as needed. #TxEd
Teachers must model and demonstrate the characteristics of being a lifelong learner to their students on a daily basis. Embracing mistakes, not accepting the status quo, growth mindset, metacognition and reflection are a few examples.
The Commissioner is either (A) delusional, (B) grossly ignorant on this subject, or (C) a liar for those promoting this absurd rating system. I fear the answer may be (D) All of the Above. #txed@TAMSATX
New blog in response to Commissioner Morath claiming A-F school grades are "the fairest system in the history of the state of Texas." That is utterly bogus. https://t.co/QThE4wk5tw. My response applies to all states with school grading systems.
A3-Ss will extend learning when it’s interesting and meaningful but when it’s not we need to guide them in a direction that allows them to see that learning the uninteresting things are important too. #TXed
A3: extend lessons by getting students interested in other books about the topic or genre or author. Talk positively about what you are teaching should get kids excited too #txed
A1: One thing I am looking into doing this year is to having the students look into performing a service outreach in the community based on what they will be learning in APHG in regards to one of the sustainable development goals! #TXed
#txed A3: I also really like to do community impact projects so that Sts can walk, drive, revisit a place they made a difference. There’s a lot of class bonding that goes on too!
Hey Rebecca! Glad you could stop into our #txed chat tonight. It's nice to have another LCISD member here with us. How do you help your students continue the learning even after the assignment is due?
A3 apply design thinking to the learning, ask Ss to iterate and continuously improve and share outside of school for authentic feedback towards that design Loop #txed lurking and learning here with y’all
A4: Plan lessons with tech and then do it! You don’t have to be an expert or a techie person to plan for Ss to use tech. Step one: plan it. Step two: DO IT!!! #txed
I would rather hope we could find a way to make it more interesting to them. I know it can't always happen, but if it's boring for them then it is probably boring for me too. #txed
A1: One thing I am looking into doing this year is to having the students look into performing a service outreach in the community based on what they will be learning in APHG in regards to one of the sustainable development goals! #TXed
A3-Last year some of my Ss extended on in class activities during Genius Hour if the concept was something that stuck with them or they wanted to know more about #TxEd
#txed Got this picture taken in an Amish school room in Ohio. My goal is for my Ss to describe who I am with the Fruits of the Spirit. IF YOU SUCCEED WITH THIS, the academic knowledge WILL follow. You output a much better person that what you started with. Theme of my book!
A4-First, see thef using tech would be helpful for the students to learn the objective. If not, don’t use it. Then, see how the tech can enhance the lesson for the students. #TXed
I would caution that you make sure the tech enhances the lesson and isn't just replacing pen and paper. Don't just use a new tool...do something new with that tool! Move up the #SAMR ladder! #txed
A4: Plan lessons with tech and then do it! You don’t have to be an expert or a techie person to plan for Ss to use tech. Step one: plan it. Step two: DO IT!!! #txed
#txed A4 so many apps are being developed for Ss to CREATE content that summarizes thier learning. I need to use more of these. @LamarCISD did a great job of showing these at the T3 conference.
A4: I’m wary of this...it’s important for Ts to understand they can’t just give Ss tech and call it good. It has to be meaningful and have purpose. If you can remind Ts of good pedagogy and the power of being connected, they will push for more tech. #txed
That's a great idea as long as it is enhancing all of their lessons. Don't waste time with a tech tool if it will not benefit the Ss in the long run. #txed
Q2: building on q1, I want to look into my student hopefully creating a mentor program or a sustainable garden at. We can work together to make sure that our community is informed of our programs. Creating a rubric or guide would make sure they reach those in need. #TXed
A4: Treating technology as a tool/resource that’s well planned out and embedded into hands on...student hands that is...lessons and always remember it’s not a “babysitter” for down time. Must meet the Student Learning Outcome. #TxEd
#txed A4: I am in a new position , so I’m going to be surveying the Ts, and I also seem to have good success w/ small steps for adding tech enhanced lessons. Sometimes those grand ideas end in frustration or “one and done” attitudes
A4-Try and try again. Sometimes we don’t take that step to use tech ideas because of the fear of failure. Don’t give up. Seek out support from ITs or your students. #TXed
A4: Technology shouldn't be an event. It should be weaved into the fabric of the classroom. Digital tools should be an organic part of the lesson/learning task.
A4: Teach protocols early that use technology. Use tech throughout the year, r focusing on content, they'll already know and understand the tech! The more they use it, the more natural it will feel! #txed
That's a great idea as long as it is enhancing all of their lessons. Don't waste time with a tech tool if it will not benefit the Ss in the long run. #txed
A4: We in Texas also have to remember that there is a whole curriculum of Technology Application TEKS for K-8 that we are supposed to be teaching to our Ss. We need to find ways to incorporate them and ENHANCE learning...not just teach them individually. #txed
A5: We started using @ClassLink in our district and our teachers and students love it! It is a great place to store all the sites you want Ss to access. It will keep your site link and, for many sites, will remember a Ss usernames and passwords for them. #txed
A5: really love Google Classroom and the G Suite for sharing resources - the documents follow them around in their drives so they can always get back to them #txed
Q4: The first thing that comes to mind is THINK. Especially with today’s technologically advanced students who are connected to social media and the internet. As well as sharing posts about how what they post can come back to haunt them later. #TXed
Also, just letting them know that "this isn't the end". If you are passionate for this, keep going. Hopefully as teachers we can find time here and there to let them revisit and keep it fresh on their minds. #txed
#txed A4 - We were talking about this topic today in our PD. We had some great discussions on using technology to stretch the walls and impact learning. Tech is a tool to enhance learning. Not a filler.
A5: in our district we have adopted CanvasLMS! This is a great tool not only for organizing and sharing resources, but also prepares students for life in higher education! #TXed
A5: Microsoft @OneNoteEDU class notebook is ideal for this as well. Each Ss has a personal section group only he/she and the T can see. It is great for differentiating there. The content library is great for sharing their resources. Only T can edit. #txed
Google Keep has become one of my favorite digital tools! I use it all the time to take notes and curate resources. I love how it integrates with Google Docs and Slides!
A5: in our district we have adopted CanvasLMS! This is a great tool not only for organizing and sharing resources, but also prepares students for life in higher education! #TXed
A6: campus wide - the reluctance of teachers to just go for it. In my own classroom I feel more like It’s an underfunded venture. Teachers rely too often on old tech that gets donated and then not supported. #txed
That will become even more prevalent as we start pushing the TA TEKS more and more. We are expecting Ts to incorporate these and use Canvas, etc. It's hard to use those resources if we can't supply all Ss with the devices. #txed
#txed A6 - Everyone starts from such different levels of tech competence. Hard to get everyone on the same playing field. Just like the kids in our buildings.
A5: appropriate usage, such as when is the right time and what is the correct way to use technology is the most difficult part I’ve found. Students are so connected it’s hard to get them to disconnect. Really showing them appropriate usage & setting guidelines would help. #TXed
Thanks for another great chat tonight Twitter Peeps. Thanks to @PrincipalOgg for getting everything scheduled today! You are the might Wizard of Ogg! #txed
A6-T & S tech proficiency and time to become proficient in the tools. If there was time to learn the tool & play with it before needing to use it in a lesson #TxEd
Very true! They know how to use their devices...but they have no idea how to use them for what we need. We take for granted that they will "just know". It doesn't work that way very often. #txed
Many of our teachers use Seesaw. We can always use the good ‘ol journal. Some have created digital journals and presentations that we upload to our school Facebook page. The possibilities are endless. #txed#WestAveEs
Modeling is essential. Sharing ideas out loud goes a long way. Helping them be thoughtful of the message they are trying to convey and the outcome they are trying to achieve will help them determine the audience they need to share with. #txed#WestAveEs
This comes naturally when you teach students to question. Even when you find an answer, you can question that answer to lead to new learning. There is always an opportunity to extend learning by simply asking, “but WHAT IF....?” #txed#WestAveEs
The best practice would be to know exactly what you are trying to achieve by using the technology in the first place. If putting technology in SS’s hands isn’t going to enhance the learning, then why use it? #txed#WestAveEs
In a democracy, votes are the ultimate form of political speech. And the energy of voters, the palatable sense that nothing will keep them from the polls, is how votes amplify into waves. This energy is what worries the GOP anew this morning. Will the energy sustain in November?
Teachers comfort level. If the teacher isn’t comfortable with it, they’ll be less willing to share it with students. Remember, it’s their world, we are just livin in it. We’ve got to learn to adapt. Our campus hosts tech ology playgrounds for our staff to ease the process. #txed